The Communists and Socialists Have Won the French Election – The Prime Minister Immediately Resigns

We knew it was going to happen this way, that’s why CTH didn’t join in the initial celebration when French President Emmanuel Macron announced the snap election.  France is ground zero in the EU for U.S. interference via the U.S State Dept/CIA operations.  Macron is a tool of the far left, who are controlled by the intelligence apparatchik.

When the first round was over, CTH said, “Macron will instruct his centrist seats, who lost, to organize their votes for the far-left socialists, thereby blocking the National Rally party from gaining a working majority.  Just like the radical leftists in the USA (Democrats), Macron’s followers will do exactly what they are told to do.” {LINK} Well, that’s exactly what happened.

When the Macron coalition started resigning to support the communists, CTH again said, “For this second round of the election, President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal have organized 210 candidate exits.” … “All of the opposition research files on the Marine Le Pen supported nationalist candidates are being dropped in advance of the Sunday election, in an effort to stop the conservative French from achieving victory.  These are all direct plays from the revolutionary communist playbook.” {LINK} Well, again, that’s exactly what happened.

Now, here’s the results of the second-round vote today.  The coalition of communists and far-left socialists have won.

(VIA AP) – The first projections in the 2024 French legislative election say leftists have won most seats. The surprise projections put President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance in second and the far right in third.

[…] French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal says he will resign.  This comes after projections show a leftist coalition has surged to the lead in legislative elections. Final election results are expected on Monday.

[…] They had just days to come together. The leaders of France’s left-wing parties have acknowledged they made compromises to unite in an effort to keep the far-right National Rally party from taking power in France.

The coalition calls itself the New Popular Front, named after a similar coalition formed in the 1930s against the rise of fascism in France. It includes environmentalist parties, the French Socialists and Communists and the hard-left France Unbowed party. (read more)


French President Macron Aligns with the Black Bloc Communists in Effort to Stop Surging Patriotism

It really is remarkable to watch the similarities between left-wing politics in the USA and left-wing politics in France.  Historically, and in actual practice, we see this similarity as history rhymes and repeats. In both instances, you will note how the “mainstream” Democrats align with the communists to stop the majority of commonsense patriots.

In the USA, Democrats enjoy the activity of their foot soldiers in Antifa (Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, or RevCom etc.)  In France, the Democrats (NPF), within Macron’s camp, enjoy the activity of Black Bloc (the EU Antifa socialists and communists).

For this second round of the election, President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal have organized 210 candidate exits, as Macron pulls his party toward the far-left.  The people, within the center of the Macron coalition, cannot believe how Macron would join with the communists, simply to retain his own power.  Apparently, they don’t follow history much.

FRANCE – […] “Macron reportedly refused to accept that the election result was a disaster and represents the end of his movement.

Criticizing his sudden decision to ally with far-left extremists, one minister said, “He is so drunk on himself that he is in a bubble. In every moment, he sincerely believes, even today, that he does the best thing that can possibly be done and says the best thing that can possibly be said.”


Early Projections Show French Nationalists Poised for Big Gains – Macron Will Likely Now Deploy “Operation Chaos” for Second Round

French President Emmanuel Macron has not outlasted every other EU leader without having a Pelosian cunning streak.  Macron knows exactly what he is doing, and undoubtedly USAID/CIA operative Samantha Power is there in the background helping him execute it.

In the first round of the SNAP election, opposition leader Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party has made huge strides in becoming the predominant force in French politics.   The National Rally gains around 34% of the seats, the left-wing Alliance party gets 28% of the seats, and Macron’s centrist party will suffer major loses with only 20% of the seats.

The top two candidates will now head to the second round, where Macron -who still has 3 years on his term- will deploy “operation chaos”.

Macron will instruct his centrist seats, who lost, to organize their votes for the far-left socialists, thereby blocking the National Rally party from gaining a working majority.  Just like the radical leftists in the USA (Democrats), Macron’s followers will do exactly what they are told to do.

[Remember the Alaska primary?]  This two-round approach was the insurance policy Macron had built into his call for the snap election.

The Nationalists will act flummoxed, stunned, jaw-agape, just like good little French Republicans.  The French people will wonder what happened just like American conservatives.  Wash – Rinse- Repeat.


Round #1 of French Elections Today – White House Concerned Macron’s Call for Snap Election Will Backfire

French voters will go to the polls today for the first round of a national election. Voters will be choosing 577 members of the National Assembly, the lower house of parliament, in two rounds. The first round is today, the second round narrowed to the top vote receivers will be on July 7.

This snap election was called by President Emmanuel Macron after his ruling Renaissance party was crushed in the June 9th elections for the European Parliament. The opposition party in France, nationalists led mostly by Marine Le Pen, won resounding victories in the EU election.

President Macron took a gamble to immediately call for a French snap election; the intention was to prove the “far-right” did not have much support. However, that gamble might backfire as polls show the French National Assembly could very easily flip.

Politico reports the Biden White House is very concerned that Macron might lose his ability to protect the interests of American leftists. The Clinton-Obama-Clinton operation (Charles Rivkin project) has been manipulating French politics for a long time, and the multinational corporations who use France and Germany are a little concerned. USA interests in France, which could very well extend to USA interests in Ukraine, are at stake in this risky gamble by President Macron.

WASHINGTON – […] The Biden team has been consoling itself by pointing out that Macron still has three years left on his term and that the French president wields significant power over foreign policy, which could keep some stability in U.S.-French relations. But National Rally leader Marine Le Pen indicated this week that her party may seek budgetary and other means to tie Macron’s hands on the global front.


Poland Farm Protests Encounter Prepared Government Response, Confrontation Turned Violent

I visited Warsaw twice last month and can provide some ‘boots on the ground’ background context for what is taking place as the Polish farmers begin protesting against the regime of Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

The first thing to understand is that Warsaw is to Poland almost exactly as Washington DC is to the United States – which is to say, a capitol subculture of leftists and WEF minded globalists totally disconnected from the social mindset of the rest of the country.  The Warsaw of the 80’s and 90’s Solidarity Movement no longer exists, which explains the installation of Tusk in opposition to the generally lulled to complacency Polish people.  Sound familiar?

“European agriculture policies and Ukrainian cheap grain, burning tires outside of Prime Minister Tusk’s office, as up to 100 THOUSAND more protestors expected to flood streets of Warsaw.”

The protests are not about Ukraine farm products (Western narrative); they are protesting the Build Back Better (Green New Deal) climate change nonsense regulations that will put them out of business and hurt the Polish people.

The German farmers and middle class workers organized their logistics brilliantly.  The farmers approached Berlin from every angle, using all the arterial roads as points of entrance to surround the city.  The German farmers came into each artery in two columns: column A at the front and column B in the back.

Column A drove into the city; column B remained outside the city blocking the streets.  It was a smart way logistically to protest, and German officials could not respond because they were blocked.  German truckers and transportation workers assisted the protest with non-compliance highlighting their support.  The German government acquiesced to the farmers.

The French farmer protests learned from the Germans, and they too were successful in their logistical protest against the French government.  The French government acquiesced to the French farmer’s demands.

However, the Polish government saw the effective strategy as it began spreading around the EU. Tusk brought into Warsaw an advanced police group.  As the Polish farmers moved into the center of Warsaw, they encountered a heavily fortified Polish security force.  Tempers flared and physical confrontation was the outcome.


EU Farmers Escalate Protests – France Concedes to Demands

The popular farmer and trucker protests in the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Romania, France and now Belgium are continuing.

Sensing the problematic nature of the uprising, watching the protests escalate to direct confrontation at parliament, and facing considerable political opposition on many domestic issues, the French government of Emmanuel Macron has agreed to the terms of the French farmers. However, the two major labor unions associated with the farmers in France are not asking for the protests to stop until they see the agreement of the French government in writing.

Protesting farmers blockaded multiple roads and camped outside the European parliament building in Brussels on Thursday, ahead of a EU leaders’ summit in the Belgian capital. The demonstrators lit two fires outside and placed their tractors in front of the European parliament building. Farmers have been protesting across Europe against the globalist agenda, rising costs in the agriculture sector and targeted taxes by the various governments.

(Associated Press) – France’s two major farmers unions announced they would lift country-wide blockades Thursday, shortly after the prime minister introduced new measures aimed at protecting their livelihoods that they described as “tangible progress.”

However, farmer activists who have snarled traffic along major highways around Paris said they would stay put at least another day to see the government commitments in writing, and both unions said they would closely monitor any government implementation.

“We don’t want to hear words of love. What we want is proof of love,” said Thierry Desforges, a farm union member at road blockade of the A6 highway in Chilly-Mazarin, south of Paris.


Beware France – Macron Moves to Shut Down Internet Communication to Block Rebellious Uprisings

I added a NOTE about Musk’s nonsense justification.

If the lessons of COVID-19 have taught us anything, it should be that each step the totalitarian dictatorships take -under the guise of protecting new democratic norms- must be viewed through the prism of future targeting.

We should pay attention, lest we find ourselves on the alternate side of populist uprisings under state targeting.

I sent the prior warning message around the collaboration between private industry and western government surrounding financial restrictions placed on Russia. When VISA, Mastercard and other payment mechanisms willingly and willfully supported the intentions of the Western Government coalition, few people thought about the Rubicon this new merge and partnership was establishing. {SEE HERE} In essence, private industry determining the lifestyle of Russian citizens in an effort to target their political leadership. Few people were paying attention, fewer still think long term.

With France now pledging to shut down internet communication in an effort to control organizing through social media, there is a bigger picture that must be considered.

[SOURCE – Translated from French]

Let me take you back to 2010 and 2011 when the U.S. State Department, Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, CIA Director Leon Panetta and French President Nicholas Sarkozy wanted to support the Islamist Spring uprisings in Tunis, Libya, Egypt and Yemen.

What happened then is very much related to what we are seeing right now in Europe, specifically France; only this time we are seeing the inverse of the government interests regarding social media on display.


Previously: “Diversity is Our Strength” – Currently: French Police Say They are “At War” with “Savage Hordes of Vermin”

Things are not looking good for France as a fourth night of riots, violence, looting and general chaos is worsening. “President Macron was last night facing calls to impose a state of emergency after marauding gangs of rioters – some armed with stolen rifles – clashed with police in a fourth night of mayhem.”

(Via Daily Mail) – […] Rioters were again seen rampaging through the streets of Marseille, Lille and Paris, amid claims looters broke into a gun shop and stole hunting rifles while others ransacked a police station. Cars, buses and government buildings have been set alight and fireworks have been launched at police.

There were more than 3,800 fires on public roads last night, while more than 500 buildings were set alight.


Macron Says Europe Must Reduce Dependency on United States and Avoid Being Pulled into Pending Taiwan Crisis

If you overlay the U.S. intelligence leaks as a potential excuse for the U.S. not getting deeper into the never-ending Ukraine conflict we support, then the comments by Emmanuel Macron about the EU not wanting to get involved with U.S. interests in Taiwan make more sense.

On his flight back from Beijing, French President Macron told traveling media, Europe needs to reduce dependency on the United States.  Remarkably, this is what President Donald Trump has been saying for years as part of his overall EU and NATO policy. However, this could also be an indication of a strategic Taiwan pivot by the U.S. as shared from the Foggy Bottom diplomats who love their French connections.

(Via Politico) – Europe must reduce its dependency on the United States and avoid getting dragged into a confrontation between China and the U.S. over Taiwan, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview on his plane back from a three-day state visit to China.

Speaking with POLITICO and two French journalists after spending around six hours with Chinese President Xi Jinping during his trip, Macron emphasized his pet theory of “strategic autonomy” for Europe, presumably led by France, to become a “third superpower.”

He said “the great risk” Europe faces is that it “gets caught up in crises that are not ours, which prevents it from building its strategic autonomy,” while flying from Beijing to Guangzhou, in southern China, aboard COTAM Unité, France’s Air Force One.


Epic Panda!

This is the funniest thing in months.  Take the time to enjoy and laugh folks… Really, take the time.

French President Emmanuel Macron is in Beijing for an official state visit and his geopolitical priority is to break, or at least weaken, the China-Russia alliance. Yes, the western alliance sent diminutive Macron for this task.  That is funny enough… but what comes next is buckets funnier.

In order to give power to their position, the brilliant NATO minds decided that President Macron should take European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, as a way to express the united ‘western alliance’ message that Macron was intended to leverage in his efforts.  Obviously cunning Panda knew the intent, and the way China literally diminished the effort is not only funny in diplomatic action, but also in the optics they present.  LOOK:

Upon arrival in Beijing, and customary with keeping good panda face, Macron “was given the full red-carpet treatment this week in Beijing, fêted at a state banquet, and greeted by military parades and firing cannons on Tiananmen Square. When Macron’s plane touched down, China’s foreign minister personally welcomed him.”  However, “when European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrived, she got the ecology minister — at the regular passenger exit.” [link]

Big Panda is subtle like a brick through a window. lolol.
