USA (Blinken), Egypt (Shoukry) and Jordan (Safadi) Hold a Joint Press Conference on Israeli War Against Hamas in Gaza

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, and Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi hold a joint press conference at the conclusion of their discussions. The video and transcript are below.

Overall, the Egyptians and Jordanians want a cessation of hostilities, an end to the bombing and Israeli war response against Hamas. In part, they appear motivated by concerns of regional instability; in part, they seem driven toward resolution because they do not want life-long radical Palestinian jihadists crossing into Egypt and Jordan; and in part it’s because their country was not attacked.

I find it interesting that none of the remarks in the group mention the influence of Iran at all.  The U.S. and Israel talk about the influence of Iran when speaking individually and together, but add an Arab country into the discussion and Iran is never brought up.

JORDAN – DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER SAFADI: Good evening to you all. I’ll start in Arabic and then I’ll switch to English if you don’t mind. So —

(Via interpreter) In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious, I welcome Their Excellencies Sameh, Tony and the other colleagues, the foreign ministers of United Arab Emirates and Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and the secretary general of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, at this hardship – at this extremely difficult time, a time that reflects that – reflect our interest to protect our peoples from the destruction of war and to work together continuously to stop this disaster that erupted on the 7th of October and actually evolved into the war that Israel is waging against Gaza.


Geopolitics and Antisemitism – Chinese Student Arrested in New York for Vile Death Threats Against Jewish Students

There are a myriad of geopolitical interests exploiting the Israeli war against Hamas terrorists.  The intelligence operation we noted in Dagestan, Russia, was one small element of a larger dynamic.  Here we dig into the geopolitical exploits of China and other interests.

Yesterday, a Chinese student at Cornell University in New York was arrested for posting vile death threats against Jewish students. Patrick Dai, age 21, a junior at the university, posted some of the most horrible threats against Jewish students threatening to kill, rape and conduct a mass shooting on the campus.  The overarching dynamic, amid many U.S. colleges, has been to support the Hamas terrorists – such is the leftist infiltration and indoctrination that has essentially been unchecked for the past several years.

SYRACUSE, NEW YORK – Patrick Dai, age 21, a junior at Cornell University who is originally from Pittsford, New York, was arrested today on a federal criminal complaint charging him with posting threats to kill or injure another using interstate communications.

[…] The complaint alleges that Dai posted threatening messages to the Cornell section of an online discussion site, including posts calling for the deaths of Jewish people and a post that said “gonna shoot up 104 west.” According to information provided by Cornell University Police and other public information, 104 West is a Cornell University dining hall that caters predominantly to Kosher diets and is located next to the Cornell Jewish Center, which provides residences for Cornell students. In another post, Dai allegedly threatened to “stab” and “slit the throat” of any Jewish males he sees on campus, to rape and throw off a cliff any Jewish females, and to behead any Jewish babies. In that same post, Dai threatened to “bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews.” (read more)

Obviously, the context here is disturbing.  Dai is just one student, but the ideology represented is carried by many of the professors and university faculty throughout mainstream U.S. universities; albeit perhaps with a less direct use of violent verbiage to describe their mindset.  However, the Chinese social media platforms are a current hotbed for antisemitism and extreme expressed hatred for Jews.


Director Wray on Known Wolves: “The Gaps in Our Intelligence Are Real”

Y’all know I have this weird affliction. It’s like a brain itch. I remember weird details.  Anyway, the long-convoluted story winds around former CIA Director George Tenet eventually getting a summer one-on-one with George “Dubya” Bush, after several months of being blocked by National Security Advisor Condi Rice.

In essence, the short version is, Tenet informed Dubya in the summer of ’01 of intel chatter about airplanes and terror threats.  Dubya asked for specifics, and Tenet is quoted as saying, “the gaps in our intelligence are real.” {citation either in Condi’s book, Rove’s book or Dubya’s book – I’ll find it} However, for the sake of this outline, watch what FBI Director Christopher Wray says today, in response to Senator Rick Scott. [PROMPTED – 3 minutes]


Director Wray notes the FBI threat metric dropped during the Trump administration and has now increased during the Biden administration.  Then, in response to the follow up [5:40], Wray notes the FBI is not trackingcurrently operating” terror cells or foreign terror cells in the United States.  WTF?   Then comes the money quote, “the gaps in our intelligence are real, and that’s something we have concerns about.”

I’m not saying the FBI is not tracking currently operating foreign terror cells located in the USA, FBI Director Christopher Wray is.


The Game Continues – Hamas Releases Two More Elderly Hostages, Keeps Their Husbands

If you drop the pretending, it becomes crystal clear to see the hostages are being used as leverage to stop a counteroffensive by the Israeli military.  The Obama/Biden administration alignment with Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), permeates the media narrative with calls to negotiate terms for peace and hostage release.

As we expected, Benjamin Netanyahu is being painted into a corner by the Biden administration who are using the U.S. military presence as a shield to force Israel to follow the approved program of the U.S. government.   Biden, et al, want to protect Hamas while simultaneously calling residents of Gaza “victims” to the interests of Hamas and the PIJ.

With 200+ hostages held by Hamas, and up to another 50 held by PIJ, the slow drip of successful hostage release negotiations becomes the justification to stopping the Israeli War counteroffensive.

The two hostages released, Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, and Nurit Cooper, 79, were taken out of Gaza at the Rafah crossing into Egypt, where they were put into ambulances.  However, their elderly husbands were kept behind.  The two women, along with their husbands, were snatched from their homes in the kibbutz of Nir Oz near the Gaza border during Hamas’ Oct. 7 rampage into southern Israeli communities.

WASHINGTON – […]  Israel is widely expected to launch a ground offensive in Gaza, vowing to destroy Hamas. Iranian-backed fighters around the region are warning of possible escalation if that happens, including targeting U.S. forces deployed in the Mideast.


Report: Biden Administration Seeking Delay of Israeli Ground War to Gain More Time for Hostage Talks

Always remember, CNN = U.S. State Dept position.

CNN is reporting the Obama/Biden administration are seeking to delay the Israeli counteroffensive into Gaza in order to gain more time for hostage negotiations.  Israel denies feeling pressure, yet something is holding them back; make of that what you will.  However, the delay itself tracks accurately with the predictable intent of the ideologues behind the hidden agenda of the administration.

CNN – The Biden administration has pressed Israel to delay its imminent invasion of Gaza to allow for the release of more hostages held by Hamas and for aid to reach Gaza, according to two sources briefed on the discussions.

The release of two Americans held by Hamas Friday signaled that more of roughly 200 people believed to be kidnapped by the militant group may be freed after they were taken during the group’s deadly attacks launched against Israel two week ago.

“The [administration] pressed Israeli leadership to delay because of progress on the hostage front,” and the need to get trucks of aid into Gaza, one person familiar with the discussions said. The NSC did not immediately respond for comment.


White House Asks Congress for $106 Billion – $61 Billion for Ukraine, $14 Billion for Israel, $9 Billion for Gaza and Humanitarian Relief

The people behind Joe Biden have put together a single $106 billion request of financial support intended to force Congress to fund the priorities of the Obama/Biden U.S. foreign policy.

The supplemental appropriations request [SEE HERE] also includes funds to support the continued flow of illegal aliens at the southern border.

WASHINGTON – […] All told, the request includes $61.4 billion for Ukraine, including $44.4 billion to provide Department of Defense equipment for the country, to replenish weapons stocks and to continue providing other military support. The administration is also asking for $14.3 billion for Israel and $9.15 billion for the State Department to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Gaza.

[…] In addition to the funds for the two wars, the White House is also asking Congress for $13.6 billion to address migration at the southern border. That includes $6.4 billion for border operations, such as holding facilities, $3.1 billion for additional border agents, $1.4 billion for migrant shelters and services and $1.2 billion to counter fentanyl. (read more)


Secretary Blinken Tells Joe Biden He’s Going to Israel on Wednesday

The agenda here is transparently obvious.

♦ First, there is no strategic benefit to Israel from a Joe Biden visit.  ♦ Second, notice how there was no advanced notice when Biden visited Kiev, Ukraine. Yet here, with a real backdrop of violence, a Biden visit to Israel is announced in advance.  ♦ Third, think about the extensive planning and security measures that are traditionally taken for these types of trips; the absence of which, underlines the urgency of motive.

Next, consider the devastating recent polls showing Biden collapsing in every state that matters.  President Trump is crushing Joe Biden, as the American people can feel and see the terrible consequences of Biden policy.  Then, overlay the recent CBS (60 minutes effort), to cast Joe Biden as a victim of circumstance.  Lastly, there is ideological benefit in buying more time for the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas).   What motive do we discover in the factual alignment of data?

The people behind Joe Biden are sending him to Israel for (1) part of a rebranding effort; and (2) to impede Netanyahu and buy time for Hamas.

The people behind Biden (Obama network) are also pushing Biden into a meeting in Egypt.  **ahem**  Exactly as I outlined the agenda.  Biden is going to the international summit to determine the future of the Palestinian people terrorists and put pressure on Egypt.

Joe Biden finds out he’s going to a real war zone, not Ukraine.

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden will travel to Israel this week, putting himself in harm’s way to show that he stands squarely with the country as it reels from Hamas’ surprise attack and prepares a ground invasion meant to wipe out the militant group on its border.


Victor Davis Hanson Discusses Elevated Picture of Hamas Attack Against Israel

Victor Davis Hanson is a man not known for short-term thinking.  Indeed, while his analysis does not always contain the same scope of datapoints reviewed here, his opinions are generally rooted in accepting things as they are, not as he would pretend them to be.

Recently during an interview with Tucker Carlson, as he contrasts the targeting of President Donald Trump, VDH was far more distraught than previously noted in his analysis. He increasingly sees our American options for a peaceful approach to retain our constitutional republic, diminishing.

Today, VDH takes the overall geopolitical landscape and outlines his thoughts below on the Hamas terror attack against the nation state of Israel.  Victor Davis Hanson:

A 50th Anniversary War?

Why did Hamas stage a long-planned, carefully executed and multifaceted attack on Israeli towns, soldiers, and civilians—one designed to instill terror by executing noncombatants, taking hostages, and desecrating the bodies of the dead?

And how were the killers able to enter Israeli proper in enough numbers to kill what could be hundreds and perhaps eventually wound what could be thousands?

a) Ostensibly, radical Palestinians wanted to stop any rumored rapprochement between the Gulf monarchies—the traditional source of much of their cash—and Israel, by forcing the issue of Arab solidarity in times of “war”, especially through waging a gruesome attack aimed at civilians and encompassing executions and hostage taking. Iran likely was the driving force to prompt the war—given its greatest fear is a Sunni Arab-Israeli rapprochement.

b) Arab forces have had only success against Israel through surprise attacks during Israeli holidays, as in the Yom Kippur War (i.e., was it any accident that the present attack began 50-years almost to the day after the October 6, 1973 beginning of the Yom Kippur War?). And so they struck again this Saturday during Simchat Torah, coming at the end of a weeklong Jewish celebration of Sukkot—in hopes that others will join in as happened in 1973. (So much for the Arab warnings not for Westerners to conduct war during Ramadan).


Previously: “Diversity is Our Strength” – Currently: French Police Say They are “At War” with “Savage Hordes of Vermin”

Things are not looking good for France as a fourth night of riots, violence, looting and general chaos is worsening. “President Macron was last night facing calls to impose a state of emergency after marauding gangs of rioters – some armed with stolen rifles – clashed with police in a fourth night of mayhem.”

(Via Daily Mail) – […] Rioters were again seen rampaging through the streets of Marseille, Lille and Paris, amid claims looters broke into a gun shop and stole hunting rifles while others ransacked a police station. Cars, buses and government buildings have been set alight and fireworks have been launched at police.

There were more than 3,800 fires on public roads last night, while more than 500 buildings were set alight.


Follow Up, Qatar Data Point and Twitter Release #8

A very interesting data point surfaces as a result of CTH explaining how Twitter File #8 connects to the U.S. State Dept, IC and Pentagon used Twitter to amplify specific types of political messaging {GO DEEP}. The nation of Qatar has now blocked access to CTH. 

As a reminder, release #8, was essentially a basic outline showing how the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and U.S. State Department (DoS) work with the social media platform to amplify messaging and create specifically anonymous government accounts intended to spread propaganda globally. [Twitter File Release #8 Here]  The govt then asked the platform engineering side to boost the messaging of the govt accounts and use the internal tools to promote government users.  Essentially, social media propaganda.

Qatar is well known to CTH readers and those who follow the deep weeds of geopolitics.  Qatar has historically been the financial center and funding mechanism of the Muslim Brotherhood.  In many ways Qatar is to the U.S. State Dept, CIA and political elements of the Intelligence Community in the middle east, as Ukraine is to those same entities in Europe.

We have outlined the long history of Qatar as it pertains to a myriad of U.S. interests. EXAMPLES: •When the Obama/Clinton State Dept wanted to fund the covert weapons to the Benghazi rebels, they used Qatar. •When President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi expelled the radical leaders of The Brotherhood from Egypt, they went to Qatar.  •When President Donald Trump asked the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to confront radical Islamic extremism, the Arab nations confronted Qatar.  •When Qatar was forced to expel the five most radical leaders of The Brotherhood they went to Turkey.  [Turkish President Recep Erdogan is aligned in common principle with The Brotherhood.]  •When the U.S. released captured Islamic extremists from Gitmo (al-Qaeda in Afghanistan), they were transferred to Qatar.  •When the Taliban took back control over Afghanistan, the al-Qaeda leaders from Qatar went back to Afghanistan.

Qatar is aligned with the Obama/Biden worldview of all things political.  In many ways Qatar is an Arabic version of Ukraine.  Here’s where it gets interesting….
