Barack Approved – George Clooney Tells Joe Biden, It’s Time to Go

There’s a lot of political newbies around, so some background is needed first.  Most people don’t know but, George Clooney was being groomed by the same people who groomed Barack Obama, for the purposes of replacing him at a later date.  Yes, Clooney was being groomed to be a POTUS.

The problem they had was that George is not an intelligent man; actually, he’s as dumb as a box of rocks, and no amount of teaching, coaching and guidance was going to change that.

By the time they gave up the effort, they had already recruited Amal Alamuddin to be the brain trust of the duo – which really didn’t matter because George was a switch hitter.

Amal Clooney’s curriculum vitae is very well-known as an international human rights lawyer with big time geopolitical connections.  Amal’s WEF, geopolitical and United Nations bonafide’s are very strong.

George Clooney is also extremely close friends with Barack Obama.  The Clooneys and the Obamas vacation together, hang together, network together, share the same ideological outlooks and are essentially the black and white version of each other; sans intellect. I digress.

The bottom line is that George Clooney doesn’t write an op ed in the New York Times telling Joe Biden to quit the race, unless it’s actually Barack Obama sending the message and Amal Clooney writing the text.   The Biden’s are very well aware of this.


Sunday Talks – NBC Kirsten Welker Describes Biden’s Family in Deep Discussions at Camp David

I’m not saying anything predictive, but if you were scripting a Biden exit, ‘close time with family’ would be part of the Act-2 narrative.

According to NBC, and a very dramatic Kirsten Welker, five people familiar with the matter have told seven serious people close to the events, that two deep thinking people who are part of the conversation are confirming what three other close officials are revealing on background.  The Biden family wagons are circled, and the decision on whether to remain or exit is underway.

If you follow the close nuance of the professionally Democrat, you will notice the top tier of control agents have sent the underlings messages downstream to shut up about the removal. They need about 72 hours, and the professionals are paying attention.  If the chattering dog-faced pony soldiers want to be a part of the next administration, or receive the indulgences from the club officers, they will shut up now.   According to the Act-3 script, Tuesday-ish will likely be announcement day.  WATCH:

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday, following a nationally televised debate Thursday that left many fellow Democrats worried about his ability to beat former President Donald Trump in November, according to five people familiar with the matter.


Senator Joe Manchin (WV) Quits Democrat Party, Registers as Independent – Will Likely Caucus With Democrats, So No Change

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia is the modern version of Bill Clinton.  A lying liar who lies and works hard to retain the impression of being ‘aw shucks’ reasonable and affable; but it’s all an illusion targeting a certain West Virginia demographic.

In reality, beyond the mask Joe Manchin belongs to the party of self-importance and DeceptCon politics.  He always ends up supporting the leftist policy he pretends to try and mitigate. {GO DEEP}

With the national spotlight on judicial corruption, weaponized government and the overwhelming majority of the American people outraged at the events in New York City courts, Senator Manchin sees the opportunity to exploit the sentiment for his own interests.  Here’s the audio/visual:

[SOURCE – Via Twitter]

WASHINGTON DC – West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a conservative Democrat, officially filed as an independent Friday.

���My commitment to do everything I can to bring out country together has led me to register as an independent with no party affiliation,” Manchin posted on the social platform X.


Joe Biden Announces Tariffs on Non-Existent Products from Non-Existent Origination Country – Here’s Why

It was predictable [SEE HERE], and it happened exactly as predicted.

BlackRock investment firm writes the regulatory and economic policy for Joe Biden’s administration. That’s the quid-pro-quo that maintains the Biden political financial operation. All of DC know it. No one does not know. The ones who claim they do not know about it are all pretending. Republicans take the background BlackRock bribes and pretend.

BlackRock positioned massive investment assets inside Chinese auto manufacturers, MG, BYD, and Chery. The three Chinese companies are in the process of moving North American auto manufacturing to Mexico, specifically to make EVs. The Chinese EVs made in Mexico will come into the U.S market tariff free under the USMCA trade agreement. China and BlackRock will make billions.

Today, Joe Biden announced a series of tariffs against China in the EV industry. [SEE HERE] The Chinese EVs are not being made in China. The tariff regime is a farce – a total joke.

Biden might as well be announcing tariffs on Chinese swimming pools flown into the USA via hot air balloon.  There will be more Chinese swimming pools delivered from China than Chinese EVs.  The Chinese EVs come from Mexico.  The tariff is fake.


From Beyond the Wire – The Information War, CBDCs and a Metaphor for Those Who Need

After my latest outline, on the looming probability of a dollar based Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) {SEE HERE}, I found myself saying, “I hate to say this, but most people really don’t care. For some, the issue is esoteric, abstract, and difficult to comprehend. For others, there is a massive blanket of comfortable ambivalence until the consequences hit. For the few who understand, this is extremely troubling.”

Then I step back, breathe and reevaluate my ability to communicate.

A few recent comments have me looking for something, anything, that will help people understand the scope and breadth of what I am trying to communicate, and the challenge therein.  EXAMPLES:

[COMMENT #1] – I don’t know, this is way over my head, and I consider myself at least somewhat intelligent and informed. Other than a few twenties I keep in my wallet, all money of consequence in my life is already just digits in computer networks as far as I can perceive. I never actually see a check for my wages, much less any dead presidents.

[…] Not that I disagree, I just don’t understand. I’m at a loss as to why this is so qualitatively different as far as my financial security goes. Maybe it’s because I’m a resident of Illinois and have some sort of Stockholm Syndrome from knowing they can already, and do, raise my taxes – as much as they want, any time they want – and there is nothing to stop them. {link}

[COMMENT #2] I apologize for this stupid question, but I’m confused. How do the grey countries fit into this digital money and “world order” Pippa refers to?

Pippa states, “But what I see our superpowers introducing digital currency, the Chinese were the first the US is on the brink, I think of moving in the same direction the Europeans have committed to that as well.”

China is grey on the map, as is Russia. If we, the mapped yellow USA, are being boxed in by the Russian sanctions how is it China is grey yet they were the first to introduce a digital currency?  These insane, drunk with power “superpowers” – is their goal to color the entire world map yellow with the SWIFT network digital coin to control the entire world?  {link}

You come here for understanding the world that exists, not the one we may hope to exist.  If you are confused, I need to do a better job.

So, let me start.

I will start first with some information perhaps some do not know.


Senate Candidate Adam Schiff Hopes Intelligence Community Will “Dumb Down” and Filter Briefings for Donald Trump

By now, most intellectually honest American observers have accepted the United States intelligence apparatuses are  the most political and dangerous institutions of government. All recent history shows how the Intelligence Community (IC), identified by Chuck Schumer as the “six ways to Sunday” targeting group, operate as the extra-constitutional fourth branch of government.

The IC conducts surveillance of Americans, and the apparatuses of the FBI, DOJ and DHS operate the enforcement mechanism for the targeting identified by the intelligence apparatus.  The public-private partnership between the domestic communication networks, including social media, and the Intelligence Community are well known. DHS operates on behalf of the IC and the legislative and judicial branches defer to the IC.  This is a specific outcome of the Patriot Act authorizing the IC to conduct surveillance of all Americans.

In his interview with Meet the Press today, former House Intelligence Committee Chair, and current Senate candidate from California, Adam Schiff, publicly stated his desire that the IC continue their operations against U.S. citizens and control any/all information that is shared with Donald Trump in national security briefings.  WATCH (prompted):


The United States intelligence community is the most insidious threat to the Republic.  There is currently an information war taking place that encompasses pushback against the constructs of the IC and the control justifications known as “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “malinformation.”  All of these newly created terms serve the function of controlling, eliminating and censoring activity by a corrupt network of government actors.

There is no such thing as mis-dis-or mal-information – there is only information.  Unfortunately, too few Americans have an understanding of how and why these terms were created by the surveillance apparatus in order to control information they deem against their interests.

Lastly, Adam Schiff is likely going to be the purple tie candidate supported by the professionally Republican and communist Democrats in their effort to generate an insurance policy against President Donald Trump.  It is easy to predict how Schiff would likely be installed in the Senate Select Intelligence Committee (SSCI) with a specific responsibility to stop, impede and block any intelligence nomination by President Trump.


Here We Go – Senator Krysten Sinema Is Out and Will Not Seek Reelection

It’s all going to play out the way it is going to play out, and my dearest friends… this is going to be the biggest, ugliest, most consequential and potentially transformative inflection point in modern USA politics.

Trust your instincts; I mean really trust them.  Trust that sense of foreboding you feel, and steel your nerves for some of the most dangerous times ahead.

She knows what is coming.  Senator Sinema may not know the details and/or the specifics, but she knows the scale of conflict that is going to happen, and she’s not internally prepared to participate in it.  It’s not about the current polarization from a left -vs- right conflict; the traditional issues are not akin to debate.

This is full combat bloodletting that is coming into focus, and it is going to be exceptionally ugly.  The stakes are extreme, and we will walk through them in advance. The U.S intelligence apparatus is going to participate on behalf of the worst elements in government.  As if they have not completely dropped pretense already, and on behalf of the administrative state that provides their authority, the powerful institutions of our nation are going to forcefully align in combat against We The People.

Arizona will be one of the “all or nothing” states this year – filled with extreme anger.  Not accidentally clad in purple hues, Senator Sinema is tapping out in advance.

“I love Arizona and am so proud of what we delivered.” … “Because I choose civility, understanding, listening and working together to get stuff done, I am leaving the Senate at the end of this year.”

WASHINGTON – Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) announced that she will not seek reelection this year, avoiding an unpredictable three-way race in the swing state that had many national Democrats worried about holding onto the seat.

“I believe in my approach, but it’s not what America wants right now,” Sinema said in a video announcing her plans that painted a bleak picture of a dysfunctional political system she no longer sees a place in. (read more)


Something Familiar – A Rather Unusual JPMorgan 2024 Prediction?

Considering that CEO Jamie Dimon would review this type of document and give direct approval, and considering the recent statements of political strategic advocacy by the CEO of JPMorgan {SEE HERE and SEE HERE}, this -albeit familiar sounding- prediction, is, well, rather curious:

[SOURCE, pdf – page 39]

Subtle… like a brick through a window. 


40 Day Countdown

The Iowa caucuses are January 15, 2024, and represent the first opportunity for the GOP nomination contest to highlight candidate support.

Initially, I was going to wait to post this information later, mid-December.  However, based on conversation earlier today, and my pledge to be publicly consistent and transparent, here’s an advance review of my expectations.

(#1) The full-throated DOJ, Jack Smith, Georgia and New York legal cases will likely trigger, like scud missiles in a blitz attack against Donald Trump, around 10 days prior to the Iowa caucuses.  I’m not sure what the granular details of the Lawfare assault will look like; however, the timing will certainly be in/around these dates.  The deepest part of the DC system that is in full alignment against Trump will be looking at this time frame as the first opportunity to hit Trump hard.  The main battery comes after the 2024 RNC convention (Wisconsin🙄, thanks Ronna).

(#2) Simultaneous to this, keep in mind the Sea Island group have spent hundreds of millions on an organizational process for Ron DeSantis, that is now contingent upon an Iowa victory.  Just like the timing of the Mar-a-Lago raid, there will likely be some background coordination between the administrative state in DC and the organizational assemblies of DeSantis and Nikki Haley. Again, this is the first opportunity for the ‘stop Trump’ apparatus to create an inflection point.  If President Trump crushes the Iowa caucuses, he will destroy the GOPe narrative.


Nikki Haley Positioned to Replace Ron DeSantis

The DeSantis campaign is imploding.  The most recent admission from the team managing DeSantis was their shifted goalposts for a second place in Iowa.  Additionally, there is now friction between Ron DeSantis and Jeff Roe (head of Never Back Down PAC), if the inside campaign leakers are to be believed.

There is an element of total understanding to the frustration about the bitter pill DeSantis is being forced to swallow.  I mean, think about it, the management of Ron DeSantis didn’t just posit the 2024 campaign in the last year, this has been a long thought-out strategy going back much further.  In retrospect, the DeSantis ’24 operation tracks to sometime in 2018; at least that’s when DeSantis had to give some formal nod of willingness.

Now, Ron DeSantis has to watch as Nikki Haley is shifted into his lane by the professional apparatus that controls the lane alignments.  Ron can’t win, that is transparently obvious, and he is now being bumped down in priority as the financial control people start to push Nikki Haley.  Seeing this must be driving Ms. Casey bananas.

CNN ran a puff piece on Nikki Haley recently, along with a poll showing that only she could defeat Joe Biden.

Before laughing, it’s wise to remember what CNN represents in the game of political media.  CNN is the official state media of the U.S. State Dept.  Nikki Haley was former UN ambassador and aligns with the worldview of the CNN control room and executive offices.

Haley is an empty vessel.  She has no true positions of her own and uses the headlines and sentiment of the moment to determine her outlooks.  This is why she previously said she would not run against Donald Trump, and said Bubba Wallace was a victim of horrible NASCAR racism.  These might sound disconnected but remember, at the time each statement was made – these were shallow public opinion constructs, not core beliefs.  Nikki Haley has no core values; she is a consultant’s dream candidate who will morph to the positions of the handlers.

ABC is now coming out with another puff piece to support Haley, in a boost to the narrative started by CNN.
