Ivy Avanessian Fua: Los Angeles-area pediatric dentist has stillborn baby 12 weeks after Pfizer “fully vaccinated”

August 12, 2021

Mrs. Ivy Avanessian Fua, DDS.

BURBANK — A California wife, mother and pediatric dentist lost her near full-term baby, as the days of pregnant woman avoiding everything from aspirin to diet soda are long over.

Dr. Ivy Fua received her first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on January 31, according to her Instagram account. She was 21 weeks pregnant at the time. Dr. Fua said this was a personal decision because “I believe in science and vaccines.” She said it is her duty to promote the mRNA injections and to be a role model.

The young mother, who is around 33 years old based on her college graduation date, received the second injection on February 18. She said that her happiness was “indescribable” because of her “fully-vaccinated” status at 24 weeks pregnant. Dr. Fua hugged her colleagues that day and encouraged people to “do their research…don’t rely solely on information you see on social media.” A postscriptum in the update reads, “so far I’m feeling fine and I had the Pfizer vaccine.”

Dr. Fua learned that she was having a boy and named him Ara. She was due to give birth at the end of May. Dr. Fua posted an update on May 9, Mother’s Day, reminiscing about the birth of her two-year-old son, SJ. The post ended with “The countdown is on! T [minus] 3 weeks.”

But after several weeks of no updates, particularly after the birth date of Baby Ara, her friends began to worry.

The worse possible news came next.

Spike proteins killed Baby Ara?

Dr. Fua posted a very honest, gut-wrenching update on June 9. She said Baby Ara was “born sleeping” and without a heartbeat on May 12, just three days after her last update. Dr. Fua suffered placental abruption. That means the placenta partially or fully detached from the uterus. Thus the baby was receiving inadequate oxygen and nutrients from the mother. This condition happens in about 1 in 100 births, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

But it is the other condition she speaks of that is tied to known effects of the experimental mRNA injections. Dr. Fua said she needed an emergency C-section because she was in disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The nonprofit Sepsis Alliance describes the condition this way:

Disseminated intravascular coagulation, or DIC, is a complicated condition that can occur when someone has severe sepsis or septic shock. Both blood clotting and difficulty with clotting may occur, causing a vicious cycle. Small blood clots can develop throughout your bloodstream, especially in the microscopic blood vessels called capillaries, blocking the blood flow to many parts of your body, including your limbs and your organs.

Former Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon spoke about the protein Syncytin-1 back in December 2020 when he warned pregnant women not to get the experimental mRNA injections. The protein is essential for placental development and maintenance. He posited that artificial spike proteins would act as anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies. Further, it is now settled science that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections cause blood clots that lead to everything from limb amputations to death.

Dr. Fua posted a Fourth of July update on Instagram. But she has been absent from the social media platform since.

Infertility + spontaneous abortion = Population Control

There were 522 spontaneous abortions reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) on June 11. Seven weeks later, and as “vaccine” mandates and coercion increase, the system reported 1,035 spontaneous abortions. That’s a 98% increase in less than two months.

Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce was the first case of potential mRNA-induced spontaneous abortion that we covered back in February. The Mary Voll story a few weeks later went viral, when her baby was stillborn just a few days after her mRNA injections. Interestingly, in every case we’ve covered, all of the women work in the medical industry. VAERS has 38 reports of stillborn babies as of July 30.

Give Dr. Fua credit. She is at least keeping all this information on her Instagram timeline, versus deleting it. That must be very difficult. But it does a great service for women and families at-large to make informed decisions. Once upon a time (like two years ago), women avoided ingesting anything that could even remotely harm their unborn babies. Now they willy-nilly get these experimental injections due to mandates, coercion or virtue signaling.

What is happening right now is essentially World War III. Those who refuse to voluntarily self-delete will be coerced or forced to self-delete. Most Americans have already chosen their side. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

Well done you just killed your baby.

Anybody who takes a selfie with a face diaper is someone who doesn’t realise how dumb they are.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

I too hate the selfies with the face diaper and posting on social media. One of the most disgusting forms of virtue signaling.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Masks are nothing compared to these insane shots!!.. A mask can show some courtesy to others & at least awareness that there is a lot of screwy stuff out there that you can face!!..

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

I read that Masks might be helpful to fend off the “bioweapon spikes” that are being transmitted by vax’d people to others soon after their shots!!.. Apparently, “inhalation” had been named as the method of transmission!…

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Don’t drink alcohol while pregnant, but an experimental shot that has killed 10s of thousands, no problem.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Yes! Neverending, mind-blowing stupidity!!! “I believe in the science (NOT anywhere near consensus) and vaccines (experiment… on YOUR BABY).”

None Yun
None Yun
2 years ago

This story reminds me of someone I know that recently had the same problem! She was pregnant, and a month later lost it and she blamed the detachment on helping her daughter do backhandsprings which I thought at the time was ridiculous. I remember being pregnant with both my kids, and never losing a baby placenta because I was doing something. I will now have to ask her if she got the jab!

2 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

Not to mention she lays guilt on the daughter.

2 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

I did 30 minutes of aerobics until I was 8 months pregnant.

2 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

I did yoga headstand daily throughout my pregnancy. Had a beautiful healthy baby boy!

2 years ago

“I believe in science”

What science would that be pray tell? I would hope she would be a little more specific. I mean it is a pretty broad category; from astrophysics to zoology…does she believe in ALL of it; or just certain select aspects?

Moreover; the notion that there is unanimity of opinion or consensus on almost any scientific question under the sun outside of water being wet is quite a bizarre conclusion for a “medical professional” to reach.

To make such a blanket assertion as “JUSTIFICATION” for such a specific and potentially catastrophic life choice demonstrates that critical thinking is a mostly lost art.

It is astonishing; how even the so-called “educated” professional American is not so bright.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

It’s their religion but they don’t want to admit it.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

dddd, I am reading your post after I made mind. Nice points, and yes, it has been apparent to us for years (we’re in healthcare) just how astonishingly poor the quality of care is from many health care practitioners! Very scary.

2 years ago

If only she had listened to Yeadon and a lot of other researchers and scientists. Unbelievable risk to your child. RIP baby and condolences.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  kriss

It’s very possible she had, and didn’t care! Hubris is powerfully influential, and perhaps she wanted to be on the ‘winning’ team.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

I’m sorry for her loss. To carry a child to almost full term but then go septic is odd to say the least. One can only surmise that putting her faith in a vaccine untested in pregnant women is unconscionable, especially as someone (Dr) who has the background to do research and understand said findings. It’s just sad

2 years ago

This was totally avoidable. Another innocent life taken. I want to know, what research she did that showed overwhelming evidence that this jab was the healthier alternative to her immune system?
If she posted her private medical status on SM, then her research source was SM. This is a doctor? Sadly, there are more and more videos emerging that reveal doctors do not know about VAERS, have never heard of VAERS, or if they have knowledge, do not know how to use the system.
People please do not go to hospitals or doctors, invest in DSMO, homemade Hydroxycholroquine, Pine Needle Tea (very high in Vit.A&C), quality Ascorbic Acid (VIT.C) and a strong belief in your GOD. NEVER CONSENT to this jab!!!

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago

Sadly, the evil CDC and other government sites are to this very day promoting experimental jabs for pregnant women! Doctors don’t know about VAERS? Ugh, it never ends.

We’re with you on your recommendations – but what is DSMO? We substitute quercetin (with zinc) for HCQ (plan to get some as some point). We take prophylactic ivermectin. We have recently added NAC and milk thistle. We greatly increased our Vitamin D intake since last year (after test results). Thank you.

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
2 years ago

I think he means DMSO. A DuckDuckGo search for it yields several results that explain what it is better than I can. It’s available at any health food store.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

The Poor Child, may he rest in peace.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

He’s with Jesus.

2 years ago

What a cruel weapon the murderers have devised, that women can get pregnant, but not carry a baby to term.

DK Fynn
2 years ago

This is an example of what infuriates me about this.

To me, it seems intuitively obvious (and I use the word intuitive selectively: everyone has an intuition) that pregnant women (and those of child-bearing age) should probably not be given experimental jabs.

But…maybe that’s just me. It just seems obvious to me, but I guess it’s not as obvious to others, so who knows.

2 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

Yeah this infuriates me as well, my friend.

It seems obvious to anyone with a working brain but anybody taking the shot is either stupid or a brainless zombie.

Stay strong.

2 years ago
Reply to  DK Fynn

Yes, pregnant woman are experiencing one of the most vulnerable conditions in all of human life!!– –With 2 LIVES being on the line!!.. This was a crazy idea.. And now, it’s so Tragic!!..

Last edited 2 years ago by Toots
2 years ago

“I believe in science and vaccines.” – “Belief” moves science into the realm of faith. Science is not about belief, it is about objective facts, of which this unfortunate woman apparently made no effort to seek out.

2 years ago

While it is terribly sad that yet another baby never had a chance I feel no pity whatsoever for Dr. Fua. What a terrible mother, to do that to her unborn. And is she shedding on her live baby as well??

2 years ago
Reply to  Daz

How completely brainwashed and cognitively dissonant to think a chemical jab is going to be good for her and her unborn baby.

2 years ago

Before you took that stupid vaccine did you ever think that you’re pregnant? A job well done for you, you just nailed it!!!!

2 years ago

This is like a horror show. And she had every opportunity & advantage to look into & weigh things!-

2 years ago

And it’s also sad that this mother’s overall health probably will not fare well either!!..
These images are just disturbing & so tragic!!…

Janeen Russell
Janeen Russell
2 years ago

I am sorry, but this is an educated woman. Why would she take an experimental drug while pregnant??!! Insanity.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Janeen Russell

Make no mistake : nowadays, “educated” is just a euphemism for mind well-colonized and well-programmed to fit in and relish its enslavement.

Erin Jonsson
Erin Jonsson
2 years ago

This is so sad. Her poor baby. I really feel for her but wtf gets a vaccine while pregnant? My brothers wife had the jab in her 3rd trimester and my nephew said F you and popped out 6 hours later Thank God!!! I know he came 3 weeks early because of the poison she put into her and his body. I pray he will be okay. Wake up world!!! I am the ONLY one in y huge family not jabbed and I’m holding out. Everyone has been cool and not pressuring me and they actually listen to me but now that they are all jabbed they are afraid to read what I send. I get it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Erin Jonsson

Thanks for making me feel like a horrible person because your description made me LOL. You might want to make your SIL aware of the baby that died in 2 days of breast feeding from the vaxxed mom. I am a big proponent of momma’s milk, but not in this case.
Many people are convinced that there are placebos, and I am one of them. Continue to work on your family, they can get covid whether vaxxed or not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes, vaccinees can, and do, get covid but have you heard the latest on the playlist (and I even hear this from some very conservative commentators)? It’s a very well-known comment I first began to hear when they began pushing out flu shots: “I got the flu but it was not as bad because I had my flu shot.” Which made no sense to me since there are so many different strains. Same with the C19 jab. Everyone is different and most people do not have severe symptoms.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Haha…of course I have heard that line, isn’t in EVERY article where a vaxxee got covid now? 😉
I think that it is likely that over half were placebos, but agreed, there is no way to know for sure. If you were correct though, how are we seeing such a fair number of perfectly healthy succumb to it?
I think it was quite a tell that at least SOME are placebos though, when at that one site they called back a certain number of people saying they did not actually get the shot, only saline….wait, what? Seems to me some vax clerk messed up the process…”oh, you mean some people get stuff from more than one vial?”

2 years ago
Reply to  Erin Jonsson

I am the only one in my family who isn’t jabbed. I really don’t talk much about it and I actually haven’t shared this site with anyone because everyone I know is either jabbed or has loved ones who are jabbed. I don’t want to frighten anyone.

2 years ago
Reply to  JustAGuy

You should still share this website. Many people feel that these shots are not uniform, and that a certain percentage (maybe very high percentage) of the first ones are actually placebos. This could have been planned to get people to accept the jabs as “safe”, with increasing percentages of “live” jabs in the boosters later on.
Anyone you could convince to not get their boosters could be a win not only for them, but also the overall cause.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

This retard and her likes are taking humanity down the road of utter enslavement, pain and misery. She and her likes need a post-birth abortion.

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