Jacob Clynick: 13-year-old Michigan boy develops myocarditis, dead three days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot

June 21, 2021

Mr. Jacob Clynick.

ZILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN — A 13-year-old boy who loved Pokémon and playing video games is dead in yet another tragic, unnecessary death.

Young Jacob Clynick received his first experimental Pfizer mRNA injection on May 23. He received the second injection on June 13. His aunt, Tami Burages, posted a photo of Jacob’s vaccine card on Twitter. Jacob died just three days after the second injection.

Ms. Burages said her nephew died from an “enlarged heart.” That is called myocarditis, which has now killed god-knows-how-many teenagers after receiving the experimental mRNA shots. Ms. Burages posted a series of very strange tweets thereafter. She seems conflicted as to whether she supports injecting children with experimental shots or not.

First she blames Pfizer for her nephew’s death. But then she says the shots “save lives” and that others should get their kids vaccinated. She also said that her own 14-year-old son has already received the experimental injection.

Jacob just completed eighth grade. He was looking forward to high school so he could join the band. Jacob was also active with his church youth group. A GoFundMe page is collecting money for funeral costs.

Lost generation of youth

It’s bad enough that these pharmaceutical companies, Anthony Fauci, et al. are telling people that these experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA shots are safe. But now parents are allowing their own children to be murdered by this COVID-19 “vaccine” agenda. Children are essentially immune from COVID-19. If they do catch it, there’s a 99.999% chance of survival.

All so-called “COVID-19 deaths” are questionable due to the statistical manipulation by the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization. But even the CDC admitted that only 236 of their alleged 526,000 U.S. COVID-19 deaths are children age 17 and younger. Jacob is now the youngest identified victim that we’ve covered on this site. Ms. Kamrynn Thomas was only 16 when the Pfizer mRNA shots destroyed her heart and lungs in a matter of days.

This generation of youth is the largest human experiment in history. We’re pretty certain that none of them will have the ability to reproduce. But many may not even live long enough to fathom having their own children. These are surreal, sad times. Clutch your children, your nieces, your nephews, etc. tight. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

Sorry, but these people with dead and very sick kids after being injected, who STILL insist that the injection “saves lives” in the face of ZERO evidence but hearsay of media talking heads and headlines are DANGEROUS FOOLS. NOW they are urging others to risk their kids’ and OUR futures’ lives!!!!! And then the story here as well about the death-after-injection blamed on elbow surgery, and the “journalists” responsible for the deception smugly confident. Well DAMN THEM TO HELL they deserve ZERO sympathy, although they have my compassion and prayers. Compassion is very different from sympathy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Do not pray anymore for these wicked people pushing the vaxx. I refuse to pray for these demons. The focus now should be innocent victims and potential victims.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Thank you for that, I will consider it with gratitude. God bless.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

I am praying that enough of us who refuse vaccinations, will be around when the genocide happens and so many services are stopped or paralyzed… Government, military, health services, banking, utilities, airlines, etc.

Those of us who survived, young, old or retired will have to come forward to provide our skills to keep the country operating.

I am praying there are enough engineers, doctors, pilots, etc. who are have not retired or have retired but can still work…to come forward at that time.

We will revive a decimated planet Earth.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Leong

I agree – praying there are enough rational, common-sense God-fearing people left to pick up the pieces and begin again.

Eileen Kuch
Eileen Kuch
3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Gwen, you have a real valid point there, and I fully agree. Just don’t pray anymore for these wicked people pushing the vaxx. I refuse to pray for them since they’re actually demons .. The focus now should be innocent victims and potential victims; they’re the ones who need all the prayers they can get.

DK Fynn
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I like how you brought up the notion of compassion, and how it’s different from sympathy. I don’t remember the last time I read or heard anyone make a distinction between the two, so thank you. It’s a small learning experience for me.

I share your concern, and I try to use compassion to tell myself that everyone is doing the best that they can, given their level of awareness, development, knowledge, fear, etc.

But I’m not a saint: sometimes, what’s going on makes me feel a level of quiet anger and rage that I haven’t consistently felt…ever.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

That quiet anger and rage you just speak of is what most of us who know the truth about these vaccines feel, unfortunately on a daily basis now. The level of deception and manipulation of the truth surpasses any understanding and I keep praying for the truth to be revealed…Soon.

3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

Dear DK Fynn, thank you for the validation! I do the same thing, it’s so comforting to know there are so many kindred spirits!

I too am inclined to fall back on the old platitide “everyone is doing the best they can,” but then I have to be honest with myself: no, most people (myself included often enough) take the path of least resistance, so they don’t have to work so hard at doing “the best they can.” Realizing it was to me like a slap in the face.

It’s like John Mellencamp’s song about Jack and Diane, “two American kids doing the best they can,” and after awhile I realized BULLPUCKEY, if they were doing the best they could, they’d be working harder toward worthy dreams and goals. As it is, now we sing it about our kitties, Gato and Cheeto — “two American cats doing the best they can.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Exactly. I know this is a cliche but some people need to get out of their “comfort zone.” Passion about kids and adults dying and being maimed from these jabs is severely lacking in our governing leaders. As though they don’t want to take on the task, take the heat, or worse yet: Don’t SEE what’s happening. Since they lack the gumption or refuse to see the wrongs, I will not listen to any leader who will not speak out with passion about the dangers of the jabs.

I love animals by the way I have 3 cats and a dog.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kriss
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

The reason you do not see genuine compassion from these wicked leaders is they are all in on the vaccine slaughter, including Trump….either willingly or via blackmail. These “leaders” are God’s punishment on a wicked nation……made wicked by other past leaders, civil and religious, who let evil go unchecked.

3 years ago
Reply to  liz

Yup. Kind of like God looking for one righteous man, a Noah. Our leaders have taken the shots–some of them right away.

soren mitchell
3 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

Thanks for such a thoughtful comment.

3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

That’s the word: FOOLS.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Sadly many parents have been brainwashed into promoting a potential genocide. Will not be long before many parents themselves will be dying if what the dissident scientists and doctors are saying, comes true.

Kevin Gerhart
Kevin Gerhart
3 years ago

The day I hear Bill gates is dead will be a good one!

Last edited 3 years ago by Kevin Gerhart
3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Gerhart

I’d upvote it, Kevin, except I have learned to be careful what I wish for. *sigh* From what I see and know of Bill Gates, he makes my skin crawl.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Gerhart

It makes me sick that many regard Gates to be some kind of ‘philanthropist’, and his pharma industry associates who developed these dangerous ‘vaccines’ are ‘heros’ who deserve to profit from the ‘vaccines’, as they are apparently ‘talented’ individuals who worked very hard to get these ‘vaccines’ rolled out. Call me paranoid, but I have a terrible feeling that fertility rates will take a nosedive over the coming years. I mentioned this in the comments section of MSN UK ‘News’. One responded: “If the vaccine affects fertility, then that’s great. Our planet is overpopulated as it is”. I responded with: “That anti-humanity attitude says a lot about you as a person. Why don’t you lead by example and volunteer yourself to the Grim Reaper?”

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Gerhart

you will bet he will not take this jab that he empowered its creation.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Gerhart


I have never truly wished for the suffering or death of ANYONE – but I absolutely believe Bill Gates is a Dangerous and Maniacal Sociopath. Though I continueez to pray for all of us to maintain our stamina and keep the pressure going

Last edited 3 years ago by Meg
3 years ago

I hope the Aunt gets her just desserts.

Poor soy boy. He’ll never get his chance to simp online.

3 years ago

If you love your kids, do not let them be lab rats for this evil experiment.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

He did not get the chance to live, for Christ’s sake

3 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

You are soooo RIGHT!
Looking back, I can see all of the radical lefties – the same EXACT one’s who would pm to some flaw in the latest snapshot would share to correct, shame or chastise me over ridiculous things – they ALWAYS perceived to be some kind of personal “Violation” of our daughter’s autonomy?!?!

*From carseats facing forward to my having had the outrageous “audacity” to pierce the ears of my child without regard for their gender “identity”

3 years ago

So sad for the boy. At that age what do we know; we follow our families. As for the aunt, the Stepford Covid “Vax” believer: Letting go of the obsessive illusion that all mankind will be saved with these jabs is not in their C19 Bible (I think Fauci wrote it).

Hey, “rare” complications, right? To thee and to thee but not to me. Illusions die hard, if ever. RIP young man.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kriss
Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
3 years ago

Dr Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopathic physician says that in the next five years, those vaccinated with Moderna are likely to die. She is anti-vaccine and has made her detailed viewpoints known.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Leong

A lot of doctors agree with her too. Some only give the jabbed 2-3 years to live. Deagel.com forecasts for population reduction has millions gone by 2025.

Eddie Leong
Eddie Leong
3 years ago

All those who died will hopefully find peace with God. It was not their fault. They were brainwashed, pressured, confused, scared or just naive. No matter, if they die, I hope they return to God’s Kingdom. Amen.

3 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear that.

Could you do a follow up story on Maddie (12 year old girl who was in the children’s trial of Moderna in Jan.) she became paralyzed. (her story was reported by some other bloggers. can’t post the links. would be blocked as spams) i wonder how she is doing.

3 years ago

“I would definitely still get her vaccinated”

Who the hell are YOU to “get anyone” to do anything?

You have demonstrated hideous judgement per your vaccine commentary; and yet you STILL think that you have the wisdom and foresight to make LIFE AND DEATH JUDGEMENTS FOR OTHER PEOPLE!

The arrogance is so mind blowing it is off the charts.

And yet it is nothing knew in Arrogant Nation; where those who know as much about “vaccines” and their potential consequences as they know of the Urdu language have the temerity to make mock profound pronouncements about “what they would do”.

Per an examination of their intellectual pronouncements; they are not qualified to clean toilets at Burger King; but they still DEMAND to make life and death decisions for ME & YOU.

Keep it up America! Somehow I do not think such an attitude will lead to a Favorable Outcome…

James Occonor
James Occonor
3 years ago

It saddens me that this lady still supports the deadly experimental jab after the lost of a child. The black magic cast over the population is mind boggling. They do spray particulates that help this process – see geoengineeringwatch.org

Merlyn Joseph
Merlyn Joseph
3 years ago
Reply to  James Occonor

Makes me wonder how come some of us are not affected by the sprayed particles.

3 years ago

“I would even get up in the middle of the night to do it”

Probably the first time in her OVER EMPOWERED OVER PRIVILEGED OVER INDULGED LIFE that this windbag ever CONTEMPLATED doing ANYTHING besides sitting on her duff and giving orders to others.

She was told from childhood how perfect and flawless she was; and how she HAS THE RIGHT to screw over anyone who does not comply with her will.

Multiply by 100 million.

The people of this nation (or a substantial percentage of them) make me sick beyond sick.

3 years ago

Than you. I hate that things have gotten so politicized. The last thing I want is for someone like Tucker Carlson or anyone else on Hate TV using this for political gain. But if there are risk factors, I hope someone can find out what they are.
___Tami Burages / Twitter / 22 hours ago

See; the deaths are no problem; the danger is that the other political party on “Hate TV” might obtain political gain.





Only a dictator of wisdom and good conscience can save this rapidly dying nation.

If you keep allowing “democracy”; the country will die.

3 years ago
Reply to  cccc

I don’t recall any dictator in recent history with wisdom and a good conscience. That’s why they are called dictators”. However, it looks like you might get your wish soon, and while it might be better in the short term, it won’t be over the long haul. This country is going down either way.

3 years ago
Reply to  liz

If you read the Bible; THE ONLY form of government acceptable to God is a KING; that is an absolute monarch / dictator; all the Ancient Greek philosophers likewise knew democracy was insanity; BECAUSE THE PEOPLE ARE NOT OF EQUAL WISDOM OR EQUAL GOOD CHARACTER; THRY BELIEVED IN WISE PHILOSOPHER KINGS.

Hey America; how’s that “democracy workin’ for ya? And that “total equality”? And “total feminism”? All Good? No Problems?


Should end just great for y’all!

3 years ago
Reply to  cccc

cccc, such great posts, thanks for great reading. I think you are mistaken on many counts, one being that all these frustrations and obstacles aren’t surmountable, therefore we must accept a human dictator king. The only “King” I acknowledge or commit myself to, is the Lord God Almighty.

The Founders themselves, all overt and declaring Protestant Christians, understood the futility of democracy, which is why they created a representative Republic where in order to vote, one had to have testosterone and real estate. That of course was altered later by people stupid enough to fall for the idea of democracy. Those same people think they can vote “against” an opponent, an imaginary action.

However such a very good point you make, about total equality and feminism (I am what is accurately describe as a sexist). Nature has been so unfair as to make it that the males of our species can virtually always physically dominate the females. It is UNFAIR!!! It is NOT EQUAL!! That mindset wants to outlaw unfairness. They want to fight on the front lines right next to the real men Marines, they want to be on navy ships, they want to play with the big boys, these so-called women. They are little girls in grown up lady bodies and nature, unfair as it is, cares not one whit about “equal.”

I have full faith that the Almighty has this well in hand. We are here as called.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  cccc

I read the Bible, particularly the Book of 1Samuel, chapters 8 and 12, and YOU ARE WRONG. A monarchy was not acceptable to God. It is what he gave the Israelites as PUNISHMENT for wanting a king like the pagan Gentiles around them had. Pay attention to these lines in Chapter 12: So Samuel called unto the LORD; and the LORD sent thunder and rain that day: and all the people greatly feared the LORD and Samuel.

And all the people said unto Samuel, Pray for thy servants unto the LORD thy God, that we die not: for we have added unto all our sins this evil, to ask us a king.

God reluctantly gave them a king. Prior to that Israel was ruled with a system of judges….which was their “Golden Age” 1Samuel Chapter 8 gives the warning of what happens when a king is installed….taxation, a military draft, servitude, and more taxation, and theft, theft, theft

You are comparing apples to oranges(biblical Israel vs. pagan philosopher kings…..many of them sodomites), and no doubt are just regurgitating what some professor told you. A professor who never told you that “a little learning is a dangerous thing.” Time to get off your high horse and focus on the evils of these vaccines instead of giving us a slanted and pagan overview of the history of human governments. You are just giving us one big distraction. You have been busted.

Last edited 3 years ago by liz
3 years ago
Reply to  liz

 and no doubt are just regurgitating what some professor told you

No doubt?

You mean you were there at the time when this “professor” “told” me these things?

That is what one who engages in calumniation…a false accuser…might say…you would fit in well with those “MeToo” women.

I mean you have no evidence to back your accusation; but you have no problem leveling it just the same…

As far as Saul; God had him killed because he consulted with the witch of Endora to have David (the coming King) killed.

God fully endorses monarchy; Israel was at the height of its glory during the reign of King David; and later his son Solomon; though Sol did go astray towards the end of his life…leading to the 10/2 split.

Your assertion that “I don’t recall any dictator of good conscience” is not a reflection that there are no good monarchs; but rather your limited historical insight precludes you from remembering one.

As far as “judging” me and my posts and labeling them a “distraction”; well; the thoughts of a good feminist like yourself are hardly of any concern to me.

Silence; for you, may be a wiser virtue.

3 years ago
Reply to  cccc

So you are not regurgitating what someone else told you? Pardon me for not giving you the benefit of the doubt that you can think like an asshole all by yourself. Silence, for me, is not a wiser choice because assholes like yourself need to be brought down a few notches now and then to prevent your swelled heads from exploding. If that is feminism to you, that’s your problem. As far as those ME TOO women…..I don’t think they were falsely accusing the the swine folk that took advantage of them. Of course, they were starry-eyed, ambitious twits that put themselves in a bad position and did not walk away. Most of those whores never finished high school. I could never be a ME TOO woman, because I’m a firm believer in taking care of myself and in not getting mad but rather in getting even…..my way and on my terms…where the slob never knows what hit him.

3 years ago
Reply to  liz

I have a better question.

Tell me of one “majority” of people that are of wisdom and good conscience?

3 years ago
Reply to  liz

That is why Europe had NOTHING BUT KINGS / DICTATORS until Charles I had his head cut off on 1/30/1649 by Cromwell.


3 years ago
Reply to  cccc

Seems to me it depended on what side you were on under any certain king or queen. If you weren’t on their political or religious side, you were subject to persecution or discrimination whether you were a rich courtier, or poor folk, or in-between. I suppose things got a little better as the centuries went on, less brutal, but again, depends on what country you were in.

Here in US, I do find the banishing or attempted banishing of certain political figures by the left eerily similar to the dismissal of men in the kings’ courts simply because e.g., they did not sign a decree of faith to a certain church or got on the bad side of the crown. So yes, persecution can happen under a free nation with a constitution, or a monarchy. Must be taken in the frame of things, in the time and place that they are, however.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kriss
3 years ago

Absolutely heartbreaking. ?

And I’d like to say to Tami Burages what Judge Judy often says to people on her show:

You’re an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 years ago

This boy was 13. An Italian girl named Cloe Giani Giavazzi died on 12th June aged only 12. Another Italian named Camilla Canepa was 18, Simone Scott in Illinois was 19. The massacre of the innocents by the new Herods is well underway.

RJ O'Guillory
3 years ago

….Wow. What a bad place to be. You know the experimental gene therapy killed your nephew…but realizing that you are so programmed as to still have to use phrases such as “mostly safe”? The guilt and stress of having had her own kid jabbed, and waiting for the negative side effects must be terrible.

3 years ago
Reply to  RJ O'Guillory

The terminology used by the globalists has hypnotized the masses, words like ‘unprecedented’. People no longer think for themselves. This is from the CDC website, “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history. CDC recommends you get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. Many people have reported only mild side effects after COVID-19 vaccination.” those of us who have looked past the mainstream media lies know the CDC is lying. We see that here on this blog. But the wording causes the fearful to believe them, “millions of people” and “only mild side affects”. So the sheeple defend this global massacre and line up for unproven injections that do not keep you from getting covid. When thousands test positive, the sheeple point out the millions who are “ok”. It’s so easy to brain wash a non thinking society that has been dumbed down and instilled with fear of death from a man made virus….

RJ O'Guillory
3 years ago
Reply to  Laurie

….well…I was raised by a family of corrupt law enforcement and worked for US DoD all over The US Empire for 25 years, 20 years as a Federally Protected Whistleblower. I was fortunate to have been educated by McDonald’s with regard to human motivation, human communications and active-listening, so I know corruption when I hear it…or see it. I will never trust any government.

3 years ago
Reply to  RJ O'Guillory

I think you nailed it, RJ.

3 years ago

W.H.O. is now saying children should not be “vaccinated for the moment.”

3 years ago

Never saw this on my local news media. Nope!

3 years ago

The criminal nature of the democratic party and the President must be evident if we assume that the medial authorities, that is, ALL OF THEM, THOSE WHO AGREE AND THOSE WHO DISAGREE, ABSOLUTELY KNOW THAT THIS VIRUS HAS HAD ZERO EFFECT ON PRACITCALLY 100 PERCENT OF OUR YOUTH BELOW THE AGE OF 25 OR SO.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bobby

Bobby, you are only addressing half of the problem, and I speak as a Republican (registered) for 41 years, resigned from the party in 2016. Should have in 2012 when I was asked to vote “against” Obama by voting FOR the godfather of nationalized mandatory health insurance (called “care” by propagandists), by voting FOR a guy who was in every way a functional Democrat.

We must WALK AWAY from the old broken model of Republican/conservative Democrat/liberal because they are now the difference between diet Pepsi and full-sugar Coca Cola. They are DANGEROUS GARBAGE. Leave them, strike a new path away from all four of them. THAT is the only way toward victory for 21st Century liberty and self-ownership. Separation of church and state, medicine and state, science and state. It is the ONLY WAY.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago

Peer-reviewed paper published June 16 shows Cerebral Veinous Thrombosis from Pfizer Covid vaccine. They can’t deny it anymore https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ajh.26272

3 years ago
Reply to  tthomas

Thanks for the link very interesting. Never heard the saying “black swan event” but it certainly applies to the situation.

Petra Sarmiento
3 years ago

In my country, the Philippines, President Duterte and the Legislative Body is creating a law making mandatory the injection of COVID-19 jabs. As with the US, this country is now injecting young people ages 12-15. Mainstream media here is controlled and nothing comes out about deaths and adverse effects, but if ever one comes out , the medical establishment declares it as having nothing to do with the COVID injection. Filipinos have no recourse but to share it with the social media. Just recently the President lashed out that he will bring to jail all those who refuse the jab. Some commercial establishments are requiring mandatory COVID injections for its employees, even if Filipinos report that it is the cause of serious adverse effects and deaths.

3 years ago

Prayers up for you … what on earth is going on, how can these “leaders” look their people in the eye and justify forcing them and their children to become guinea pigs for the medical industry? Lord lord …

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
Kimo Loka
Kimo Loka
3 years ago

Was anything else going on, medically, biologically, physiologically, or otherwise, with this youngster prior to getting vaccinated?

2 years ago

Tq for info blessed not hide this, please spread the truth and others can save their life

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