ABC is calling this the “full interview,” perhaps it is, perhaps not.  The interview is edited despite the ABC presentation.

Those who follow USA politics closely know why the Biden team would select George Stephanopoulos to lead the defensive narrative at a time when the awakening is peaking, and the Obama/Biden administration is in great peril.

You might remember how the DNC worked closely with Stephanopoulos, in the 2012 debate construct against Mitt Romney, in order to frame the Republican “birth control -ObamaCare- narrative,” a few days before they launched Sandra Fluke into political orbit.  The “Republicans will ban birth control” narrative was out of left field, and the intent was only clear in the days and weeks following their collaborative construct.  However, many were still asleep at the time.

Now, a greater national awakening is taking place.  Joe Biden clearly has cognitive impairments, and many people -not just in the United States- are directly talking about his likely state of worsening dementia as evidenced in the catatonic debate performance two weeks ago.  Into this foray, Stephanopoulos is again enlisted to frame a defensive shield around the truth.  Here’s the interview as presented for you to make up your own mind.  WATCH:


I apologize for the delay in presenting the interview.  I have been traveling some treacherous geopolitical ground, working my way carefully back home for two days.  More on that soon to follow.
