REPORT: Biden Will Announce His Withdrawal from Democrat Nomination Sunday – Open DNC Convention Will Select Consensus Candidate

Mark Halperin is pretty dialed in to the deep DNC network, particularly close to the core DNC apparatus.  Halperin is saying the plan for Joe Biden to announce his withdrawal from the Democrat nomination is now underway.  Biden will announce this weekend, likely Sunday.  WATCH:

According to Halperin:

• Joe Biden plans to announce withdrawal from nomination process as early as this weekend, Sunday most likely.

• Biden advisor Jon Meacham polishing up remark for delivery to the nation.

• Joe Biden with NOT resign the presidency and will finish the remainder of his term.

• Interestingly, Joe Biden will NOT endorse VP Kamala Harris. Biden will let the convention decide.

• There will be an open convention with Kamala Harris and about 3 others on the first ballot.

• The infamous super delegates, deep DNC insiders, will not be allowed to vote on 1st ballot. This point is moot because no one is going to win on the first ballot.

• Kamala Harris is planning her convention strategy around a full ticket proposal. Harris is vetting at least four possible running mates, including Andy Beshear and possibly Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro.


Biden Says He Would Quit Race if Doctor Said He Had a Medical Condition – Two Hours Later, BIDEN HAS COVID

Seriously folks, you just cannot make this up.

VIA CBS – […] In an interview with BET News’ Ed Gordon released Wednesday and airing the same night, Mr. Biden was asked whether there was anything that would make him reconsider staying in the race, a rematch against former President Donald Trump

“If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody — if doctors came to me and said you got this problem, that problem,” Mr. Biden said, according to a video clip released by the network.  (read more)… 

NEVADA – President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms, the White House said on Wednesday.

The president was in Nevada and is returning to Delaware to isolate, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement. (read more)

Operation ‘Remove Joe‘ continues.


White House Press Briefing With DHS Secretary Addition – 2:30pm ET Livestream

Following the President Trump assassination attempt, the White House is under pressure to answer questions about the collapse in security.  Even moderate democrats are suspicious and independent political followers are watching this specific press briefing closely.

To address some of the Secret Service issues, the parent silo The Dept of Homeland Security, will be present in the briefing.  White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will be joined by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as the press pool expands questioning.  Livestream Links Below



Milwaukee Radio Station Admits They Edited Audio of Joe Biden Interview at the Request of White House

This latest admission adds fuel to a few fires.  #1 That Biden is having major cognitive issues; and #2 That the actual Hur tapes of the Biden deposition are unlikely to match the transcripts given to the House.

Civic Media, a Wisconsin-based left-sing talk-radio station, admitted earlier today [Press Release Here] they agreed to make edits to an interview with President Joe Biden at the request of the White House before the broadcast aired. The radio station now says it was a decision that fell short of “journalistic interview standards.”

PRESS RELEASEThe Earl Ingram Show was one of two radio programs contacted by the Biden campaign following the June 27th debate to speak with President Biden. The interview was recorded on July 3rd and aired on July 4th on Civic Media radio stations across Wisconsin. On Monday, July 8th, it was reported to Civic Media management that immediately after the phone interview was recorded, the Biden campaign called and asked for two edits to the recording before it aired. Civic Media management immediately undertook an investigation and determined that the production team at the time viewed the edits as non-substantive and broadcast and published the interview with two short segments removed.


Representative in Charge of 2024 Democrat Precinct Ballot Counting Says “We’re Riding With Biden”

By now everyone knows the national role of James Clyburn.  The South Carolina representative is in charge of regional, key-state, ballot counting in 2024 as he was in 2020. {GO DEEP} This makes James Clyburn a very important Democrat leader to pay attention to.

At the conclusion of today’s meeting of Democrat representatives, James Clyburn five times assured the DNC is, “Ridin’ With Biden.”  WATCH:


Clyburn is focused on ballot counting operations within Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Virginia and Nevada.  As we follow the AME network, there appear to be approximately 12 cities and municipal regions (key urban areas) where Clyburn’s personnel within specific voting precincts will receive ballots from DNC harvesting operations and lead the ballot counting initiatives.


Message Sent – Philadelphia Radio Station Fires Broadcaster Who Revealed That White House Gives Scripted Questions to Talk Show Hosts

WURD radio in Philadelphia, bills themselves as the only black-owned and run talk radio station in Pennsylvania, according to its website.

According to WURD, radio host of “The Source,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, was fired for accepting scripted questions from the White House for use in the interview with Joe Biden. [Press Release Here] However, in the non-pretending reality of the situation, everyone understands Mrs Lawful-Sanders was actually fired for revealing the Joe Biden White House sends scripts for media personalities to use.

Mrs Lawful-Sanders was not fired for using the questions, she was fired for revealing them.  The message from the only black-owned radio station in Pennsylvania, was a warning to others not to tell the public how the fraud around Joe Biden is created.

Philadelphia – Philadelphia radio station has cut ties with the host who admitted to asking President Biden only questions that were supplied to her by his campaign, WURD Radio’s leadership confirmed Sunday.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who previously hosted “The Source” on WURD 96.1 FM, scored the first post-debate interview with Biden last Wednesday.

However, on Saturday, she revealed that she was fed eight questions by the Biden campaign — and used four of them as her only queries to the president.

Sara Lomax, WURD Radio’s president and CEO, said Sunday that she was not involved in negotiations for the interview. “The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners. As a result, Ms. Lawful-Sanders and WURD Radio have mutually agreed to part ways, effective immediately,” Lomax said. (read more)

Read what the radio station said below.


Radio Hosts from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Who Interviewed Biden, Admit the White House Provided the Questions for Them to Ask

Not a good look; especially if the White House is trying to frame a “competent Biden” narrative.  CNN’s Victor Blackwell speaks with radio host of “The Source,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who confirms the White House sent her the questions to approve ahead of her interview with President Joe Biden.  WATCH:



Joe Biden Interview with ABC Stenographer George Stephanopoulos – Full Interview

ABC is calling this the “full interview,” perhaps it is, perhaps not.  The interview is edited despite the ABC presentation.

Those who follow USA politics closely know why the Biden team would select George Stephanopoulos to lead the defensive narrative at a time when the awakening is peaking, and the Obama/Biden administration is in great peril.

You might remember how the DNC worked closely with Stephanopoulos, in the 2012 debate construct against Mitt Romney, in order to frame the Republican “birth control -ObamaCare- narrative,” a few days before they launched Sandra Fluke into political orbit.  The “Republicans will ban birth control” narrative was out of left field, and the intent was only clear in the days and weeks following their collaborative construct.  However, many were still asleep at the time.

Now, a greater national awakening is taking place.  Joe Biden clearly has cognitive impairments, and many people -not just in the United States- are directly talking about his likely state of worsening dementia as evidenced in the catatonic debate performance two weeks ago.  Into this foray, Stephanopoulos is again enlisted to frame a defensive shield around the truth.  Here’s the interview as presented for you to make up your own mind.  WATCH:


I apologize for the delay in presenting the interview.  I have been traveling some treacherous geopolitical ground, working my way carefully back home for two days.  More on that soon to follow.


James Clyburn Visits 10 Key Precincts for Ballot Collection in Three Wisconsin Cities (Madison, Milwaukee, Beloit) and No One Notices

Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never watch the performance and not see them.  The same thing happens when you know the details of how ballots are different than votes, and how the ballots are manipulated.

U.S. elections are no longer about “votes,” modern elections in America are about “ballots”.   As we have seen in several election cycles, the election winner is not the person who gets the most votes – the election winner is the person who collects, submits and ultimately counts the most ballots.  The same is true for the presidential electoral victory; it’s the person who gets the most ballots, not votes.

So, let us start by asking the right question:  What is a representative from South Carolina doing in Wisconsin visiting ten key ballot counting precincts in three key cities, Madison, Milwaukee and Beloit?   Anyone?  Anyone?   The story gets even more interesting when you see what text messages about ballot ordering followed James Clyburn’s visit.  First, the citation for the visit [04:00 video]:

You, me and likely millions of deep political researchers know exactly what James Clyburn is doing.  But ask yourself why this is so out in the open and not confronted.  You know exactly who James Clyburn is and what his function consists of within the Democrat party election process, but how do we get everyone else to see it?

At the end of the ballot harvesting operation in the key state counties for Democrats, there are precinct workers who are then tasked with counting those ballots.  The number of ballots needed to change the outcome of the election, is essentially the determining factor in how many ballots are scanned by the precinct workers in the key districts.

Most of the regional precinct workers in the key counties that change the elections, are affiliated with and originate from the African Methodist Episcopal church.  This is who James Clyburn was visiting and organizing.  In person coordination eliminates the need for a paper trail.


Gavin Newsom Heads to White House to Rally Support for Joe Biden

Oh, they’re good… the Pelosi clan are really good.

I once saw an interview with Nancy Pelosi’s daughter where she was asked about her mom and Alexandra Pelosi said something very matter-of-factly like, “my mom can smile, slice your neck with a razor blade and you’d never know she did it.”  That’s the thought that comes to mind within this story.

Gavin Newsom is heading to the White House with various governors to meet with Joe Biden.  However, Newsom is going to show “support” for Biden remaining in the 2024 presidential race.  I mean, this guy with the invisible blades is good, really good.

SACRAMENTO, California — Gov. Gavin Newsom will travel to Washington on Wednesday to attend a meeting between President Joe Biden and Democratic governors amid the fallout from the president’s disastrous debate with former President Donald Trump.

“Governor Newsom will head to White House tomorrow to attend the Governors meeting and to stand with the President,” a spokesperson for the California Democrat said late Tuesday.
