Biden Administration Promises to Veto any Legislative Effort That Blocks Vote or Ballot Fraud

The people behind Joe Biden that used illegal voter registration, subsequent ballot harvesting, and ultimately corrupt ballot counting to install Biden into office, have threatened to veto any legislation that would impede their election fraud operation.

By now we should all know the essential process being deployed.  This is the reason for the open border policies.

The Biden administration (DHS) is not “importing democrat voters.”  Instead, DHS is importing people, names, that allows the state fraud process to generate ballots. This is an important distinction.

The migrants will not use the ballots. The DNC harvesters will collect them, fill them out (Team Obama), then the Precinct workers will scan them and count them (Team Clyburn).  Illegals don’t need to vote. They only need to exist to create a ballot. {GO DEEP}


Message Sent – Philadelphia Radio Station Fires Broadcaster Who Revealed That White House Gives Scripted Questions to Talk Show Hosts

WURD radio in Philadelphia, bills themselves as the only black-owned and run talk radio station in Pennsylvania, according to its website.

According to WURD, radio host of “The Source,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, was fired for accepting scripted questions from the White House for use in the interview with Joe Biden. [Press Release Here] However, in the non-pretending reality of the situation, everyone understands Mrs Lawful-Sanders was actually fired for revealing the Joe Biden White House sends scripts for media personalities to use.

Mrs Lawful-Sanders was not fired for using the questions, she was fired for revealing them.  The message from the only black-owned radio station in Pennsylvania, was a warning to others not to tell the public how the fraud around Joe Biden is created.

Philadelphia – Philadelphia radio station has cut ties with the host who admitted to asking President Biden only questions that were supplied to her by his campaign, WURD Radio’s leadership confirmed Sunday.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who previously hosted “The Source” on WURD 96.1 FM, scored the first post-debate interview with Biden last Wednesday.

However, on Saturday, she revealed that she was fed eight questions by the Biden campaign — and used four of them as her only queries to the president.

Sara Lomax, WURD Radio’s president and CEO, said Sunday that she was not involved in negotiations for the interview. “The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners. As a result, Ms. Lawful-Sanders and WURD Radio have mutually agreed to part ways, effective immediately,” Lomax said. (read more)

Read what the radio station said below.


Radio Hosts from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Who Interviewed Biden, Admit the White House Provided the Questions for Them to Ask

Not a good look; especially if the White House is trying to frame a “competent Biden” narrative.  CNN’s Victor Blackwell speaks with radio host of “The Source,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who confirms the White House sent her the questions to approve ahead of her interview with President Joe Biden.  WATCH:



Joe Biden Interview with ABC Stenographer George Stephanopoulos – Full Interview

ABC is calling this the “full interview,” perhaps it is, perhaps not.  The interview is edited despite the ABC presentation.

Those who follow USA politics closely know why the Biden team would select George Stephanopoulos to lead the defensive narrative at a time when the awakening is peaking, and the Obama/Biden administration is in great peril.

You might remember how the DNC worked closely with Stephanopoulos, in the 2012 debate construct against Mitt Romney, in order to frame the Republican “birth control -ObamaCare- narrative,” a few days before they launched Sandra Fluke into political orbit.  The “Republicans will ban birth control” narrative was out of left field, and the intent was only clear in the days and weeks following their collaborative construct.  However, many were still asleep at the time.

Now, a greater national awakening is taking place.  Joe Biden clearly has cognitive impairments, and many people -not just in the United States- are directly talking about his likely state of worsening dementia as evidenced in the catatonic debate performance two weeks ago.  Into this foray, Stephanopoulos is again enlisted to frame a defensive shield around the truth.  Here’s the interview as presented for you to make up your own mind.  WATCH:


I apologize for the delay in presenting the interview.  I have been traveling some treacherous geopolitical ground, working my way carefully back home for two days.  More on that soon to follow.


Ari Emanuel Gives Donor Perspective on Status of Team Around Joe Biden

Ari Zev Emanuel is the owner of UFC and WWE organizations.  He’s also the brother of Obama’s former Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the brother of bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel from Obamacare fame (“we relied upon the stupidity of the American voter.”).

The Emanuel brothers are the three sons of Benjamin M. Emanuel, who was active in the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary group in the 1930’s and 40’s.

All three brothers are deeply connected to the network of the professional Democrat political system, and by consequence to the Obama majority faction within the Democrat party apparatus.  In addition to being the insider’s ‘insider’, Ari Emanuel is also a major donor and substantive influence agent.

When Hollywood donors like Ari Emanuel speak, the Democrat party board members listen very closely.  {Direct Rumble Link}  In this recent event, Ari Emanuel gives his opinion of Joe Biden and the team surrounding Biden.  Ari Emanuel doesn’t pull any punches; he doesn’t need to.  Remember, Ari is in alignment with the Barack Obama element of the Democrat apparatus.  WATCH:


Joe Biden is no longer a “candidate,” he is currently the Democrat “nominee” due to prior party voting to avoid the Ohio deadline issue.   Biden isn’t the presumptive nominee, he’s the actual nominee.  As a result, Ari Emanuel talks about the Biden replacement process through the prism of the legal maneuvers still available to the party.

Without directly saying it, Ari Emanuel is telling Joe Biden that he needs to resign and remove the legal hurdles that exist from his status as the Democrat presidential nominee.   Watch this nuance carefully, because this seems to be the most obvious direction that most are not discussing.

Joe Biden is going to have to resign the presidency and decline the 2024 nomination.  That background reality is why the tip-top of the Democrat power pyramid are paying very close attention.


James Clyburn Heads to White House to Tell Joe Biden What’s Up

James Clyburn left Wisconsin last weekend after attending ballot counting workshops in three cities, more on that next.  However, his latest move is perhaps the most important in the short term.

Clyburn is going to the White House today to tell Joe Biden whether he should exit or try and stay as the Democrat nominee.

James Clyburn and Barack Obama are the two characters in the professional Democrat system who will make that decision, everyone else will fall in line just like 2020.

If Clyburn tells Biden to go, then Biden goes.

Kamala then becomes the likely successor until they execute the Chicago convention plan.  The convention plan looks like chaos and elevates racism back to the #1 spot in the 2024 general election. [Chicago the useful venue]

In essence, Kamala could easily play the role of George Floyd, stimulate the race motivation again, and the ballot harvesters / ballot counters get their mo-jo working again.

Those of you who have followed CTH for a while, know I have said since 2022 that the 2024 convention in Chicago will decide the Democrat nominee, NOT the 2024 primary race(s).  It was always going to be a convention selection, ALWAYS.  However, what I did not see until today, was how they could inject racism successfully back into the equation and bring the base to heel again.

WASHINGTON DC – […] Clyburn said he will tell the president “what his standing is with the American people” from the South Carolina Democrat’s perspective.


Key Biden Control Officer Says Kamala Harris “Must NOT Be Worked Around” if Biden Removes Himself

James Clyburn and Barack Obama are the two democrats who could unilaterally remove Joe Biden by withdrawing their support.  It must frustrate Jill Biden to know The Lightbringer and the Ballot Master have that kind of leverage over her appointments at Tiffanys.

As a result of this dynamic, we remind everyone to pay close attention to how Clyburn and Obama are indicating their position.

Additionally, it is worth remembering how Obama and Clyburn agreed on Kamala Harris as the VP selection in 2020, and informed Joe Biden who would be on his ticket.  The Jussie Smollet operation was still active when Kamala was installed with Biden.

During an MSNBC interview today, James Clyburn expressed support for Kamala Harris to ascend the top of the ticket if Biden makes the decision to remove himself.

Keep in mind, Biden will not quit. The decision to exit will be made for Biden, and within the departure process all deference will be given to the Biden group to shape their exit.

The Obama/Clyburn professionally Democratic power brokers within the DNC collective will make the decision; Biden will just be given the opportunity to make it look like it’s his choice.  That’s the way Democrats roll.

The comments by Clyburn this morning are within the embed tweet video below:


Andrew Weissmann Apoplectic at Immunity Decision – SCOTUS: The President IS The Executive Branch

UPDATED by Request: /SD

The tip of the Lawfare spear consists of a small group of former DOJ attorneys and Main Justice leftists who helped AG Eric Holder create the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) when it was formed on behalf of President Obama.

Lawfare, writ large, are a tribe of leftists who strategically weaponize the justice systems within the DOJ.  They are also the main guides, strategists and legal analysts who previously used Robert Mueller and currently use Jack Smith.

The tribe is led by a trio of fellow travelers: Mary McCord, Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann.

If you research the group, you will discover that Mary McCord sits at the center of every attack approach deployed against President Trump {CITATION}.  The influence of McCord cannot be overstated, while gender fluid leftists like Eisen, Weissmann (and others), wax philosophically about which statutes can be twisted and interpreted to assist their Lawfare strategy du jour.

Everything we have watched unfold, from using “The Logan Act” against Michael Flynn, to using “Obstruction” against President Trump and the “Insurrection Act” against J-6 targets, comes from this small crew of effeminate leftists.

The similarity of the behavioral proclivities is an outcome of their tribal synchronicity.  Much like the McClintock or Wellesley effect, when you isolate Lawfare individuals into a small tribe, their collective behaviors replicate. These travelers were incubated in the DOJ-NSD.

This crew of Brookings funded Lawfare ideologues was also described by Christine Blasey-Ford as her “Beach Friends.”

Since leaving official government positions, the main trio of Lawfare leadership congregate professionally on MSNBC and feed the leftists in media and politics from their primary cable outlet.

I noted, during a recent flight filled with DC bureaucrats and IC officials (United Airlines), how the drones all watched MSNBC on their seat monitors as if it was a religious service that needed to be attended.  It really was a sight to see.  Every bureaucrat, active or retired, seated with their laptop under the headrest monitor while typing, texting and DM’ing in unison like synchronized swimmers.

That experience was the first time I realized how the term “NPC’s” or non-Player Characters might have originated as a meme, but the label was eerily accurate.


Jake Tapper Momentarily Tries to Break Through Wall of Pretending Around Joe Biden

The remnant DNA from Jake Tapper’s White House correspondent job at ABC, seemingly had an unexpected synaptic firing last night before shutting down forever.  It was, essentially, the last wisp of Tapper’s journalism desperately trying to rage against the dying of the light.  It was also very sad, in a pathetic partisan way, to watch.

Somewhere in the deep recesses of our memory, we remember those days before the U.S. State Dept and IC, via CNN, purchased the $5 million Washington DC estate for Tapper to own his credibility.  Furrowed brows sold cheap; I digress.

Just as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, despite the grand pontifications evident in this performance, Mr Tapper will quickly return to the DNC plantation.  After all, a life without pretending in DC is a lonely, isolated, irrelevant, hermit life filled with black pills, coffee and unused shaving cream.   Just ask Steve Bannon.

In the few seconds where the remnant journalist DNA had a spontaneous synaptic firing event, Jake Tapper tried to talk Delaware Senatore Chris Coons into dropping the pretenses about the mental acuity of Joe Biden.  Senator Coons was having none of that honest Tapper nonsense.  No-way, no-how, nope… not happening.  There’s not a chance in heck that Coons will be the first politician to willingly put his head in the basket.  WATCH:


To quote formerly funny pop culture, Joe Biden’s debate performance was “merely a flesh wound.”


Sunday Talks – NBC Kirsten Welker Describes Biden’s Family in Deep Discussions at Camp David

I’m not saying anything predictive, but if you were scripting a Biden exit, ‘close time with family’ would be part of the Act-2 narrative.

According to NBC, and a very dramatic Kirsten Welker, five people familiar with the matter have told seven serious people close to the events, that two deep thinking people who are part of the conversation are confirming what three other close officials are revealing on background.  The Biden family wagons are circled, and the decision on whether to remain or exit is underway.

If you follow the close nuance of the professionally Democrat, you will notice the top tier of control agents have sent the underlings messages downstream to shut up about the removal. They need about 72 hours, and the professionals are paying attention.  If the chattering dog-faced pony soldiers want to be a part of the next administration, or receive the indulgences from the club officers, they will shut up now.   According to the Act-3 script, Tuesday-ish will likely be announcement day.  WATCH:

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday, following a nationally televised debate Thursday that left many fellow Democrats worried about his ability to beat former President Donald Trump in November, according to five people familiar with the matter.
