Sunday Talks – NBC Kirsten Welker Describes Biden’s Family in Deep Discussions at Camp David

I’m not saying anything predictive, but if you were scripting a Biden exit, ‘close time with family’ would be part of the Act-2 narrative.

According to NBC, and a very dramatic Kirsten Welker, five people familiar with the matter have told seven serious people close to the events, that two deep thinking people who are part of the conversation are confirming what three other close officials are revealing on background.  The Biden family wagons are circled, and the decision on whether to remain or exit is underway.

If you follow the close nuance of the professionally Democrat, you will notice the top tier of control agents have sent the underlings messages downstream to shut up about the removal. They need about 72 hours, and the professionals are paying attention.  If the chattering dog-faced pony soldiers want to be a part of the next administration, or receive the indulgences from the club officers, they will shut up now.   According to the Act-3 script, Tuesday-ish will likely be announcement day.  WATCH:

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday, following a nationally televised debate Thursday that left many fellow Democrats worried about his ability to beat former President Donald Trump in November, according to five people familiar with the matter.


Anger Games – Biden Campaign Organize Extremely Divisive Event in Philadelphia

There were seemingly only a few dozen people who attended the speech; but wow was the Joe Biden event divisive.  Also, watch how many times Joe Biden is going back to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Philly, then South Carolina, then back to Philly, then South Carolina, that’s the pattern.  BLM then AME, then back to BLM, then back to AME.  This is the 7th time Biden has gone to an organized event in Philly (it’s not about campaigning).

The Biden campaign organized what the media are calling a “black outreach” event; however, the remarks and speech was one of the most divisive, toxic and bitter racist events in modern political history.  The Biden campaign is relying on the formula they used in 2020, where James Clyburn, Barack Obama, the AME Church and Black Lives Matter organizers activated a regional playbook to influence the election.

In the big picture the Black Lives Matter (BLM) group are the ballot harvesters, the essential foot soldiers for the race-based electoral system Clyburn and Obama constructed. The AME network are the ballot counters, the precinct poll workers, spread throughout the various urban enclaves of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Virgina and both Carolinas. It’s a race-based coalition, dependent on conformity to achieve the 2024 objective.

The extremely toxic remarks made by Joe Biden were intended to rally the racist sentiment amid the black voters in the key precincts within key states.  However, for 2024 the challenge is larger. Minorities are just like all Americans who are negatively impacted by Bidenomics, inflation, energy prices, the open border and illegal migration ¹intended to suppress wages.  WATCH:


The AME Network is the race-based element they need for actual ballot manipulation in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia County), Georgia (Fulton County), Nevada (Clark County), and Michigan (Wayne County).  It is the AME Church who organizes the racially motivated ballot creators, counters and precincts etc.  If you know the playbook, if you have watched the prior performances, you can clearly see the 2024 moves they make {GO DEEP}.


Biden Reminds West Point Graduates of their Political Duty to Interfere in Election if Leftist Vision of Democracy is Threatened

Judicial Watch Tom Fitton puts it this way: “In a speech today at West Point, Biden, who is directly trying to jail his political opponent, suggested the United States military must be prepared to intervene in domestic political affairs against President Trump.”

Many political followers have likely tracked the Obama-era emphasis about changing the intents, purposes and mission of the U.S. military.  During the Obama administration the ideologues who traveled with the Lightbringer, looked at the Pentagon through the prism of domestic affairs; essentially, how can the Dept of Defense be shifted to support the anticolonial effort?

With standards changed to accommodate women in combat, the U.S. military had been increasingly shifting toward political correctness and gender inclusion since the late 1980’s.  However, it was Obama Inc who pushed wokeism to be the primary effort of military leadership.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a Marxist tool for domestic manipulation of military and social engineering.

By the time we see the issues behind Defense Secretary James Mattis, Joint Chief’s Chairman Mark Milley, and the attitude of Alexander Vindman et al, it was already too late.  Just like the DOJ and FBI the “fundamental transformation” of the Pentagon was fully metastasized.   Our USA military leadership are now predicted to operate just like the Chinese Mongolian divisions during Tiananmen Square massacre.  If you doubt this comrade, please remind yourself how the U.S. military was used to enforce COVID-19 compliance.

WASHINGTON POST – […] In his 22-minute commencement address, Biden did not mention Trump by name, but he made clear that he was referring to his Republican opponent by pointing to a letter that was a clear reprimand of Trump’s leadership. The open letter, signed by more than 1,000 West Point alumni, was addressed to the graduating class of 2020 before Trump delivered the commencement address here. It came just days after military police helped forcibly clear peaceful protesters outside the White House ahead of a Trump photo op. The alumni reminded that year’s graduating class that they pledge service to “no monarch; no government; no political party; no tyrant.”


Judge Declares Mistrial in Murder Case of Rancher George Kelly Accused of Shooting Illegal Alien

Apparently, the jury was deadlocked with 7 jurors saying not guilty and 1 juror saying guilty.

ARIZONA – […] Jurors in the murder case against a Nogales-area rancher accused of killing an unarmed migrant on his property were unable to reach a unanimous verdict and remained deadlocked on the charges.

After more than 15 hours of deliberation, Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge Thomas Fink declared a mistrial just after 4:30 p.m. The court scheduled a status meeting for 1:30 p.m. April 29 to allow the Santa Cruz County Attorney’s Office to decide if it wants to retry the case.


The Silenced Voice of British Truth Teller Neil Oliver Still Speaks Brutal Honesty, They Just “Tuckered” Him

I have increasingly said that all around those who live in the “western democracies” there is an information war taking place.  The primary targets of that information war are the truth tellers who do not point fingers directly toward the Potemkin Village of political representatives, but more importantly point out the people who really control the actions taken by the politicians.

Within this quiet and opaque battlespace, a place where only the well-studied and smart grey people travel, we talk about root causes and identify the true origin of the cancerous control systems.  This is the world of finance, money and global influence, the political outcomes are downstream.  The grey men are the ones who I believe are the core of the greatest awakening. I consider myself a proud member.

Amid the “grey man group” is the voice of Neil Oliver, a voice who was increasingly red pilling the people of Great Britain, who, like us, are also in an abusive relationship with government.  The British Government through OfCom took Neil Oliver off air stopping his televised broadcasts. However, even though they are not allowed to have him on television, GBNews still puts Oliver’s content on YouTube. WATCH:

[Transcript] – We tell ourselves that children are our most precious resource and treasure. We sing songs about it. I believe that children are our future and all that jazz. Let’s have a look at the recent reality of life and death of children around the world, shall we?

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, more than 12,300 children have been killed in that open air prison since October last year. The children of the generation that went through the fires of hell and said, never again, are witnessing 21st century children consumed by other flames.


Joe Biden’s Illegal Alien Crime Wave Starts to Get Public Attention

The Daily Mail has an article detailing dozens of violent crimes perpetrated by Joe Biden’s illegal alien border invasion [SEE HERE]. The subject theme is “the grim toll of a migrant crime wave sweeping across the United States.”  The article details the graphic and horrific nature of multiple violent criminals who came into the country illegally and murdered, raped, assaulted and organized into groups for the purpose of robbery and theft.

Additionally, in Polk County Florida, Sheriff Grady Judd outlines a sting operation called “March Sadness” where 228 people were arrested and 13 victims of human trafficking were rescued by the police unit.  The details shared by Sherriff Judd are sobering as he outlines exactly what was taking place and how the illegal alien trafficking system is creating victims from many of the female migrants. [ARTICLE HERE] – WATCH (prompted):


The details of these articles and press conferences are likely not a surprise to CTH readers as we have discussed exactly these scenarios in our SAF (slowly at first) ground reports.  Unfortunately, the outcomes described by the Daily Mail accounting and the sting operation by Sherriff Judd are likely only the tip of the iceberg.

What Judd outlines about the federal government giving the illegal aliens free airline tickets is infuriating.  Watch that video above for details.


Biden Supported Illegal Alien Kills 22-Year-Old University of GA Nursing Student Laken Riley

This might seem like another in a long series of deaths caused by unvetted illegal aliens in the USA; however, the nature of this murder hits the key demographic of white, uppity suburban women, with a cold dose of reality.

In our ‘slowly at first’ (SAF) reports and discussions we have been talking about the logical consequences of allowing millions of unvetted 18-to-35-year-old antisocial males into the country.  The general reporting puts the numbers around 7.2 million; however, DHS is only counting the documented illegal alien border crossers released, all of the getaways are unrecorded.

Any reasonable minded person reviewing the scale of the influx of illegal aliens would anticipate a substantive increase in violent crime, specifically violent crime targeting vulnerable women.  The common antisocial behaviors and cultural differences are part of the issue.  These examples will increase in frequency with the media likely continuing the pattern where they try to ignore it.

(Via Daily Mail) – Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, is originally from Venezuela and crossed into El Paso, Texas, in September 2022.

He was released into the United States by Customs and Border Patrol because the worsening migrant crisis means they have insufficient facilities to hold all border crossers that they intercept. Cops don’t believe Ibarra knew his victim.


Tucker Carlson Interviews Stephen Miller About Workplace and Leftist Racism

An interesting monologue and discussion by Tucker Carlson about modern racism and Diversity Inclusion Equity (DEI) dictates.   The discussion with Stephen Miller is interesting because Miller hits on the reason for my emphasis of the next leader of the DOJ Civil Rights Division.  WATCH:


NY Rep Elise Stefanik Asks Simple Questions About Antisemitism, Three Left-Wing Ivy League Presidents Collapse Under Spotlight

Last Tuesday, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) pressed the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard and MIT about rising antisemitism on college campuses and whether the speech calling for “intifada” or the elimination of the Jewish people violates their schools’ codes of conduct. The alarming responses are now leading to severe blowback on the presidents.

“Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Penn’s rules or code of conduct?” Rep. Stefanik asked. “It is a context-dependent decision,” replied UPenn’s Elizabeth Magill. “If the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment.” Stefanik was stunned.  “‘Conduct’ meaning committing the act of genocide?” an incredulous Rep. Stefanik asked. “The speech is not harassment. This is unacceptable.”

The New York Republican then went on to ask each of the university presidents the same series of questions.

“Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Harvard’s rules on bullying and harassment?” she asked Harvard’s Claudine Gay. “It can be, depending on the context,” Ms. Gay responded. “What’s the context?” Rep. Stefanik followed up. “Targeted at an individual,” the Harvard president said. “It’s targeted at Jewish students, Jewish individuals,” Rep. Stefanik shot back. “Do you understand your testimony is dehumanizing them? Do you understand that dehumanization is part of antisemitism?” WATCH:

Today, Ms. Liz Magill was removed from her position as U-Penn president.

(Politico) – […] University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill on Saturday voluntarily stepped down from her role after facing intense blowback following a House Education committee hearing this week.

Magill has agreed to stay in her role until an interim president is selected, according to a statement from Penn Trustee Board Chair Scott Bok.


Ardern Aftermath – New Zealand Elects Conservative Prime Minister Christopher Luxon

You might remember in the aftermath of the ridiculous COVID restriction, when New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced her resignation, the media downplayed the most likely reason, she -and her leftist Labor Party- was going to get crushed in the next election.   Well, exactly that just happened.

Ardern and the Labor Party previously won more than 50% of the New Zealand vote, today that result was 27%.  Jacinda Ardern, a favorite of the World Economic Forum and leftists in the globalist movement, led her party to lose half of their Kiwi support.  The Conservative Party in New Zealand, led by Christoper Luxon, have won the election.

(Via UPI) New Zealand’s conservative National Party soundly defeated the ruling Labor Party in elections held Saturday, paving the way for Christopher Luxon to replace Chris Hipkins as prime minister.

Hipkins conceded defeat after results came in showing the National Party scoring historic gains even across some of the most reliable of Labor districts in the country.
