Bygones Be Bygones – Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnamimous Trump Visits

A very interesting day is described by everyone in Washington DC, as President Trump strategically attends both House and Senate Republican conferences.   Magnanimous Trump arrived to heal wounds, appeal for unity and build a larger support network ahead of the Republican National Convention.

It would appear the Dr. Phil approach was attempted as promised.  According to media reports, in the upper chamber President Trump even spoke warmly with Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and the 16 Wall Street DeceptiCons who are insistent upon his permanent removal from politics.

(Politico) – “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former President Donald Trump set aside their years-long cold war during a private meeting with Republicans Thursday, a gathering McConnell described as “really positive.” (more)

Not surprisingly, Senator Rand Paul refused to endorse President Trump, preferring to talk positively about Robert Kennedy Jr. so far.

Factually, regardless of what any of them say, the Brutus delegation within the Senate will be sharpening their scorpion tails quietly and wait for the most vulnerable opportunity to strike. All sixteen DeceptiCons, soon to be led in 2025 by Senator John Thune, will sting viciously and simultaneously. This is the one political constant in an ever-changing universe.


Exceptional Idea to Support Trump – President Trump Proposes Elimination of Taxes on Tips

Last week President Trump proposed a new tax policy he would work to get passed by the legislative branch.  President Trump wants to eliminate income taxes on tips given by customers to servers and service employees.

Speaking in Nevada, President Trump remarked, “so this is the first time I’ve said this, and for those hotel workers and people that get tips you’re going to be very happy because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips people (are) making,” Trump told a crowd of thousands.

President Trump said he would “do that right away, first thing in office,” and noted in his remarks that he would seek legislation in Congress to make the change. “You do a great job of service; you take care of people and I think it’s going to be something that really is deserved.”  WATCH:

LAS VEGAS (Reuters) -Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told a rally in Las Vegas on Sunday that he would seek to end taxation of income from tips, a direct appeal to service workers in the swing state of Nevada, which polls suggest is leaning his way ahead of the Nov. 5 election. (LINK)

In addition to being a great financial and economic policy for the middle-class and working-class service industry, this position also solidifies a value in cash against the creation of a federal reserve digital currency.

Additionally, someone on the Twitter had a great idea for when you leave a tip at a restaurant.


Canada Institutionally Rationalizes Oppression

Ever since the U.S. election of 2016, and to a lesser extent the Brexit referendum months earlier, I have read a dozen or so government publications about the general subject of interference in the election process.  What I find common amid each of those government reviews, is a general leftist theme that democracy must be protected from election outcomes.

I know that last sentence sounds a little goofy, but that’s because leftism is exactly that weird and fraught with hypocrisy.

Keep in mind, right now in Europe Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has banned any political opposition and cancelled elections in his country in order to “preserve democracy.”  Meanwhile, the western politicians clap like seals and beclown themselves in support of the ridiculous assertion.

Do you remember the statement, “words progressives do not support are defined as violence; and violence progressives do support are defined as protests.”

Well, in the electoral version of that same theme, election outcomes leftists do not support are defined as threats to democracy; while manipulated election outcomes the leftists do support are defined as trustworthy.

This is the essential context for a rather alarming publication from the Canadian Government that says many of their elected politicians are working for foreign governments.  The Canadian National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians published a report last week saying unnamed lawmakers in Canada’s parliament (and there are many of them) have helped foreign actors meddle in Canadian government.



Tucker Carlson Interviews El Salvador President Nayib Bukele – “Western Civilization is Failing”….

Tucker Carlson traveled to El Salvador to interview President Nayib Bukele about his ongoing efforts to eliminate corruption, crime, criminal gang activity and get rid of MS-13 gangs.

President Bukele initially used nationalized military to target criminal gangs and remove them from the streets. The social change, the outcome within the country, was stunning and fast. What was once the most violent crime ridden country, literally the murder capital of the world, changed in a few months and peace returned. President Bukele easily won reelection and Tucker Carlson traveled to hear his story. WATCH:

Chapters of Video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:04:47 Bukele’s Formula to Save El Salvador
0:09:50 The Satanic Side of MS-13
0:16:28 Bukele’s 3-Point Economic Plan
0:28:41 Is Western Civilization Dying?
0:50:10 Will Donald Trump Get Elected?
0:56:09 Bukele’s Advice to Trump
1:00:03 Americans Moving to El Salvador


Matt Gaetz Questions AG Merrick Garland About Coordinated Lawfare

Congressman Matt Gaetz seemingly cuts across the UniParty grain at key moments; perhaps today is another example.  The better part of good public questioning is not just what question is asked, but also how the question is asked.

The back-and-forth questioning does not need to be performative to be substantial, it only needs to express the same frame of mind that a viewer would have on the subject matter.  If your gut has a sense about an issue and the questioner conveys that same gut-level sentiment honestly, it puts the person being questioned into a non-pretending corner.

AG Merrick Garland says it’s a “dangerous conspiracy theory” to allege that the Department of Justice is communicating with state and local prosecutions against Trump. But former senior DOJ official Matthew Colangelo was appointed Senior Counsel to District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office to “get Trump” – as detailed in Mark Pomerantz’s book.  Congressman Matt Gaetz asks the non-pretending version of the questions. WATCH: 


There should be no respect granted to a U.S Attorney General who disrespects the intelligence of the American people.  They work for us, we should all focus on remembering that.


President Trump Gains 3 million TikTok Followers in 24 Hours – Raises Quarter Billion Dollars in Three Days

After we checked on Sunday following President Trump announcing his TikTok account he had 800,000 followers.  Today at the same time he has over 3.8 million followers; that is a gain of approximately 3 million followers in the past 24 hours and growing.

Additionally, according to the Trump campaign and Eric Trump, donations have flooded into the campaign as the American public show their contempt for the judicial Lawfare with their wallets and support.  As noted by Eric Trump approximately 30% of the donations came from people who had never donated to a political campaign before, and $70 million of the initial funds raised were small donors (under $250).



Do Not Underestimate – Icon Status – President Trump is now on TikTok

I said immediately following the guilty verdict from the biased and manipulated New York City jury, that District Attorney Alvin Bragg “just elevated President Trump to countercultural icon status.” [link]  The reason is simple, Americans inherently sense corruption, unfairness and can feel when something is profoundly wrong.

While many Americans may not fully understand the granular issues at the heart of the Lawfare cases, they know President Trump has not done anything wrong in comparative scale to the attacks and vitriol leveled against him.  This “sense” of bearing witness to gross injustice creates an outcome of support for the person being targeted.

Icons are created when the regime in power defines outlaws, while the injustice within the definition makes them heroes to the public.  President Trump went from being the greatest political influence in modern history to being a countercultural icon as soon as the jury reached their biased and manipulated decision.

It is with this context in mind we now watch the political evolution of Donald Trump continue.  Do not underestimate the scale of this move.

The theme of MAGA Trump now goes from diplomatically -albeit forcefully- directing public attention via a finger pointed toward the corruption, to angrily pointing his middle finger of “f**k you” specifically at the corrupt officials.

Yes, an unrestrained icon is born!  This is the moment when The Big Ugly potential has its greatest value.

At this juncture, the self-restraint, retained niceties and mannerisms of polite familiarity change.  The target accepts the polite plea for decency is futile and accepts, no, embraces their outlaw status.  Things change quickly.

The entire DC system is aligned against the social media platform TikTok; however, there is a cultural dynamic at play in the background within the user demographic.  Additionally, TikTok is arguably the only widely used social media platform that is not directly influenced by and controlled by the Dept of Homeland Security and USA intelligence apparatus.  That reality is likely why Washington DC hates it.

Embracing his position outside the cultural norms of the established political system, President Donald J Trump now joins TikTok.

Remember the context. The DC system and BIG SURVEILLANCE intel tech are in alignment against the platform that Donald J Trump just supported.

…..and the professional political class are going to go apoplectic!


Rejected Ron DeSantis Positions His Voice Following Trump Conviction

Most Republican voters are not familiar with the Machiavellian ways of the multinational corporations who control most of the professionally Republican politicians as puppets.  A large percentage of political observers think the “corporate Republican” meme is overused, in part because they need to retain their own sense of stability.

The illusion of the two-party system is comfortable to the psyche, and the beneficiaries of the cognitive dissonance work earnestly to keep up pretenses.  However, there is a great awakening happening as people realize the UniParty is very real.

Democrats want power, Republicans want money.  Democrats use money to get power, Republicans use power to get money.  The ideology of the Democrats drives their donor activity, while the donor activity of the Republicans drives their ideology.  This is the structural difference between both wings of the UniParty apparatus.

In the aftermath of the Trump verdict, the corporations who control the professionally Republican approach have two vested candidates they would position as beneficiaries – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

You might remember that during the initial shock of the Mar-a-Lago FBI raid, Ron DeSantis sent one tweet from his personal account and then went silent for 5 days, hiding from all media.  At the conclusion of the 5-days, DeSantis emerged and began his August national branding tour, which then morphed into his 2022 “book tour.”  Everything was carefully scripted, planned, scheduled and controlled.

The professionally Republican groups that support Ron DeSantis, in addition to his online influencer group (formerly Ted Cruz Crew), do not like it when you point out the visible fingerprints of the Sea Island strategists around DeSantis; but I don’t care.  CTH points out their activity specifically because it is very predictable and part of the long history inside the modern Republican Party.

Following the Trump verdict in New York, team DeSantis position their narrative; only this time, they use the official account of the Florida governor, because he suspended his 2024 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. [The control group have him in waiting mode.]


Senator Joe Manchin (WV) Quits Democrat Party, Registers as Independent – Will Likely Caucus With Democrats, So No Change

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia is the modern version of Bill Clinton.  A lying liar who lies and works hard to retain the impression of being ‘aw shucks’ reasonable and affable; but it’s all an illusion targeting a certain West Virginia demographic.

In reality, beyond the mask Joe Manchin belongs to the party of self-importance and DeceptCon politics.  He always ends up supporting the leftist policy he pretends to try and mitigate. {GO DEEP}

With the national spotlight on judicial corruption, weaponized government and the overwhelming majority of the American people outraged at the events in New York City courts, Senator Manchin sees the opportunity to exploit the sentiment for his own interests.  Here’s the audio/visual:

[SOURCE – Via Twitter]

WASHINGTON DC – West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a conservative Democrat, officially filed as an independent Friday.

“My commitment to do everything I can to bring out country together has led me to register as an independent with no party affiliation,” Manchin posted on the social platform X.


Watch This Legislative Issue Closely and Monitor the “UniParty” Voices

On the issue of crypto currency, watch the DC voices very closely.

They are about to take up legislation on the topic of crypto currency, regulation and overall ramifications therein.  Keeping in mind that a dollar-based Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) cannot and will not coexist within a financial system that permits the transition (the exchange) of dollars into crypto and vice-versa.

Put simply, in the Western financial system, crypto currency cannot exist with a CBDC.  Duality of currency is possible outside the West, but not feasible, viable or possible given the political motivations behind the creation of the dollar-based CBDC.

First things first….. Remember just before Super Tuesday 2020 when all the Democrat candidates for the Dem nomination dropped out and fell in line behind China Joe?  Do you remember Warren staying in to support Joe by splitting the Bernie vote and everyone wondered what her payment was going to be?  Here’s your answer.

The holy grail for the progressive movement was formerly known as a “carbon trading” process or platform, where you would have to pay a fee for your specific life choices and human existence.  That objective or goal never went away; it just modified into a process that would create the mechanism for the payment system – that’s the dollar-based CBDC.

Just like Obamacare, there is going to be a myriad of “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” promises with CBDC. And there will be some “You have to pass the bill to see what is in the bill” later espousals to convolute the former promises as they conflict with the CBDC legislative outcomes that start to gain attention.

From the perspective of DC, control over us is the upside; however, their CBDC aspiration comes with a downside – direct bribery and money laundering for political benefit becomes harder.   So, what we know they will try to achieve is something like they just did with FISA 702 renewal.  Whereby everyone outside DC will be banned from crypto ownership, but everyone inside DC is exempt from the rule.  [Remember, under their very specific FISA- 702 extension, DHS is not permitted to use electronic surveillance on federal politicians (without knowledge), only the proles.]

With the crypto currency issue, the ideological communists in DC (both Republican and Democrats alike) will demand legislation to block, ban and regulate the crypto exchange.  The UniParty will not want a competing process for the exchange of value that subverts the control mechanism of the federal government.
