Canada Institutionally Rationalizes Oppression

Ever since the U.S. election of 2016, and to a lesser extent the Brexit referendum months earlier, I have read a dozen or so government publications about the general subject of interference in the election process.  What I find common amid each of those government reviews, is a general leftist theme that democracy must be protected from election outcomes.

I know that last sentence sounds a little goofy, but that’s because leftism is exactly that weird and fraught with hypocrisy.

Keep in mind, right now in Europe Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has banned any political opposition and cancelled elections in his country in order to “preserve democracy.”  Meanwhile, the western politicians clap like seals and beclown themselves in support of the ridiculous assertion.

Do you remember the statement, “words progressives do not support are defined as violence; and violence progressives do support are defined as protests.”

Well, in the electoral version of that same theme, election outcomes leftists do not support are defined as threats to democracy; while manipulated election outcomes the leftists do support are defined as trustworthy.

This is the essential context for a rather alarming publication from the Canadian Government that says many of their elected politicians are working for foreign governments.  The Canadian National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians published a report last week saying unnamed lawmakers in Canada’s parliament (and there are many of them) have helped foreign actors meddle in Canadian government.



Day After Election, LA District Attorney Drops Charges Against Konnech Election Data CEO Eugene Yu

In semi-related election news, this is interesting.  Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, a man of notoriously sketchy political disposition, has dropped the charges against Konnech CEO Eugene Yu, although leaving the door open to refile charges at a later date.

Eugene Yu, the CEO of Konnech Inc, was charged last month with two felonies for allegedly violating the company’s contract with Los Angeles County and transferring election workers’ personal information along with data files to computer servers in China.

(New York Times) – […] Los Angeles County dropped criminal charges against the top executive of an elections technology company on Wednesday, bringing to an abrupt end an unusual case that became the focus of Americans who distrust the country’s electoral system.

The district attorney’s office said in a statement that it had dropped the case against the executive, Eugene Yu, because of concerns about the “pace of the investigation” and the “potential bias in the presentation” of evidence in the case. The office said the county had assembled a new team to “determine whether any criminal activity occurred.”

The prosecutors did not respond to questions about the decision. (read more)


Former DNC Rising Star, Florida Gubernatorial Candidate and CNN Contributor Andrew Gillum, Indicted on Federal Fraud and Conspiracy Charges

Andrew Gillum was the 2018 Democrat candidate for Florida Governor who came within a few thousand votes of winning the race.  He was hired as a CNN contributor.  a few months later he was found by police, naked, high on drugs and incapacitated in a hotel room with male prostitutes in Miami.

Today, Andrew Gillum was indicted on 21 charges of corruption, bribery, conspiracy, wire-fraud and soliciting campaign contributions for personal use.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Andrew Gillum, the 2018 Democratic nominee for Florida governor, has been indicted on 21 federal charges including conspiracy and wire fraud for funneling donations through third parties back to himself for personal use, prosecutors said Wednesday.

The U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida said Gillum, 42, is also charged with making false statements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for claiming he didn’t receive or ask for anything from two undercover agents posing as developers. The undercover agents offered gifts and money in exchange for support for projects.


Systemic Contingencies – The Need For Bill Barr’s Positioning Revealed, 2018

Everything was essentially a process of systemic contingencies; ‘if this, then that’. If this happens then we react with that. If this is likely to come out, then we proactively respond with this – that allows control. That is the nature of a cover-up operation….

By mid-2018 there was a concern amid the deepest part of the deep state.  Congress was asking President Trump for declassification of key documents, the Weissmann/Mueller special counsel held control authority over those documents, and -during the prior five months- Weissmann and team had been working through a careful process to diffuse a dangerous sunlight situation…. the communication amid the players was critical.

At the same time President Trump was frustrated. Openly and publicly frustrated. The OIG, Michael Horowitz had released a report saying the FBI did nothing wrong in the Clinton investigation (no bias).  President Trump was railing against the ineffectual AG Jeff Sessions and contrasting ever increasing research by those outsiders starting to put the puzzle together.  On June 5th 2018 President Trump tweeted:


In the background, and unbeknownst to the public, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein was working to facilitate the needs of Robert Mueller, quietly expand the scope of authorities to assist Mueller’s attack-dog Andrew Weissmann, and secretly was in direct communication with a man named Bill Barr to work the control angle against the office of the President, Donald J Trump…..

In mid 2018 it was apparent and predictable -as more information surfaced- the president would move to remove his ineffectual Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.  It wasn’t a matter of ‘if’ Sessions would be removed, it was a matter of ‘when’ Trump would pull the trigger.  Sessions recusal was a key element to the activity of the DC operation against Trump; if Sessions was removed, all of those in charge of constructing the cover-up operation would be at risk.  Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and now Bill Barr were developing a plan of action.

To make matters worse, by June 2018 there was an explosive DOJ issue; an issue that would expose part of the plot against President Trump; an issue that needed to be carefully managed; an issue the special counsel had been defusing since February; an issue that couldn’t be controlled any longer, and was just about to reach the surface.  Mueller, Weissmann and Rosenstein needed to prepare the groundwork…. They needed Barr.


January 6th Ted Cruz Has a Rare Second-Chance At Redemption, But Don’t Expect Him to Take It…

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz has one of those rare opportunities to redeem his entire political career by supporting President Trump on January 6, 2021.  This is a rare second-chance; let us hope Ted Cruz has the grace, humility and strength to see it.

In 2016, during the RNC convention to nominate Donald Trump, a bitter and divisive Ted Cruz self-immolated on a national stage.

The collapse was so catastrophic when Cruz attempted to return to the convention donor suite in the Cleveland auditorium he was kicked out by Cruz’s main financial backers, Robert and Rebekah Mercer.  Senator Cruz never recovered.

Two years later, having lost the base of support from a MAGA community that did not forget, Senator Ted Cruz was on his back facing a Senate challenge from democrat Beto O’Rourke and he needed President Trump to rally in Texas on his behalf. Trump came to Texas in 2018 and lifted Cruz to a narrow victory.

Two years later, with the electoral challenge now established for January 6, Ted Cruz has the rare opportunity, a second-chance, to elevate himself back to a political position of influence… While we await the outcome, here is the 2016 reminder.


Inflection Point – President Trump: “I’ll only say this once”…

Today in Prescott, Arizona, President Trump hit his victory stride for the home-stretch.  Go back and watch the entire rally if needed and you’ll see.

There are moments, inflection points per se’, that are not unique to President Trump but are uniquely President Trump.  We have now entered a very specific phase of the 2020 campaign with a confident, purposeful and focused candidate.  First, watch this:


What President Trump expressed in that moment is very typically Trump.

Accepting that AG Bill Barr is likely to do nothing, he moves quickly through the disappointment phase, finds no value in dwelling there, and shifts into optimal solutions mode. This is a character trait of Donald Trump that has made him successful through life.

Several years ago, WolfMoon accurately described this trait as “optimal solutions” Trump. Assess, evaluate, move strategically, stride confidently.  This shift is specifically pertinent at this moment because it comes as an outcome of a very positive momentum shift.


Sidney Powell Discusses Latest Explosive Evidence Outlining FBI Misconduct…

Michael Flynn attorney Sidney Powell talks with Liz Mac about the latest revelations and documents showing the intentional abusive motives by the DOJ, FBI and Special Counsel against her client; and by extension against a sitting United States President.


Bob Woodward: General James Mattis Plotted Overthrow of U.S. Government…

According to a pre-release excerpt from the Washington Post Bob Woodward writes about a discussion between General James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats about a plot to overthrow the elected government of the United States.

[…] “Mattis quietly went to Washington National Cathedral to pray about his concern for the nation’s fate under Trump’s command and, according to Woodward, told Coats, “There may come a time when we have to take collective action” since Trump is “dangerous. He’s unfit.” (read more)

What do you call a conversation between the Defense Secretary and the head of the U.S. intelligence apparatus where they are talking about taking “collective action” to remove an elected President?  That’s called sedition…. A seditious conspiracy.

As alarming as that sounds on its face, this actually aligns with our own previous research into key military leadership, the joint chiefs, and their corrupt intent to overthrow the elected government.  Readers will remember when we noted this very issue after Lt. Col  Alexander Vindman compromised his position yet was not removed by his command structure within the Pentagon.


CBS Interviews Peter Strzok To Set Defensive Narrative…

It should be remembered that CBS interfered in the 2012 election by purposefully hiding an interview with President Obama where the former president denied terrorists were involved in the attack in Benghazi, a statement he denied in the 2012 debates.  As a result the politics of CBS are very clear in the narratives they choose to advance.

That said, in a heavily edited interview with former FBI Agent Peter Strzok, CBS once again attempts to shape a defensive narrative to cloud the truth of the DOJ and FBI intents within the 2016 election.  You’ll note this interview is actually very light on broadcasting the actual interview statements by Peter Strzok because: (a) Strzok has legal risk from any statement; and (b) the intent of this interview is shaping a defensive narrative.  WATCH:


This interview is frustrating on many levels.  First, because it shows how the absence of accountability by current DOJ officials has led to Strzok’s brazen ability to lie publicly.  Strzok has no fear in his appearance and is shamefully blame-casting and pushing a justification that is completely devoid from truth.

Secondly, this interview is a direct result of AG Barr failing to aggressively hold these former FBI officials accountable for intentional wrongdoing and purposeful corruption. There is no excuse.


Devin Nunes Discusses Rosenstein Testimony and Homeland Security Investigation…

House intelligence committee ranking member Devin Nunes appears on FBN with Liz MacDonald to discuss the latest events around senate investigations into the Obama-era DOJ, FBI and Intelligence Community surveillance operations.
