Congressman Wesley Hunt Tells His Favorite Story About Witnessing Trump as President

Congressman Wesley Hunt tells a story about President Trump and a key meeting he had about Afghanistan. This is good. WATCH:

In a tense meeting with Taliban leaders, Trump declared, “I want to leave Afghanistan, but it’s going to be a conditions-based withdrawal,” before issuing a stark warning.

“If you harm a hair on a single American, I’m going to kill you,” Trump said. The translator conveyed this exact message.

Trump then “reached in his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban’s home, handed it to him, got up and walked out the room.”


Patriots Day, The Battle of Lexington

The ride of Paul Revere is originally attributed to April 18th; however, the majority of the events surrounding it took place overnight, into the wee hours of the morning, then ultimately into mid-day of April 19, 1775, when the Battle of Lexington took place.  I hope y’all enjoy this. I revisit this moment in history each year because it shows how ONE ORDINARY MAN can make a huge difference.

Patriots’ Day…

A friend once asked: “How do you celebrate Patriots’ Day?” Which, perhaps, should spur me to share my own thoughts on this day of consequence.

Many are familiar with the poem Paul Revere’s Ride, however, far fewer know that Paul Revere actually memorialized the events of the April 18 and 19, 1775, in an eight-page letter written several years later.

Each Patriots’ Day I remind myself to read his letter from a copy handed down, and I think about how Paul Revere was really just a common man of otherwise undue significance…. yet, capable to the task at hand.

To me everything about the heart of Revere, which you can identify within his own writing, is what defines an American ‘patriot’.

There is no grand prose, there is no outlook of being a person of historical significance, there is just a simple recollection of his involvement, an ordinary man in extraordinary times.

Unsure if anyone else would enjoy I have tracked down an on-line source for sharing and provide a transcript below (all misspelling is with the original).

Paul Revere personally recounts his famous ride. – In this undated letter, Paul Revere summarizes the activities surrounding his famous ride on 18 April 1775. He recounts how Dr. Joseph Warren urged him to ride to Lexington to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of British troop movements. He arranged to signal the direction of the troops with lanterns from Old North Church, and then had friends row him across the Charles River borrowing a horse for his ride.

Revere wrote this letter at the request of Jeremy Belknap, corresponding secretary of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Revere signed his name to the letter but then wrote above it, “A Son of Liberty of the year 1775”, and beside it, “do not print my name.” Nonetheless, the MHS included Revere’s name when it printed the letter in 1798.


Pentagon Admits Mid-East Terrorists Located Within Houthi-controlled Yemen Targeting U.S. Navy Fleet

Finally, almost two months later, CTH suspicions are confirmed {GO DEEP}.   You might remember when the USS Carney intercepted 15 drones and cruise missiles in the Red Sea in October, we said something was sketchy about the Western media reporting on it.  The political narrative (not from the Pentagon) was that the missiles were heading to Israel, but that didn’t pass the proverbial sniff test {GO DEEP ##2}.

Given the nature of the political climate at the time, and accepting the limited range of Yemeni cruise missiles, CTH surmised the actual target of the October 19th attack was the U.S. naval fleet, not Israel.   However, people poo-pooed our analysis and said, unlikely.  Well, today the Pentagon admits the U.S. naval fleet is being targeted.

This is a very big deal, because the reality of the U.S. being targeted changes the political calculation and risk metric.  The Biden administration would not want American citizens to think about our own military being involved in an expanded Israel-Hamas war directly, but that’s exactly what is happening.  THAT my friends was the motive for being obtuse in the first wave of attacks in October.

The AP is correct when they say, “the attack potentially marks a major escalation in a series of maritime attacks in the Mideast linked to the Israel-Hamas war.”�� ‘Potentially’? Nonsense. It is a major escalation.  The other big revelation is that WE were the likely target two months ago.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Three commercial ships in the Red Sea were struck by ballistic missiles fired from Houthi-controlled Yemen on Sunday and a U.S. warship shot down three drones in self-defense during the hourslong assault, the U.S. military said. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by the Houthi rebels, who are backed by Iran.


“Shatter the System” – Javier Milei Wins Historic Election in Argentina

In an era of universal deceit there comes a time when extraordinary actions become necessary.  For those who are deep within the fight, understanding becomes ordinary and few words are needed.  We know, we fight, we remain steadfast….

The unabashed, resolute and indefatigable Argentinian Trump, Javier Milei, has won a historic election as the choice of the pragmatic working class who have tried all methods of addressing their grievances only to have their voices dismissed.

BUENOS AIRES — A radical libertarian and admirer of Donald Trump rode a wave of voter rage to win Argentina’s presidency on Sunday, crushing the political establishment and bringing the sharpest turn to the right in four decades of democracy in the country.

Javier Milei, a 53-year-old far-right economist and former television pundit with no governing experience, claimed nearly 56 percent of the vote in a stunning upset over Sergio Massa, the center-left economy minister who has struggled to resolve the country’s worst economic crisis in two decades. Even before the official results had been announced Sunday night, Massa acknowledged defeat and congratulated Milei on his win.


Powerful Testimonial – President Trump’s Visit With Afghan Bombing Gold Star Families Described

This is not going to come as a surprise to most readers here, but this testimonial by Marlon Bateman deserves to be shared. This story reflects what the core of Donald Trump is about.

Marlon Bateman – “Last week, I had the honor to accompany several Gold Star parents to meet with President Trump in Bedminster. These parents lost their children when Abbey Gate was bombed in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which was orchestrated by Joe Biden.

While Biden continues to ignore these families’ requests for answers, President Trump listened to them, he mourned with them, and he was genuinely devastated for their loss. But he also mourned for the Country’s loss of these amazing Americans.”


Stunning Bodycam Video Shows Brave Texas Cop Taking Down Mass Shooter at Outlet Mall

The bodycam video is intense and will make you hold your breath.  It shows the Allen PD police officer talking to kids about wearing seatbelts just as the mall shooter begins his rampage in the distance.

Without hesitation the cop assesses the scene, grabs his rifle and charges on foot toward the suspect.  The officer tracks and engages the shooter, shots are exchanged, and the suspect is neutralized.  The intensity of the video is quite dramatic, as you can hear and sense the situation as it unfolds.  WATCH: 

TEXAS – […] “This video shows how quickly a routine interaction with the public turned into a life-and-death situation,” Allen Police Chief Brian Harvey said in a statement. “The officer recognized the danger, ran toward the gunfire and neutralized the threat — and for his actions, the Allen community is forever grateful.”

The footage, released after a grand jury Tuesday cleared the officer of any wrongdoing, showed he was by his car in the mall parking lot chatting with children and a woman when gunshots suddenly rang out.

“Make sure you wear your seatbelts when mommy’s driving … you be good,” the officer said moments before gunshots could be heard.

He spotted customers fleeing before grabbing his rifle and sprinting toward the sound of shots. (read more)


After Englebrecht and Phillips Publish Proof of Election Data Compromise, Konnech Corp Drops Lawsuit Against True the Vote

Last year, True the Vote founder Catherine Englebrecht and election data security analyst, Gregg Phillips, were held in contempt of court and placed in jail for failing to outline the participant sources in a 2020 hotel discussion that revealed a Konnech Corporation election data compromise that was transmitted to Chinese networks.  {Go Deep}

Eventually a higher court dismissed the contempt charge and forced the release of Englebrecht and Phillips, but the lawsuit brought by Konnech against them continued.  On Monday Englebrecht and Phillips dumped the Konnech election data into open public source format {SEE HERE} showing the scale of the election security compromise.  On Tuesday, Konnech dropped the lawsuit against Englebrecht, True The Vote and Phillips.

Gregg Phillips appears on Bannon War Room to discuss {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:

Statement from True The Vote: HOUSTON, TX – Yesterday, Konnech dismissed all pending defamation and unlawful computer access litigation against True the Vote, Inc, Catherine Engelbrecht, and Gregg Phillips in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas. The case number is 4:22-cv-03096.

True the Vote issued this comment: “Konnech’s litigation was meritless and intended to harass this organization. They have failed. We are evaluating our options with regard to holding them accountable for their unwarranted actions. We believe Konnech dismissed its lawsuit because it saw that it would lose.”


Dramatic Video – Police Officials Release Body Camera Footage of Suspect Takedown in Nashville School Shooting

Rifle First!”… the instruction familiar to anyone trained in closed quarter combat targeting.  That’s the reminder command of an operational expert who leads a solid sweep team through the school that ends with the elimination of the threat.

Shooter Audrey Hale dies at the hands of heroic police who engaged and eliminated the threat.  Today the police released bodycam footage from multiple members of law enforcement as they entered the school in Nashville Tennessee to take down the suspect.   Video prompted to 04:15  WATCH:



11 Years

Sometimes there are words you write, then disassemble; then try and reassemble in a more correct order, then erase and start over because the subject matter is beyond words. There has never been more truth in that preceding sentence than trying to encapsulate the impact and worth of Andrew Breitbart.

March 1, 2012, we all lost him.  Not a day goes by that Andrew Breitbart is not missed.


Hero Who Stopped Indiana Mall Shooter Identified as 22-Year-Old Eli Dicken, Trained in Firearm Use by his Grandfather

A strong testimonial in favor of concealed carry, self-defense and situational awareness.

A mass shooter named Douglas Sapirman opened fire at the Greenwood Park Mall in Greenwood, Indiana, shooting three people before he was stopped by a 22-year-old who reacted in seconds after the shooting started.

22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken (pictured left) told his girlfriend to get under a table at the mall food court, then engaged the gunman using his pistol.  Dicken fired ten shots, killing the gunman who was armed with a long rifle as he attempted to retreat.   Police are hailing young Mr. Dicken as a hero who likely saved the lives of many.

INDIANA – […] Elisjsha Dicken, an armed bystander, fired on Sapirman. Dicken fired 10 rounds hitting Sapirman as Sapirman tried to retreat into the bathroom but collapsed and died.

Dicken had no police training or military background, according to police. He was carrying under the new “Constitutional Carry” law and did not have a permit. Police said Dicken learned to shoot from his grandfather and that he had no military or police training.

“His actions were nothing short of heroic. He engaged the gunman from quite a distance with a handgun. Was very proficient in that, was tactically sound and as he moved to close in on the suspect, he was also motioning for people to exit behind him,” Ison said about Dicken’s actions. “Many people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen that took action very quickly within the first two minutes of this shooting.”

Dicken has not yet spoken with the media about the shooting. However, his lawyer Guy A. Relford released a statement on Monday that said Dicken is waiting to speak about the shooting to respect the lives lost and the police’s investigation.

