U.S. encourages unhealthy lifestyles as CDC admits COVID-19 hospitalizations and obesity positively correlate

March 29, 2021

ATLANTA — A recent study by University of Chicago researchers found that vitamin D deficiencies led to higher COVID-19 positive tests in more than 3,000 patients. The study found that Black Americans were especially vitamin D deficient and thus far more susceptible to positive tests.

A smaller December study found that every COVID-19 positive patient had vitamin D deficiencies. Yet another study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism last October found that 82% of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 had vitamin D deficiencies.

Despite all of the foregoing, there is no push in the United States for people to increase vitamin D intake. That entails eating more egg yolks, cheese, mushrooms, fatty fish and/or taking supplements. Lockdowns cause vitamin D deficiencies because they keep people indoors. Sunshine triggers vitamin D synthesis when it hits the cholesterol contained in your skin. Thus state and federal governments are directly responsible for the COVID-19 “pandemic.”

Obesity and COVID-19

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) receives hundreds of millions of dollars in tax-free endowments from pharmaceutical companies every year. Its stakeholders rely on a sick, overweight populace to maximize profits. But the CDC must occasionally present itself as an impartial public health agency. However, even when the agency tries to be impartial, it still remembers its primary function as pharmaceutical advertising firm.

A CDC report from March 12 found that 78% of Americans hospitalized for COVID-19 were overweight or obese. Nearly 40% of Americans are obese, and 72% are overweight, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Note that it doesn’t take much to be overweight and at higher risk of health issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, etc. A 5’9, 175-pound man, for instance, is overweight. Despite the CDC mea culpa, it still prioritized the wishes of its stakeholders before mentioning healthy lifestyles.

These findings highlight clinical and public health implications of higher BMIs, including the need for intensive management of COVID-19–associated illness, continued vaccine prioritization and masking, and policies to support healthy behaviors.

Health policies in the United States

The CDC lip service on public health is highlighted by the realities in the United States. The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) found that 15% of U.S. gyms closed permanently by Q3 2020. It estimated that 25% of gyms would be closed by the end of 2020.

The IHRSA also found that gyms were not a source for spreading COVID-19. But many states keep gyms closed or severely limited. California, the nation’s most populous state with nearly 40 million residents, still does not allow indoor fitness in several jurisdictions. The counties that do allow indoor fitness place many hindering caveats on working out. Meanwhile fast-food restaurants have thrived throughout the so-called pandemic.

Corporations and media are also encouraging unhealthy lifestyles. Krispy Kreme is infamous for offering a free glazed doughnut every day for the rest of 2021 for anyone who shows a “vaccine card.”

Granted the glazed Krispy Kremes are the lowest calorie option on their menu. But the idea is to get people into the store to buy more. Further, they are combining fatty, sugary consumables with experimental shots.

Cosmopolitan magazine is not even sugar-coating (no pun intended) its agenda. The February 2021 covers speak for themselves.

COVID-19 is the biggest health concern in the United States, according to media and government. The CDC says obesity makes the disease worse. Yet U.S. government, corporations and media do nothing to encourage healthy lifestyles. In fact, said entities are consciously doing the exact opposite, starting with encouraging (forcing) people to get experimental shots.

Best vaccine is vitamin D, green veggies and exercise

“Listen to the science” is the slogan for this perpetual COVID-19 marketing campaign. However, it takes only common sense to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy. People who work out regularly and are diet-conscious have 35% lower all-cause mortality, 21% lower cancer rates, and 41% lower cardiovascular disease rates.

Fitness and health are lifestyles, not New Year’s resolutions. Those who value their health find balance in their eating habits, physical activities and getting adequate sunshine. Experimental shots, masks and fear cannot and will not save you. Personal responsibility is the ultimate COVID-19 prophylaxis. Stay vigilant.


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Miss Allaneous
Miss Allaneous
3 years ago

Are these Cosmo covers REAL?? I can’t BELIEVE this! I’m HUMILIATED for Cosmo!!!!

2 years ago

I’m 56 and I had been thin all of my life until I was 34 and had to go on a diet for the first time in my life, I had always been thin eating tons of fattening foods and doing no exercise at all, not even walking and I have been struggling with being over weight ever since. And I do walk everywhere since I don’t drive, I don’t walk that often but when I do it’s far.

My mother had two children, and was on diet pills when she was pregnant with me, and she was thin in her 20’s too, but became very over weight, about same age my weight problem began, and she never ate a lot either and she was somewhat more over weight because she was 2 and half inches shorter than me. I have lost at least an inch of height due to degenerative disk disease in my lower back too,which only makes it worse with my BMI and weight. I don’t look obese or anything though, but I really wish I had my old fast metabolism back!

My father said it’s in my genes from my mother and that I inherited my mother’s slow metabolism, I never had any children though, and yet it still happened to me at a young age. My former internist always said that my metabolism slowed down, and that most people’s metabolism’s slow down as they age, and she said she had countless patients that were thin when they were younger, and then ended up over weight.

She had her first child at age 35,and her second in her late 30’s,but she was still thin at 40,but she said that when she was in college, she used to be able to eat 2 cheese steaks at once and gain no weight, but that if she did that now she would gain weight easily. But I started to go to her when I was only 38 and my weight problem began when I was only 34 as I said. If I haven’t eaten any fattening foods for a month or more, my size 12 misses pants fit, but as soon as I eat even two really fattening foods just in one day my pants are tight, digging into my waist and leaving red marks around them and it takes me about 5 days to a week to get it back down and I have to hardly eat anything to do it.

When I was thin, I could eat anything and everything and I stayed a size 6 in my teens, and an 8 in my early and mid 20’s.By my late 20’s I was now a size 10. Several other doctors, and quite a few non doctors including endocrinologists said the same thing about my metabolism slowing down, but I still think it slowed down way too much too soon. My thyroid has been checked a ton of times through the years and it’s normal so that isn’t the problem either.

2 years ago

Women’s Health magazine how your Metabolism changes and slows down in your 20’s,30’s,and 40’s

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

España es un país por excelencia donde la dieta es considerada una de las mejores del mundo, o al menos así era ya que como bien expresa este artículo la dieta aquí también a cambiado a peor.
La gente cada vez cocina menos y come más comida basura, de hecho el índice de obesidad ha aumentado mucho especialmente en jóvenes que son los que están más adictos a la tecnología y no dedican tiempo para hacer ejercicio y durante el confinamiento de 2020 esa adicción ha aumentado .
Las mujeres ya no dedican tiempo a cuidar de la alimentación de la familia, están más preocupadas por tener un buen trabajo , las políticas de igualdad de género han hecho que las mujeres le den más importancia a una carrera profesional que a cuidar de forma sana a su familia y no creo que eso sea casualidad ya que los políticos están interesados en que las mujeres trabajen para que no tengan tiempo de tener hijos y de cuidar de sus familias, y no estoy diciendo con ello que las mujeres no deban trabajar, me parece bien que lo hagan siempre y cuando no vaya en detrimento de los valores fundamentales de la familia.
Y estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que la mejor dieta es la alimentación y el ejercicio físico. Verdura, legumbres, frutas de temporada, algo de carne si es posible carne blanca, y huevos los cuales pueden ser un complemento importante de vitamina D, así como también comer cereales como el arroz integral el mijo la quinoa etc y dedicar tiempo a cocinar; y por supuesto NADA DE VACUNAS EXPERIMENTALES.

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