Attempted Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks Flew Drone Over Trump Rally Site on Day of Shooting – 2 Cell Phones, Laptop and USB Drives Being Reviewed

The FBI are in charge of the investigation of Thomas Matthew Crooks; that does not inspire any confidence.  However, it does explain the seemingly controlled leaking of information to the various media sources in order to keep the eyes of the public exactly where the investigators want them.

In every article and investigative detail that is leaked to media, remember the origination source of that information is coming from the FBI.  Top men.

The latest information to leak out includes revelations the FBI is going through 2 cell phones, a laptop and some USB drives belonging to Thomas Crooks.  From the same sourcing they are saying that Crooks conducted online surveillance of several public officials for several months [NY Post Article].

In addition, the Wall Street Journal is sharing that Crooks flew a drone over the venue of the Trump rally earlier in the day in order to scope out the best place for attack.

SUMMARY – In addition to bringing explosives, a detonator, a ladder, a range finder, a backpack and an AR15 rifle to the rally, while finding a way to sit atop the counter-sniper position, the 20-year-old without a social media footprint apparently had air superiority.

(Via Wall St Journal) […] The gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there, law-enforcement officials briefed on the matter said, further underscoring the stunning security lapses ahead of Trump’s near assassination.


Mark Zuckerberg Praises Donald Trump as An American “Badass”

My, how quickly the winds can change [or do they].  Previously in order to assist his ideological travelers, specifically Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg gave the DNC a $500 million ballot harvesting operation as a gift in 2020.  It was one of the most obvious examples of election fraud facilitated.

Fast forward a full election cycle, the installed 2020 outcome, Joe Biden, is on the ropes and being isolated, ridiculed and marginalized -in part- by the same network of ideological travelers (i.e. the Obama network). 

When asked if he was going to participate in funding the goals and objectives of the political apparatus in 2024, Zuckerberg announced his intention to stay out of the game of influence, he would not be endorsing “any political candidate.”  He then went further saying what he witnessed in the assassination attempt of President Trump, “was one of the most badass things I ever witnessed in my life.” WATCH: 


Not only does this put the DNC at a deficit for their ballot harvesting operation; on the other side of the coin billionaire Elon Musk has pledged $45 million per month to help the RNC counteract the ballot harvesting operation of the DNC.

President Trump is well positioned to win the 2024 presidential election.  However, nothing can be taken for granted and all efforts must be maximized to ensure a secure election and get every element of the Trump movement out to vote.


The Mirror

Abandoned by his father to a troubled single mother; eventually raised by grandparents. He is then recruited from an Ivy league law school by shadow figures, a specific billionaire and a network of interests. He changes his name, writes a book about his life story, and with the support of the aforementioned – who eventually pays for the assembly of a strategic campaign influence network, becomes a Senator for 2 years before being quickly elevated into position in the White House.

Many people reading that paragraph would be familiar with the life story of Barack Hussien Obama. However, that paragraph also explains the right-side version of the exact same storyline, James David Vance. It’s a mirror.

On one side of the UniParty mirror we have an emotionally constructed political figure for the left.  On the other side of the UniParty mirror we have an emotionally constructed political figure for the right.  Each person, each emotional narrative, carrying the specific nuances to appeal to their wing of the UniParty audience.  However, both are following the same playbook.

It started with a conversation several weeks ago.  Who is JD Vance and where did he come from?

How does a person without any baseline in politics, not a council member, not a mayor, not a state rep – or state senate, governor etc., become a U.S. Senator and then quickly get into the White House?

What I was told sounded eerily familiar.

JD Vance was born James Donald Bowman in Middletown, Ohio (August 2, 1984). He then changed his name to James David Bowman. He then changed his name to James David Hamel. Eventually, in 2014, notably after Yale Law School (class of 2013) and after marrying his wife Usha, now age 30, he changed his name to write a book.

It was 2014, that’s when JD Vance was born.

Vance’s book, Hillbilly Elegy was published by Rupert Murdoch’s publishing house, Harper Collins in 2016. The book was made into a Netflix movie, [Reed Hastings] created by Imagine Entertainment and directed by Ron Howard (2020).  However, the interesting background on JD Vance goes back to Yale, and the Obamaesque tap on the shoulder that comes from a billionaire most are familiar with, Peter Thiel.

Thiel first recruited Vance into his circle while Vance was still a student at Yale Law School.  Shortly thereafter, Vance joined Thiel’s investment firm Mithril Capital, where he worked for two years before joining Revolution Ventures. Vance played a major role in Revolution’s “Rise of the Rest” seed fund whose major investors included Amazon’s Jeff Bezos.  {Citation}

JD Vance then launched his own venture capital firm Narya Capital in 2020, using startup money from both Peter Thiel and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.


Barrasso and Blackburn Confront U.S Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle as Questions Mount About Trump Assassination Effort

Seemingly lost amid all of the discussion of Senators John Barrasso and Marsha Blackburn confronting U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle at the RNC convention last night, is the obvious question, why was Cheatle even there?

Did she meet with President Trump and offer an apology for what the USSS is positioning as a gross collapse of simple security procedures; or was Director Cheatle simply trying to save her position.  We don’t find out answers to the baseline question because the politics of the event are the paramount prism for the Barrasso and the Blackburn promotion of their confrontation.  I loathe all of them.

Here is the video of the incident which ends with the insufferable Barrasso and Blackburn politicking.  In a video posted on social media Wednesday, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) confronted Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle over the assassination attempt on former President Trump. WATCH: 


Why these insufferable dolts just cannot start with the first and obvious question, is very annoying.


Massive Cheers, Applause and Chants of “Fight, Fight, Fight” Greet Peter Navarro at the RNC Convention

Peter Navarro left federal prison in Miami earlier this morning and flew to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to deliver a speech on the “injustice” within Biden’s America.

When Navarro walked onto the stage at the RNC Convention the entire audience erupted in cheers, applause and chants of, “fight, fight, fight.”  A smiling Navarro seemed genuinely moved by the audience appreciation as he begins to deliver his remarks.  WATCH:



White House Press Briefing With DHS Secretary Addition – 2:30pm ET Livestream

Following the President Trump assassination attempt, the White House is under pressure to answer questions about the collapse in security.  Even moderate democrats are suspicious and independent political followers are watching this specific press briefing closely.

To address some of the Secret Service issues, the parent silo The Dept of Homeland Security, will be present in the briefing.  White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will be joined by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as the press pool expands questioning.  Livestream Links Below



Lawfare Apoplectic – Judge Cannon Dismisses Classified Document Case Against President Trump – Rules Special Counsel Appointment Violates “Appointments Clause”

Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case against President Trump that was brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith. Using a similar argument recently included by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Judge Cannon has dismissed the case as an unconstitutional lawfare attack. The Lawfare community, writ large, is apoplectic.

In her ruling [SEE HERE] Judge Cannon ruled the appointment of Smith was not constitutional. “The Court is convinced that Special Counsel’s Smith’s prosecution of this action breaches two structural cornerstones of our constitutional scheme — the role of Congress in the appointment of constitutional officers, and the role of Congress in authorizing expenditures by law,” Cannon wrote.

“At most, the history reflects an ad hoc, inconsistent practice of naming prosecutors from both inside and outside of government (typically in response to national scandal) who possessed wildly variant degrees of power and autonomy. The lack of consistency makes it near impossible to draw any meaningful conclusions about Congress’s approval of modern special counsels like Special Counsel Smith,” she wrote.


The malevolent forces of the deep state have suffered a tremendous defeat, and the demons are shrieking.

The Washington Post, representing the interests of the U.S. Intelligence Community who fully supported the Lawfare attack, writes:

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department is highly likely to appeal the decision, and the issue may eventually reach the Supreme Court. By dismissing the entire indictment, Cannon’s decision also means that the charges are dropped for Trump’s two co-defendants, Waltine “Walt” Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira.

Even if Cannon’s ruling is eventually overruled, the decision to dismiss Trump��s indictment adds to a string of legal victories for him in recent weeks, including a sweeping Supreme Court ruling July 1 that gives former presidents broad immunity for their official acts while in office.


Bongino Discusses Secret Service Failure as AP Reports Local Police Officer Backed Down from Shooter

New details about the assassination attempt on President Trump are coming fast.

Earlier this morning former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino gave his opinion about the Secret Service almost unfathomable drop in security protocol that allowed a gunman with a rifle to climb atop a building a mere 130 yards away from President Trump.  Having some very specific insight into protection detail protocol, Bongino gives a unique perspective on what might have gone wrong.  {Direct Rumble Link}

Making matters worse, the FBI are in charge of the investigation.  The FBI has suffered irreversible credibility collapse, and many believe there is no worse agency to investigate the events than a highly politicized and weaponized Federal Bureau of Investigation, with a long and non-debatable history of corruption.

Obviously, accepting the lack of public trust in both the FBI and Secret Service, there is mounting speculation as to whether the assassination effort was the result of a series of grossly incompetent mistakes, or was perhaps a willfully blind -and intentional- failure of security.

Adding fuel to the fire of intentional security failures, the AP is now reporting that a police officer saw the gunman before the shots were fired, and the police officer retreated allowing time for the shooter to fire 5 shots toward his target – wounding President Trump and two other attendees, killing another.

(VIA AP) – […] Not long before shots rang out, rallygoers noticed a man climbing to the roof of a nearby building and warned local police, according to two law enforcement officials.

One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump, and that’s when Secret Service snipers shot him, said the officials, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. (more)


Hey Joe, The Call is Coming from Inside the Building

As things in Washington DC unfold, it is easy to lose sight of the forest due to the trees.  A few obvious big picture items:

♦ First, why is Volodymyr Zelenskyy attending a NATO summit?  Ukraine is not a part of NATO.

♦ Second, do not overlook the big picture.

While a NATO summit is happening in DC, Joe Biden is under the most intense political attack in his tenure, from his own administration.  This does not happen without the approval of the deepest elements within the Deep State apparatus, the Intelligence Community.

There is no way the entirety of the system, which in this case is specifically the U.S. State Department and Intelligence Community, would normally be launching a full-frontal assault on the office of the presidency while international leaders are here.

This just isn’t done and represents a historic inflection point.  So, we must ask what’s the background, motive and intent?

The obvious answer is that removing Joe Biden is seen as the best option for the DoS/IC.  This perspective highlights the non-pretending reality that these institutions regard the November election as lost if Joe Biden remains their candidate.

The IC and Dept of State cannot have Donald Trump take control of their operation, especially since the recent Supreme Court ruling that affirmed a majority opinion using strong language consistent with the Unitary Executive theory of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court said, the President is “a person alone who comprises a branch of government.”  [pdf, page 38] In essence, the president *IS* the Executive Branch, and all of the other various bureaucratic agents and agencies within it are under his unilateral “official act” control.
