Peter Spann: 54-year-old Australian filmmaker dead two months after first experimental AstraZeneca shot
June 8, 2021

Mr. Peter Spann.

SYDNEY — A 54-year-old Australian filmmaker and businessman is dead despite acknowledging all the dangers surrounding the COVID-19 “vaccines” and having pre-existing conditions.

Mr. Peter Spann received his first dose of experimental AstraZeneca viral vector on March 25, according to his Facebook page. He confirmed it was the AstraZeneca shot in subsequent comments. Mr. Spann reported headaches and a fever that got progressively worse for a few days. But he said the symptoms resolved themselves days thereafter.

Mr. Spann and a Facebook friend named Brian Gillett had a back and forth discussion about the experimental shots, deaths and adverse reactions. After a long string of comments, Mr. Spann responded with his reasoning for getting the AstraZeneca experimental shot. He acknowledged that the shots were still in clinical trials and that he possibly would suffer adverse reactions. But he said it was the best decision for himself because he would probably die of COVID-19 if he caught it.

It is unlikely Mr. Spann received the second dose of AstraZeneca viral vector, as the Australian Department of Health recommends 12 weeks between the two shots. That would have put him on schedule to get the second injection on or around June 25. But he never got the chance.

Mr. Spann did not report any further adverse effects related to the shot. He seemed to be operating normally in life, and published his last Facebook post on May 22. Sometime in the days thereafter, Mr. Spann fell gravely ill. He was admitted to an intensive care unit and had unsuccessful surgery. Mr. Spann passed away on May 30.

Who was Peter Spann?

Mr. Spann authored a book entitled “Wealth Magic.” He had a website that talks about how he started investing in 1989 and was a multi-millionaire by 1996. Mr. Spann “bought his first Ferrari at age 25” and “owned 14 of them” throughout his life, according to his website. He helped build and manage several businesses, and sold business coaching courses. Mr. Spann also wrote and produced several films.

He wrote blog posts on his website that are a bit ironic. Mr. Spann wrote one post entitled “I don’t want to die” on July 1, 2019. He was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at the age of 23 and given only two years to live, according to his own account. The condition causes heart muscles to become abnormally thick and thus harder to pump blood. That is why he speaks so much about his life’s indulgences.

Mr. Spann wrote another post entitled “Peter Spann 2016 or 2016 You Can Go Now.” His heart condition apparently flared up and he suffered heart failure. That landed him in the hospital. A segment of the blog post reads as follows:

It’s easy to be grateful when your life is full of Ferraris, good looking women, first class travel and what not (as you all know, LOL), much harder when you’re in the back of an Ambulance and they are plugging in tubes, wires and so on, when the things that are supposed to make you happy actually have you reeling into the deep blackness of depression and grief, and you no longer answer “Unknown” numbers.

His funeral services are still being finalized as of publishing.

Blood clots in the heart?

It’s reasonable to surmise that Mr. Spann likely exacerbated his existing heart condition by getting injected with an experimental viral vector shot. Granted he says he’d experienced heart failure and survived. But apparently many patients live 20 years or longer after heart failure. The suddenness of his death screams blood clots in the heart or brain. But of course the AstraZeneca shot will not be mentioned by anyone in his circle.

Mr. Spann said he did his research and got the shots anyway. That is simply mind-boggling considering he already was living with the condition he had. Give the man props for living as long as he did, succeeding in so many industries, and apparently being happy. Who knows if he’d still be alive today if he hadn’t injected himself with the experimental shot. But it certainly helped nothing, as there are no tangible benefits to receiving any of these shots.

Nobody should roll up their sleeves for the lethal injections. But anyone with a condition similar or worse than Mr. Spann’s and receives the shots, has death wishes. It’s not noble. It’s not doing a good deed. All you’re accomplishing by receiving these shots is showing your obedience and follower mentalities.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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3 years ago

So he knows the dangers of the vaccine and believes taking it is less dangerous than catching covid (which according to him can make him sick and cause death).

This is extra level stupidity and has resulted in the expected outcome.

What this moron doesn’t understand is that even with comorbidities one can still fend off the virus with a strong immune system. And even if one does get sick treatments are available. Also what he doesn’t understand is that the vaccines don’t protect you from the virus, they only reduce symptoms. So he could still catch covid anyways even when vaccinated.

So my question to the dumb morons that don’t question these vaccines is this:

Why take a vaccine that won’t protect you and can cause serious side effects and death?

This is what happens when you don’t question things. Good riddance

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

The “good riddance” part of the comment is a bit much, but on the other hand, how constructive — how DEstructive — are people who do this so very publicly even as they deflect skeptics with “I respect your choice not to get (the jab), I wasn’t advocating it, just stating the fact that I received it.”

No, Mr. Spann (RIP, truly), you were stating a LOT MORE than that. That is why the person offered to send you a list of side effects. Furthermore, by taking the “jab” and posting about it so publicly, you ARE advocating for it. Good grief. May your death have not been in vain.

3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I wouldn’t consider the “good riddance” part of my comment to be a bit much at all (although that is just my opinion). There are three reasons why people like this guy deserved what they get (and you just pointed out one of them):

  1. People like this guy were obident little slaves during lockdown and didn’t question the narrative at play. They were happy little sheep who did what big brother told them to do. And not only that they smeared anybody who dared to question this scamdemic with the usual insults (conspiracy theorist, granny killer, etc..). Their ignorance to the truth has resulted in the unnesscary deaths of millions who died as a result of lockdowns and lack of healthcare and unprecedented damage to the world economny that that has not been matched since the great depression (yeah this is worse than 2008 and I remember how awful it was). Inflation is going to hit and only these morons are to blame.
  2. As you mentioned the fact that he and many others are posting about their jabs they are essentially advocating it despite the fact that these jabs are going to result in the biggest cull we will ever see and not to mention injure many more who will have their lives destroyed.
  3. The vaccine shedding caused by these jabs is something that really worries me (more than covid). I wasn’t worried about catching covid and never afraid of diseases but the vaccine shedding scares me. I am afraid to interact with vaxxed people knowing what could happen to me. And the fact that these sheep are going along with the experiment pisses me off as they are going to cause even more deaths.

I think the reason people are so willing to promote the vaccine is because they feel like it’s the right thing to do. They feel as if they are doing their part (especially since they did nothing during lockdown). These virtue signalling cretins are unknowling going to kill a lot of people and that is why they deserve no remorse or sympathy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Aidan, upvoted and I would give it 100 upvotes if I could. Total agreement. It was cathartic to read and I know I’ll be re-reading it if only for that!

Yes, good riddance, although I say it sadly shaking my head, I love many whom I expect to die from the injection. I’m sad for stupid people whose selfishness had them asking you and me to be responsible for THEIR health and THEIR fear, on THEIR terms only.

I know that I have intense contempt for them, even people I love, because their willingness to ignore overt evil in order to get along, and eagerness to judge you and me harshly for refusing has fed and exacerbated the entire orchestrated Covid (certification of vaccination id) pogrom.

Yes, pogrom. “Vaccination” my foot, it is either poison or worse. Why are cell phones (not magnetic) and magnets and metals clinging to people who’ve been injected? Folks who still think that’s a hoax need to catch up. So YES good riddance to any who enabled the current murder of our children, killing them softly in broad daylight. How will we answer to Him for that, even now as we stand by helplessly?

But again as you say, and thank you for saying it … virtue signaling cretins get what they have coming. God bless you and yours.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I’m glad you are taking my comment to heart. I have felt very lonely during this time as I can’t mention the truth to anybody since they are all braindead zombies. So for someone to say something lovely like that is very touching and is off great comfort to me.

I know it’s a terrible thing to say that we wish death upon others. However I have become very misanthrophic lately and this scamdemic has made me even more angry and bitter. 10 years ago I would have never wished death upon anyone (even my worst enemy) but this scamdemic has revealed most humans to be evil and vile scumbags who don’t know the destruction they have caused.

I’m like you in that I have loved ones (few mind you) that have been vaxxed and I am just waiting for the day when they finally pass away. It has been tearing me up inside knowing that I can’t do anything to save them. But in the end of the day they are adults and have made their own decision. Whatever happens to them happens to them. I am not very close to any of them so I may be okay when their passing happens.

The magnetic things is beyond bizzare. I’ve never seen anything like that. God knows what the so called vaccine has done to people. Maybe the wipeout of masses of evil retards might create a better world where I can learn to love again.

God bless you too, my friend.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Your post above is also of huge comfort to me. And don’t look now, but I think you already know how to love again! :^) You have all along, it’s why you hurt. I bet you speak for millions in the world right now, people with few or none to talk openly with and to (I have three in my life, fortunately), with far too many of my most loved family and friends who’ve been injected, although they are NOT “in my face” with it, it’s simply “Well, I had to because …” yadda yadda.

I decline at that point to do much more than listen politely, and move on to a different topic. There is ZERO POINT, zero object, gained in convincing them now of their error. They will learn soon enough.

We are at the point one MUST REALIZE the sense of your honest observation, even within the laws of God, Whose wrath I fear far more than any virus or evil cabal. “Do unto others” is a pretty important law. I resent any who presume to meddle in my own choices with regard to health and child-raising, so I must refrain as well from meddling in same choices that others make that I think are very wrong.

So I — we — must LET GO of those loved ones, they are on a ship that’s slipping its ties, and we’re watching it leave on the tide of time. Three months, three years, that ship will be who knows what or where …. deliberate and arrogant use of people as guinea pigs by men who think they can improve on a God they don’t believe in anyway. Atheists answer only to themselves.

I know these evil doers will certainly fail, everything they plan will backfire on them, but we are in proximity to it and must do as we’re called. I love the movie “Zulu.” (Stanley Baker and a very young Michael Caine), when a grunt asks Color Sgt. Bourne why us, why their little band of 150 soldiers at a remote British outpost to fend off 4,000 incredibly smart Zulu warriors? “Because we’re here, lad. Nobody else. Just us.”

They fought so bravely that the Zulu warriors honored them and let them be, singing a song of praise as they left (the singing and dancing in the movie is mind boggling, so incredibly complex). It’s based on a true story and I know the deep respect and admiration so many smart world-traveled Brits had in the 1800s for the sophistication and intelligence of the Zulu, among other African tribes. I digress .. the point is soldiers at the outpost did what was right and against all odds, triumphed to an honorable opponent, and so God is before us, He would be really ticked if we just went out and dispatched all the folks wielding needles now before it gets any worse. We tiny few have to behave with honor against all odds at this junction in time. Why? Because we’re here, nobody else. Just us.

I am glad to know you’re out there, Aidan.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I’m glad to know my post is of huge comfort to you. I have heard many people online who has taken my comments to heart. Unfortunately the few friends I have left are all sheeple and have already accepted death via jab. I’m at the point where I can’t be bothered to tell others not to take it or expose to them the real agenda behind this scamdemic. It’s tiring and will result in nothing happening.

Thank you for saying that I do know how to love again. I don’t feel any love in me (only misery and anger) but hopefully when the mass extinction of retards happens I may love again.

I am a huge fan of the film “Into the Wild” (I’m currently reading the book) and in the film the main character is on a quest to rid himself of a false being inside him that has been corrupted by society by travelling around america and finally living off the land in the remote bush of alaska. Throughout the film he meets people who take an interest in his insight and lust for nature but these people are trying to convince him that humans are good people and he should return to his family. One of the characters he meets is an old man in whom develops a strong bond for. The old man is taken to the young main character but has problems with his bitterness for his family.

The reason I mention this is because the old man says the following:

“When you forgive, you love. And when you love, God’s light shine upons you”.

The above quote sounds like something you said and is a quote I find inspiring. I need to learn to forgive but I can’t yet due to the evil in my heart.

Thank you my friend for your kind words. May we both come out of this mess safe and sound.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I’ve concluded that so many on the left are acting out of a blind hatred for anyone not marching in lockstep with their twisted vision of the world. They vote for people who are out to destroy “us”. They have destroyed so many lives over the past two years and it’s out of a quest for power and a blind hatred of your average Western citizen, and God help you if you’re a straight, white male with a family who goes to church…………..doesn’t matter if you’ve ever done anything to anyone, they want you gone, even if they have to kill themselves first. They’ve burned down so many businesses and livelihoods and used the media to lie about all of it. Imagine offering weed to people to get this, what does that tell us? Offering donuts to children who do the shot behind their parent’s backs? These are demons, the devil does exist and these are his disciples. Never take your eyes off them. God bless you all, we’re in this together and we have an enormous target on us.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jason

The liberal left are scumbags with no moral compass. They endorse the LGBT crap, which is a front for pedophilla (something they want to become normalised and have the stigma removed).

As a straight, white male the left can go and kiss my arse. I’m am that what I am.

The lefty snowflakes are all falling for this scamdemic crap and are willingly taking these death jabs. Good on them for offing themselves.

These mentally ill fecal dumps should have been locked up. Now they can kill themselves.

God bless you too my friend.

3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Think of the people Peter Spann has influenced or has bullied into taking this death injection. The less people bullying others into this, the better. I’m tired of feeling sorry for people who have caused so much damage to society because they are so hypnotized by their agenda. Do I wish death on anyone? Not really, I want punishment for Gates and the oligarchs up to and including decapitation but I did not wish death on Peter Spann. I just think society is better off with one less big mouthed bully with a megaphone.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

‘Good riddance’. I like it. As we say in gaming, ‘pwned’.

One has to take on the traits of a psychopath when the situation calls for it. Those guys would have wanted to see us rounded up and put in camps for refusing to be injected. Same for that whole ‘granny killer’ thing you talked about below. I was trained in a particularly tough infantry unit as a rifleman so admittedly my lack of patience for scumbags come from there.

In my country over 90% of them took up the Contact Tracing system (they could have easily refused it by not showing up to take it) that essentially puts your name and details of your movements to work or buying stuff in a government database. Yet they went and collected tokens and downloaded the app because of the fear propaganda over a virus that’s a joke level flu, yet made in the media to look like Ebola.

Because of the response of people lining up to put the chains on themselves, they have now made it compulsory to use. If you get tagged by someone who later becomes a Covid case via the bluetooth frequencies, you get quarantined as well. They are also heavily fining people who are caught trying to sneak in without using the Contact Tracing.

As a result I have no longer access to anything other than the small grocery store as I refuse to entertain retail outlets that enforce this measure, and I am forced to work on Sundays at workplaces that are devoid of people to avoid the risk of being tagged by a Covid case. All thanks to over 90% of people who I no longer call my fellow citizens, and a country I am loathe to name.

Frankly I hope the real doctors like Dr Sherry Tenpenny are right about the near total fatal ADE consequences 2-5 years down the road. Then I can walk down the road wearing my tinfoil hat with pride. So far almost half this country has taken at least 1 dose of either Pfizer and ModeRNA. When the dust settles it will be far easier to find like-minded people.

Recall after the Black Death swept through Europe, prices went to bargain basement, and for the first time ever workers could demand employee rights because of the massive labor shortage. Save up for that 7 cheese Pizza from Pizza Hut and Chivas Regal (if there are still enough people left over to make those still available), folks. At least they can’t claim carbon dioxide is a problem anymore.

Last edited 3 years ago by SpecOps
3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

‘Thank you my friend for taking the time to write a wonderful comment.

The people taking the jabs are no longer people. They are devoid of all humanity and therefore there is no sympathy when their lives cease to exist. They are robotic slaves who do what their coporate masters tell them to do. If the human race is to survive and to hold onto its most dearest virtues and freedoms then the enabling scum responsible for allowing the scamdemic to continue must go. Only then will the remaining free thinkers have any chance to destroy the eltiist scum that have destroyed our lives.

“Those guys would have wanted to see us rounded up and put in camps for refusing to be injected.”

I can’t argue with that. These are the same people that are saying unvaxxed people shouldn’t be allowed to have basic freedoms such as going to the shops or the pub. Before I stopped reading the papers, a comedian would write once a week an article on the topic of his choice. He is a lefty sellout who said that unvaxxed people shouldn’t be allowed to go into pubs. Now I’m not a drinker and not going to a pub wouldn;t bother me but its the scumbags like that that have no right to decide what I can and can’t do. His level if arrogance and ignorance was outstanding as he fails to mention those who choose not to be jabbed because they don’t want to commit suicide.

“I was trained in a particularly tough infantry unit as a rifleman so admittedly my lack of patience for scumbags come from there.”

Jeez I don;t know how you never blew up when receiving crap treatment. I could never join the army.

The tract and trace bullshit was the biggest pile of rubbish I have ever seen. Billions wasted on a scheme that was reported to not have worked and was pointless to begin with. It was a scheme to get the plebs to sign away their privacy to allow big brother to watch them and control them (oh you knew someone who tested postive then you have to isolate). And these morons just went on with it. And because of people’s blind obidence the rest of us can’t do certain things without this useless app. It’s complete authorantism and illegal.

“Frankly I hope the real doctors like Dr Sherry Tenpenny are right about the near total fatal ADE consequences 2-5 years down the road. Then I can walk down the road wearing my tinfoil hat with pride. So far almost half this country has taken at least 1 dose of either Pfizer and ModeRNA. When the dust settles it will be far easier to find like-minded people.”

Same here. When the scum are obilterated we can finally have true freedom again (and not this faux manufactured freedom where you have to sign up for an app to have a freeken dinner)

3 years ago

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” Hebrews 9:27
God takes people out of this world every day, how He chooses to do so is up to Him. This man lived a lavish lifestyle, using his health as the reason for that. In reality, it was his sinful desires that caused him to live that way.
“There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and [h]fared sumptuously every day. 20But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, 21desiring to be fed with [i]the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. 23And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

24“Then he cried and said, ���Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’ 25But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. ” Luke 16
This man’s riches were his reward, there’s nothing waiting except judgment. Those who are unregenerate always seek the things of this life. They trust in man, they fear death thinking they can stave it off by what they do. This is the mindset of depraved sinners. God will not be mocked.

Mr Gerrit Hendrik Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

To avoid this blog being clogged up with large documentation I have made a change in the link which you can restore by replacing the (dot) with a “.”.
I have numerous documents published on my Scribd blog and it may show that as like the Late Peter Spann my wife suffers from Heart Failure and I have the task to protect her from any risk and hence do my research ever since COVID-19 was made known.

Those who seek to deny opposing views to be published often have an intention to cover up any wrongdoing by vilifying someone who seeks to correct the records. Be aware always check for opposing views to be able to make an “INFORMED” decision.
This document can be downloaded from:

Aidan’s wording may appear to be harsh to some, but in the overall context considering that people’s health and well-being and also their lives are being lost around the world it really is a very serious issue. As I wrote about in the past we need a Nuremberg Trial for all politicians and those assisting them to promote this death cult in such irresponsible manner. The Late Peter Spann appeared to indicate to have made a “informed” decision to be jabbed but reality is that he somehow seemed to have the perception that being jabbed would be less of a risk then getting COVID, this even so the jabbing doesn’t protect anyone, at least as I understand it, from getting infected with COVID. As such the late Peter Spann despite his claims to know what he was doing seemed to have misunderstood what the jabbing’s were about. I always accept that each person is entitled to make his/her own “informed” decision but despite what the Late Peter Spann claimed he appeared to me not to have understood what the jabbing’s were about. His writing about “deep blackness of depression” appears to me to indicate that despite having enjoyed a certain life, in the end he seemed to be suffering from depression. My wife recently made known that it has been my attention for her that she already has lived another 20 years! And, this is the kind of support I view everyone needs when facing any kind of depression, to be aware not to be alone and realize there are always ups and downs in life to get through. What we therefore need to do is to assist others to overcome any feeling of despair about COVID and show the correct path to follow so they can make their own “informed” decision.

3 years ago

That is an EXCELLENT point you make of misinformed consent. I hope all read this, it is food for thought.

3 years ago

It’s the conservative U.S. leaders, political and religious, who I thought were more passionate about people’s very lives, that infuriate me, gladly taking the shots and looking the other way at the damage the injections have caused, the deaths. Like it isn’t even happening.

I wish they’d “do the right thing” and open their eyes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I wish so, too. I used to identify the term “conservative” with where I stood, starting in the early 1970s. Today, if I call myself a “conservative,” it vastly misrepresents me, though my position has remained fixed. Language is dynamic and well beyond our control; it is only a tool that we borrow. Concepts remain fixed but words used to describe them are constantly shifting. “An erection” as used in public in the 1800s and early 1900s referred to a large building, bridge, or structure. Today its DOMINANT meaning is entirely different! No political agenda, just normal language dynamics. THEREFORE I walk away from the outdated obsolete term “conservative” to describe limited government Constitution-respecting live-and-let-live in Christian liberty principles. And just as well, because the root, “conserve,” necessarily puts the faction that claims such a role on permanent defense, which is probably why “we” have lost. By definition. Defense is an inferior and losing position. At present and for the past 15 years at least, there has been zero political movement, party, or faction that represents my political philosophy that we must hold and constantly ADVANCE principles of individual liberty and self-ownership, government limited to defending those rights when infringed. Unwritten division between church and state was so wise on the part of the Founders, all overt declaring Christians. Now we must group science and medicine with religion, and advance the Founders vision — for 21st Century Liberty in the world, those who seek it, advance self-ownership by embracing: separation of church, science, and medicine, from state.

3 years ago

Is it wrong to laugh? Poor guy, but that’s what you get eh.

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