Canada Institutionally Rationalizes Oppression

Ever since the U.S. election of 2016, and to a lesser extent the Brexit referendum months earlier, I have read a dozen or so government publications about the general subject of interference in the election process.  What I find common amid each of those government reviews, is a general leftist theme that democracy must be protected from election outcomes.

I know that last sentence sounds a little goofy, but that’s because leftism is exactly that weird and fraught with hypocrisy.

Keep in mind, right now in Europe Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has banned any political opposition and cancelled elections in his country in order to “preserve democracy.”  Meanwhile, the western politicians clap like seals and beclown themselves in support of the ridiculous assertion.

Do you remember the statement, “words progressives do not support are defined as violence; and violence progressives do support are defined as protests.”

Well, in the electoral version of that same theme, election outcomes leftists do not support are defined as threats to democracy; while manipulated election outcomes the leftists do support are defined as trustworthy.

This is the essential context for a rather alarming publication from the Canadian Government that says many of their elected politicians are working for foreign governments.  The Canadian National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians published a report last week saying unnamed lawmakers in Canada’s parliament (and there are many of them) have helped foreign actors meddle in Canadian government.



Day After Election, LA District Attorney Drops Charges Against Konnech Election Data CEO Eugene Yu

In semi-related election news, this is interesting.  Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, a man of notoriously sketchy political disposition, has dropped the charges against Konnech CEO Eugene Yu, although leaving the door open to refile charges at a later date.

Eugene Yu, the CEO of Konnech Inc, was charged last month with two felonies for allegedly violating the company’s contract with Los Angeles County and transferring election workers’ personal information along with data files to computer servers in China.

(New York Times) – […] Los Angeles County dropped criminal charges against the top executive of an elections technology company on Wednesday, bringing to an abrupt end an unusual case that became the focus of Americans who distrust the country’s electoral system.

The district attorney’s office said in a statement that it had dropped the case against the executive, Eugene Yu, because of concerns about the “pace of the investigation” and the “potential bias in the presentation” of evidence in the case. The office said the county had assembled a new team to “determine whether any criminal activity occurred.”

The prosecutors did not respond to questions about the decision. (read more)


Maria Bartiromo to Devin Nunes: "Who is the mastermind behind all of this?"…

Maria Bartiromo is one of a very few mainstream journalists with knowledge of the deepest weeds of ‘spygate’ and the multiple intelligence operations to manipulate the 2016 election against candidate Trump, and then run operations to remove President Trump.
In an extensive interview with HPSCI ranking member Devin Nunes, Maria Bartiromo asks the ultimate question: “who was the mastermind” behind all of these intelligence operations?

Released FOIA documents into the special counsel team of Robert Mueller revealed the  remarkable trail of the 2017 entrapment scheme conducted by prosecutor Andrew Weissmann to target George Papadopoulos.

Evidence of Obama Administration Political Surveillance Beginning Mid-2012….

Repost by Request – Considering the upcoming declassification window…between Trump’s state visit in Japan (5/25 – 5/28) and the state visit with the U.K (6/3 – 6/5).

Bucket FiveIntelligence documents that were presented to the Gang of Eight in 2016 that pertain to the FISA application used against U.S. person Carter Page; including all exculpatory intelligence documents that may not have been presented to the FISA Court.  Presumably this would include the recently revealed State Dept Kavalac email; and the FBI transcripts from wiretaps of George Papadopoulos (also listed in Carter Page FISA).

Now that we have significant research files on the 2015 and 2016 political surveillance program; which includes the trail evident within the Weissmann/Mueller report; in combination with the Obama-era DOJ “secret research project” (their words, not mine); we are able to overlay the entire objective and gain a full understanding of how political surveillance was conducted over a period of approximately four to six years.
This is why there’s panic.
Working with a timeline, but also referencing origination material in 2015/2016 – CTH hopes to show how the program operated. This explains an evolution from The IRS Files in 2010 to the FISA Files in 2016.
More importantly, research indicates the modern political exploitation of the NSA database, for weaponized intelligence surveillance of politicians, began mid 2012.

CNN Tries to Thread the Needle as Racist Past of Democrat Governor Ralph Northam Surfaces….

He’s toast.  There’s no way, no way, Democrat Governor Ralph Northam can survive the public scrutiny of his behavior in 1984 as a 25-year-old medical school graduate.  This is 1984, not 1964,… 1984.  C’mon. Most of us were adults in 1984, and I doubt any of us can even fathom this level of overt racism in 1984. [I sure as hell can’t]
All current indications are that Northam was actually the one dressed in a KKK outfit while posing for pictures that he eventually selected to go into the school yearbook.

The entire episode is a reminder how authentic Democrats are the party of the KKK; and how their racist roots remain inside the party.  To make matters worse Northam’s 2017 campaign used accusations of racism against Ed Gillespie; and now Virginians in Charlottesville will have to accept that Northam, not Gillespie was the racist in the race; or deny reality.  There’s so many layers to this, it’s impossible to encapsulate.
Additionally, the NAACP has now called for him to resign; and the 2020 democrat candidates (Kamala Harris and Julian Castro) are starting to come forward calling for the same.

Photos Surface of Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam Wearing 'Blackface', or 'KKK Outfit'….

The irony jumps from the headlines.  On the first day of black history month; and only a few days after Democrat Governor Ralph Northam was openly advocating for the murder of infant babies; a medical school yearbook picture surfaces of Governor Northam wearing either: “blackface” or a “KKK hood”.

How Virginia (GOPe) republican candidate Edward W. “Ed” Gillespie did not find and expose this during the 2017 campaign is quite remarkable.  Big League Politics was the first to find them, and the yearbook pictures have been verified by The Virginian Pilot:

VIRGINIA – A photo from Gov. Ralph Northam’s medical school yearbook shows two men, one in blackface and one in a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood, on the same page as the governor.
The photo, which The Virginian-Pilot obtained a copy of Friday from the Eastern Virginia Medical School library, comes from the 1984 yearbook, the year Northam graduated.


Sunday Talks: Lindsey Graham Discusses Kavanaugh Nomination…

Senate Judiciary Committee member Lindsey Graham walks through the events of the past several days and outlines his hopes for how the senate confirmation process will progress.
Senator Graham is optimistic the FBI report will leverage Flake, Collins and Murkowski to support the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh against their expressed opposition.  West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin doesn’t have to do anything as long as the republicans are the opposition. This type of protection agreement is the UniParty way; it works in both directions.
Graham is making the same bet as President Trump; likely it was Graham who convinced POTUS into the FBI/VOTE delay.  Hopefully, they are correct; I’m not convinced.  We’ll see… maybe, in a few weeks… possibly, hopefully, sooner; if we get lucky. The UniParty goal is to keep pushing until the gravity of the mid-term election gains an unbreakable grip on Kavanaugh.

Part 2 of the interview below:

President Trump Tweets: “Pakistani Mystery Man” – Media Run From Story Like Political Ebola…

You can always tell when President Trump hits upon a subject the media is desperate to avoid covering.  Yesterday President Trump tweeted about the “Pakistani Mystery Man” and the transparent media avoid the story like political Ebola.

Learn About Pakistani Mystery Man HERE

The Bloom is On The Ruse – Evidence Surfaces Attorney Lisa Bloom Arranged Payments for Trump Accusers…

Attorney Lisa Bloom is the daughter of Gloria Allred.  The apple certainly doesn’t fall far from the poisonous tree.  Both Gloria Allred and Lisa Bloom have a history of planned and strategic attacks against candidate Donald Trump and President Donald Trump.

According to research and documents provided to John Solomon, Lisa Bloom organized payments for the accusations against presidential candidate Donald Trump and coordinated financial benefits, through the larger Democrat apparatus, for the accusers:

(Via The Hill) A well-known women’s rights lawyer sought to arrange compensation from donors and tabloid media outlets for women who made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump during the final months of the 2016 presidential race, according to documents and interviews.
California lawyer Lisa Bloom’s efforts included offering to sell alleged victims’ stories to TV outlets in return for a commission for herself, arranging a donor to pay off one Trump accuser’s mortgage and attempting to secure a six-figure payment for another woman who ultimately declined to come forward after being offered as much as $750,000, the clients told The Hill.


*Update* Doug Jones Wins – Alabama Election Night Results and Discussion Thread: Roy Moore -vs- Doug Jones

Alabama votes today in the 2017 special election to fill the Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  The last Alabama polls close at 8 p.m. Eastern / 7 p.m Central.

10:45pm UPDATE: Democrat Doug Jones Wins Alabama Senate Seat Formerly Held by Jeff Sessions.  In many ways this result mirrors the 2010 Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts.  Previously Discussed HERE.

The margin of victory appears to be around 1% in favor of the Democrat Doug Jones. 49.7%  -VS-  48.7%  (LINK)
