House Republicans Furious with Way Speaker Johnson Distributes Tenured Perks

When I said in 2020 that House Republican representatives were generally focused on who gets the larger pieces of the cake during the office birthday party, many people just couldn’t fathom it.

With all the crisis, corruption, manipulation of government institutions, DOJ/FBI targeting and jaw-dropping weaponization that was stunningly evident, a large number of readers could not bring themselves to realize almost all House Republicans just didn’t care.  Fortunately, a lot more awakening has happened in the past four years, and I think people are now more willing to accept the reality of just how bad it is in Republican ranks.

If there was just one article this month, I would like to suggest everyone read THIS ONE IN POLITICO  There’s no paywall; everyone can read it, and the context of it is, unfortunately, exactly as I would describe it myself.   I have witnessed first-hand, exactly what the article covers.

On the day after the Mar-a-Lago raid in 2022, the FBI raided the home of Pennsylvania Representative Scott Perry. {DETAILS}  Factually, there were a series of coordinated FBI raids and targeted inquisitions that were intentionally timed to trigger immediately after the August ’22 Trump raid.

What most people do not know was that President Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows essentially set up Scott Perry.   After the DOJ framed the J6 events as a “national security threat,” Mark Meadows was essentially a walking FISA virus.  Meadows sent Perry text messages via an encrypted Signal app, however, Signal was cooperating with the DOJ/FBI to give all communication to the targeting units of a weaponized surveillance state.


Republican (UniParty) Senators Deeply Worried Border Deal Collapsing, Subsequently Their Ukraine Money Is at Risk

Republican Senators are very worried about the bloom coming off the border security ruse, and as a consequence, their Ukraine money might not be delivered.  The multinational corporations, military contractors and Blackrock will not accept their Republican Senate failure; they’ve paid good money for the UniParty to deliver.

The UniParty Republicans trying to finance Ukraine are blaming Donald Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson for not accepting the border security justification in exchange for the Zelenskyy payments.  There is much anger and frustration as these traditional processes have always worked before.

Suddenly, people have become wise to the GOP ruse of the military as a justification for self-enriching spending bills, and apparently the K-Street lobbyists are not amused with this great awakening.

WASHINGTON – GOP infighting and indecision is already threatening to disintegrate the border deal, even before Senate negotiators release the long-awaited bill text.

As senators returned for a critical two-week sprint in D.C. before a lengthy recess, Republicans are starting to doubt whether the agreement — which would be tied to billions in foreign aid — can pass their chamber. GOP leaders first set out to find a compromise that could win a majority of Republican senators over, but that’s only grown more challenging as conservatives, Speaker Mike Johnson and former President Donald Trump hammer the deal.


The Senate Passes 2024 NDAA Bill 87-13 Which Includes Four Month FISA Extension and $300 Million for Ukraine

As expected, the Senate dropped all the woke restrictions from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and added $300 million for Ukraine along with a four-month extension of the FISA 702 authority until April 19, 2024.

The vote roll for this bill is here.  With the final vote at 87-13.


Only six republicans voted against the $886 billion dollar bill.


46 Deep State Officials Including Rosenstein, Clapper and Morell Urge Congress to Pass HPSCI Version of FISA-702 Renewal to Expand Domestic Surveillance

For those confused. There are two bills to modify the FISA702 reauthorization in the House.  (1) HR 6611 from the House Intel Committee and (2) HR 6570 from the House Judiciary Committee.  The intel committee bill expands domestic surveillance authority under the modifications; the judiciary committee bill requires the DOJ to get a search warrant before they can look at the incidental collection of American citizens.

Both bills came out of committee and were scheduled for a floor vote tomorrow, which has been cancelled due to public outcry (good job).  Speaker Mike Johnson initially planned to let both bills get voted tomorrow and the bill with the most votes advances to the Senate.  😬That’s a hot mess.

The House Intel Committee bill organized by Chairman Mike Turner is absolutely horrible. It expands FISA702 surveillance and makes things much worse.  The House Judiciary Bill organized by Chairman Jim Jordan is not structurally that much better, but it does put strong curtailments on the 702 surveillance authority by forcing the DOJ to get actual court approved search warrants on American citizens.

It should not come as a surprise to see a panel of 46 experts in Deep State weaponization come out in support of the Intelligence Committee bill, and then decry the insufferable 702 limitations put into place in the Judiciary Committee bill.   The bad guys want the House Intel version.


House Passes $14.3 Billion Stand Alone Bill to Support Israel – Vote 226-196 With 12 Democrats in Support

If it was a Democrat sponsored bill, the media would be highlighting the bipartisan nature of the vote.  However, because it is a Republican sponsored bill, the media immediately say the stand alone measure to support Israel is dead upon arrival in the Senate.

Joe Biden has said he will veto the House version of the bill, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said he will not entertain the bill due to the pay-go funding mechanism (removal of $14.3 billion in IRS funding) and the fact it is not a package bill that includes support for Ukraine.   Biden wants his $106 billion bill with funds for Israel, Ukraine, Hamas (via USAID), Taiwan and support for arriving migrants.  Chuck Schumer is working with Mitch McConnell to put the combined package together.

Twelve Democrats supported the $14.3 billion House bill, and two Republicans voted against it (MTGreene and Massie). The vote was 226-196 for passage.

WASHINGTON – […] While aid to Israel is something both parties strongly agree with, Democratic support for the legislation broke down after Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) added a provision in the bill that would cut $14.3 billion in funding from the Internal Revenue Service to offset the cost of the aid to Israel — prompting Democratic leaders to encourage party members to vote against it.


Sunday Talks, New Speaker Mike Johnson Discusses Israel Support Bill and Looming Budget Deadline

Within the budget process there are two different facets. Congress is charged by the Constitution with making decisions about how to spend public money. Those spending decisions are split into two parts: authorization and appropriations.  In the recent political era the “authorization” process has essentially been nulled; no one ever asks if the program (Ukraine, Israel, FBI, etc.) should be funded. 

Authorization” is done by Congress via legislation that “can establish, continue, or modify an agency, program, or activity for a fixed or indefinite period of time,” per the Congressional Research Service. In other words, authorization is Congress saying that money can be spent on a given item — not that it necessarily will be spent on that item.

Appropriations” are done by Congress via legislation that authorizes agencies to make payments from the federal Treasury (i.e. it allows them to spend the money that had previously been authorized). Appropriations bills are ordinarily passed each year, but in recent years it has been common for Congress to fund the government “on autopilot” via continuing resolutions that simply allow agencies to continue spending the same amount of money they were spending under the previous funding bill.

Matt Gaetz has been trying to change this dynamic because the external recipients of the appropriation spending, the lobbyists, are the ones driving the continuation of the CR approach. The lobbyists pay congress via campaign donations. Those donations come from congressional appropriation. The CR process maintains the largesse.



Speaker Mike Johnson Sits Down with Sean Hannity for Extensive Interview

Sometimes I just sit and shake my head.  Why these guys keep appearing with Sean Hannity is beyond my understanding.  That said, the platform and host is the first warning sign, the content of the interview is another.

Speaker Mike Johnson, who is a significant upgrade from Speaker Kevin McCarthy, sits down for an extensive discussion on current political events where Sean Hannity can tell Johnson his role and responsibility as Speaker. WATCH:



President Trump Delivers Brief Remarks on New House Speaker Mike Johnson

During a recess from the ridiculous Lawfare drama in New York City today, President Trump delivered brief remarks on Representative Mike Johnson becoming the new Speaker of the House.  Mike Johnson was on President Trump’s impeachment defense team.  WATCH:


Mike Johnson is a big upgrade from Kevin McCarthy.  Johnson has a solid and stable disposition, is very grounded toward finding optimal solutions and was /is a strong ally and defender of President Trump and the MAGA movement.  Johnson arrived with the Trump ’16 wave, and he has earned the space to see if he can deliver great outcomes.

When compared to the alternatives, Speaker Johnson is a big step in the right direction.   Matt Gaetz delivered an exceptional outcome, albeit likely with a little 🙏 divine luck for the assist.


HUGE WIN – Mike Johnson Becomes Speaker of the House

Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson won the vote and has become Speaker of the House of Representatives.  This is a huge shift in momentum for the MAGA base, for common sense pragmatic voters, and for the overall direction of our national body politic.

Speaker Johnson delivered a humble, gracious and fantastic speech after the vote.  WATCH:

WASHINGTON DC – The fourth-term Louisianan sailed to victory with 220 votes, more than the 215 he needed to be elected speaker on the House floor. The final vote on the first ballot was 220-209.

Johnson’s win marked a stunning turnaround after more than three weeks of chaotic limbo in the House following the ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the demise of three other failed speaker candidates. He did not lose a single GOP vote from lawmakers who were present; Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.) is in Israel and did not attend the balloting.
