July 8th – 2024 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 1267

In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency.

“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”

“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”

~ Mike Vanderboegh

This thread will refresh daily and appear above the Open Discussion Thread.


Monday July 8th – Open Thread

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †



Message Sent – Philadelphia Radio Station Fires Broadcaster Who Revealed That White House Gives Scripted Questions to Talk Show Hosts

WURD radio in Philadelphia, bills themselves as the only black-owned and run talk radio station in Pennsylvania, according to its website.

According to WURD, radio host of “The Source,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, was fired for accepting scripted questions from the White House for use in the interview with Joe Biden. [Press Release Here] However, in the non-pretending reality of the situation, everyone understands Mrs Lawful-Sanders was actually fired for revealing the Joe Biden White House sends scripts for media personalities to use.

Mrs Lawful-Sanders was not fired for using the questions, she was fired for revealing them.  The message from the only black-owned radio station in Pennsylvania, was a warning to others not to tell the public how the fraud around Joe Biden is created.

Philadelphia – Philadelphia radio station has cut ties with the host who admitted to asking President Biden only questions that were supplied to her by his campaign, WURD Radio’s leadership confirmed Sunday.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who previously hosted “The Source” on WURD 96.1 FM, scored the first post-debate interview with Biden last Wednesday.

However, on Saturday, she revealed that she was fed eight questions by the Biden campaign — and used four of them as her only queries to the president.

Sara Lomax, WURD Radio’s president and CEO, said Sunday that she was not involved in negotiations for the interview. “The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners. As a result, Ms. Lawful-Sanders and WURD Radio have mutually agreed to part ways, effective immediately,” Lomax said. (read more)

Read what the radio station said below.


The Communists and Socialists Have Won the French Election – The Prime Minister Immediately Resigns

We knew it was going to happen this way, that’s why CTH didn’t join in the initial celebration when French President Emmanuel Macron announced the snap election.  France is ground zero in the EU for U.S. interference via the U.S State Dept/CIA operations.  Macron is a tool of the far left, who are controlled by the intelligence apparatchik.

When the first round was over, CTH said, “Macron will instruct his centrist seats, who lost, to organize their votes for the far-left socialists, thereby blocking the National Rally party from gaining a working majority.  Just like the radical leftists in the USA (Democrats), Macron’s followers will do exactly what they are told to do.” {LINK} Well, that’s exactly what happened.

When the Macron coalition started resigning to support the communists, CTH again said, “For this second round of the election, President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal have organized 210 candidate exits.” … “All of the opposition research files on the Marine Le Pen supported nationalist candidates are being dropped in advance of the Sunday election, in an effort to stop the conservative French from achieving victory.  These are all direct plays from the revolutionary communist playbook.” {LINK} Well, again, that’s exactly what happened.

Now, here’s the results of the second-round vote today.  The coalition of communists and far-left socialists have won.

(VIA AP) – The first projections in the 2024 French legislative election say leftists have won most seats. The surprise projections put President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance in second and the far right in third.

[…] French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal says he will resign.  This comes after projections show a leftist coalition has surged to the lead in legislative elections. Final election results are expected on Monday.

[…] They had just days to come together. The leaders of France’s left-wing parties have acknowledged they made compromises to unite in an effort to keep the far-right National Rally party from taking power in France.

The coalition calls itself the New Popular Front, named after a similar coalition formed in the 1930s against the rise of fascism in France. It includes environmentalist parties, the French Socialists and Communists and the hard-left France Unbowed party. (read more)


A Drug Addict and His Former Babysitter Are Officially Joe Biden Gatekeepers

Again, I refrain from too much speculation about the process of replacement, but I solidly affirm my 3-year-old prediction that Biden was always going to be replaced. In this article, talking about the granular details of Joe Biden’s current tenuous status, the following lead paragraph indicates to me that Joe will soon be gone.

If it is now accepted that Hunter Biden and Jill Biden are the official gatekeepers for the White House and the office of the presidency, then that indicates no other White House officials or advisors are trusted to take that role.

If this is true, that means all of the professional political networks, the concentric circles that surround the Office of the President, have collapsed.  That Occam’s razor of the current status seems to be corroborated by the fact that not a single administration official is on the Sunday talk shows defending Joe Biden.  Let that sink in.

Here’s the lead from Axios:

We’re now in uncharted, historic waters: President Biden — backed by first lady Jill Biden and his convicted son, Hunter, who’s serving as de facto gatekeeper for longtime friends — says that nothing, besides an act of God, will persuade him to quit his re-election campaign.

But outside Biden’s protective bubble, a fast-growing number of Democrats are praying for —and plotting — a more earthly intervention. They want everyone from the Obamas to congressional leaders to beg Biden to drop out by this Friday. (read more)

Again, as a singular static datapoint, that Axios framework is tenuous.  However, with the absence of the defenders on the Sunday talk circuit, that framework looks entirely accurate.

Joe Biden is alone.


Ukraine: NYT Outlines American-Led Mercenary Group Killing Russian POWs, Zelenskyy Outlines Russian Troop Advancements

It’s odd how no one in the American media seems to ask how Obama and Biden went from a friendly “reset” with Russia in 2009 to full geopolitical antagonism in 2011.

♦ What exactly led to the complete reversal of intent?

I digress…. However, having some deeper understanding of the current status of the conflict, I also find it curious how the New York Tims can just seemingly bury the lead in their story about how U.S-led military “mercenary” soldiers are on the ground fighting, while seemingly forgetting their prior outline about how the CIA was conducting all the military operations in the same area. Not funny, that.

In Ukraine, Killings of Surrendering Russians Divide an American-Led Unit” – […] Hours after a battle in eastern Ukraine in August, a wounded and unarmed Russian soldier crawled through a nearly destroyed trench, seeking help from his captors, a unit of international volunteers led by an American.

Caspar Grosse, a German medic in that unit, said he saw the soldier plead for medical attention in a mix of broken English and Russian. It was dusk. A team member looked for bandages.

That is when, Mr. Grosse said, a fellow soldier hobbled over and fired his weapon into the Russian soldier’s torso. He slumped, still breathing. Another soldier fired — “just shot him in the head,” Mr. Grosse recalled in an interview.


July 7th – 2024 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 1266

In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency.

“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”

“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”

~ Mike Vanderboegh

This thread will refresh daily and appear above the Open Discussion Thread.


Sunday July 7th – Open Thread

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †



Cautious Optimism – President Trump Indicates Likely Window for Vice Presidential Running Mate Announcement

Presented with a certain amount of reserved, perhaps pragmatic & cautious optimism.

I have made no secret of my preferred candidate to run with President Trump as his vice-president nominee.  For a myriad of well thought out reasons, I have long held the hope that Dr. Ben Carson would be the running mate for President Donald Trump. {Background Here} Considering the ramifications, my thought process is not some random, esoteric thought, clickbait discussion or academic exercise.

Having been extremely deep in the political weeds, which some powerful and influential people have described as, “you’re nuts with your endeavors,” with a great deal of risk and with a tremendous about of fact-based reconnaissance into the nature of the ideological enemy – in combination with thousands of hours of private thought and prayer – I truly believe the #1 characteristic we need, in this exceptionally important moment in history, is a man (or woman) of incredible character, loyalty, virtue, and most importantly, unwavering faith.

This is not just a critical national election; we are in a spiritual battle against a very determined force of global malevolence, dare I even say visible evil.

That said, President Trump has indicated we will soon know the answer.
