The Communists and Socialists Have Won the French Election – The Prime Minister Immediately Resigns

We knew it was going to happen this way, that’s why CTH didn’t join in the initial celebration when French President Emmanuel Macron announced the snap election.  France is ground zero in the EU for U.S. interference via the U.S State Dept/CIA operations.  Macron is a tool of the far left, who are controlled by the intelligence apparatchik.

When the first round was over, CTH said, “Macron will instruct his centrist seats, who lost, to organize their votes for the far-left socialists, thereby blocking the National Rally party from gaining a working majority.  Just like the radical leftists in the USA (Democrats), Macron’s followers will do exactly what they are told to do.” {LINK} Well, that’s exactly what happened.

When the Macron coalition started resigning to support the communists, CTH again said, “For this second round of the election, President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal have organized 210 candidate exits.” … “All of the opposition research files on the Marine Le Pen supported nationalist candidates are being dropped in advance of the Sunday election, in an effort to stop the conservative French from achieving victory.  These are all direct plays from the revolutionary communist playbook.” {LINK} Well, again, that’s exactly what happened.

Now, here’s the results of the second-round vote today.  The coalition of communists and far-left socialists have won.

(VIA AP) – The first projections in the 2024 French legislative election say leftists have won most seats. The surprise projections put President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance in second and the far right in third.

[…] French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal says he will resign.  This comes after projections show a leftist coalition has surged to the lead in legislative elections. Final election results are expected on Monday.

[…] They had just days to come together. The leaders of France’s left-wing parties have acknowledged they made compromises to unite in an effort to keep the far-right National Rally party from taking power in France.

The coalition calls itself the New Popular Front, named after a similar coalition formed in the 1930s against the rise of fascism in France. It includes environmentalist parties, the French Socialists and Communists and the hard-left France Unbowed party. (read more)


Tucker Carlson Interviews El Salvador President Nayib Bukele – “Western Civilization is Failing”….

Tucker Carlson traveled to El Salvador to interview President Nayib Bukele about his ongoing efforts to eliminate corruption, crime, criminal gang activity and get rid of MS-13 gangs.

President Bukele initially used nationalized military to target criminal gangs and remove them from the streets. The social change, the outcome within the country, was stunning and fast. What was once the most violent crime ridden country, literally the murder capital of the world, changed in a few months and peace returned. President Bukele easily won reelection and Tucker Carlson traveled to hear his story. WATCH:

Chapters of Video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:04:47 Bukele’s Formula to Save El Salvador
0:09:50 The Satanic Side of MS-13
0:16:28 Bukele’s 3-Point Economic Plan
0:28:41 Is Western Civilization Dying?
0:50:10 Will Donald Trump Get Elected?
0:56:09 Bukele’s Advice to Trump
1:00:03 Americans Moving to El Salvador


Biden Reminds West Point Graduates of their Political Duty to Interfere in Election if Leftist Vision of Democracy is Threatened

Judicial Watch Tom Fitton puts it this way: “In a speech today at West Point, Biden, who is directly trying to jail his political opponent, suggested the United States military must be prepared to intervene in domestic political affairs against President Trump.”

Many political followers have likely tracked the Obama-era emphasis about changing the intents, purposes and mission of the U.S. military.  During the Obama administration the ideologues who traveled with the Lightbringer, looked at the Pentagon through the prism of domestic affairs; essentially, how can the Dept of Defense be shifted to support the anticolonial effort?

With standards changed to accommodate women in combat, the U.S. military had been increasingly shifting toward political correctness and gender inclusion since the late 1980’s.  However, it was Obama Inc who pushed wokeism to be the primary effort of military leadership.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a Marxist tool for domestic manipulation of military and social engineering.

By the time we see the issues behind Defense Secretary James Mattis, Joint Chief’s Chairman Mark Milley, and the attitude of Alexander Vindman et al, it was already too late.  Just like the DOJ and FBI the “fundamental transformation” of the Pentagon was fully metastasized.   Our USA military leadership are now predicted to operate just like the Chinese Mongolian divisions during Tiananmen Square massacre.  If you doubt this comrade, please remind yourself how the U.S. military was used to enforce COVID-19 compliance.

WASHINGTON POST – […] In his 22-minute commencement address, Biden did not mention Trump by name, but he made clear that he was referring to his Republican opponent by pointing to a letter that was a clear reprimand of Trump’s leadership. The open letter, signed by more than 1,000 West Point alumni, was addressed to the graduating class of 2020 before Trump delivered the commencement address here. It came just days after military police helped forcibly clear peaceful protesters outside the White House ahead of a Trump photo op. The alumni reminded that year’s graduating class that they pledge service to “no monarch; no government; no political party; no tyrant.”


Rep Harriet Hageman Outlines Rep Dan Goldman Connection to The New York City Trial Against Candidate Donald Trump

Representative Harriet Hageman used the opportunity of the House Weaponization Committee hearing, on the Lawfare trial of Donald Trump in New York, to outline Rep. Dan Goldman’s (D-NY) conflict of interest.

Goldman has hired Judge Merchan’s daughter – a clear conflict of interest. Additionally, Goldman has admitted to coaching Trump witness Michael Cohen prior to his testimony. Harriet Hageman outlined the details of the issue, while Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) claimed an immediate point of order in order to hide the information. WATCH:

During the same committee hearing, Hageman also outlined the larger Lawfare attack as constructed by Judge Merchan to assist the Lawfare goals.


Tucker Carlson Interviews Telegram CEO and Founder Pavel Durov

Pavel Durov is the founder, owner and CEO of Telegram, a communication platform used by 900 million people globally to text, chat and video message privately with encryption security.  Telegram is an excellent tool for safe communication and has been used by me and others I know for several years.

In this interview Tucker Carlson discusses privacy and freedom in the modern era with Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, a former citizen of Russia who was encouraged (under threat) by the Russian government to leave his country.  Pavel now lives in Dubai and operates Telegram from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

For me personally, this is one of the best interviews I have watched Tucker Carlson deliver.  Part of the reason is the content of the discussion is exactly critical right now in the era of this global information war.

There is so much I could discuss from this interview alone it is remarkable; however, I want to focus on two specific points as highlighted: (1) the government interface, and (2) the geopolitical inversion currently underway.  WATCH: 

First, I am in Russia. I arrived a few days ago, and this experience is a visit through bizarro world.  I will be sharing more, including an AMA on my experience in the next few articles.  Back to Pavel Durov, first…

The BASELINE – The Durov brothers are exceptionally gifted.  In reference to the principle of freedom and liberty that guides Pavel, he has my respect and I understand his value system with great clarity.  Pavel Durov recognized very early, much earlier than most, that information would be fulcrum challenge, and without private communication the value of information is always eroded.  Privacy is critical in order for accurate information to flow.  That is the value of Telegram.

I continue to receive strong negative opinion for my cynicism of Elon Musk.  However, pay close attention to what Pavel Durov says about his contacts with U.S. government officials and you will have a stronger baseline to understand part of why I do not trust Musk.


From Beyond the Wire – The Information War, CBDCs and a Metaphor for Those Who Need

After my latest outline, on the looming probability of a dollar based Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) {SEE HERE}, I found myself saying, “I hate to say this, but most people really don’t care. For some, the issue is esoteric, abstract, and difficult to comprehend. For others, there is a massive blanket of comfortable ambivalence until the consequences hit. For the few who understand, this is extremely troubling.”

Then I step back, breathe and reevaluate my ability to communicate.

A few recent comments have me looking for something, anything, that will help people understand the scope and breadth of what I am trying to communicate, and the challenge therein.  EXAMPLES:

[COMMENT #1] – I don’t know, this is way over my head, and I consider myself at least somewhat intelligent and informed. Other than a few twenties I keep in my wallet, all money of consequence in my life is already just digits in computer networks as far as I can perceive. I never actually see a check for my wages, much less any dead presidents.

[…] Not that I disagree, I just don’t understand. I’m at a loss as to why this is so qualitatively different as far as my financial security goes. Maybe it’s because I’m a resident of Illinois and have some sort of Stockholm Syndrome from knowing they can already, and do, raise my taxes – as much as they want, any time they want – and there is nothing to stop them. {link}

[COMMENT #2] I apologize for this stupid question, but I’m confused. How do the grey countries fit into this digital money and “world order” Pippa refers to?

Pippa states, “But what I see our superpowers introducing digital currency, the Chinese were the first the US is on the brink, I think of moving in the same direction the Europeans have committed to that as well.”

China is grey on the map, as is Russia. If we, the mapped yellow USA, are being boxed in by the Russian sanctions how is it China is grey yet they were the first to introduce a digital currency?  These insane, drunk with power “superpowers” – is their goal to color the entire world map yellow with the SWIFT network digital coin to control the entire world?  {link}

You come here for understanding the world that exists, not the one we may hope to exist.  If you are confused, I need to do a better job.

So, let me start.

I will start first with some information perhaps some do not know.


Sunday Talks – Trump Organization VP Eric Trump Discusses the New York “Lawfare” Targeting of His Family

Eric Trump runs the day-to-day operations of the Trump organization.  Today Eric Trump appeared with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the ongoing battle with the state of New York as Attorney General Letitia James threatens to seize Trump assets.  WATCH: 


[Background Here]


Putin Wins Transparent Russian Reelection, Biden Calls it a Dictatorship – Zelensky Cancels Ukraine Elections, Biden Calls it a Democracy

A contrast that highlights how far the west has fallen. Russia holds transparent elections and Vladimir Putin wins 87% of the vote, resoundingly being reelected; yet Biden calls it a dictatorship. Meanwhile Ukraine cancels all elections, Zelensky declares the political opposition party unlawful; yet Biden calls it a democracy.

The totalitarian areas and liberty areas are inverting, a direct outcome of western governments cleaving the globe. What they now call “globalism” or “multinationalism” is a fracturing of the international compact, where the “western democracies” separates from the rest of the world.  This reality is increasingly obvious to the ordinary person, and the Ukraine vs Russia war narrative stands as evidence of how abusive Western government gaslighting has become.

(Via Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin won a record post-Soviet landslide in Russia’s election on Sunday, cementing his already tight grip on power in a victory he said showed Moscow had been right to stand up to the West and send its troops into Ukraine.

[…] The outcome means Putin, 71, is set to embark on a new six-year term that will see him overtake Josef Stalin and become Russia’s longest-serving leader for more than 200 years if he completes it.

Putin won 87.8% of the vote, the highest ever result in Russia’s post-Soviet history, according to an exit poll by pollster the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM). The Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VCIOM) put Putin on 87%. First official results indicated the polls were accurate. The United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and other nations have said the vote was neither free nor fair due to the imprisonment of political opponents and censorship.


A Compelling Outline by Dr David Martin Discussing SARS-CoV-2

I am not familiar enough with the exhaustive research available by those who spent thousands of hours researching the background of SARS-CoV-2 origination.  I spent most of my research time looking at the higher altitude of the insane government narrative. However, that said, a lengthy presentation was shared with me that seemingly makes a lot of sense.

Dr David Martin has an extensive video outline drawing attention to the origination of SARS-CoV-2, the deep weed mechanics of who, what, when, where and how the COVID-19 virus was originated, and he presents a compelling narrative.  The key issue discussed goes beyond the SARS-CoV-2 origination, and into the vaccine component which includes a larger discussion on conditioned human behavior.  That’s the part where I was focused.

The casual presentation is in two segments below.  They are worth the time as Dr Martin presents a compelling picture of the construct in the pandemic push.  As I look at the controlling outcome that stemmed from government, I find my current research reference of the global cleaving somewhat backstopped by how the various national governments responded with their vaccine compliance systems.  WATCH:


My current research journey for the past two years, encompasses govt control as the larger picture.  This need to control information seems to surface everywhere, including which candidates can be permitted to run for the office of the presidency.

By now you likely understand the story of the Western Sanctions against Russia and the overwhelming evidence of their futility. Something else was the impetus for the most domineering global financial fracture in world history. Something else, something totally disconnected from Russia, was/is the driving element.

In the big picture we see one massive war to control human behavior with multiple fronts.

Right now, the battle of greatest impact is taking place around “information.” The Western Governmental system, mostly visible by the various Intelligence Communities, has deployed all their weapons into a massive effort to control information. The TikTok ban is one small part of the much larger fight to control information. When you start to ask what type of information would generate such a massive Western response, perhaps you start to ask the right question.


Tucker Carlson Interviews Senator Rand Paul About The TikTok Ban Law – HR7521

Tucker Carlson gives a good preliminary outline showcasing the hypocritical argument being used against the social media platform TikTok and the auspices of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) expansion and influence in America.  Carlson walks through some of the current aspects of Chinese ownership and influence in the USA and then asks why is TikTok the focus of concern.

Rand Paul then joins Carlson to discuss the specific details of HR7521 and the interests of Washington DC as espoused.  Toward the end of their conversation, Rand Paul does a good job framing the issue around the global cleaving we have discussed at length here.  Senator Paul doesn’t specifically connect the dots clearly, but his larger point about where he sees this approach going is correct.  The global cleaving, which was triggered by Western sanctions against Russia, is a very real phenomena despite people denying it is taking place.  WATCH:


Breeauna Sagdal – “Once you realize that TikTok and its parent company Bytedance have been working WITH the Biden Administration and CFIUS for the last three years to become compliant, once you realize that On January 19, 2021, one day before President Biden assumed office, the US Department of Commerce (Commerce) published an interim final rule implementing its sweeping new authority to block, unwind, or condition “transactions” involving information and communications technology and services (ICTS), once you realize that TikTok’s servers are in Texas, and then understand that the company already has an American board, and has already turned over ALL records of shareholders to the satisfaction of our federal government – then you start to understand the REAL target isn’t TikTok – it’s YOU via “X,” Rumble, Gettr, Crypto, and so on down the line of non-compliant, divergent thought, content hubs and decentralized financial mechanisms.”
