The Mirror

Abandoned by his father to a troubled single mother; eventually raised by grandparents. He is then recruited from an Ivy league law school by shadow figures, a specific billionaire and a network of interests. He changes his name, writes a book about his life story, and with the support of the aforementioned – who eventually pays for the assembly of a strategic campaign influence network, becomes a Senator for 2 years before being quickly elevated into position in the White House.

Many people reading that paragraph would be familiar with the life story of Barack Hussien Obama. However, that paragraph also explains the right-side version of the exact same storyline, James David Vance. It’s a mirror.

On one side of the UniParty mirror we have an emotionally constructed political figure for the left.  On the other side of the UniParty mirror we have an emotionally constructed political figure for the right.  Each person, each emotional narrative, carrying the specific nuances to appeal to their wing of the UniParty audience.  However, both are following the same playbook.

It started with a conversation several weeks ago.  Who is JD Vance and where did he come from?

How does a person without any baseline in politics, not a council member, not a mayor, not a state rep – or state senate, governor etc., become a U.S. Senator and then quickly get into the White House?

What I was told sounded eerily familiar.

JD Vance was born James Donald Bowman in Middletown, Ohio (August 2, 1984). He then changed his name to James David Bowman. He then changed his name to James David Hamel. Eventually, in 2014, notably after Yale Law School (class of 2013) and after marrying his wife Usha, now age 30, he changed his name to write a book.

It was 2014, that’s when JD Vance was born.

Vance’s book, Hillbilly Elegy was published by Rupert Murdoch’s publishing house, Harper Collins in 2016. The book was made into a Netflix movie, [Reed Hastings] created by Imagine Entertainment and directed by Ron Howard (2020).  However, the interesting background on JD Vance goes back to Yale, and the Obamaesque tap on the shoulder that comes from a billionaire most are familiar with, Peter Thiel.

Thiel first recruited Vance into his circle while Vance was still a student at Yale Law School.  Shortly thereafter, Vance joined Thiel’s investment firm Mithril Capital, where he worked for two years before joining Revolution Ventures. Vance played a major role in Revolution’s “Rise of the Rest” seed fund whose major investors included Amazon’s Jeff Bezos.  {Citation}

JD Vance then launched his own venture capital firm Narya Capital in 2020, using startup money from both Peter Thiel and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.


Lawfare Apoplectic – Judge Cannon Dismisses Classified Document Case Against President Trump – Rules Special Counsel Appointment Violates “Appointments Clause”

Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case against President Trump that was brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith. Using a similar argument recently included by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Judge Cannon has dismissed the case as an unconstitutional lawfare attack. The Lawfare community, writ large, is apoplectic.

In her ruling [SEE HERE] Judge Cannon ruled the appointment of Smith was not constitutional. “The Court is convinced that Special Counsel’s Smith’s prosecution of this action breaches two structural cornerstones of our constitutional scheme — the role of Congress in the appointment of constitutional officers, and the role of Congress in authorizing expenditures by law,” Cannon wrote.

“At most, the history reflects an ad hoc, inconsistent practice of naming prosecutors from both inside and outside of government (typically in response to national scandal) who possessed wildly variant degrees of power and autonomy. The lack of consistency makes it near impossible to draw any meaningful conclusions about Congress’s approval of modern special counsels like Special Counsel Smith,” she wrote.


The malevolent forces of the deep state have suffered a tremendous defeat, and the demons are shrieking.

The Washington Post, representing the interests of the U.S. Intelligence Community who fully supported the Lawfare attack, writes:

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department is highly likely to appeal the decision, and the issue may eventually reach the Supreme Court. By dismissing the entire indictment, Cannon’s decision also means that the charges are dropped for Trump’s two co-defendants, Waltine “Walt” Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira.

Even if Cannon’s ruling is eventually overruled, the decision to dismiss Trump’s indictment adds to a string of legal victories for him in recent weeks, including a sweeping Supreme Court ruling July 1 that gives former presidents broad immunity for their official acts while in office.


Eyewitness Watched Trump Shooter Crawl into Position on Barn Roof, Alerted Police, Nothing Was Done – Video

An eyewitness gave a statement to BBC news, very angry about why nothing was done by secret service to secure a specific area.

The eyewitness describes watching the shooter carry a long rifle onto a barn roof. The eyewitness alerted police; no immediate action was taken.  The eyewitness grew frustrated with police and secret service. The eyewitness saw the gunman prepare in position for 2 to 3 minutes before shooting 5 shots at President Donald Trump. The eyewitness saw law enforcement then engage and kill the shooter.

Video interview with BBC Embedded Below (fyi, video might not last):


Perhaps Concerning, Perhaps Not – Donald Trump Jr Will Introduce President Trump’s Vice-Presidential Nominee at RNC Convention

I’m glad I waited before sharing the following analysis because I’m not as concerned today as I was when I originally read the Guardian article.   Yesterday, The Guardian reported that Donald Trump Jr would be introducing the VP nominee at the RNC convention.  According to them, that could indicate a strong likelihood of JD Vance as the nominee. That would be horrible.

However, what’s really happening is that Don Jr’s speech and intro is really just talking before the VP nominee makes his/her remarks.  The VP will be announced days before the convention itself; so, it’s a sequencing thing.  Maybe not JD Vance, and that’s a good thing.

There is, however, an unfortunate aspect to the articles predictions that is currently surfacing all over the media.

The top 3 finalists, according to a bazillion clickbait articles, are JD Vance, Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum.  I have tried to stay away from the VP discussion because, well, it’s basically a clickbait conversation.  Also, because if Donald Trump has not made up his mind months ago, then we are in more trouble than just the worry of a VP who might impede swamp draining.

If I have any accurate arrows of faith or pragmatic hope left in my quiver, then I am correct in thinking that Donald Trump made this decision a long time ago, and the Vice President nominee has long known exactly what the plan is.  If my “begin with the end in mind” thinking is incorrect; well, then we’re in bigger trouble than 99% of MAGA Americans can fathom.

Having said that, I hope none of the aforementioned names are accurate, because the very specific and current attributes we need for what is going to be a 15-year generational effort in our Constitutional Republic are not held by either Vance, Burgum or certainly not Rubio.

Every consideration of the VP selection MUST pass through the prism of knowing who the malevolent enemy we are facing truly is, the Intelligence Community, the Fourth Branch of Government.


SSCI Chairman Senator Mark Warner Organizing Democrat Consultation on the Risk Joe Biden Represents

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is the center of the silo network that supports the Intelligence Community control over U.S. political outcomes.  SSCI Chairman Mark Warner has been the leading organizer of the IC efforts to interfere in USA politics since 2015.

Senator Mark Warner was selected by the DC system to represent the IC interests when Donald J Trump became the leading candidate for the 2016 election.  Warner was quickly installed to replace Senator Dianne Feinstein on the SSCI immediately following the 2016 election outcome.

From his position within the IC silo, Warner led the legislative effort to frame Trump for the Russia Collusion hoax.  His efforts to support the IC have been fully immersed thereafter and continue through today.   The IC is concerned that Biden now represents a risk to their system of control.

As a direct result, Warner is now activated to lead the consultation conversation about how to mitigate damage and proactively protect the IC interests.

WASHINGTON DC – WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Mark Warner on Tuesday was contacting some fellow Democratic senators to invite them to a possible meeting on Monday to discuss President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, a source familiar told Reuters.

The source did not elaborate or say whether Warner was trying to organize a group of senators to pressure Biden to quit the race.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that Warner was trying to put together a group of Democratic senators who would ask Biden to end his presidential campaign. (READ MORE)


Modern American Politics

The elevator version:

The Intelligence Community created the disease, then used the politicians to sell the cure. 

In the era shortly after 9/11, the DC national security apparatus was constructed to preserve continuity of government and simultaneously view all Americans as potential threats. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) were created specifically for this purpose.

{Reminder – GO DEEP}


The Irony Is Thick – Congress Passes FISA-702 Extension, Allowing Warrantless Document Searches and Electronic Surveillance of Americans, on Patriots Day 2024

The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution says: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Late last night, early this morning (after midnight), the United States Senate passed a FISA reauthorization bill that directly and specifically violates every tenant of the 4th Amendment.

The Senate voted to authorize warrantless federal government searches of every American’s private papers, effects, emails, electronic data records, cell phone calls, contact lists, text messages, buying habits, purchases, banking records, social media posts, direct messages, private communications and every keystroke of every electronic device in your life.  All of it continues to be subject to the capture, review and surveillance of an unelected opaque law enforcement mechanism, and Congress supports it.

The issue is magnified, because the Supreme Court has never ruled on the constitutionality of the FISA-702 data collection system, because the Supreme Court also says no American has standing to challenge the federal government violation of their 4th Amendment right to privacy.  It’s all infuriating…  It’s all FUBAR!

Oh, and if you are reading this… you’re likely on the list.

Last night, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) teamed up with Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and added an amendment that would have required the government to get a warrant before reviewing any communications incidentally collected from Americans.  The amendment was the last effort priority for a smidgen of hope; the IC railed against it, saying it would stop them from acting on critical “national security” information in real time. It failed by a vote of 42 to 50.


A Remarkable Upgrade – Harriet Hageman Swings Big Timber and Big Truth

From Liz Cheney to Harriet Hageman, a remarkable upgrade from voters in Wyoming.  Stunningly so.  I have alerts established for all things Hageman, because she presents as a stealth wolverine very quietly.  I like that.

Yes, you will hear me say it first…. this is my first opportunity to do so….  If there are reservations about Ben Carson for VP (personally I do not think there are any), then I would implore President Trump to consider Harriet Hageman as his VP running mate.  Yes, I would be good with taking a chance on Hageman as POTUS in ’28.  WATCH:



The Intel Agencies of Government Are Fully Weaponized

Barack Obama and Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; instead, what they did was take the preexisting system and retool it so the weapons only targeted one side of the political continuum.  This point is where many people understandably get confused.

In the era shortly after 9/11, the DC national security apparatus was constructed to preserve continuity of government and simultaneously view all Americans as potential threats.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) were created specifically for this purpose.

What Barack Obama and Eric Holder did with that new construct was refine the internal targeting mechanisms so that only their ideological opposition became the target of the new national security system.  This is very important to understand as you dig deeper into this research outline.

Washington DC created the modern national security apparatus immediately and hurriedly after 9/11/01.  DHS came along in 2002, and within the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 the ODNI was formed.  When Barack Obama and Eric Holder arrived a few years later, those newly formed institutions were viewed as opportunities to create a very specific national security apparatus that would focus almost exclusively against their political opposition.


President Trump Holds Joint Presser With Speaker Mike Johnson

President Donald Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson held a joint press conference earlier today from Mar-a-Lago.

Keep in mind, the UniParty DC operation is constructed to remove Johnson and negate the Republican majority in the House of Representatives as a strategy against Donald Trump.  As an outcome, Trump must navigate this shark infested water very carefully.

Despite his personal and private opinions of Speaker Johnson, Trump must position support as a method to stop the effort to flip the House prior to the November election.  Keep this in mind as you look at “Republican” members who would appear to be targeting Johnson from a MAGA perspective.  Even with all the stupidity of the Speaker on full display, removing Johnson right now would be tantamount to a hostile anti-Trump shift in the House…  WATCH: 

