Joe Biden Delivers Remarks to Nation after Failed Assassination Attempt on President Donald Trump

Joe Biden delivers remarks to a startled nation after a failed assassination attempt against President Donald J Trump.  There are mounting questions about the breakdown in security protocol around Biden’s opponent and a multitude of questions that must be answered.  The FBI is leading the investigation.

Links below:



Assassin Identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20-Year-Old from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania

According to the New York Post, the assassin who tried to kill President Donald J Trump was Thomas Matthew Crooks, age 20 from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

The FBI Pittsburg field office is in charge of the investigation.  However, as with all high-profile domestic terror attacks, shootings and killings that directly impact the “peace and tranquility” we can expect the DOJ-CRS to take over the information pipeline.

The FBI is officially calling the shooting an “attempted assassination attempt.  The motive is undetermined.

(New York Post) – The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post.

Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh. Sources said Crooks was was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds. (read more)


Bill Maher Piles On – Joe Biden Must Leave

For those who still think a possibility exists of Joe Biden taking the nomination from the 2024 Democrat Convention, just stop.  There is no way for Joe Biden to be the nominee with this scale of democrats pushing him out.

President Trump doesn’t have to spend a dime. There is so much anti-Biden publicity from within his own party, no further criticism is needed.  The donors are blasting Biden, Hollywood is blasting Biden, the delegates to the convention and party officials are blasting him; the list is very long.  Biden is toast.

It is important to remember, however, that what we are witnessing is not some random sequence of events as an outcome of a debate; this is a well-coordinated, organized and top-down constructed removal operation that was long in the planning {SEE HERE}.  Joe Biden was always going to be removed and replaced at the DNC convention in Chicago.  Do not be distracted from this fundamental baseline, this was the plan.

The latest voice to join the chorus of those isolating, ridiculing and marginalizing the figurehead of their party, is Bill Maher.  WATCH:


I don’t know the specifics of how they are going to do it, but Biden will not be the nominee at the conclusion of the convention.  The floor is open for his replacement, who will then select a VP running mate.   That’s what is most likely to happen.  That’s what we said in 2022 and 2023, and remains the greatest likelihood today.

A new nominee should, and will, select their VP running mate.  That is how they dispatch Kamala. It’s not complicated.


James Clyburn Says Democrats Have Until August 19th to Remove and Replace Joe Biden Through an Open Convention

By now everyone knows the importance of James Clyburn in the 2024 election.  Through his network, Clyburn controls the ballot counters in roughly 15 different urban areas. James Clyburn said earlier today the Democrats have until August 19th to replace Joe Biden through the open convention process.

It does not seem coincidental that Clyburn would make this statement in combination with a letter sent by 24 professional democrats urging, imploring, Joe Biden to release his delegates and allow an open convention to determine the 2024 Democrat nominee.  WATCH (key moment at 02:56):

WASHINGTON DC – A group of two dozen former House Democrats has sent a letter to President Joe Biden calling for him to step aside to prevent a GOP takeover of Washington. Instead, they want him to allow for an “open convention” this summer to decide the 2024 ticket.

In their letter, the 24 Democrats — which include former House members and one former senator — make clear that they do not doubt Biden’s “extraordinary record.” But they warn that if the president stays on the ballot, it would mean the party not only loses the White House, but would decimate their ranks in Congress. (more)

We keep watching.


Mike Benz Rings True – The Origin of the “Most Modern” Censorship Complex

Ring of Truth (in part): At one time, merchants and other people using coins were very happy if a coin, when dropped on, say, a counter, had the proper metallic ring, of ringing sound, indicating that the metal was the right kind, not a base metal. If something has the ring of truth, then it sounds true. Not much of a guarantee, but there it is.

In this lengthy discussion (prompted to save time) there is a segment which holds good value.  Mike Benz is discussing Ukraine and whether or not the current USA position should be pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia.  Benz delivers a strong and compelling outline about how the modern censorship process was created from the 2014 Ukraine operation.

As we battle against the Great Reset with an even Greater Awakening, the value in knowing the details of our current state is large.  At the 01:14:43 point of the interview, Benz rings the truth bell hard for around 10 minutes.  Prompted, WATCH:



Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orban Visits Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago, DC Deep State, Biden and McConnell Not Happy

During the NATO summit in DC Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said, “at today’s NATO Summit, I will reaffirm that Hungary will not participate in the NATO-Ukraine mission, but we will continue to meet our objectives in the development of Hungarian defense capabilities, thus strengthening our Alliance.”

Orban has been traveling the globe, establishing a coalition of partners and setting up the baseline for a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine.  However, the U.S. Intelligence Community and all those downstream politicians who work at the behest of the global crisis agents, are not happy about the peace strategy at all.

PM Orban went to Ukraine to speak to President Zelenskyy, then went to Russia to speak to President Putin, then went to China to speak to Chairman Xi, then headed to Washington DC to meet with President Biden, then last night went to see the key that would bring it all together, President Donald Trump.

Orban then Tweeted a video saying, “We continued the peace mission in Mar-a-Lago. President @realDonaldTrump has proved during his presidency that he is a man of peace. He will do it again!”  The collective UniParty inside Washington DC is having absolute fits about it.

It’s not just Joe Biden and the current administration who are apoplectic about Prime Minister Orban’s peace effort.  Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is furious and vowing to stamp out the ideology of the Republican network who dare challenge the current geopolitical efforts.

The republican senator from Kentucky said defending the blood-soaked efforts of the New World Order is his priority. This is going to be my top priority. No question about it,” McConnell said in an interview this week. McConnell added that he might even start to hold court with reporters in the halls of the Senate. “This is the most important thing going on in the world right now,” the Kentucky Republican said.” [LINK]

Mitch McConnell is furious about the efforts to bring about a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine and he is vowing to confront any Republican who doesn’t acquiesce to the foreign policy program of the UniParty.  McConnell’s intents are in full support of the U.S. Intelligence Community and the Biden administration.  However, McConnell has an ally in Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson.

As noted, “Speaker Mike Johnson, who held up Ukraine aid for months despite public pressure from McConnell, is now starting to sound a lot like the Kentucky Republican when talking about national security, especially Ukraine.”  For Speaker Johnson, Zelenskyy’s ability to maintain access to the U.S. treasury is a top priority.  The money must keep flowing in order to keep the conflict alive.


Joe Biden “Big Boy” Press Conference – 6:30pm Livestream and Discussion Thread

Joe Biden will be holding what the White House calls his first, “big boy press conference” in eight months.  The professionally Democrat people in DC are holding their collective breaths, with the majority hoping Biden withdraws from the race.

Without doubt the U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is going to be watching this press conference closely to judge their next steps in his removal.  Apparently, the group of trusted staff and advisors has now shrunk to less than a handful, as the media have seemingly abandoned all efforts to remain in the world of pretending.  As ABC notes, “President Biden, facing a political crisis as Democrats question the viability of his campaign and mental fitness, will be put to the test on Thursday when he holds his first solo news conference of the year.”

The “Big Boy” presser is scheduled for 6:30pm Eastern Time.  Anything is possible.  Livestream links are below. If you are tuned in to watch the press conference, consider this an open discussion thread.


If he survives the media will applaud, and the IC will plot.

I might encourage readers/viewers to revisit this CTH article from April 2023


Milwaukee Radio Station Admits They Edited Audio of Joe Biden Interview at the Request of White House

This latest admission adds fuel to a few fires.  #1 That Biden is having major cognitive issues; and #2 That the actual Hur tapes of the Biden deposition are unlikely to match the transcripts given to the House.

Civic Media, a Wisconsin-based left-sing talk-radio station, admitted earlier today [Press Release Here] they agreed to make edits to an interview with President Joe Biden at the request of the White House before the broadcast aired. The radio station now says it was a decision that fell short of “journalistic interview standards.”

PRESS RELEASEThe Earl Ingram Show was one of two radio programs contacted by the Biden campaign following the June 27th debate to speak with President Biden. The interview was recorded on July 3rd and aired on July 4th on Civic Media radio stations across Wisconsin. On Monday, July 8th, it was reported to Civic Media management that immediately after the phone interview was recorded, the Biden campaign called and asked for two edits to the recording before it aired. Civic Media management immediately undertook an investigation and determined that the production team at the time viewed the edits as non-substantive and broadcast and published the interview with two short segments removed.


Too Funny – Joe Biden Introduces Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin”

Oh, this is just too funny.  You cannot make this stuff up. During his NATO press remarks where the eyes are upon Joe Biden’s cognitive incapacity, he introduces Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin”.  WATCH:


I really need you guys to stop putting pins in the Joe Biden voodoo dolls.  This is getting to be a bit too funny.
