Harriet Hagemen Eviscerates Joe Biden and the Pretending all Around Him

Harriet Hageman is on my personal short list of people I hope President Trump is considering for vice president.

During a recent interview Hageman shows she is not going along with the pretending.  Every word about Joe Biden and the length of time the issues have been visible is correct and accurate. “Who is running our country?” WATCH:


The full interview is below:


Key Biden Control Officer Says Kamala Harris “Must NOT Be Worked Around” if Biden Removes Himself

James Clyburn and Barack Obama are the two democrats who could unilaterally remove Joe Biden by withdrawing their support.  It must frustrate Jill Biden to know The Lightbringer and the Ballot Master have that kind of leverage over her appointments at Tiffanys.

As a result of this dynamic, we remind everyone to pay close attention to how Clyburn and Obama are indicating their position.

Additionally, it is worth remembering how Obama and Clyburn agreed on Kamala Harris as the VP selection in 2020, and informed Joe Biden who would be on his ticket.  The Jussie Smollet operation was still active when Kamala was installed with Biden.

During an MSNBC interview today, James Clyburn expressed support for Kamala Harris to ascend the top of the ticket if Biden makes the decision to remove himself.

Keep in mind, Biden will not quit. The decision to exit will be made for Biden, and within the departure process all deference will be given to the Biden group to shape their exit.

The Obama/Clyburn professionally Democratic power brokers within the DNC collective will make the decision; Biden will just be given the opportunity to make it look like it’s his choice.  That’s the way Democrats roll.

The comments by Clyburn this morning are within the embed tweet video below:


Andrew Weissmann Apoplectic at Immunity Decision – SCOTUS: The President IS The Executive Branch

UPDATED by Request: /SD

The tip of the Lawfare spear consists of a small group of former DOJ attorneys and Main Justice leftists who helped AG Eric Holder create the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) when it was formed on behalf of President Obama.

Lawfare, writ large, are a tribe of leftists who strategically weaponize the justice systems within the DOJ.  They are also the main guides, strategists and legal analysts who previously used Robert Mueller and currently use Jack Smith.

The tribe is led by a trio of fellow travelers: Mary McCord, Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann.

If you research the group, you will discover that Mary McCord sits at the center of every attack approach deployed against President Trump {CITATION}.  The influence of McCord cannot be overstated, while gender fluid leftists like Eisen, Weissmann (and others), wax philosophically about which statutes can be twisted and interpreted to assist their Lawfare strategy du jour.

Everything we have watched unfold, from using “The Logan Act” against Michael Flynn, to using “Obstruction” against President Trump and the “Insurrection Act” against J-6 targets, comes from this small crew of effeminate leftists.

The similarity of the behavioral proclivities is an outcome of their tribal synchronicity.  Much like the McClintock or Wellesley effect, when you isolate Lawfare individuals into a small tribe, their collective behaviors replicate. These travelers were incubated in the DOJ-NSD.

This crew of Brookings funded Lawfare ideologues was also described by Christine Blasey-Ford as her “Beach Friends.”

Since leaving official government positions, the main trio of Lawfare leadership congregate professionally on MSNBC and feed the leftists in media and politics from their primary cable outlet.

I noted, during a recent flight filled with DC bureaucrats and IC officials (United Airlines), how the drones all watched MSNBC on their seat monitors as if it was a religious service that needed to be attended.  It really was a sight to see.  Every bureaucrat, active or retired, seated with their laptop under the headrest monitor while typing, texting and DM’ing in unison like synchronized swimmers.

That experience was the first time I realized how the term “NPC’s” or non-Player Characters might have originated as a meme, but the label was eerily accurate.


Supreme Court Rules President Trump Has Absolute Immunity for Official Actions Within Constitutional Authority

…“The President is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution.”… 

In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court of the United Stated ruled that presidents have “absolute immunity” for official “actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority.”  [SEE RULING HERE] Also, “official acts” cannot be used as evidence against the president in a criminal case.

As expected, the high court instructed the lower trial courts to hold specific evidentiary hearings on each anti-Trump criminal count, and determine which counts, if any, related to official or unofficial acts.

The Supreme Court is essentially telling the lower courts to go back and look at each citation and review which claims are official acts and which claims related to unofficial acts. The Supreme Court ruled that presidents may not have immunity for non-official conduct. However, when the judicial review cannot differentiate, the court cannot look at motives for the decisions.


James Clyburn Wants Elders and Parents to Return Rebellious Black Youth Back to Joe Biden, Quickly

Apparently, the polling about young black voters supporting Donald Trump is real enough to make Joe Biden’s race control officer and campaign co-chair start to demand action from the AME network, black elders and parents of young black voters.

CTH readers well understand the role James Clyburn plays in the ballot counting process {GO DEEP}. However, in a recent interview with far-left NotUs.Org Representative Clyburn took the racial angst up a notch.

The sub headline is “Black parents should be responsible for convincing Black youth to vote for Biden.”

(NotUS) – There’s almost certainly no member of Congress more responsible for President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020 than South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn. And as polls show Biden struggling with Black voters — specifically, younger Black voters — Clyburn has a new message for his generation: It’s time for Black elders to have a chat with the younger branches of the family.

“They should try and talk some sense into their children,” Clyburn told NOTUS in an interview this week, following a series of Biden campaign events in Georgia that he headlined over the weekend.

Clyburn, now the Biden campaign’s 2024 co-chair, believes that younger Black voters have fallen prey to “misinformation and disinformation,” citing the increasing credulity with which voters are taking Donald Trump’s claims that he’s done more for Black people than anyone — with the “possible exception” of Abraham Lincoln.

“If you believe that,” he said of Trump’s comment, “your parents should’ve sent their mule to school and kept you at home.”

Clyburn added that if Black voters go to the ballot box believing Trump’s rhetoric, a second Trump presidency would be imminent. “We may be back into Jim Crow again,” he said. (Read More)

Most astute political followers can predict that “racism” is once again going to be a big part of the campaign strategy to defeat President Trump.  However, after years of beating the same drum with louder and louder severity, the grievance industry has run into the risk of creating deaf ears.


Supreme Court Allows Government Control Over Speech on Social Media Platforms, Rejects Standing in Murthy vs Missouri

The Supreme Court rejected the standing of the State of Missouri and five individuals in the censorship and free speech case surrounding social media.  The court came down with a 6-3 decision, Justice Amy Coney-Barrett writing the majority opinion.  Justices Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas dissented in the minority.

The background of the case was very familiar to this audience, as the Biden administration was previously blocked by lower courts from telling social media platforms to remove content against their interests.  Today, the Supreme Court rejected the standing of the plaintiffs, essentially giving a green light to the USA government to begin controlling social media platforms again.

If you read the opinion [FULL PDF HERE], I would strongly urge readers to focus beginning on page #11 of the Justice Barrett opinion.  It is obvious in the three or four pages that follow, the court was looking for an exit from the free speech issue.  Denying the case on “standing” grounds became their justification for the cop-out.

Barrett goes out of her way to make the standing issue the crux of the majority opinion.  Comey-Barrett dismisses all the instances of censorship and coerced removal under the auspices that the relief sought by the plaintiffs was for future harm, not past injury.   The lower courts had ruled the government could not interfere with speech in the future, without establishing that each individual plaintiff was harmed specifically by each action of the government.


AOC “Squad” Member Jamaal Bowman Loses Primary Election

Despite AOC and Bernie Sanders attempting to rally support for New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman, his rabid support for Hamas and toxic progressive behavior was rebuked by his constituents in New York City.

The election was not even close. Jamaal Bowman lost by almost 20 points. It should be noted, the Clinton machine supported his challenger, George Latimer.  Pictured below is a screengrab from the super-cringeworthy video Bowman and AOC made last weekend.

[POLITICO] –  […] Moderate Democrat George Latimer bested Bowman on Tuesday by 17 points with 88 percent of the vote in, making Bowman the first member of the Squad to lose an election since the far-left group formed in 2018.

Latimer, a challenger who ran like an incumbent, benefited from an unprecedented flood of outside cash in a primary fueled by allegations of racism and the party’s sharp divide over the Israel-Hamas war.


Sunday Talks – Former CIA Chief Who Constructed Both Trump-Russia Narrative and Russian Biden Laptop Narrative, Says Terrorist Attack Imminent

Mike Morell was the Deputy CIA Director when the Benghazi attack happened under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. {GO DEEP} Clinton and CIA Director Leon Panetta used Qatar to organize the sale of shoulder fired missiles to al-Qaeda in Libya.  At the time of the Benghazi attack Ambassador Chris Stephens was working with the CIA in Eastern Libya trying to buy-back the missiles.

General David Petraeus became CIA Director shortly before the 9-11-12 Benghazi attack (Panetta moved to Defense Secretary) and had no risk from the previous missile sales as they took place before his tenure.  This made Petraeus a risk.

After Benghazi, the Intelligence Community, supported by Mike Morell, quickly organized a removal operation to get rid of Petraeus using the blackmail they held over him from CBS correspondent Paula Broadwell.

Petraeus was threatened and eventually removed, Mike Morell took his place as Acting CIA Director to protect the CIA, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta and the larger Obama administration, from the aftermath of the Benghazi mess.

After the cleanup operation was successful, Morell then went to work for Hillary Clinton and CBS.   Morell is a deeply professional liar.  He knows I watch him.

When working for Hillary Clinton in August of 2016, Mike Morell published the first outline of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy in the New York Times.  It was all a lie; we all know it – no one ever held him to account.

Four years later, in the 2020 presidential election cycle Mike Morell did it again; this time organizing the 51 intelligence officers to claim the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.  Morell led this effort with the State Dept and CIA. Again, it was all a lie; we all know it – no one ever held him to account, and Mike Morell remains working for CBS to this day.

2024 is another presidential election year.  The problem for the Intelligence Community (IC), is their prior lies have caught up with them.  They cannot lie Biden back into office.  The IC needs something else, something more severe.  Something more dramatic.  Mike Morell is now saying a terrorist attack is about to happen on USA soil.  WATCH:


20 Minutes with Neil Oliver Banned by Google

In prior months you may remember me saying the mechanisms of control will shift to specifically target individuals, not ideas.

The banning, blocking, removing and censorship of ideas, thoughts and concepts was the control activity that took place in the past six to eight years.  Now that many of those black-listed ideas and opinions have been shown to be more accurate than the approved, white-listed claims that stood before, the censorship effort has to modify and target the truthtellers.

Thus, in this censorship game, big tech moves to target individuals.  As CTH predicted a few years ago, Neil Oliver is one of those individuals.

During his recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Neil Oliver delivered some insight, thoughts and datapoints about SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) and the subsequent gene modification serum, fraudulently called “a vaccination,” that remain miles beyond controversial.

Within the 2+ hour interview, that 20-minute segment was banned from the Google approved version of the interview on YouTube, and only exists on the Rumble version.  {Direct Rumble Link Here} I am sharing that part to expand the discussion because the topic is stunningly critical and important.  CTH readers well understand that our conversation is generally at least six months ahead of the population discussion based on a non-traditional perspective of information and subject analysis. WATCH:


What Neil Oliver discusses beginning at 01:47:25 is exactly what we have discussed on these pages for years.  It was also during my trip to DC during the COVID lockdown of 2020 that I had the painful realization the best message anyone could deliver would be to “live your absolute best life and do it right now.”

Oliver is the only other voice I have consistently heard saying that “the need for control is a reaction to fear, and *they* are scared.”  Oliver sees the same fear in the control system that I do, and that many of you can see.  The people and financial agents manipulating the institutional mechanisms are fraught with fear; thus, their extreme fiats and overreaching.

Also, like Oliver, I am optimistic.  However, my pragmatic optimism comes from a more faith-filled disposition.  I am thankful for the “GREAT SORTING” that took place, and I do not pretend that it never happened.  Actually, this “Great Sorting” was/is the source of inspiration to reaffirm the non-pretending part of life.


Excellent Discussion – Tucker Carlson Interviews Neil Oliver

Neil Oliver is one of my favorite pundits and voices.  During the COVID-19 nonsense, Oliver was one of the most valuable voices of reason and pandemic narrative destruction.  In this interview with Tucker Carlson, Neil Oliver walks through his great awakening and talks about the ramifications of having the scales dropped from his eyes.

The first several minutes of this video are excellent and the discussion gets deeper and more specific as it goes along.  At around the 17:30 point, there is a very funny dynamic where Neil Oliver doesn’t realize that Tucker Carlson was originally pushing the COVID-19 fraud.  Oliver talks about being targeted by the Vax/Mask/COVID mob without realizing that Carlson was one of the panic pushers; with Carlson famously going so far as to visit Mar-a-Lago and tell President Trump in 2020 that he wasn’t taking the SARS-CoV-2 issue seriously enough.   Neil doesn’t realize it, but Tucker gets very uncomfy and awkward as Oliver asks Carlson how he dealt with the hate.

Neil Oliver has a great way of articulating his thoughts and pragmatically discussing them in a way that permits the viewer to join in the process.  What Oliver describes is the same thing that many of us felt and experienced.  This is a very good interview.  WATCH:

00:00 Neil Oliver
01:07 Conspiracy theorist
10:07 The Great Sorting (COVID)
18:29 What does Democracy really mean?
29:49 Being slandered by the Left is a badge of honor
42:48 The corruption of the media in the UK
48:48 The Scottish hate speech law
1:01:54 Trump and Brexit
1:12:38 Are we heading towards revolution?
1:29:48 Has the American Republic fallen?
1:35:02 The banks
1:48:05 The hero’s journey

After watching this video, I am prone to pose the vaccination resistance question again for a new audience that may have missed it the first time around.
