The Communists and Socialists Have Won the French Election – The Prime Minister Immediately Resigns

We knew it was going to happen this way, that’s why CTH didn’t join in the initial celebration when French President Emmanuel Macron announced the snap election.  France is ground zero in the EU for U.S. interference via the U.S State Dept/CIA operations.  Macron is a tool of the far left, who are controlled by the intelligence apparatchik.

When the first round was over, CTH said, “Macron will instruct his centrist seats, who lost, to organize their votes for the far-left socialists, thereby blocking the National Rally party from gaining a working majority.  Just like the radical leftists in the USA (Democrats), Macron’s followers will do exactly what they are told to do.” {LINK} Well, that’s exactly what happened.

When the Macron coalition started resigning to support the communists, CTH again said, “For this second round of the election, President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal have organized 210 candidate exits.” … “All of the opposition research files on the Marine Le Pen supported nationalist candidates are being dropped in advance of the Sunday election, in an effort to stop the conservative French from achieving victory.  These are all direct plays from the revolutionary communist playbook.” {LINK} Well, again, that’s exactly what happened.

Now, here’s the results of the second-round vote today.  The coalition of communists and far-left socialists have won.

(VIA AP) – The first projections in the 2024 French legislative election say leftists have won most seats. The surprise projections put President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance in second and the far right in third.

[…] French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal says he will resign.  This comes after projections show a leftist coalition has surged to the lead in legislative elections. Final election results are expected on Monday.

[…] They had just days to come together. The leaders of France’s left-wing parties have acknowledged they made compromises to unite in an effort to keep the far-right National Rally party from taking power in France.

The coalition calls itself the New Popular Front, named after a similar coalition formed in the 1930s against the rise of fascism in France. It includes environmentalist parties, the French Socialists and Communists and the hard-left France Unbowed party. (read more)


Ukraine: NYT Outlines American-Led Mercenary Group Killing Russian POWs, Zelenskyy Outlines Russian Troop Advancements

It’s odd how no one in the American media seems to ask how Obama and Biden went from a friendly “reset” with Russia in 2009 to full geopolitical antagonism in 2011.

♦ What exactly led to the complete reversal of intent?

I digress…. However, having some deeper understanding of the current status of the conflict, I also find it curious how the New York Tims can just seemingly bury the lead in their story about how U.S-led military “mercenary” soldiers are on the ground fighting, while seemingly forgetting their prior outline about how the CIA was conducting all the military operations in the same area. Not funny, that.

In Ukraine, Killings of Surrendering Russians Divide an American-Led Unit” – […] Hours after a battle in eastern Ukraine in August, a wounded and unarmed Russian soldier crawled through a nearly destroyed trench, seeking help from his captors, a unit of international volunteers led by an American.

Caspar Grosse, a German medic in that unit, said he saw the soldier plead for medical attention in a mix of broken English and Russian. It was dusk. A team member looked for bandages.

That is when, Mr. Grosse said, a fellow soldier hobbled over and fired his weapon into the Russian soldier’s torso. He slumped, still breathing. Another soldier fired — “just shot him in the head,” Mr. Grosse recalled in an interview.


SSCI Chairman Senator Mark Warner Organizing Democrat Consultation on the Risk Joe Biden Represents

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is the center of the silo network that supports the Intelligence Community control over U.S. political outcomes.  SSCI Chairman Mark Warner has been the leading organizer of the IC efforts to interfere in USA politics since 2015.

Senator Mark Warner was selected by the DC system to represent the IC interests when Donald J Trump became the leading candidate for the 2016 election.  Warner was quickly installed to replace Senator Dianne Feinstein on the SSCI immediately following the 2016 election outcome.

From his position within the IC silo, Warner led the legislative effort to frame Trump for the Russia Collusion hoax.  His efforts to support the IC have been fully immersed thereafter and continue through today.   The IC is concerned that Biden now represents a risk to their system of control.

As a direct result, Warner is now activated to lead the consultation conversation about how to mitigate damage and proactively protect the IC interests.

WASHINGTON DC – WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Mark Warner on Tuesday was contacting some fellow Democratic senators to invite them to a possible meeting on Monday to discuss President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, a source familiar told Reuters.

The source did not elaborate or say whether Warner was trying to organize a group of senators to pressure Biden to quit the race.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that Warner was trying to put together a group of Democratic senators who would ask Biden to end his presidential campaign. (READ MORE)


French President Macron Aligns with the Black Bloc Communists in Effort to Stop Surging Patriotism

It really is remarkable to watch the similarities between left-wing politics in the USA and left-wing politics in France.  Historically, and in actual practice, we see this similarity as history rhymes and repeats. In both instances, you will note how the “mainstream” Democrats align with the communists to stop the majority of commonsense patriots.

In the USA, Democrats enjoy the activity of their foot soldiers in Antifa (Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, or RevCom etc.)  In France, the Democrats (NPF), within Macron’s camp, enjoy the activity of Black Bloc (the EU Antifa socialists and communists).

For this second round of the election, President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal have organized 210 candidate exits, as Macron pulls his party toward the far-left.  The people, within the center of the Macron coalition, cannot believe how Macron would join with the communists, simply to retain his own power.  Apparently, they don’t follow history much.

FRANCE – […] “Macron reportedly refused to accept that the election result was a disaster and represents the end of his movement.

Criticizing his sudden decision to ally with far-left extremists, one minister said, “He is so drunk on himself that he is in a bubble. In every moment, he sincerely believes, even today, that he does the best thing that can possibly be done and says the best thing that can possibly be said.”


Hungary Launches Foreign Influence Investigation – U.S. State Dept, CIA and EU Influence Institutions Immediately Complain

The elected government of Hungary is NOT permitted to block, slow, stall, impede or otherwise interfere in the operations of the U.S. State Dept and CIA to control the nation of Hungary.  The efforts of Hungary to maintain its sovereign status are NOT acceptable.  So sayeth the institutions that ultimately seek control over other nations.

Given the years of protestations and claims about Russia interfering in USA politics, if those expressed positions against the Hungarian government sound like massive hypocrisy from the United States, you would be correct. But hey, that’s how the USA operates now.

Hungary is investigating the subversive activity of foreign interest groups inside the sovereign nation.  The State Dept and CIA are furious.

BUDAPEST (Reuters) -Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Office launched an investigation on Tuesday into the Hungarian branch of the anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International (TI) and an online investigative outlet that focuses on corruption.

Hungary’s parliament passed a law late last year that set up an authority, the Sovereignty Protection Office, to explore and monitor risks of political interference.

The law, which has been criticised by the European Union, the United States and several international organisations, bans foreign financing for parties or groups running for election and carries punishments of up to three years in prison.


Biden DOJ Strike Plea Deal With Julian Assange, Wikileaks Founder Released from London Prison Heading Back to Australia

With an announcement of his departure from prison, many people are excited about the possibility of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange revealing information about the Obama/Biden surveillance state.  I would urge everyone to temper those sentiments.

The Biden DOJ is a malicious leftist political targeting machine, with only one intention carried out with the Lawfare that underpins their mission.  Main Justice, and especially the DOJ National Security Division within the DOJ, is the center of all corrupt justice operations.

There is absolutely no deal between the DOJ-NSD and Julian Assange that could be against the interests of Joe Biden or his administration. Do not pretend such a construct is even possible.  Assange is released ONLY because the terms mean he is not a threat to Biden.

Julian Assange is on his way to U.S. District Court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory in the south Pacific about 2,000 miles north of Australia, where he will plead guilty to one felony count: “conspiring to disseminate classified information.”


Wikileaks announced the Assange release with the following message:


One Killed, One Seriously Injured – Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany

Hungarian President Viktor Orban is not liked by NATO and Western leaders for his opposition to the war in Ukraine. Hungary just took over as rotating lead of presidency of the EU. Germany is the largest nation in the EU and vehemently opposed to the Orban peace initiative.

President Orban was traveling to the airport in Germany, when suddenly a car made an unexpected turn into his motorcade. One motorcycle officer was killed, another seriously injured. Viktor Orban is unharmed. Samantha Power and William Burns shout, “VERDAMMT!


GERMANY – […] The crash took place at around 11.15am in the district of Degerloch in Stuttgart, Germany, when the Hungarian leader was being escorted to the airport.

[…] The Stuttgart traffic police motorcycle squad were escorting the Hungarian president to Stuttgart Airport on Löffelstrasse.

However, a woman, 69, driving a BMW reportedly drove through an intersection that had been closed off by the police for Orban’s convoy at Albplatz.

She is understood to have turned left at the Rubensstrasse intersection and hit the motorcycle of a 61-year-old male officer who was accompanying Orban’s car.


Sunday Talks – Former CIA Chief Who Constructed Both Trump-Russia Narrative and Russian Biden Laptop Narrative, Says Terrorist Attack Imminent

Mike Morell was the Deputy CIA Director when the Benghazi attack happened under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. {GO DEEP} Clinton and CIA Director Leon Panetta used Qatar to organize the sale of shoulder fired missiles to al-Qaeda in Libya.  At the time of the Benghazi attack Ambassador Chris Stephens was working with the CIA in Eastern Libya trying to buy-back the missiles.

General David Petraeus became CIA Director shortly before the 9-11-12 Benghazi attack (Panetta moved to Defense Secretary) and had no risk from the previous missile sales as they took place before his tenure.  This made Petraeus a risk.

After Benghazi, the Intelligence Community, supported by Mike Morell, quickly organized a removal operation to get rid of Petraeus using the blackmail they held over him from CBS correspondent Paula Broadwell.

Petraeus was threatened and eventually removed, Mike Morell took his place as Acting CIA Director to protect the CIA, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta and the larger Obama administration, from the aftermath of the Benghazi mess.

After the cleanup operation was successful, Morell then went to work for Hillary Clinton and CBS.   Morell is a deeply professional liar.  He knows I watch him.

When working for Hillary Clinton in August of 2016, Mike Morell published the first outline of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy in the New York Times.  It was all a lie; we all know it – no one ever held him to account.

Four years later, in the 2020 presidential election cycle Mike Morell did it again; this time organizing the 51 intelligence officers to claim the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.  Morell led this effort with the State Dept and CIA. Again, it was all a lie; we all know it – no one ever held him to account, and Mike Morell remains working for CBS to this day.

2024 is another presidential election year.  The problem for the Intelligence Community (IC), is their prior lies have caught up with them.  They cannot lie Biden back into office.  The IC needs something else, something more severe.  Something more dramatic.  Mike Morell is now saying a terrorist attack is about to happen on USA soil.  WATCH:


Biden Intelligence Community Working Group Identifies Trump Supporters as Most Likely Domestic Terrorists

To give some scale as to the descent into weaponized government madness that surrounds us, think about the headline.

Imagine a world where the sitting president of the United States has a national intelligence apparatus giving him advice that his political opponent, and those who support that opponent, should be considered “domestic terrorists.”   Then accept that we don’t have to imagine it, because this is the reality of the current situation.

They started out by saying Trump supporters were extremists, then went through a phase normalizing government hatred by saying unmasked and unvaccinated people should be placed in camps, and now the evolution of Trump supporters and our military being the largest domestic terrorist threat.

[America First Legal] – “exposes how the Biden Administration classifies someone as a person likely to commit “domestic violent extremist” attacks, particularly those who support President Trump, are “in the military,” or are “religious.”  (SOURCE)

These are documents extracted via a FOIA lawsuit against the Biden administration.  Can you imagine the apoplectic “Threat to Democracy” media if these same words of advice were said by a President Trump group about supporters of Barack Obama.

Yet, it is exactly the Obama era shift to fine tune the domestic intelligence apparatus that has created this dynamic.


Sunday Talks – House Intel Chairman Mike Turner Explains How His Team and Intel Community Will Control Speaker Johnson and MAGA Republicans

This interview by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner is buckets of interesting and simultaneously very revealing.

Playing along with the big club intelligence game as framed by Margaret Brennan, HPSCI Chairman Turner showcases his weasel nature and alignment with the worst actors in the Intelligence Community from the outset.  Watch it closely and you will notice that Turner frames national intelligence activity as a political product.

Instead of telling Ms Brennan that it is impossible to hold a public hearing on terror threats because her President refuses to declassify the intelligence, thereby limiting conversation to only closed-door hearing discussion, Turner intentionally obfuscates to cloud the issue.

Then the bigger reveals start to happen as Ms. Brennan brings up the fabricated issues around Scott Perry and Ronny Jackson.  Brennan says Perry is under FBI investigation (Perry is not and Turner knows he is not), but Turner refuses to say that Perry is not under investigation.  Brennan then makes an outlandish claim of Representative Jackson taking perfectly legal medication to help him sleep.  Instead of quashing the ridiculous narrative, Turner plays along with the intent to hold leverage over Jackson (think blackmail).

Representative Mike Turner really is one of the worst members of congress.  I would rank Turner’s corrupt and Machiavellian status right next to SSCI Chairman Mark Warner.  Turner will defend the corrupt IC Deep State even more than Marco Rubio.  Remember, it was Turner who manufactured the letter of support for his FISA renewal strategy, falsely attributing supportive signatures of Devin Nunes and John Ratcliffe.

IF you are good at spotting corruption, WATCH between the lines and the Turner comments shout at you:

[Transcript] – MARGARET BRENNAN: We’re going to begin with the Republican Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Ohio Congressman Mike Turner.

Welcome back to Face the Nation.

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER (R-Ohio): Good morning, Margaret.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Chair Turner, last week, as you know, there were federal immigration arrests of these eight individuals with suspected ties to ISIS. They were rounded up in Philadelphia, Los Angeles and New York.

They traveled from Central Asia, Tajikistan, across the southern border into the U.S. Do you have any indication that there is an act of terror plot?
