SSCI Chairman Senator Mark Warner Organizing Democrat Consultation on the Risk Joe Biden Represents

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is the center of the silo network that supports the Intelligence Community control over U.S. political outcomes.  SSCI Chairman Mark Warner has been the leading organizer of the IC efforts to interfere in USA politics since 2015.

Senator Mark Warner was selected by the DC system to represent the IC interests when Donald J Trump became the leading candidate for the 2016 election.  Warner was quickly installed to replace Senator Dianne Feinstein on the SSCI immediately following the 2016 election outcome.

From his position within the IC silo, Warner led the legislative effort to frame Trump for the Russia Collusion hoax.  His efforts to support the IC have been fully immersed thereafter and continue through today.   The IC is concerned that Biden now represents a risk to their system of control.

As a direct result, Warner is now activated to lead the consultation conversation about how to mitigate damage and proactively protect the IC interests.

WASHINGTON DC – WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Mark Warner on Tuesday was contacting some fellow Democratic senators to invite them to a possible meeting on Monday to discuss President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, a source familiar told Reuters.

The source did not elaborate or say whether Warner was trying to organize a group of senators to pressure Biden to quit the race.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that Warner was trying to put together a group of Democratic senators who would ask Biden to end his presidential campaign. (READ MORE)


Remarkable and Truthful Statement About FBI Political Surveillance

HatTip The Gateway Pundit – These remarks by former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant are somewhat shocking to hear said out loud.

Governor Phil Bryant: “I’m the campaign finance director for Donald Trump in Mississippi, so we raise money. I’ve talked to a number of very wealthy individuals that God has blessed that say I can’t give money to Donald Trump because the FBI will show up at my door.”

One of the more sad, albeit predictable, aspects to the politicization of American justice institutions is that there’s less and less shock associated with the dropping of pretenses.  Many people on these pages and in the discussions across the internet warned several years ago that downstream from the weaponized government was going to be an end-point era where all trust was dissolved.  We are essentially at that point now.

While both wings of the UniParty apparatus in DC played together in the creation of the post 9-11 surveillance state, it was the Obama administration who added the weaponization knob based on political ideology.

Weaponizing the DOJ and FBI via the Intelligence Community (2012 and beyond) was an outcropping of the previous weaponization of the IRS and regulatory system (2009 to 2012).  When I discuss this issue with people, I like to draw attention to the Obama and Eric Holder continuum.

The National Security Division of the DOJ (DOJ-NSD) was created by Eric Holder specifically to function as a weaponized agency, using FARA (Foreign Agent Registration Act) as the tool for the surveillance and targeting.  While the NSD system was being put into place (2009/2010), Main Justice requested the CD ROMs from the IRS containing the Schedule-Bs of every 501(c-4) political organization.  The DOJ quickly settled the class action lawsuit brought by conservative groups.

With the spotlight on the Cincinnati office (Louis Lerner), Obama moved his Chief of Staff Jack Lew into position as Treasury Secretary.  The DOJ under Eric Holder then moved away from using the IRS and began to using the NSA database (weaponized FISA-702 authority) in 2012.


Some People Surprised – The FBI Was Prepared to Use Deadly Force Against Trump Security Detail During Mar-a-Lago Raid to Regain Deep State FBI/DOJ Secrets

Some people are expressing shock that the FBI was prepared to use deadly force against President Trump and his Secret Service security detail during the DOJ raid on Mar-a-Lago.  Julie Kelly has the DETAILS HERE.

I am not surprised in the least.  Remember, the objective of the FBI raid was to resecure the physical evidence that President Trump had showing how the DOJ and FBI action in 2016 was targeting him using the power of their law enforcement and intelligence agencies.   The origination of all the DOJ/FBI/IC issues goes back to the ’15/’16 FBI exploitation of the NSA database; this is not a contested discussion issue – it’s just continually forgotten.

The FBI was using their access to the NSA metadata of all Americans, to conduct surveillance on political candidates that might be a threat to the power structures that exploited the secrets within the electronic records of all Americans.  The FBI was/is conducting domestic surveillance and tracking just like the German Stasi or Soviet KGB.  It’s still happening, but we are not supposed to remember or something.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago, just like the Robert Mueller investigation, was part of the long standing coverup operation.  The FBI was looking for what Trump took with him as evidence of the weaponized system that targeted him.  The FBI wanted that back.  The FBI was willing to use deadly force to get it back if that’s what it took.

The raid involved 25 Miami FBI agents, four Washington FBI agents, one unidentified individual from FBI Headquarters, one DOJ attorney, and the assistant U.S. Attorney from the Southern District of Florida. (MORE)

Yes, apparently the FBI was prepared to engage in a gun battle or kill people in Mar-a-Lago in order to retake the evidence against them.  I know it sounds scarey, but that’s the reality of our modern FBI.  These are not good people.   Remember also that AG Merrick Garland said he authorized every facet of the raid.

I keep trying to drive the point home, these are not good people…. yet, many refuse to accept, pretend it just can’t be that bad, or keep forgetting the real examples that prove how bad the FBI is.


Peak Mueller – DOJ Concealing Legal Predicate to Investigate Congressional Staff in 2017

Jason Foster has filed an interesting “motion to intervene” in a court filing against the DOJ effort to keep the legal rationale for a 2017 subpoena hidden. tldr version HERE

Mr. Jason Foster was one of Chuck Grassley’s congressional lawyers on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and a key Grassley research staffer when the background of the DOJ/FBI Spygate operation against Donald Trump was at its apex.

In a COURT FILING, Jason Foster notes, in September 2017, the DOJ requested and received a court order which it leveraged against Google and Big Tech to gain access to the phone and electronic data of House and Senate staff members. The DOJ then filed Non Disclosure Orders (NDOs) blocking the notification of the target(s), in this example Mr. Foster himself.   Foster wants to know what justification the DOJ gave the judge to get the warrants and subpoena.

I find this motion/filing exceptionally interesting, because the originating DOJ action was in September ’17, when the Mueller cover-up was in full bloom; the Mueller team essentially controlled all of Main Justice (per Rosenstein testimony), and the effort of the DOJ was to keep a bag over the FBI/DOJ activity in the 2016 election.

As Jeff Carlson notes, the “DOJ has kept sealed their “legal rationale” for targeting the communications of congressional staff attorneys for GOP oversight committees.”

Foster notes, this DOJ subpoena appears related to the leak of the “Top Secret” FISA application used against Carter Page.  The media received that leak, in March 2017, and the FBI (Washington Field Office) was investigating how the TS-SCI classified leak originated.  At the same time, the DOJ (“Mueller team”), now in September 2017, had a vested interest monitoring ‘who knew what’ not only about the leak (James Wolfe and Mark Warner), but also about the motives of the special counsel coverup operation.


BIG PICTURE – Judge Cannon Unseals and Un-redacts Trump Legal Motion that Exposes DOJ Fraudulent Case Against Him

If you have followed law and politics for any length of time, you have probably heard of “speaking indictments.” That’s where the prosecution will write an indictment or court motion with very granular -yet perhaps not pertinent- details of a case against a suspect that highlights a much bigger picture than a singular perspective against the individual defendant.  The intent is to make the public aware of the details within a case by making them part of the court record.

In the Special Counsel Jack Smith constructed Lawfare case against Donald Trump, what is generally called “the documents case”, involving the raid on Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s attorney, Christopher Kise, did something similar to a speaking indictment with an extensive court motion on January 16, 2024.   The 68-page motion is a comprehensive “speaking motion” which outlines a great deal of the fraud and Lawfare manipulation by the special counsel. [SEE DOCUMENT HERE]

In response to the filing, using the pre-established legal narrative about needing to control “national security” information [SEE HERE], the Jack Smith team (essentially Lawfare operatives like Weissman, Eisen and McCord) redacted large portions of the Trump motion specifically to stop the public record from showing the outline.   However, two days ago, April 22nd, Judge Aileen Cannon unsealed and more importantly ‘unredacted’ the motion.


Keep in mind, back in the beginning of the pre-trial discovery phase -in response to the filing by Trump- Jack Smith gave the judge the opinion of the DOJ [SEE HERE] toward discovery and documents.  As noted, and summarized well by Julie Kelly:

To clear up any confusion as to what Special Counsel Jack Smith sought to conceal in classified documents case, this is what Smith told Judge Cannon in Feb 2024 in response to Trump’s motion to compel discovery from numerous govt agencies:

1) Defendants are not entitled to discovery of internal government correspondence and memoranda, or to documents that are otherwise privileged.

2) The Court Should Deny Defendants’ Requests for Evidence of ‘Improper Coordination with NARA’ and of ‘Bias and Investigative Misconduct.’

3) The Court Should Deny Defendants’ Requests for Evidence Related to Trump’s Security Clearance With The Department of Energy.

4) The Court Should Deny Defendants’ Requests for Evidence Related to Secure Facilities at President Trump’s Residences.

5) The Court Should Deny Defendants’ Requests for Production of Materials Concerning the Search of Mar-a-Lago.


6) Defendants’ Request for Unredacted Discovery of Materials Should Be Denied.


Report, Lawfare Beach Friends Meet Every Friday to Discuss Legal Filings and Best Trump Attack Strategy

This is not going to be a surprise for regular CTH readers; however, Politico is outlining how a group of Lawfare ideologues meet every Friday to discuss their constructed legal filings and the next week of attack angles against President Donald Trump.

In essence, the core group inside the meeting are what Christine Blasey-Ford called the “beach friends” when discussing who constructed the legal avenues for the ridiculous attack against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

As we have noted for the past several years, it’s this same group of Lawfare ideologues, mostly former DOJ administrators and lawyers, who are behind every anti-Trump effort.   The primary trio is Mary McCord, Norm Eisen (left in red tie), and Andrew Weissmann.

These are the three members who write the briefs and court motions that Jack Smith then files.

Mary McCord worked in the DOJ-NSD to secure the first Title-1 warrant against the Trump campaign; then she created the Logan Act violation to use against Michael Flynn; then she went to work with Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler on both impeachment efforts; then McCord went to work for Bennie Thompson on the J6 committee; then she worked as the liaison between the J6 Committee and Fulton County DA Fani Willis, and now Mary McCord currently works for Jack Smith on the special counsel effort.

Politico outlines how Lawfare operative Norm Eisen organizes the weekly Lawfare meeting and lists the participants who also join in.  Remember, Mary McCord, Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann are the primary Lawfare agents.

Via POLITICO – […] Every Friday, they meet on Zoom to hash out the latest twists and turns in the Trump legal saga — and intellectually stress-test the arguments facing Trump on his journey through the American legal system.

The meetings are off the record — a chance for the group’s members, many of whom are formally or loosely affiliated with different media outlets, to grapple with a seemingly endless array of novel legal issues before they hit the airwaves or take to print or digital outlets to weigh in with their thoughts.

The group’s host is Norman Eisen, a senior Obama administration official, longtime Trump critic and CNN legal analyst, who has been convening the group since 2022 as Trump’s legal woes ramped up. Eisen was also a key member of the team of lawyers assembled by House Democrats to handle Trump’s first impeachment.


GO DEEP – Speaker Johnson Changed Mind on FISA/Deep State after Lobbying from Pompeo and Intelligence Community

This is more than a little interesting and aligns with my own research and discussions.  House Speaker Mike Johnson was lobbied by former CIA Director Mike Pompeo and current officials from the CIA, DNI and Intelligence Community.

This effort, and his son starting at the Naval Academy, is what changed Johnson’s mind about allowing the U.S. intelligence community to have his full support in the IC war against the American people.

The story is shared by CNN, the official outlet for perspectives and viewpoints held by the U.S. State Dept (CIA), so keep the narrative origination in mind.  Here are the key points as written in the article:

WASHINGTON – […] The speaker’s embrace of Ukraine aid represents a remarkable evolution for Johnson, who voted against funding for the country as a rank-and-file member. But almost immediately after securing the speaker’s gavel, sources say he began to hear directly from critical Republican national security voices – including Donald Trump’s former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who impressed upon him the urgent need to approve assistance for Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s invasion.

In March, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky lobbied the speaker directly. Within minutes of the House approving a new military aid package for Ukraine on Saturday, Zelensky offered his thanks to US lawmakers, and in particular to Johnson for his decision that “keeps history on the right track.”

And more recently, Johnson received a key intelligence briefing from CIA Director Bill Burns, who painted a picture of the dire situation on the battlefield in Ukraine and the global consequences of inaction, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the situation. The briefing left a lasting impression, and Johnson became increasingly convinced the fate of Western democracy was on his shoulders, sources close to him said.


Good Grief, Worse than Warner – Unhinged Senator Lindsey Graham Loses His Marbles Over FISA-702

This combative gaslighting from the US Senate about what FISA-702 does is off the proverbial charts.  In this interview, Senator Lindsey Graham starts foaming at the mouth yelling about something that doesn’t even exist.  This is nuts.

FISA-702 ONLY pertains to the private conversations of AMERICANS, not – I repeat – not any intercept or communication method that has to do with a foreigner or foreign adversary.

The only time FISA-702 applies is when an American person is captured in an intercept that has targeted a foreign person. Surveillance of foreign actors, foreign persons and intercepting communication of foreign entities does not require any FISA authority at all.  Foreign actors do not have constitutional protection.

FISA-702 only applies when the intercept of a foreign person is connected to communication with an American person. In that specific scenario FISA-702 gives the U.S. government the authority to query the database of the American person.

However, the database search queries of Americans, people who have no contact with any foreign person, is the privacy aspect that has been abused by the intelligence apparatus. Senator Lindsey Graham comes unglued as he starts gaslighting on this issue.  WATCH (prompted):


The Deep State supporters are so committed to keeping the unconstitutional surveillance system of the American people in place, they will lie and makeup any fictitious scenario imaginable to retain it.  This is nonsense.


Wow Gaslighting – SSCI Chairman Mark Warner Lies About FISA-702 Fundamentals

This statement by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner is so fraudulent in narrative construct it’s almost ridiculous. “SEN. WARNER: Let’s remember what 702 is. It is the ability for the United States government to surveil, listen in, on non-Americans foreigners who are abroad.”

Absolutely nothing about this statement is accurate.  Foreigners do not have U.S constitutional protection.  All foreign communications can be intercepted without issue, without FISA.

FISA-702 authority only pertains to Americans. The term “702” is specifically referencing private communication with/by an American.  WATCH Warner lie:


MARGARET BRENNAN: We begin today with the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner. Good morning, and good to have you here.

SENATOR MARK WARNER (D-VA): Thank you, Margaret.


Thomas Massie Asks Speaker Johnson to Resign – Massie Announces He’ll Support MTG Effort to Oust Johnson

At a certain point after following politics closely, you move away from reacting to events and begin to focus on proactively predicting events.  You start to develop a mental tuning fork that finds the frequency of DC compromise.   In essence, you begin to assemble data and take notes on visible activity that indicates compromise.

Those notes then becomes predictive data and you keep it visible for later reference when trying to review motives and motivations for the DC schemes. Generally, if you keep close watch and take good notes, you will catch around 80% of the public datapoints that highlight the path of the political compromise.  Things that make other things make sense.

The origin of MTG’s dark motives and her individual compromise originates in the timeline of her marital breakup, sexual exploits with former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and eventually divorce.  MTG, Lauren Boebert and Sean Hannity all have this origination timeline in common.  I’m not sure what originates the Deep State compromise with Massie yet, when that initial touch took place, but I do know it goes back much further in the timeline of his congressional tenure.

Thomas Massie now joins with MTG in calling for the removal of Speaker Mike Johnson.

Let there be absolutely no doubt, removing Johnson right now is giving the speaker gavel to Democrats.  This Machiavellian way to remove Donald Trump has always appeared to be the Deep State insurance policy.

When the U.S. Supreme Court reinstituted Donald Trump on the federal election ballots of the five leftist states who removed him, the high court noted that disqualifying a person from presidential office could only be done by congress, not by the individual states.

If the Democrats take control of the House, disqualifying Donald Trump from federal office will be the purpose of their first legislative act.  They already hold the Senate.   They will do this.  Thomas Massie knows this.

So, ask yourself, who exactly is controlling the action of Thomas Massie; remember, he’s the former endorser of Ron DeSantis on behalf of the Sea Island multinationals (banks).  Does the question answer itself?

Accept things as they are, not as you would prefer them to be.

When we *think* we have found the bottom of the corrupt and conniving state within the DC system… Pause, have a nice cup of coffee, then remind ourselves we’ll never find the bottom of this level of corruption; it’s ‘effen bottomless.
