Scotland: 41-year-old Leigh King breaks out in “agonizing” full-body rash after AstraZeneca shot
March 31, 2021

Ms. Leigh King. Credit: Media Scotland

NORTH LANARKSHIRE, SCOTLAND — A 41-year-old hairdresser is no longer able to care for her autistic son because of a gruesome, painful rash after the experimental AstraZeneca shot.

Ms. Leigh King received the first dose of the AstraZeneca shot on March 12, according to Daily Mail reporter Luke Andrews. Note that AstraZeneca rebranded its COVID-19 shot last week and now calls it “Vaxzevria.” Ms. King immediately broke out in a full-body rash after the shot. It looks like a condition called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a severe, allergic reaction to medications.

She waited the required 48 hours before seeking medical attention, hoping the condition would clear up by itself. Ms. King went to Wishaw A&E Hospital on or around March 15. But she was turned away three different times. The pain is so excruciating that she was barely able to walk out of the hospital the third time she was turned away.

“My skin was so sore and constantly hot,” she told the U.S. Sun “I have never felt pain like this… and to say it’s been the worst time of my life is an absolute understatement.”

Pictures tell a very vivid story.

Credit: Media Scotland


Credit: Media Scotland

The situation is worse as it relates to her 13-year-old autistic son, Aidan. He is struggling to understand the situation. Ms. King said her son is afraid to come to her because of her red, scaly skin. Not only does her son need a specialist to cope with the situation, but also Ms. King must wait for a specialist to see her. It could be several weeks before she receives any tangible treatment.

Proverbial “vaccine didn’t cause it” narrative commences

Of course the two publications spoke to doctors who deflected the obvious cause of the rash to something else. Dr. Adil Sheraz of Royal Free Hospital in London said the rash “could have been sparked by other factors.” He added that the only way to end the “pandemic” is with mass vaccinations. Ms. King said she is not against the experimental shots. But she added that the system “let [her] down on every level.”

Ms. King’s situation is identical to what happened to Mr. Richard Terrell in Virginia. The only difference is that his was caused by the Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot. The scary part is what all we’re learning now is the immediate, short-term effects of these experimental mRNA, viral vector, and inactivated virus shots. All of them are still in clinical trials through 2024 and later. Stay vigilant and protect yourselves, families and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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None Yun
None Yun
3 years ago

She didn’t make the connection that her son’s autism was from the jab, and I doubt that she will figure it out now that it screwed her up (likely for life)

darwin awards dinner guest
darwin awards dinner guest
3 years ago

Big Pharma destroyed her son’s life and now her life. Covid vaccine is an IQ test.

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