Radio Hosts from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Who Interviewed Biden, Admit the White House Provided the Questions for Them to Ask

Not a good look; especially if the White House is trying to frame a “competent Biden” narrative.  CNN’s Victor Blackwell speaks with radio host of “The Source,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who confirms the White House sent her the questions to approve ahead of her interview with President Joe Biden.  WATCH:



Sacre’ Bleu! – The French Peasants Have Revolted as Macron Dissolves Parliament and Calls for Immediate Snap Election

French President Emmanuel Macron was pulverized in the national election today.  According to exit polling, Marine LePen’s National Rally party will win around 32% of the vote, while Macron’s Renaissance party will win around 15%.

A massive rebuke of the leftist government in France.

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved parliament and called a fresh election on Sunday, following his party’s crushing defeat at the hands of far-right candidates in the European Union election.

The first round of the French Parliamentary election will take place on June 30. The second will be on July 7.

“France needs a clear majority in serenity and harmony. To be French, at heart, is about choosing to write history, not being driven by it,” Macron said.

The far-right National Rally is projected to win the European election in France with 31.5 percent of the vote — more than twice the 15.2 percent Macron’s liberal Renaissance party is projected to win.


Desperate Biden Campaign Attempts Political Press Conference Outside New York City Courthouse

Showcasing the political intents of the Biden administration to arrest and jail his political opposition, the campaign of Joe Biden thought it would be a good idea to hold a press conference outside the New York City courthouse where closing arguments are taking place.  The Biden team thought it would be a good idea to showcase the politics of the prosecution; go figure.

Supporting the effort was the washed-up actor Robert De Niro, known in acting circles as Hollywood’s tallest midget (video below). The actor was heckled by the pro-Trump supporters near the courthouse and the Biden campaign team was visibly frustrated.  Things just didn’t go well for them. The whole event was really goofy.  WATCH:


Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump and Lara Trump delivered remarks to the media following the rather silly Biden campaign effort.

NEW YORK – […] Anti-Trump protesters and supporters of the presumptive GOP presidential nominee got into a scuffle outside Manhattan Supreme Court during dueling press conferences by the 2024 campaigns for Trump and President Biden — the latter of which featured a fired-up Robert De Niro speaking to a crowd of dozens.

Inside the courthouse, defense lawyer Todd Blanche told the jury of seven men and five women that Trump’s longtime lawyer-turned-star-prosecution-witness Michael Cohen was “the GLOAT. He’s the greatest liar of all time.” (read more)


The Great Depopulation Era Is Now

Before getting to the remarks in the video below, about “living through the greatest Western population bust in human history,” let me first bring attention to something I recently noticed.

While visiting Russia, there are several social factors exclusive to this nation.  Some of the distinctions are relatively new, (resurgence of religion and faith supported by the state), and some of the developments have been taking place over a longer arc of history, (expanded national population, and family incentives supported by the state).

It might seem like an odd thing to notice, but the number of Russian families with young children far exceeds that seen in any other EU metropolitan area and/or American city.

If you look at the issue from a review of children aged 4 to 10, the difference is stunning.   The number of Russian people with children in Russian cities far exceeds the number of Americans seen with children in large urban areas of the USA.

Kevin Dolan talks about the depopulation problem at a Natal conference in 2023.  It’s not a scientific addendum, but from my own observations during travel; it is quite noticeable how American children, in the 4 to 10-year-old age range, have seemingly disappeared.  WATCH:



The Most “Non-Pretending” and Brutally Honest Video So Far This Year

This video is buckets of brutal and pragmatic honesty.  So much so, that it’s actually stunningly refreshing.

In an era where everything is seemingly constructed around false pretenses, manufactured narratives and just plain nonsense, the cold reality of truth stands as a beacon that draws attention from those who just know that things are not right.  Watch this video and see a woman who is completely unafraid to state the truth without pretending.


Donald J. Trump… because, America. Yep!

Every single day more people realize why President Trump is opposed by the system.


REPORT: More than 7,000 German Women Raped and Sexually Assaulted by Immigrants Since 2015

It is well known that amid all violent crimes, rape and sexual assault are underreported by victims; so, the latest statistics from Germany are even more alarming than would appear on the surface.  [REPORT HERE]

Overall, “irregular migrants” the term given to those who illegally enter Germany and then gain asylum, represent approximately 2.5% of the overall population from the period of 2015 through 2022.  However, that same group represented 13.1% of all rape and sexual assault cases.   An irregular migrant is four to five times more likely to commit a sexual crime against a German women.

BERLIN – Irregular migration to Germany has a negative impact on safety in public spaces. Women and girls are particularly affected. In addition to the violence they already experience at the hands of nationals, they are endangered by sex offenders who came to the country with asylum migration.

This is shown by the figures of the police crime statistics. Between 2015 and 2022, there were more than 8,590 reported cases of rape, sexual assault and sexual assault by immigrants. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) uses the term “immigrants” to describe people who have come to Germany via the asylum system. More than 90 percent of victims of sexual offences are female.


USA (Blinken), Egypt (Shoukry) and Jordan (Safadi) Hold a Joint Press Conference on Israeli War Against Hamas in Gaza

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, and Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi hold a joint press conference at the conclusion of their discussions. The video and transcript are below.

Overall, the Egyptians and Jordanians want a cessation of hostilities, an end to the bombing and Israeli war response against Hamas. In part, they appear motivated by concerns of regional instability; in part, they seem driven toward resolution because they do not want life-long radical Palestinian jihadists crossing into Egypt and Jordan; and in part it’s because their country was not attacked.

I find it interesting that none of the remarks in the group mention the influence of Iran at all.  The U.S. and Israel talk about the influence of Iran when speaking individually and together, but add an Arab country into the discussion and Iran is never brought up.

JORDAN – DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER SAFADI: Good evening to you all. I’ll start in Arabic and then I’ll switch to English if you don’t mind. So —

(Via interpreter) In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious, I welcome Their Excellencies Sameh, Tony and the other colleagues, the foreign ministers of United Arab Emirates and Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and the secretary general of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, at this hardship – at this extremely difficult time, a time that reflects that – reflect our interest to protect our peoples from the destruction of war and to work together continuously to stop this disaster that erupted on the 7th of October and actually evolved into the war that Israel is waging against Gaza.


Prime Minister Viktor Orban Outlines Why Samantha Power, USAID and CIA Hates Him

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stands the gap.   This is going to drive the USAID leftists bananas.


Hungary, a nation proud of its heritage, has been under assault from the U.S. State Department, the EU collective and the western NATO alliance for their refusal to acquiesce to the World Economic Forum and western globalist ideology. {background here}

We have discussed Hungary quite a bit, because Viktor Orban has been a very public thorn in the side of Joe Biden, the CIA and USAID (same/same), along with the US State Dept.


European Commission Warns Elon Musk about Israel -v- Hamas Information that Runs Afoul of The EU Digital Services Act

While the hubris is a little stark, it’s worth contemplating that Facebook, META, Insta, Google, etc are likely involved in current behind-the-scenes activity that will keep compliance with the EU dictates.

The Dis, Mis, and Mal, information police are likely in full deployment. Not only in the EU and Canada, but also to a quieter extent in the U.S. systems.

Funny, how they are not worried about Ukraine misinformation. However, Israel -vs- Hamas misinformation… bad mojo.


Black Lives Matter Announces Support for Palestinian Hamas

Yes, there are massive geopolitical interests at stake in the Hamas attack against Israel. Yes, there are layers and layers of massive multinational corporate investments into the process of energy control, capture and change that is driven by competing interests. Yes, those trillions at stake are playing out in the world from Iran to Israel, to Ukraine, to Russia, to Azerbaijan, to Turkey, to Africa, and beyond. {Go Deep}

Yes, all of the political and state actors are playing a role and using their military resources as part of the positioning process. China, Russia, Iran, The United States, Europe, NATO, etc, all positioning and in the background trillions upon trillions being discussed and fought for. Yes, the ultimate high stakes public-private partnerships are leveraging everything right now…..

… But trust me, RIGHT NOW, that’s not where our immediate focus should be!

We need to narrow our viewpoints to a very specific field of vectors, protecting your family.

As all of this geopolitical crisis is playing out on the global stage, there are domestic interests who are in alignment with the global crisis. Their focus is the fundamental change and the upheaval of the globe in conflict as a gateway for those interests to advance. Right here, at home, literally coming to your neighborhood, is where your focus should be, because in the final analysis it is all connected.

Do not look so easily at the global horizon that you cannot see the crisis unfolding on our doorstep.
