Mike Benz Rings True – The Origin of the “Most Modern” Censorship Complex

Ring of Truth (in part): At one time, merchants and other people using coins were very happy if a coin, when dropped on, say, a counter, had the proper metallic ring, of ringing sound, indicating that the metal was the right kind, not a base metal. If something has the ring of truth, then it sounds true. Not much of a guarantee, but there it is.

In this lengthy discussion (prompted to save time) there is a segment which holds good value.  Mike Benz is discussing Ukraine and whether or not the current USA position should be pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia.  Benz delivers a strong and compelling outline about how the modern censorship process was created from the 2014 Ukraine operation.

As we battle against the Great Reset with an even Greater Awakening, the value in knowing the details of our current state is large.  At the 01:14:43 point of the interview, Benz rings the truth bell hard for around 10 minutes.  Prompted, WATCH:



Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orban Visits Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago, DC Deep State, Biden and McConnell Not Happy

During the NATO summit in DC Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said, “at today’s NATO Summit, I will reaffirm that Hungary will not participate in the NATO-Ukraine mission, but we will continue to meet our objectives in the development of Hungarian defense capabilities, thus strengthening our Alliance.”

Orban has been traveling the globe, establishing a coalition of partners and setting up the baseline for a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine.  However, the U.S. Intelligence Community and all those downstream politicians who work at the behest of the global crisis agents, are not happy about the peace strategy at all.

PM Orban went to Ukraine to speak to President Zelenskyy, then went to Russia to speak to President Putin, then went to China to speak to Chairman Xi, then headed to Washington DC to meet with President Biden, then last night went to see the key that would bring it all together, President Donald Trump.

Orban then Tweeted a video saying, “We continued the peace mission in Mar-a-Lago. President @realDonaldTrump has proved during his presidency that he is a man of peace. He will do it again!”  The collective UniParty inside Washington DC is having absolute fits about it.

It’s not just Joe Biden and the current administration who are apoplectic about Prime Minister Orban’s peace effort.  Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is furious and vowing to stamp out the ideology of the Republican network who dare challenge the current geopolitical efforts.

The republican senator from Kentucky said defending the blood-soaked efforts of the New World Order is his priority. This is going to be my top priority. No question about it,” McConnell said in an interview this week. McConnell added that he might even start to hold court with reporters in the halls of the Senate. “This is the most important thing going on in the world right now,” the Kentucky Republican said.” [LINK]

Mitch McConnell is furious about the efforts to bring about a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine and he is vowing to confront any Republican who doesn’t acquiesce to the foreign policy program of the UniParty.  McConnell’s intents are in full support of the U.S. Intelligence Community and the Biden administration.  However, McConnell has an ally in Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson.

As noted, “Speaker Mike Johnson, who held up Ukraine aid for months despite public pressure from McConnell, is now starting to sound a lot like the Kentucky Republican when talking about national security, especially Ukraine.”  For Speaker Johnson, Zelenskyy’s ability to maintain access to the U.S. treasury is a top priority.  The money must keep flowing in order to keep the conflict alive.


Hey Joe, The Call is Coming from Inside the Building

As things in Washington DC unfold, it is easy to lose sight of the forest due to the trees.  A few obvious big picture items:

♦ First, why is Volodymyr Zelenskyy attending a NATO summit?  Ukraine is not a part of NATO.

♦ Second, do not overlook the big picture.

While a NATO summit is happening in DC, Joe Biden is under the most intense political attack in his tenure, from his own administration.  This does not happen without the approval of the deepest elements within the Deep State apparatus, the Intelligence Community.

There is no way the entirety of the system, which in this case is specifically the U.S. State Department and Intelligence Community, would normally be launching a full-frontal assault on the office of the presidency while international leaders are here.

This just isn’t done and represents a historic inflection point.  So, we must ask what’s the background, motive and intent?

The obvious answer is that removing Joe Biden is seen as the best option for the DoS/IC.  This perspective highlights the non-pretending reality that these institutions regard the November election as lost if Joe Biden remains their candidate.

The IC and Dept of State cannot have Donald Trump take control of their operation, especially since the recent Supreme Court ruling that affirmed a majority opinion using strong language consistent with the Unitary Executive theory of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court said, the President is “a person alone who comprises a branch of government.”  [pdf, page 38] In essence, the president *IS* the Executive Branch, and all of the other various bureaucratic agents and agencies within it are under his unilateral “official act” control.


Ukraine: NYT Outlines American-Led Mercenary Group Killing Russian POWs, Zelenskyy Outlines Russian Troop Advancements

It’s odd how no one in the American media seems to ask how Obama and Biden went from a friendly “reset” with Russia in 2009 to full geopolitical antagonism in 2011.

♦ What exactly led to the complete reversal of intent?

I digress…. However, having some deeper understanding of the current status of the conflict, I also find it curious how the New York Tims can just seemingly bury the lead in their story about how U.S-led military “mercenary” soldiers are on the ground fighting, while seemingly forgetting their prior outline about how the CIA was conducting all the military operations in the same area. Not funny, that.

In Ukraine, Killings of Surrendering Russians Divide an American-Led Unit” – […] Hours after a battle in eastern Ukraine in August, a wounded and unarmed Russian soldier crawled through a nearly destroyed trench, seeking help from his captors, a unit of international volunteers led by an American.

Caspar Grosse, a German medic in that unit, said he saw the soldier plead for medical attention in a mix of broken English and Russian. It was dusk. A team member looked for bandages.

That is when, Mr. Grosse said, a fellow soldier hobbled over and fired his weapon into the Russian soldier’s torso. He slumped, still breathing. Another soldier fired — “just shot him in the head,” Mr. Grosse recalled in an interview.


Russian Yasen-Class Nuclear Submarine “Kazan” Along With 3 Warships Arrive in Havana, Cuba

Today, June 12th, is Russia Day, a national holiday in the Russian federation.  The symbolism of the intentionally timed events happening today seems to be lost on most western media.

A Russian Yasen-class nuclear submarine named “Kazan” arrived in Havana, Cuba today after piloting through the Florida straits.  Watching a massive nuclear submarine sail into Havana is something extraordinary considering all the provocations taking place between the USA and Russia surrounding the conflict in Ukraine.

Additionally, in a counteraction to provide clarity to the intents and economic purposes of the Biden administration (DoS, CIA and IC), today the Treasury Dept announces new 2nd round sanctions against Russia.   However, in comparative terms, the physical appearance of a nuclear-powered Russian submarine and a set of accompanying warships carrying hypersonic cruise missiles approximately 30 miles from the USA mainland, is a little more dramatic than western saber rattling about sanctioning two Russian banks, Sberbank and VTB.

The Russian submarine fleet, and specifically the Yasen-class submarine group, is the tip of the spear against any military force the USA might choose to deploy in Eastern Europe.  Russian President Vladimir Putin is essentially signaling the people behind Joe Biden that he is willing to participate in the provocation approach.


NATO Escalation – Biden Approves Ukraine to Use U.S Missiles and Weapons to Strike Inside Russia

According to Politico and the New York Times the Biden administration has given Ukraine approval to launch U.S provided missiles into Russia.  {LINK} This is a major escalation of NATO engagement, likely intended to provoke Russia to strike alternate targets.  The people inside Ukraine responsible for using these U.S. provided weapons are likely not Ukranian.

CTH is in an unusually serendipitous position to analyze how Russia is responding to this shift in USA position.  The morale inside Russia is very high amid the military age population.  The recruitment efforts of the Russian government appear to be numerous and very effective.

There are thousands of newly enlisted military personnel very visible in/around training facilities.  There is no apparent tension discernable. Overall Russia appears to take great pride in their military, and it is considered a matter of honor and pride to support them.

WASHINGTON – The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, two U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move said Thursday, a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city.

“The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them,” a U.S. official said, adding that the policy of not allowing long-range strikes inside Russia “has not changed.”


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Seeks Exit from NATO Conflict with Russia

The position of Hungary in the Ukraine vs Russia conflict has been consistently pragmatic.  Ukraine is NOT a NATO country, and when the USA essentially demanded that all NATO member states join in a unified mission against Russia, to promote the specific interests of the United States, it never made sense.

Hungary has maintained a consistent position that NATO is a defensive partnership that should not seek conflict and war outside its member state boundaries.  However, the USA has previously used its leadership role in NATO to pressure member states to join in conflict outside the NATO boundaries, ie. Iraq and Libya.

In the modern era (since Obama), the former left-wing peacenik movement has reversed position and are now the leading advocates for global war. Democrats, leftists, globalists and various trade union organizations, who have supported the merge of government with corporations, now advocate for all positions that advance war and general international conflict.  As a consequence, NATO is now an offensive weapon; that’s the contextual background.

The USA has created a proxy state with exploitation and control over Ukraine.  Russia has responded to the USA control over Ukraine by force.  The USA now wants to create war with Russia using NATO as the offensive weapon. Hungary does not want to participate in this NATO offensive position.  This puts Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on the outside of the NATO alliance group and a direct target of the USA.

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary will seek to opt out of any NATO operations aimed at supporting Ukraine, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Friday, suggesting that the military alliance and the European Union were moving toward a more direct conflict with Russia.

Orbán told state radio that Hungary opposes a plan NATO is weighing to provide more predictable military support to Ukraine in coming years to repel Moscow’s full-scale invasion, as better armed Russian troops assert control on the battlefield.

“We do not approve of this, nor do we want to participate in financial or arms support (for Ukraine), even within the framework of NATO,” Orbán said, adding that Hungary has taken a position as a “nonparticipant” in any potential NATO operations to assist Kyiv.

“We’ve got to redefine our position within the military alliance, and our lawyers and officers are working on … how Hungary can exist as a NATO member while not participating in NATO actions outside of its territory,” he said. (read more)

Watch the cryptocurrency market to determine which side of the influence war is winning.

The most influential bankers and corporations are generally aligned with the West.  If the needle pushes toward increased conflict with Russia, the value of crypto will drop.


No Pretending – Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó Outlines Truth of NATO/EU Sanctions Against Russia

This entire hour conversation with Péter Szijjártó is a ninja level linguistic evisceration of the lies, fraud and media spin that form the epicenter of the “great pretending” era.  It really is worth watching all of it.

However, for the sake of time and focused attention, I have prompted the interview to the 18:00 point where Hungarian Minister Szijjártó, the Hungarian equivalent of our Secretary of State, talks about the great Western con job surrounding the Russian sanctions.

As many of you know, I traveled to Budapest and sat in bank offices so that I could literally see with my own eyes what I was told was happening {GO DEEP}.  Everything that Péter Szijjártó says in this interview is well articulated and 100% accurate to the reality of what is happening.  WATCH [Prompted]:


Climate Change, Guyana -VS- The BBC

Guyana President Dr. Irfaan Ali sat down with BBC narrative engineer Stephen Sackur, host of BBC’s HardTALK, to talk about Guyana’s vast offshore oil and gas reserves and how it is transforming their national economy.

The BBC production crew came with an intent to confront President Ali about climate change and the unwillingness of the emerging nation to adhere to the dictatorial fiats of the Western world. BBC arrived fully immersed in the climate change agenda, with a narrative that stands aghast at the nerve of another nation to look out for the best economic interests of their citizens.

President Ali was not going to allow the BBC to avoid the hypocrisy within their position and he fired back brilliantly. WATCH (prompted):


Pretending leftists wonder why the world is cleaving.  Then again, in order to advance their insane ideology, the progressive left must always pretend not to know things.  The BBC narrative engineer is a case study in this pretense.

An entire generation within the walled and occupied West have been indoctrinated to believe in the cult of climate change.  As the same ‘Western world’ loses a grip on their historic influence, the global cleaving does not come as a surprise.

People have asked me about the origin of the CBDC planning, the motive for the master design of the WEF and Western financial and corporate world.  Why would they need to wall-off the West through banking, finance and economics?


Facing Catastrophic Consequences New York Times Now Outlines Construct of Ukraine as USA Proxy Province

I find it very interesting this report surfaces in the New York Times and not The Washington Post first.  This material distinction showcases the motive for the outline is heavily domestic in nature; meaning, the core of domestic USA politics (specifically the White House) needs to admit that Ukraine is a proxy province in order to retrigger support for policy.

[Inside Baseball] – Watch the responses to this report from CNN (State Dept) carefully and watch the responses from WaPo (CIA/Intel). The more subtle and/or quiet the response(s), the more certain these influence institutions were collaborating on the material report to the New York Times.

The White House is admitting the CIA and larger IC apparatus, which includes the State Dept., has been heavily controlling all activity in Ukraine for the past decade.  The only reason to admit this now very publicly is because they are losing voter support.  THIS EXPLAINS WHY BIDEN IS CALLING FOR A WHITE HOUSE MEETING!! 

The US’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) maintains 12 secret bases in Ukraine along the border with Russia, and last Thursday CIA chief William Burns made his 10th secret visit to Ukraine since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

The Times is now reporting the USA (State Dept.) was responsible for the coup in Ukraine (color revolution) and took control over political operations in 2014.   We have long suspected this; many have reported exactly this reality; however, this is the first time it has all been admitted.
