Four Israeli Hostages Rescued in Daring Daytime Gaza Operation

While the media are decrying the collateral damage during an Israeli mission to rescue four of the missing hostages kidnapped by Hamas, the same media are avoiding any mention that the hostages were not found in underground tunnels.  The four Israeli hostages rescued were held in houses amid a high-density Palestinian population.

The Israeli forces launched a blitz of rockets and firepower into the areas while the rescue raid was ongoing. Hundreds of Hamas and Palestinian supporters of Hamas were reportedly killed in the rescue operation. One Israeli IDF member was killed, four hostages were rescued.

(Via Politico) – […] The army said it rescued Noa Argamani, 25; Almog Meir Jan, 21; Andrey Kozlov, 27; and Shlomi Ziv, 40, in two separate locations in a complex special daytime operation in the heart of Nuseirat in central Gaza.


Riots Erupt on UCLA Campus and Universities as Pro-Hamas Groups Clash With College Students

There was a meme we often shared 15-years-ago as the era of Obama’s political rise started to manifest in full glory.  The Chicago Marxists, who used the power of political correctness, guilt and progressivism to manipulate public opinion, were successful.

The radicals took control of the executive branch institutions, George Soros began funding networks connected at various state levels to the judicial branch institutions and the manifesting results were predictable.

All of the current violent and extreme pro-Hamas college activity flows from the same system of NGO’s and political activist groups connected to the Obama network.  They hate Israel, and they hate the USA.

CALIFORNIA – In UCLA last night protesters and counter-protesters were seen clashing with sticks, and tearing down metal barricades, TV footage showed. Others were seen launching fireworks or hurling objects at each other in the dark – lit up with laser pointers and bright flashlights.

The Los Angeles police department said that ‘officers have been deployed, and are currently on the UCLA campus, to assist in restoring order.’

The nationwide protests have posed a challenge to university administrators trying to balance free speech rights with complaints that the rallies have veered into anti-Semitism and hate.

The unrest has swept through US higher education institutions like wildfire, with many student protesters erecting tent encampments on campuses from coast to coast.


President Trump Delivers a Painfully Honest Statement About Israeli Hostages and Hamas

What President Trump said this morning about the Israeli hostages held by Hamas is brutally honest and true.

It is always difficult to tell the hard thing to those who need to pretend not to know the truth. However, one of the great benefits of President Trump’s leadership both domestically and on the global stage is his willingness to say the honest thing consistently.


The way this statement is truthfully worded is a pattern of linguistic assembly exclusive to President Donald Trump.

Powerful, remarkable and brutally honest.


Congress Plans New Funding Push for Israel and Ukraine as Iran Fires Missiles Toward Jerusalem

In a moment of serendipitous timing for Zelenskyy, Iran fired approximately 300 drone missiles toward Israel.   Now Congress is promoting further funding for Israel and Ukraine. Serendipitous serendipity strikes again.

Keep in mind, the flight time over the 1,000-mile distance provided plenty of time for Israel to prepare and respond with countermeasures, making a suspicious type of person wonder why Iran would even go through the exercise.

“Given the events of tonight, it is even clearer that the best way to help Israel is for the House to quickly pass the Senate’s bipartisan national security supplemental next week,” Chuck Schumer said. The House has so far declined to take a vote on the Senate-passed legislation with many House conservatives opposed to sending additional Ukraine and wanted stricter border policies included in an aid package.  (LINK)  Huh, funny that.

As if on cue…

“The House Republicans and the Republican Party understand the necessity of standing with Israel. We’re going to try again this week, and the details of that package are being put together right now. We’re looking at the options and all these supplemental issues,” Speaker Mike Johnson said on Fox’s Sunday Morning Futures. (LINK)  Wow, what a remarkable coincidence. Amazing.

More than anything else, I always appreciate the way Nic Robertson provides the dramatic approach toward the needs and requests of the U.S. Dept of State and CIA.   He’s really good at this. WATCH:


Three U.S. Service Members Killed, 25 Wounded, in North Jordan Drone Attack

The White House released the following statement:

“Today, America’s heart is heavy. Last night, three U.S. service members were killed—and many wounded—during an unmanned aerial drone attack on our forces stationed in northeast Jordan near the Syria border.  While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.” (LINK)

A few more details are starting to emerge including the number of “many wounded.”  According to recent media reports 25 were wounded along with the 3 killed.

Yahoo – “Biden said the United States “will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing.”

There was no immediate reaction from Jordan, a kingdom bordering Iraq, Israel, the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

U.S. troops long have used Jordan as a basing point, and the attack took place in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border. U.S. Central Command said 25 service members were injured the attack in addition to the three killed.


Biden Administration Openly Promising to Do the Exact Thing Trump Was Accused of Doing During Impeachment Effort

President Donald J. Trump was accused of withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine in order to force compliance with his requests.  This was the exact claim of those who attempted to impeach President Trump in 2019; this was their originating justification.

Today, NBC is reporting that Joe Biden is looking at what military aid can be withheld from Israel in order to force compliance with their requests.  I doubt the insufferable dolts in the media can see the ridiculous hypocrisy in this story.

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is discussing using weaponry sales to Israel as leverage to convince the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to heed long-standing U.S. calls to scale back its military assault in the Gaza Strip, according to three current U.S. officials and one former U.S. official.

At the direction of the White House, the Pentagon has been reviewing what weaponry Israel has requested that could be used as leverage, said the sources. They said no decisions have been made.


Biden Forced to Stop Funding United Nations Relief Agency After Evidence of 12 UNRWA Agents Participating in Oct 7 Terrorist Attack Against Israel

Evidence has been shown to the Biden administration and the United Nations that 12 members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) were actual participants in the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.

Yes, you read that correctly. The U.N. was an actual participant in the premeditated slaughter of Israeli citizens.

(Via Axios) The State Department on Friday said it is pausing additional funding for the UN Palestinian refugee agency after Israel alleged 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack.

The big picture: It’s the first step by the Biden administration against UNRWA since renewing U.S. funding to the agency after the Trump administration completely cut it off.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said the U.S. is “extremely troubled by the allegations” and the administration has “temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.”

State Dept – “The United States is extremely troubled by the allegations that twelve UNRWA employees may have been involved in the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.  The Department of State has temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.


943 Pages of Epstein Legal Documents Released

I don’t write much about the myriad of sick and twisted stories that surround Jeffrey Epstein, because everything in that rabbit hole is a matrix of perversion and manipulation by sick people, sick government officials, and blackmail material in a world of darkness and evil.

Additionally, all of the previous claims about Donald Trump being associated with that perverse industry and assembly are false {Citation Here}.  However, I can understand how the merge of exploitation, sex trafficking of young women, sexual blackmail and politics can hold ramifications for our current state of affairs.

The link to the recently released documents IS HERE.

If you want to discuss and share information as discovered by others, consider this a thread where that conversation can take place.


Pentagon Admits Mid-East Terrorists Located Within Houthi-controlled Yemen Targeting U.S. Navy Fleet

Finally, almost two months later, CTH suspicions are confirmed {GO DEEP}.   You might remember when the USS Carney intercepted 15 drones and cruise missiles in the Red Sea in October, we said something was sketchy about the Western media reporting on it.  The political narrative (not from the Pentagon) was that the missiles were heading to Israel, but that didn’t pass the proverbial sniff test {GO DEEP ##2}.

Given the nature of the political climate at the time, and accepting the limited range of Yemeni cruise missiles, CTH surmised the actual target of the October 19th attack was the U.S. naval fleet, not Israel.   However, people poo-pooed our analysis and said, unlikely.  Well, today the Pentagon admits the U.S. naval fleet is being targeted.

This is a very big deal, because the reality of the U.S. being targeted changes the political calculation and risk metric.  The Biden administration would not want American citizens to think about our own military being involved in an expanded Israel-Hamas war directly, but that’s exactly what is happening.  THAT my friends was the motive for being obtuse in the first wave of attacks in October.

The AP is correct when they say, “the attack potentially marks a major escalation in a series of maritime attacks in the Mideast linked to the Israel-Hamas war.”  ‘Potentially’? Nonsense. It is a major escalation.  The other big revelation is that WE were the likely target two months ago.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Three commercial ships in the Red Sea were struck by ballistic missiles fired from Houthi-controlled Yemen on Sunday and a U.S. warship shot down three drones in self-defense during the hourslong assault, the U.S. military said. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by the Houthi rebels, who are backed by Iran.


First Israeli American Released by Hamas – Biden Takes Much Needed Victory Lap

While it is good news, excellent news, the Israeli and foreign ‘hostages’ are slowly being released by Hamas, the politics of the dynamic are abundantly clear.

Biden was under extreme political pressure to gain the release of “American” hostages held captive by Hamas and affiliates in Gaza as a result of the October 7th attack and kidnappings.  Prior to Joe Biden taking a victory lap for the release of 4-year-old Abigail Mor Edan, an Israeli-American dual citizen, all of the key players in the region made advanced notification of the impending release.

Qatari [think Muslim Brotherhood] Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani told Face the Nation the release was imminent. U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan also made the same prediction, as did several people associated with Gaza relief efforts and the larger agenda to create the two-state solution for Palestinian and Israeli citizens.  In essence, politically Biden needed an American release, and that message was the driving force from Qatar to their allies in Hamas.  Abigail Mor Edan was released as a result.  Biden immediately took a victory lap.

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden confirmed Sunday that the 4-year old American Abigail Mor Edan who was held hostage by Hamas in Gaza is now free.  “She’s free and she’s in Israel now,” Biden told reporters Sunday from Nantucket, where he was spending Thanksgiving weekend with his family. (more)

The background effort is also very clear.  The aligned interests of the Muslim Brotherhood and the U.S. Biden administration is to maintain a gauntlet approach where the two-state solution is the only option for Israel, backing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu into a corner.

[…] “Abigail was among 13 hostages released today from Gaza under the brokered and sustained though intensive U.S. diplomacy. She is now safely in Israel. And we continue to press and expect for additional Americans will be released as well,” Biden said.
