Massive Cheers, Applause and Chants of “Fight, Fight, Fight” Greet Peter Navarro at the RNC Convention

Peter Navarro left federal prison in Miami earlier this morning and flew to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to deliver a speech on the “injustice” within Biden’s America.

When Navarro walked onto the stage at the RNC Convention the entire audience erupted in cheers, applause and chants of, “fight, fight, fight.”  A smiling Navarro seemed genuinely moved by the audience appreciation as he begins to deliver his remarks.  WATCH:



Lawfare Apoplectic – Judge Cannon Dismisses Classified Document Case Against President Trump – Rules Special Counsel Appointment Violates “Appointments Clause”

Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case against President Trump that was brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith. Using a similar argument recently included by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Judge Cannon has dismissed the case as an unconstitutional lawfare attack. The Lawfare community, writ large, is apoplectic.

In her ruling [SEE HERE] Judge Cannon ruled the appointment of Smith was not constitutional. “The Court is convinced that Special Counsel’s Smith’s prosecution of this action breaches two structural cornerstones of our constitutional scheme — the role of Congress in the appointment of constitutional officers, and the role of Congress in authorizing expenditures by law,” Cannon wrote.

“At most, the history reflects an ad hoc, inconsistent practice of naming prosecutors from both inside and outside of government (typically in response to national scandal) who possessed wildly variant degrees of power and autonomy. The lack of consistency makes it near impossible to draw any meaningful conclusions about Congress’s approval of modern special counsels like Special Counsel Smith,” she wrote.


The malevolent forces of the deep state have suffered a tremendous defeat, and the demons are shrieking.

The Washington Post, representing the interests of the U.S. Intelligence Community who fully supported the Lawfare attack, writes:

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department is highly likely to appeal the decision, and the issue may eventually reach the Supreme Court. By dismissing the entire indictment, Cannon’s decision also means that the charges are dropped for Trump’s two co-defendants, Waltine “Walt” Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira.

Even if Cannon’s ruling is eventually overruled, the decision to dismiss Trump’s indictment adds to a string of legal victories for him in recent weeks, including a sweeping Supreme Court ruling July 1 that gives former presidents broad immunity for their official acts while in office.


Remarkable Development – New Mexico Judge Dismisses Case Against Alec Baldwin Because Prosecutors Hid Critical Exculpatory Evidence

This is quite remarkable.  Alec Baldwin broke down in tears during court today because the trial judge dismissed the case against him.

Apparently, the prosecution received a box of live ammunition from a witness.  The ammunition was from the same lot used on the set of Rust.  That evidence strongly suggested the live ammunition that made its way on to the set came from the prop supplier, rather than from the film’s armorer.

The question has always been, how did live ammunition get into the gun on the set?  The prosecution team hid the evidence and never told the defense team, a clear Brady violation. [Print Media Report HereWATCH:


As much as I dislike Alec Baldwin, this judge did the right thing.  The evidence was at the center of the prosecution and withholding it was a gross violation of ethical responsibility of the prosecution.  The charges should have been dismissed, and they were.

Right is right, even if nobody does it.  Wrong is wrong, even if everybody does it.  Using corrupt lawfare tactics and hiding Brady material is wrong.  The prosecution should be sanctioned.


Hey Joe, The Call is Coming from Inside the Building

As things in Washington DC unfold, it is easy to lose sight of the forest due to the trees.  A few obvious big picture items:

♦ First, why is Volodymyr Zelenskyy attending a NATO summit?  Ukraine is not a part of NATO.

♦ Second, do not overlook the big picture.

While a NATO summit is happening in DC, Joe Biden is under the most intense political attack in his tenure, from his own administration.  This does not happen without the approval of the deepest elements within the Deep State apparatus, the Intelligence Community.

There is no way the entirety of the system, which in this case is specifically the U.S. State Department and Intelligence Community, would normally be launching a full-frontal assault on the office of the presidency while international leaders are here.

This just isn’t done and represents a historic inflection point.  So, we must ask what’s the background, motive and intent?

The obvious answer is that removing Joe Biden is seen as the best option for the DoS/IC.  This perspective highlights the non-pretending reality that these institutions regard the November election as lost if Joe Biden remains their candidate.

The IC and Dept of State cannot have Donald Trump take control of their operation, especially since the recent Supreme Court ruling that affirmed a majority opinion using strong language consistent with the Unitary Executive theory of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court said, the President is “a person alone who comprises a branch of government.”  [pdf, page 38] In essence, the president *IS* the Executive Branch, and all of the other various bureaucratic agents and agencies within it are under his unilateral “official act” control.


Biden Refuses Meeting with IC Spox – IC Spox Sends Biden a Tweet

Joe Biden has been hiding in the bunker. He did a phone call with MSNBC, but Jill has been doing the campaigning while exit negotiations are ongoing.

However, someone controlling the schedule did decline a meeting with Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) Chairman Mark Warner, who is also the lead spokesperson/protector for the Intelligence Community, which is not really a good idea since the “seven ways to Sunday” group don’t like to be ignored.

[…] “Warner had reportedly called the meeting in the wake of Biden’s performance in the first presidential debate late last month, and as several House Democrats have called on him to withdraw from the ticket. However, once plans for the “private” meeting became public, it was scrapped.” {link}

So instead of having the meeting with Biden, Senator Warner just tweeted the instructions:


As much as I dislike Mark Warner, I do appreciate the transparency of the coded messaging he presents.  So, let’s summarize it.

From the position of the intelligence community (IC) Joe Biden is less important than their priority of ensuring President Trump does not win reelection.

It is an existential and/or zero-sum battle from the standpoint of the IC.  If Trump wins, they could be destroyed; ergo, Biden or someone, anyone, must defeat Trump.  The IC doesn’t care who removes the threat Trump represents – that’s the “strongest path forward” part; however, Trump must be defeated.

Warner says Biden must take a meeting with the IC “broader group of voices,” and listen to them tell Biden -in person- what the real priority is.  Joe Biden is less important than removing the threat Trump represents to them.

This meeting would essentially represent the “offer you cannot refuse”, “or else” meeting, that Biden is trying to avoid.  The IC is not going to be ignored, so sayeth Mark Warner.


Andrew Weissmann Apoplectic at Immunity Decision – SCOTUS: The President IS The Executive Branch

UPDATED by Request: /SD

The tip of the Lawfare spear consists of a small group of former DOJ attorneys and Main Justice leftists who helped AG Eric Holder create the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) when it was formed on behalf of President Obama.

Lawfare, writ large, are a tribe of leftists who strategically weaponize the justice systems within the DOJ.  They are also the main guides, strategists and legal analysts who previously used Robert Mueller and currently use Jack Smith.

The tribe is led by a trio of fellow travelers: Mary McCord, Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann.

If you research the group, you will discover that Mary McCord sits at the center of every attack approach deployed against President Trump {CITATION}.  The influence of McCord cannot be overstated, while gender fluid leftists like Eisen, Weissmann (and others), wax philosophically about which statutes can be twisted and interpreted to assist their Lawfare strategy du jour.

Everything we have watched unfold, from using “The Logan Act” against Michael Flynn, to using “Obstruction” against President Trump and the “Insurrection Act” against J-6 targets, comes from this small crew of effeminate leftists.

The similarity of the behavioral proclivities is an outcome of their tribal synchronicity.  Much like the McClintock or Wellesley effect, when you isolate Lawfare individuals into a small tribe, their collective behaviors replicate. These travelers were incubated in the DOJ-NSD.

This crew of Brookings funded Lawfare ideologues was also described by Christine Blasey-Ford as her “Beach Friends.”

Since leaving official government positions, the main trio of Lawfare leadership congregate professionally on MSNBC and feed the leftists in media and politics from their primary cable outlet.

I noted, during a recent flight filled with DC bureaucrats and IC officials (United Airlines), how the drones all watched MSNBC on their seat monitors as if it was a religious service that needed to be attended.  It really was a sight to see.  Every bureaucrat, active or retired, seated with their laptop under the headrest monitor while typing, texting and DM’ing in unison like synchronized swimmers.

That experience was the first time I realized how the term “NPC’s” or non-Player Characters might have originated as a meme, but the label was eerily accurate.


Supreme Court Rules President Trump Has Absolute Immunity for Official Actions Within Constitutional Authority

…“The President is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution.”… 

In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court of the United Stated ruled that presidents have “absolute immunity” for official “actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority.”  [SEE RULING HERE] Also, “official acts” cannot be used as evidence against the president in a criminal case.

As expected, the high court instructed the lower trial courts to hold specific evidentiary hearings on each anti-Trump criminal count, and determine which counts, if any, related to official or unofficial acts.

The Supreme Court is essentially telling the lower courts to go back and look at each citation and review which claims are official acts and which claims related to unofficial acts. The Supreme Court ruled that presidents may not have immunity for non-official conduct. However, when the judicial review cannot differentiate, the court cannot look at motives for the decisions.


Biden DOJ Strike Plea Deal With Julian Assange, Wikileaks Founder Released from London Prison Heading Back to Australia

With an announcement of his departure from prison, many people are excited about the possibility of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange revealing information about the Obama/Biden surveillance state.  I would urge everyone to temper those sentiments.

The Biden DOJ is a malicious leftist political targeting machine, with only one intention carried out with the Lawfare that underpins their mission.  Main Justice, and especially the DOJ National Security Division within the DOJ, is the center of all corrupt justice operations.

There is absolutely no deal between the DOJ-NSD and Julian Assange that could be against the interests of Joe Biden or his administration. Do not pretend such a construct is even possible.  Assange is released ONLY because the terms mean he is not a threat to Biden.

Julian Assange is on his way to U.S. District Court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory in the south Pacific about 2,000 miles north of Australia, where he will plead guilty to one felony count: “conspiring to disseminate classified information.”


Wikileaks announced the Assange release with the following message:


Biden Intelligence Community Working Group Identifies Trump Supporters as Most Likely Domestic Terrorists

To give some scale as to the descent into weaponized government madness that surrounds us, think about the headline.

Imagine a world where the sitting president of the United States has a national intelligence apparatus giving him advice that his political opponent, and those who support that opponent, should be considered “domestic terrorists.”   Then accept that we don’t have to imagine it, because this is the reality of the current situation.

They started out by saying Trump supporters were extremists, then went through a phase normalizing government hatred by saying unmasked and unvaccinated people should be placed in camps, and now the evolution of Trump supporters and our military being the largest domestic terrorist threat.

[America First Legal] – “exposes how the Biden Administration classifies someone as a person likely to commit “domestic violent extremist” attacks, particularly those who support President Trump, are “in the military,” or are “religious.”  (SOURCE)

These are documents extracted via a FOIA lawsuit against the Biden administration.  Can you imagine the apoplectic “Threat to Democracy” media if these same words of advice were said by a President Trump group about supporters of Barack Obama.

Yet, it is exactly the Obama era shift to fine tune the domestic intelligence apparatus that has created this dynamic.


House Republicans Furious with Way Speaker Johnson Distributes Tenured Perks

When I said in 2020 that House Republican representatives were generally focused on who gets the larger pieces of the cake during the office birthday party, many people just couldn’t fathom it.

With all the crisis, corruption, manipulation of government institutions, DOJ/FBI targeting and jaw-dropping weaponization that was stunningly evident, a large number of readers could not bring themselves to realize almost all House Republicans just didn’t care.  Fortunately, a lot more awakening has happened in the past four years, and I think people are now more willing to accept the reality of just how bad it is in Republican ranks.

If there was just one article this month, I would like to suggest everyone read THIS ONE IN POLITICO  There’s no paywall; everyone can read it, and the context of it is, unfortunately, exactly as I would describe it myself.   I have witnessed first-hand, exactly what the article covers.

On the day after the Mar-a-Lago raid in 2022, the FBI raided the home of Pennsylvania Representative Scott Perry. {DETAILS}  Factually, there were a series of coordinated FBI raids and targeted inquisitions that were intentionally timed to trigger immediately after the August ’22 Trump raid.

What most people do not know was that President Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows essentially set up Scott Perry.   After the DOJ framed the J6 events as a “national security threat,” Mark Meadows was essentially a walking FISA virus.  Meadows sent Perry text messages via an encrypted Signal app, however, Signal was cooperating with the DOJ/FBI to give all communication to the targeting units of a weaponized surveillance state.
