Hungary Launches Foreign Influence Investigation – U.S. State Dept, CIA and EU Influence Institutions Immediately Complain

The elected government of Hungary is NOT permitted to block, slow, stall, impede or otherwise interfere in the operations of the U.S. State Dept and CIA to control the nation of Hungary.  The efforts of Hungary to maintain its sovereign status are NOT acceptable.  So sayeth the institutions that ultimately seek control over other nations.

Given the years of protestations and claims about Russia interfering in USA politics, if those expressed positions against the Hungarian government sound like massive hypocrisy from the United States, you would be correct. But hey, that’s how the USA operates now.

Hungary is investigating the subversive activity of foreign interest groups inside the sovereign nation.  The State Dept and CIA are furious.

BUDAPEST (Reuters) -Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Office launched an investigation on Tuesday into the Hungarian branch of the anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International (TI) and an online investigative outlet that focuses on corruption.

Hungary’s parliament passed a law late last year that set up an authority, the Sovereignty Protection Office, to explore and monitor risks of political interference.

The law, which has been criticised by the European Union, the United States and several international organisations, bans foreign financing for parties or groups running for election and carries punishments of up to three years in prison.


USAID, DoS, CIA Begin Structured Color Revolution on Russia’s Border in Georgia

You may have heard of the protests in Tbilisi, Georgia recently. The protests are framed around what the State Dept and CIA call “Russian favored” legislation.

The Georgia legislation essentially says that domestic lobbyists, NGO’s, entities, groups and individuals who are funded more than 20% by foreign interests need to register as such.

Essentially, the USA law we call the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), is what the country of Georgia is enacting in their own political landscape.  However, the USA is not happy about the Georgia law to disclose the source of foreign funding (most of it anti-government) because the USA (specifically the State Dept and CIA) is the source of that funding.

This Georgia political scheme is yet another U.S. led color revolution in the same hues as 2014 Ukraine.

As noted by Global News, “in Georgia, protests have erupted over a proposed law requiring organizations with foreign funding to register their activities with the government. Critics compare the bill to similar legislation used to silence opposition groups in Russia. Thousands of Georgians marched through the capital, Tbilisi, on Sunday to voice their opposition to the bill, with opposition parties and civil society groups calling for mass protests against its expected passage.WATCH:

TBILISI, Georgia (AP) — Dozens of people have been arrested in Georgia after police in the capital used tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters who rallied outside Parliament to protest a controversial bill which they argue limits media freedom.

Georgia’s Interior Ministry said 63 people were arrested Tuesday while they took part in a demonstration in Tbilisi. Levan Khabeishvili, an opposition MP, posted a picture of himself on his social media accounts with a bloodied face and heavy bruising. Members of his party said he had been assaulted by police.

Those arrested were taking part in the latest in a series of protests against a bill which would require media and non-commercial organizations to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they get more than 20% of their funding from abroad.


Tremors in the Dark Force – Architect of the Ukraine Crisis, aka World War Reddit, State Dept Executive Producer Victoria Nuland Will Retire This Month

TMI… If George Soros and Madeline Albright had a love child, it would be Victoria Nuland.

Victoria Nuland, the third-highest ranking U.S. diplomat, and one of the principal agents responsible for attempted color revolutions, (ie. Russia and Ukraine), will retire and leave her post this month, according to The State Department today.

This is a good indicator that things are not going according to the Obama/Biden agenda. GOOD!

Anthony Blinken – Victoria Nuland has let me know that she intends to step down in the coming weeks as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – a role in which she has personified President Biden’s commitment to put diplomacy back at the center of our foreign policy and revitalize America’s global leadership at a crucial time for our nation and the world.

Toria’s tenure caps three and a half decades of remarkable public service under six Presidents and ten Secretaries of State. Starting with her very first posting as a consular officer in Guangzhou, China, Toria’s had most of the jobs in this Department. Political officer and economic officer. Spokesperson and chief of staff. Deputy Assistant Secretary and Assistant Secretary. Special Envoy and Ambassador.

These experiences have armed Toria with an encyclopedic knowledge of a wide range of issues and regions, and an unmatched capacity to wield the full toolkit of American diplomacy to advance our interests and values.

What makes Toria truly exceptional is the fierce passion she brings to fighting for what she believes in most: freedom, democracy, human rights, and America’s enduring capacity to inspire and promote those values around the world. (read more)

If you believe that last paragraph, start writing reviews on the culinary nuances of Gas Station Sushi.


Retaliation – Biden Administration Designates Former Guatemala President as Ineligible for U.S. Entry Following Snub of Biden Summit

The Biden administration has designated Alejandro Eduardo Giammattei Falla, former president of Guatemala, as generally ineligible for entry into the United States.  The justification surrounds accusations of “corruption“; however, Giammattei Falla previously opposed the Biden administration and organized a boycott of Biden’s Latin America Summit in 2022 {link}.

The Guatemala president was targeted by the Biden State Dept for removal, and the recent election effort in Guatemala did exactly that.  The U.S. State Dept recently celebrated the election outcome and the installation of far-left socialists Bernardo Arévalo and Karin Herrera as President and Vice President {link}.  Two days later, they designate Giammattei Falla persona non grata {link}.

Following the snub of Biden at the 2022 Latin America Summit in Los Angeles, literally the next month, there was an odd assassination attempt on President Giammattei Falla {link}.  We said at the time it smelled like a Kashoggi situation, “At first blush I’m inclined to see Jose Ruben Zamora as the Latin version of Jamal Khashoggi; which is to say, he glows CIA.” {link}

The State Dept action today would be another datapoint in the affirmative to that suspicion.

STATE DEPT – The State Department is designating Alejandro Eduardo Giammattei Falla, former president of Guatemala, as generally ineligible for entry into the United States due to his involvement in significant corruption. The State Department has credible information indicating that Giammattei accepted bribes in exchange for the performance of his public functions during his tenure as president of Guatemala, actions that undermined the rule of law and government transparency.


Too Predictable – Joe Biden Begins Strikes in Yemen

Trust me, I had to dumb down this headline to avoid the Google “reputation” block.   But let me start by reminding everyone [CHECK DATE]:


{GO DEEP} – And so, it begins:

White House – Today, at my direction, U.S. military forces—together with the United Kingdom and with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands—successfully conducted strikes against a number of targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most vital waterways.
These strikes are in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea—including the use of anti-ship ballistic missiles for the first time in history. These attacks have endangered U.S. personnel, civilian mariners, and our partners, jeopardized trade, and threatened freedom of navigation. More than 50 nations have been affected in 27 attacks on international commercial shipping. Crews from more than 20 countries have been threatened or taken hostage in acts of piracy.  More than 2,000 ships have been forced to divert thousands of miles to avoid the Red Sea—which can cause weeks of delays in product shipping times. And on January 9, Houthis launched their largest attack to date—directly targeting American ships.


Pentagon Releases New Statement on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Still Hospitalized – Secretary of State Blinken Confirms He Had No Idea

Remember, there was a time when the eagle’s gaze on the official seal for the Office of the United States President, did not point toward the olive branch. There was a long time in our nation’s history when the eagle’s gaze on the Presidential Seal pointed toward the arrows, and the State Dept. Seal pointed to the olive branch.

There were always two conflicting teams, by design.  There were always two different roles and responsibilities.  Those distinct purposes are now diluted by ideology, size of government and the silo process.

According to DC chatter, there is a strong possibility the “elective surgical procedure,” that resulted in complications ultimately requiring intensive care hospitalization for Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, involved gastric bypass surgery or laparoscopic gastric banding.  Regardless of what the procedure was, the Pentagon is updating that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin remains in the hospital.  {Pentagon Link}

[Source Here]

This update follows the admission that Defense Secretary Austin was hospitalized in intensive care for four days beginning January 1st, and no one in the White House, National Security Council or State Department was aware.   Secretary of State Anthony Blinken confirmed his lack of knowledge earlier today.


Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald Discuss the Current Status of the Ukraine Conflict

Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson sit down and discuss the status of the current “war” in Ukraine.  The subject of the reality around the war comes as a consequence of several media outlets who have begun writing about the State Dept and CIA looking for an exit from World War Reddit.   WATCH:

According to sources who are speaking to NBC News, U.S. and EU officials are gently beginning to talk to Ukraine government officials about what steps might need to be taken to bring an end to the Ukraine-Russia war. Obviously, for those who do not pretend, we all know the decision to end this conflict comes down to the USA telling Ukraine President Zelenskyy to open peace talks with Russia.


Sunday Talks – Shameless Anthony Blinken Says U.S. Not Sure of American Casualties or Hostages, Says Administration Does Not Know Hamas Motive

This guy is beyond shameless.  After coordinating an appeasement policy toward Iran that included the return of $6 billion in sanctioned money, the current occupant of the Secretary of State’s office, Anthony Blinken, says the administration is unsure of the Hamas motive attacking Israel.  This might sound like a crazy thing to say, until you realize it is a necessary pretending game in order to maintain the policy for preferring a two-state solution.

If Blinken or Biden were to admit that Hamas has a fundamental purpose to kill the people of Israel, they would have to admit there’s no possibility of the Palestinians and Israeli’s cohabitating the same landscape; thus, their ‘two-state’ solution would be moot.  So, they must maintain the flawed premise and pretend not to know the motivations of Hamas.  It really is a shameless exhibition in ideology, as advanced. WATCH:

[Transcript] – MARGARET BRENNAN: We now go to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who joins us from the State Department here in Washington. Good to have you with us. Mr. Secretary, I know you have been working–


MARGARET BRENNAN:  Straight through on this. Can you answer the question yet of whether the Hamas assault is over? Are there more attacks to come?


The Intercept Publishes Diplomatic Cable Highlighting U.S. Pressure on Pakistan to Remove President Imran Khan

What do Pakistan’s Imran Khan, Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, USA’s Donald Trump, Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Mexico’s Lopez-Obrador all have in common?

First, they are all strong nationalists. Second, the U.S. government has either influenced the removal and judicial incarceration or is currently seeking the removal and judicial incarceration of each of them.

As the U.S. State Dept. (Tony Blinken), USAID (Samantha Power) and CIA (Director Burns) conduct influence operations around the world to advance the interests of the multinationals; newly released diplomatic cables from inside Pakistan reveal the U.S. influence effort to remove former Pakistan President Imran Khan.

It sucks to wake up every day and accept the USA are the bad guys.

THE U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT encouraged the Pakistani government in a March 7, 2022, meeting to remove Imran Khan as prime minister over his neutrality on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to a classified Pakistani government document obtained by The Intercept.

The meeting, between the Pakistani ambassador to the United States and two State Department officials, has been the subject of intense scrutiny, controversy, and speculation in Pakistan over the past year and a half, as supporters of Khan and his military and civilian opponents jockeyed for power.

The political struggle escalated on August 5 when Khan was sentenced to three years in prison on corruption charges and taken into custody for the second time since his ouster. Khan’s defenders dismiss the charges as baseless. The sentence also blocks Khan, Pakistan’s most popular politician, from contesting elections expected in Pakistan later this year.

One month after the meeting with U.S. officials documented in the leaked Pakistani government document, a no-confidence vote was held in Parliament, leading to Khan’s removal from power. The vote is believed to have been organized with the backing of Pakistan’s powerful military. Since that time, Khan and his supporters have been engaged in a struggle with the military and its civilian allies, whom Khan claims engineered his removal from power at the request of the U.S.

The text of the Pakistani cable, produced from the meeting by the ambassador and transmitted to Pakistan, has not previously been published. The cable, known internally as a “cypher,” reveals both the carrots and the sticks that the State Department deployed in its push against Khan, promising warmer relations if Khan was removed, and isolation if he was not. (read more, including cable)


DeSantis Campaign Fires Creator of Ron DeSantis Promotional Video Showcasing Pro Ukraine Nazi Support and Symbolism

It’s funny in a way, because since mid 2022 CTH has been pointing out the 2021 arrival of registered foreign agent Christina Pushaw in the DeSantis orbit always looked a little, well, ideologically structured.

Someone had to enlist the Ukrainian activist into the DeSantis orbit to become his press secretary.  We wondered if perhaps the similarity between the State Dept World War Reddit fraud and the pretending around the Ron DeSantis 2024 operation was not coincidental.

Regardless of how all of that took place, the reality of Pushaw’s pro-Zelenskyy, pro-Ukraine influence was clearly visible long before the ‘book tour’ pretenses were dropped, and the handlers of Ron DeSantis finally admitted a 2024 nomination effort was underway.

So, here we are.  Now we enter this odd phase where campaign branding and images of the DeSantis brand start to represent the ideology of the brand creators.  After it was revealed that an anti-Trump homophobic and violent video was actually created by the campaign and then delivered to Pushaw’s influence group to push it, the DeSantis campaign removed it.  This was the first effort.

Now comes the second instance.  A DeSantis video showing Nazi symbolism, a Sonnenrad or symbol used by Nazis and still used by white supremacists in the Ukrainian military units, surfaces.

[See screengrab left]

Is this just another random occurrence, or really is it an outcome of the people who Pushaw et al helped assemble in the branding phase?  The former possibility is pretending, the latter probability is the Occam’s razor likelihood.

(Via Axios) – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 2024 campaign fired an aide this week who secretly created and shared a pro-DeSantis video that featured the candidate at the center of a Sonnenrad, an ancient symbol appropriated by the Nazis and still used by some white supremacists.

Driving the news: Nate Hochman, a speechwriter on the DeSantis campaign and a former writer for National Review, created the video on his own and shared it through a pro-DeSantis Twitter account, according to a person familiar with the matter.
