Spoiler alert. That might be my $20 (inflation!) word for a rant. And open season, nothing is off limits guys. Whatever’s on your mind.

I will start with truth. After a few things I’ve observed lately, let’s start with the basics. Apparently people on both sides need a primer.

I just copied this.

1. The quality or state of being true.
2. That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.

3. A fact or belief that is accepted as true.

Let’s discuss. 1. Too vague. 2. Okay, agreed. 3. Absolutely not.

I found something worth a little thought from Webster’s 1913 online.

1. The quality or being true; as: — (a) Conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which is, or has been; or shall be.

It also goes on to expand the meaning of truth, and I’d like to come back to that later.

Fidelity; constancy; steadfastness; faithfulness.

There is truth, and it isn’t fungible. In the real world, we don’t have my truth and your truth. An orange is an orange and a man is a man. Vows are vows, and you don’t get to interpret them after the fact. If you make a commitment, pledge a vow, sign a contract, then you go into knowing and accepting the reality as is, not as you think it should be.

Everyone who has been married understands that we all bit off more than we thought, and reality is different from romance. Most of us buckle down, put in the work, and deal with that, with varying degrees of success.

But suppose your spouse decides they don’t like fidelity and want an open marriage. Nope. Not what you pledged. Suppose your husband decides he wants to be your wife. Again, no.

Those are the easy ones. Let’s do harder. Suppose you work at a low paying job, your boss is abusive, and you are really in desperate straits financially. You begin to take small amounts from the cash register, never really missed, and after all, you are underpaid, and asked to work off the clock.

Again, no. It is a truth that theft is wrong. A truth that is not subject to your interpretation.

I have had people I really do not like offer me good counsel, telling me things that might be difficult to take, especially from them. Some of them had my best interests at heart, and some of them had their own best interests at heart, but helping me in some way suited that interest. My feelings about them, and about whatever difficult truth I was being challenged to face didn’t change facts.

I like this person, it’s easier to agree with their course of action. I hate this one, therefore every thing they do is wrong. Not valid, nor is it productive.

Moving on.

Every American, right, left, Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, really ought to unite in digging through muck and filth and coverup for answers about why the government has been run by proxy, and who is running it.

And yeah, for us, we saw this way back, before Obama even, but let’s just deal with today and the “wink,wink” crowd who just got outraged. Okay, man up, own it, walk back from the brink and fix things.

I can’t calculate that infinitesimal percentage of chance.

For the love of little green apples, climate cultists, EVs are not immaculately conceived. They get here by way of petroleum based manufacturing. But before that, look into lithium mining. The process, the human labor, the precious CO2 emissions in the process, water used. You know, stuff.

Why aren’t parents trustworthy enough to teach reading, writing, and math to their own kids at home, but they know enough medicine and psychology to “understand” that their non verbal 18 month old baby is transgender?

And may I return, yet again, to one of my perennial questions.

Young ladies, why would you enter into a relationship with a man who is more effeminate than you, wears more jewelry, styles his hair, and, Great Aunt Gertie’s garters, wears skinny jeans. No man belongs in skinny jeans. And have you seen the suit pants men wear now? I don’t want them to look like leggings, and I don’t want to see your socks.

Someday life is going to slam you with a level 5 tornado you didn’t see coming, and man bun skinny jeans boys will fold and buckle.

If you’re using buttermilk, it should never be low-fat.

I’ll save the rest for another fine day. Your turn.

Oh yeah, big add. Okay, I consider liberals stupid, to say the least. But pass the popcorn. They finally have to own up, on the international stage, no less, to poor decision making and irresponsible, dangerous actions having unavoidable repercussions. Even for them, epic stupid.


