Oh Noes, Elon Triggered The Speech Police

Within a minute of Elon Musk tweeting our content everyone was happy, except me.  You see, I know the game – and it ain’t what you think it is.

Elon is part of a targeting operation for DHS/Goog.  I know this because the engineers who are told to turn the fine-tuning knobs like us. Let’s just say, we talk.

DHS and Big Tech still control the entirety of the social media ecosphere; given the “trillions at stake” in manipulating public opinion, they kinda have to.  Rather than get angry about it, I just laugh and continue telling everyone what’s going on.

After deplatforming, we built this place to be antifragile. So, as you pull out your portable transponder units, ie cell phones to receive the latest intel, here’s some background on the Musk outcome:


I’m writing from NewsGuard Technologies, Inc. You may recall that our company rates news and information websites for credibility and transparency, based on nine objective, nonpartisan criteria.

We are currently writing a Nutrition Label for TheConservativeTreehouse.com, and I have a few questions related to the site’s editorial practices. These largely relate to our list of criteria we use to evaluate websites, found here.

1- We found that the site continues to publish false or egregiously misleading content. For example, a January 2024 article titled “Tucker Carlson Asks if the COVID-19 Genetic Modification Vaccine Changes Your DNA” stated: “four years later questions are being raised about what that mRNA process might actually have done to the human genome.”

The article includes former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s interview with surgeon general of Florida Dr. Joseph Ladapo, in which Carlson asked, “Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA — and humanity itself — forever?” To which Ladapo said, “Absolutely that could happen.”

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines don’t change human DNA. While mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use a small part of an antigen’s genetic code to help a person develop antibodies, rather than small or inactivated doses of the antigen, they cannot change a person’s genetic makeup.


Sunday Talks – NBC Kirsten Welker Describes Biden’s Family in Deep Discussions at Camp David

I’m not saying anything predictive, but if you were scripting a Biden exit, ‘close time with family’ would be part of the Act-2 narrative.

According to NBC, and a very dramatic Kirsten Welker, five people familiar with the matter have told seven serious people close to the events, that two deep thinking people who are part of the conversation are confirming what three other close officials are revealing on background.  The Biden family wagons are circled, and the decision on whether to remain or exit is underway.

If you follow the close nuance of the professionally Democrat, you will notice the top tier of control agents have sent the underlings messages downstream to shut up about the removal. They need about 72 hours, and the professionals are paying attention.  If the chattering dog-faced pony soldiers want to be a part of the next administration, or receive the indulgences from the club officers, they will shut up now.   According to the Act-3 script, Tuesday-ish will likely be announcement day.  WATCH:

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday, following a nationally televised debate Thursday that left many fellow Democrats worried about his ability to beat former President Donald Trump in November, according to five people familiar with the matter.


ICYMI – Two Significant Positive Rulings from Supreme Court – Fischer Case (J6) and Chevron Reversal

In a major 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court has finally addressed the expansive regulatory use of executive agencies to create law through interpretation.  The 40-year-old Chevron ruling granted the executive agencies of government the ability to interpret laws and apply restrictions/regulations based on their own rules and definitions therein.

The Supreme Court put the judicial branch back into the equation by ruling that courts will decide what laws apply when the legislation is ambiguous on detail.  This shift in prior precedent could have major ramifications.  [MORE AT SCOTUS BLOG]

In another big case, the court ruled in favor of Joseph Fischer a Pennsylvania police officer charged in the January 6th protest with “obstructing an official proceeding.”  [FULL RULING HERE]

The law at the center of Fischer’s case is 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2), and as noted by Julie Kelly, “The statute … has been applied in roughly 350 J6 cases; it also represents two of four counts in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s J6-related criminal indictment of Donald Trump in Washington.”

Julie Kelly – […] In a 6-3 decision, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that the “c2” subsection is tethered to the “c1” subsection that addresses tampering with a record, document, or “object.”

Roberts was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Justice Amy Coney Barrett authored the dissent (!) joined by Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.


Donald Trump vs Joe Biden Presidential Debate – 9:00pm Livestream – Open Discussion Thread

First, some have speculated the timing of the first 2024 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is so early in the election year, prior to any party convention, because Biden is anticipated to be replaced.  This is considerable supposition, but the date of the debate is indeed very odd.

Secondly, without a doubt the headlines leading into the debate have been seeded with talking points friendly to the Biden position on economics, immigration, inflation and foreign policy (Ukraine).  From economists publicizing letters to government agencies promoting lowered inflation, the talking points for Biden have been well scripted and practiced.

Third, CNN the exclusive media outlet for the debate, is notorious for structuring political attacks against President Trump.  Biden has been in dress rehearsals and training for the optics and soundbites for several weeks.  Knowing CNN gave prior debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance during the 2016 primary, we can anticipate CNN working hand in glove with the Biden campaign.  They don’t even try to hide this stuff any longer.

That said, if you are watching the debate tonight, consider this an open discussion thread.  I will embed the livestream links below that should work despite CNN being extremely aggressive with the proprietary broadcast controls.



Supreme Court Allows Government Control Over Speech on Social Media Platforms, Rejects Standing in Murthy vs Missouri

The Supreme Court rejected the standing of the State of Missouri and five individuals in the censorship and free speech case surrounding social media.  The court came down with a 6-3 decision, Justice Amy Coney-Barrett writing the majority opinion.  Justices Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas dissented in the minority.

The background of the case was very familiar to this audience, as the Biden administration was previously blocked by lower courts from telling social media platforms to remove content against their interests.  Today, the Supreme Court rejected the standing of the plaintiffs, essentially giving a green light to the USA government to begin controlling social media platforms again.

If you read the opinion [FULL PDF HERE], I would strongly urge readers to focus beginning on page #11 of the Justice Barrett opinion.  It is obvious in the three or four pages that follow, the court was looking for an exit from the free speech issue.  Denying the case on “standing” grounds became their justification for the cop-out.

Barrett goes out of her way to make the standing issue the crux of the majority opinion.  Comey-Barrett dismisses all the instances of censorship and coerced removal under the auspices that the relief sought by the plaintiffs was for future harm, not past injury.   The lower courts had ruled the government could not interfere with speech in the future, without establishing that each individual plaintiff was harmed specifically by each action of the government.


Full Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Plea Agreement Released

Julian Assange, his lawyers and the Wikileaks organization will be holding a press conference in Australia at 7:30am Eastern USA time.

Mr. Assange walked free from a court in the US Pacific Island territory of Saipan, after pleading guilty to violating US espionage law, in a deal that will see him return home to Australia.  Assange made no statement when he left the federal court.

A lot of people have optimistic hopes for Julian Assange, and/or the Wikileaks organization, to deliver information that will further evidence and outline the corrupt nature of the colluding governments who targeted him.  However, when you consider the current weaponized intents of the U.S. government, you would be wise to remember no plea agreement will be detrimental to their interests.


Because it is likely to be a subject of interest in the days, weeks and months that will follow, the link to the 23-page plea agreement is above.  I would strongly urge everyone to spend a few minutes reviewing it to understand the highly restrictive parameters within it.

Despite the public face of Assange’s lawyers and Wikileaks in general, the plea agreement severely puts limits on the ability of Wikileaks to continue their operations.


President Trump MAGA Rally – Philadelphia, PA – 7:00pm ET

President Donald Trump is going directly into the heart of the Biden campaign apparatus tonight and holding a MAGA rally in the center of the Biden operation.   Remember, Joe Biden has visited Philadelphia more than any other place.  This was the venue for Biden’s red speech celebrating evil.  Only the deepest political followers will note this Trump rally is intentionally taking place in the most critical area for the ballot fraud that Biden needs to duplicate in November.

The rally venue is Temple University campus arena in North Philly on Broad Street.  This is where the MOVE group was firebombed by the Democrat mayor.  This is Pennsylvania equivalent of holding a MAGA rally in Atlanta, directly in Fani Willis’s living room.  This is the center of corrupt radical politics in the Northeast/Tri-State area.  This is akin to a MAGA rally in Mordor atop Mount Doom.  This is so far beyond Boss level, the light from the place where Based originates it couldn’t reach MAGA Emperor Trump for a year.

This is bold, BIG TIME…. And the media know it but won’t talk about it.  Venue: The Liacouras Center – 1776 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19121 – President Trump is anticipated to begin his remarks in the belly of the Biden race baiting beast at 7:00pm ET.  Livestream Links Below:

President Trump Campaign LivestreamRSBN Google Livestream LinkRSBN Rumble Livestream Link



Excellent Discussion – Tucker Carlson Interviews Neil Oliver

Neil Oliver is one of my favorite pundits and voices.  During the COVID-19 nonsense, Oliver was one of the most valuable voices of reason and pandemic narrative destruction.  In this interview with Tucker Carlson, Neil Oliver walks through his great awakening and talks about the ramifications of having the scales dropped from his eyes.

The first several minutes of this video are excellent and the discussion gets deeper and more specific as it goes along.  At around the 17:30 point, there is a very funny dynamic where Neil Oliver doesn’t realize that Tucker Carlson was originally pushing the COVID-19 fraud.  Oliver talks about being targeted by the Vax/Mask/COVID mob without realizing that Carlson was one of the panic pushers; with Carlson famously going so far as to visit Mar-a-Lago and tell President Trump in 2020 that he wasn’t taking the SARS-CoV-2 issue seriously enough.   Neil doesn’t realize it, but Tucker gets very uncomfy and awkward as Oliver asks Carlson how he dealt with the hate.

Neil Oliver has a great way of articulating his thoughts and pragmatically discussing them in a way that permits the viewer to join in the process.  What Oliver describes is the same thing that many of us felt and experienced.  This is a very good interview.  WATCH:

00:00 Neil Oliver
01:07 Conspiracy theorist
10:07 The Great Sorting (COVID)
18:29 What does Democracy really mean?
29:49 Being slandered by the Left is a badge of honor
42:48 The corruption of the media in the UK
48:48 The Scottish hate speech law
1:01:54 Trump and Brexit
1:12:38 Are we heading towards revolution?
1:29:48 Has the American Republic fallen?
1:35:02 The banks
1:48:05 The hero’s journey

After watching this video, I am prone to pose the vaccination resistance question again for a new audience that may have missed it the first time around.


Judge Merchan Provides Information Indicating Juror in Trump Case May Have Predetermined Guilty Verdict

There’s just something very sketchy about this public release of information from Judge Merchan in New York City.  Merchan doesn’t have an integrity bone and the comment he is bringing attention toward is innocuous and random.  However, Merchan could be trying to get Trump to violate the gag order aspect and talk about jurors; thereby making the sentencing worse.

According to information Merchan is providing the lawyers in the Trump case, a comment was made on the court’s FaceBook page indicating one of the jurors said the Trump guilty verdict was predetermined. [SOURCE] “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!” 


Georgia Appeals Court Halts All Trump RICO Cases Against All Defendants Pending Decision on Fani Willis Disqualification

It looks like the Lawfare case against President Donald Trump is not going to happen prior to the election.  Considering that Fani Willis met with Mary McCord prior to filing this case against Trump, we can directly trace the origin of the Georgia case to congress and the White House.

The appellate court in Georgia is currently reviewing the professional conduct of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.   As the court is deciding whether to disqualify Ms. Willis from the cases (very likely), the court has suspended all further action by Fulton County against any of the defendants.

[Source Link]

The Lawfare community (McCord, Weissmann, Eisen and MSNBC, CNN et al) are apoplectic at this decision by the court.

WASHINGTON – A Georgia appeals court has halted all pretrial proceedings in Donald Trump’s Atlanta-based criminal case while a three-judge panel considers whether to disqualify the lead prosecutor, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

The order issued Wednesday effectively confirms that the sprawling racketeering case against Trump and more than a dozen codefendants — charging them with an attempt to corrupt Georgia’s 2020 election results — will not come before a jury in 2024.
