Message Sent – Philadelphia Radio Station Fires Broadcaster Who Revealed That White House Gives Scripted Questions to Talk Show Hosts

WURD radio in Philadelphia, bills themselves as the only black-owned and run talk radio station in Pennsylvania, according to its website.

According to WURD, radio host of “The Source,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, was fired for accepting scripted questions from the White House for use in the interview with Joe Biden. [Press Release Here] However, in the non-pretending reality of the situation, everyone understands Mrs Lawful-Sanders was actually fired for revealing the Joe Biden White House sends scripts for media personalities to use.

Mrs Lawful-Sanders was not fired for using the questions, she was fired for revealing them.  The message from the only black-owned radio station in Pennsylvania, was a warning to others not to tell the public how the fraud around Joe Biden is created.

Philadelphia – Philadelphia radio station has cut ties with the host who admitted to asking President Biden only questions that were supplied to her by his campaign, WURD Radio’s leadership confirmed Sunday.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who previously hosted “The Source” on WURD 96.1 FM, scored the first post-debate interview with Biden last Wednesday.

However, on Saturday, she revealed that she was fed eight questions by the Biden campaign — and used four of them as her only queries to the president.

Sara Lomax, WURD Radio’s president and CEO, said Sunday that she was not involved in negotiations for the interview. “The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners. As a result, Ms. Lawful-Sanders and WURD Radio have mutually agreed to part ways, effective immediately,” Lomax said. (read more)

Read what the radio station said below.


Ukraine: NYT Outlines American-Led Mercenary Group Killing Russian POWs, Zelenskyy Outlines Russian Troop Advancements

It’s odd how no one in the American media seems to ask how Obama and Biden went from a friendly “reset” with Russia in 2009 to full geopolitical antagonism in 2011.

♦ What exactly led to the complete reversal of intent?

I digress…. However, having some deeper understanding of the current status of the conflict, I also find it curious how the New York Tims can just seemingly bury the lead in their story about how U.S-led military “mercenary” soldiers are on the ground fighting, while seemingly forgetting their prior outline about how the CIA was conducting all the military operations in the same area. Not funny, that.

In Ukraine, Killings of Surrendering Russians Divide an American-Led Unit” – […] Hours after a battle in eastern Ukraine in August, a wounded and unarmed Russian soldier crawled through a nearly destroyed trench, seeking help from his captors, a unit of international volunteers led by an American.

Caspar Grosse, a German medic in that unit, said he saw the soldier plead for medical attention in a mix of broken English and Russian. It was dusk. A team member looked for bandages.

That is when, Mr. Grosse said, a fellow soldier hobbled over and fired his weapon into the Russian soldier’s torso. He slumped, still breathing. Another soldier fired — “just shot him in the head,” Mr. Grosse recalled in an interview.


Cautious Optimism – President Trump Indicates Likely Window for Vice Presidential Running Mate Announcement

Presented with a certain amount of reserved, perhaps pragmatic & cautious optimism.

I have made no secret of my preferred candidate to run with President Trump as his vice-president nominee.  For a myriad of well thought out reasons, I have long held the hope that Dr. Ben Carson would be the running mate for President Donald Trump. {Background Here} Considering the ramifications, my thought process is not some random, esoteric thought, clickbait discussion or academic exercise.

Having been extremely deep in the political weeds, which some powerful and influential people have described as, “you’re nuts with your endeavors,” with a great deal of risk and with a tremendous about of fact-based reconnaissance into the nature of the ideological enemy – in combination with thousands of hours of private thought and prayer – I truly believe the #1 characteristic we need, in this exceptionally important moment in history, is a man (or woman) of incredible character, loyalty, virtue, and most importantly, unwavering faith.

This is not just a critical national election; we are in a spiritual battle against a very determined force of global malevolence, dare I even say visible evil.

That said, President Trump has indicated we will soon know the answer.


Radio Hosts from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Who Interviewed Biden, Admit the White House Provided the Questions for Them to Ask

Not a good look; especially if the White House is trying to frame a “competent Biden” narrative.  CNN’s Victor Blackwell speaks with radio host of “The Source,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who confirms the White House sent her the questions to approve ahead of her interview with President Joe Biden.  WATCH:



SSCI Chairman Senator Mark Warner Organizing Democrat Consultation on the Risk Joe Biden Represents

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is the center of the silo network that supports the Intelligence Community control over U.S. political outcomes.  SSCI Chairman Mark Warner has been the leading organizer of the IC efforts to interfere in USA politics since 2015.

Senator Mark Warner was selected by the DC system to represent the IC interests when Donald J Trump became the leading candidate for the 2016 election.  Warner was quickly installed to replace Senator Dianne Feinstein on the SSCI immediately following the 2016 election outcome.

From his position within the IC silo, Warner led the legislative effort to frame Trump for the Russia Collusion hoax.  His efforts to support the IC have been fully immersed thereafter and continue through today.   The IC is concerned that Biden now represents a risk to their system of control.

As a direct result, Warner is now activated to lead the consultation conversation about how to mitigate damage and proactively protect the IC interests.

WASHINGTON DC – WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Mark Warner on Tuesday was contacting some fellow Democratic senators to invite them to a possible meeting on Monday to discuss President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, a source familiar told Reuters.

The source did not elaborate or say whether Warner was trying to organize a group of senators to pressure Biden to quit the race.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that Warner was trying to put together a group of Democratic senators who would ask Biden to end his presidential campaign. (READ MORE)


Joe Biden Interview with ABC Stenographer George Stephanopoulos – Full Interview

ABC is calling this the “full interview,” perhaps it is, perhaps not.  The interview is edited despite the ABC presentation.

Those who follow USA politics closely know why the Biden team would select George Stephanopoulos to lead the defensive narrative at a time when the awakening is peaking, and the Obama/Biden administration is in great peril.

You might remember how the DNC worked closely with Stephanopoulos, in the 2012 debate construct against Mitt Romney, in order to frame the Republican “birth control -ObamaCare- narrative,” a few days before they launched Sandra Fluke into political orbit.  The “Republicans will ban birth control” narrative was out of left field, and the intent was only clear in the days and weeks following their collaborative construct.  However, many were still asleep at the time.

Now, a greater national awakening is taking place.  Joe Biden clearly has cognitive impairments, and many people -not just in the United States- are directly talking about his likely state of worsening dementia as evidenced in the catatonic debate performance two weeks ago.  Into this foray, Stephanopoulos is again enlisted to frame a defensive shield around the truth.  Here’s the interview as presented for you to make up your own mind.  WATCH:


I apologize for the delay in presenting the interview.  I have been traveling some treacherous geopolitical ground, working my way carefully back home for two days.  More on that soon to follow.


Ukraine The Crisis – Zelenskyy Spox Refutes Tucker Carlson Claim About Interview Agreement

Tucker Carlson announced a potential interview with Volodymyr Zelensky only to have the spokesperson for Zelensky refute the assertion.

The people for Zelenskyy later denied any agreement for an interview.  Per Politico:Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s office denied Thursday that the Ukrainian president had agreed to a sit-down interview with American right-wing pundit Tucker Carlson.”

“The President of Ukraine has a completely different schedule, and Tucker Carlson is not on it,” presidential spokesperson Sergii Nykyforov said Thursday morning, while casting doubt on Carlson’s Ukrainian sources. (read more)

Given what I have personally witnessed and discovered about the conflict in Ukraine, I could not see Zelenskyy giving Tucker Carlson an interview. Almost everything we see about the USA/Ukraine -v- Russia conflict is through the highly controlled prism of the U.S State Dept.

Again, I would emphasize…. have we seen one front line report from any USA MSM outlet?  One report from the trenches, bunkers or on-the-ground action from near the front lines of the conflict?   No, no we have not.   No reporters with helmets and flak jackets giving breathless reports from the fields and battlegrounds.  Nothing.


French President Macron Aligns with the Black Bloc Communists in Effort to Stop Surging Patriotism

It really is remarkable to watch the similarities between left-wing politics in the USA and left-wing politics in France.  Historically, and in actual practice, we see this similarity as history rhymes and repeats. In both instances, you will note how the “mainstream” Democrats align with the communists to stop the majority of commonsense patriots.

In the USA, Democrats enjoy the activity of their foot soldiers in Antifa (Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, or RevCom etc.)  In France, the Democrats (NPF), within Macron’s camp, enjoy the activity of Black Bloc (the EU Antifa socialists and communists).

For this second round of the election, President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal have organized 210 candidate exits, as Macron pulls his party toward the far-left.  The people, within the center of the Macron coalition, cannot believe how Macron would join with the communists, simply to retain his own power.  Apparently, they don’t follow history much.

FRANCE – […] “Macron reportedly refused to accept that the election result was a disaster and represents the end of his movement.

Criticizing his sudden decision to ally with far-left extremists, one minister said, “He is so drunk on himself that he is in a bubble. In every moment, he sincerely believes, even today, that he does the best thing that can possibly be done and says the best thing that can possibly be said.”


Ari Emanuel Gives Donor Perspective on Status of Team Around Joe Biden

Ari Zev Emanuel is the owner of UFC and WWE organizations.  He’s also the brother of Obama’s former Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the brother of bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel from Obamacare fame (“we relied upon the stupidity of the American voter.”).

The Emanuel brothers are the three sons of Benjamin M. Emanuel, who was active in the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary group in the 1930’s and 40’s.

All three brothers are deeply connected to the network of the professional Democrat political system, and by consequence to the Obama majority faction within the Democrat party apparatus.  In addition to being the insider’s ‘insider’, Ari Emanuel is also a major donor and substantive influence agent.

When Hollywood donors like Ari Emanuel speak, the Democrat party board members listen very closely.  {Direct Rumble Link}  In this recent event, Ari Emanuel gives his opinion of Joe Biden and the team surrounding Biden.  Ari Emanuel doesn’t pull any punches; he doesn’t need to.  Remember, Ari is in alignment with the Barack Obama element of the Democrat apparatus.  WATCH:


Joe Biden is no longer a “candidate,” he is currently the Democrat “nominee” due to prior party voting to avoid the Ohio deadline issue.   Biden isn’t the presumptive nominee, he’s the actual nominee.  As a result, Ari Emanuel talks about the Biden replacement process through the prism of the legal maneuvers still available to the party.

Without directly saying it, Ari Emanuel is telling Joe Biden that he needs to resign and remove the legal hurdles that exist from his status as the Democrat presidential nominee.   Watch this nuance carefully, because this seems to be the most obvious direction that most are not discussing.

Joe Biden is going to have to resign the presidency and decline the 2024 nomination.  That background reality is why the tip-top of the Democrat power pyramid are paying very close attention.


Key Biden Control Officer Says Kamala Harris “Must NOT Be Worked Around” if Biden Removes Himself

James Clyburn and Barack Obama are the two democrats who could unilaterally remove Joe Biden by withdrawing their support.  It must frustrate Jill Biden to know The Lightbringer and the Ballot Master have that kind of leverage over her appointments at Tiffanys.

As a result of this dynamic, we remind everyone to pay close attention to how Clyburn and Obama are indicating their position.

Additionally, it is worth remembering how Obama and Clyburn agreed on Kamala Harris as the VP selection in 2020, and informed Joe Biden who would be on his ticket.  The Jussie Smollet operation was still active when Kamala was installed with Biden.

During an MSNBC interview today, James Clyburn expressed support for Kamala Harris to ascend the top of the ticket if Biden makes the decision to remove himself.

Keep in mind, Biden will not quit. The decision to exit will be made for Biden, and within the departure process all deference will be given to the Biden group to shape their exit.

The Obama/Clyburn professionally Democratic power brokers within the DNC collective will make the decision; Biden will just be given the opportunity to make it look like it’s his choice.  That’s the way Democrats roll.

The comments by Clyburn this morning are within the embed tweet video below:
