Louie Knuxx: 42-year-old New Zealand hip hop artist mocks lockdown protesters, dead 28 days after second Pfizer mRNA injection

August 23, 2021

Mr. Louie Knuxx.

MELBOURNE — A 42-year-old rapper, MMA/UFC fan, and youth mentor is dead in yet another post-injection heart attack while exercising.

Mr. Todd Williams, aka Louie Knuxx, received his second dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on July 15, according to his Twitter page. He reported a sore arms the following morning, but no other adverse effects. He also said he was “ready to party.”

Mr. Knuxx’s vitriolic rhetoric and attitudes towards anti-lockdown protesters in Australia had been ongoing since at least May. He referred to thousands of protesters in Melbourne as “whiney fucking babies.”

He posted a similar tweet on July 23 not only referring to Melbourne protesters as “fucking stupid,” but also threatened violence. He said he wants to “punch one of these cunts in the jaw.”

That same day, he attacked the non-vaxxed. Four days later, he continued mocking the non-vaxxed.

About two weeks after the second injection, he attempted reassureing himself by saying he’s still had no adverse reactions.

A hint of irony sneaked through one of this final Twitter posts. A woman correctly stated that heart disease kills thousands of people per year, but government does not force anyone to exercise. Mr. Knuxx responded with more mockery.

Mr. Knuxx woke up on August 13 and got on his treadmill, as was apparently a regular routine. But he suffered a heart attack while running on the treadmill, meaning blood flow was blocked (blood clots) to parts of the heart. He was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Who is Louie Knuxx?

Mr. Knuxx moved from Auckland to Melbourne in 2018. He was the director of the Chin-Up Project that helped at-risk youth in Melbourne. Prior to that, Mr. Knuxx worked as a mentor in a youth facility in his hometown of Taranaki, New Zealand. He lived in that same youth facility himself as a teen when he got in trouble with the law.

His rap career started in New Plymouth, New Zealand with a group called Dirtbag District. His debut album Wasted Youth was released in 2006. His second album, Progressive Gangsta Thug/Gentleman Romance Rap (PGT/GRR) was released in 2014. Mr. Knuxx’s final album, Tiny Warm Hearts, was released in 2016. He was also part of a collective called Young, Gifted and Broke.

Several New Zealand and Australian rappers paid tribute to him after he died. An online fundraiser to cover his funeral costs has garnered over $50,000 as of publishing.

Another death after mockery

From all accounts, Louie Knuxx was a decent human being. Unfortunately he is now part of a dubious group of individuals on this blog who died after needlessly mocking those who do not agree with him.

Mr. Jordan Hayes called the non-vaxxed “idiots” and “morons” before succumbing to a heart attack 14 weeks after his second injection. Mr. Ronald Babb made a similar “turning into robots” comment that Mr. Knuxx implied. Babb died seven days after the Johnson & Johnson injection. Jason Maurer, Dr. Thomas Flanigan, Dr. Witold Rogiewicz…again, it’s all so unnecessary.

But Mr. Knuxx is also part of another group. There is a very disturbing trend of people dying while exercising after they’ve received one of the experimental injections. That sadly includes many teenagers who died while playing sports. The U.K. government even advises against exercising for at least 48 hours after the injections.

There will be more of these stories in 2021 and beyond. And we’ll keep covering as many as we can. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

He sure waited a long time to get the jabs considering he was all for them. Oh, well, perhaps the toxic jabs were not available to the “Young, Gifted and Broke” crowd right away—gave him more time alive. RIP but he was wrong wrong wrong and made a big mistake. Gifted does not mean wise and informed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

This guy was demented judging by his posts. Not a good person AT ALL. Probably mentally ill. To say those things about people fighting for their rights is despicable. Karma is a b****.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

Mentally ill does not equate to not being a good person. Knock it off

1 year ago
Reply to  Ris

Those tats tho, what a mess. I bet he got all in people’s faces and said “don’t judge a book by its cover asshole”.
I’m glad he’s dead. What a dick. Just another “I was a criminal but now I’m helping at-risk youth so I’m special” type. They are not pleasant people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Gifted? You’ve got to be joking, right? He’s hardly a Wagner, Gustav Holst, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Peter Frampton, Paul Rodgers, Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Paul McCartney or John Lennon!

He’s not even literate: ‘phizer’? Lack of capitals (should be Pfizer, and with a capital P). There’s an over-use of profanity in his tweets to make himself look ‘cool’ or ‘Street Cred’. As I say, not the sharpest tool in the box, and good riddance to him and others who attempt to attack, mock or demonize the wise folk who refuse the Death Jab.

Just look at him! Anyone who has scribble or tattoos over their face, head and neck can’t be the sharpest tool in the box.

I sincerely hope that, in his last few seconds, his mush-like brain registered the following: “Oh, God, I have made a grave mistake”

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Ah, posts by Kriss and Gary do not disappoint. Gary, regarding your last sentence, yes we can hope, but I’m not betting on it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

admin i asume you wont aprove my last comment replying to Gary but how could you have approved his ? Really disgusting letting someone go on the way Gary is. All it takes is a bit of research to see the good work Todd did and the good life he was trying to live . He was well respected and loved here in NZ / AU

Fernando Lamont
Fernando Lamont
2 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Shut up! Just shut up with your PC censorship! Gary is brilliant. You aren’t. So sorry if that hurts your feelings. But no one cares about your feelings. Now man up and listen to what Gary has to say because he’s far more intelligent than you. Got it!?

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Gives me the impression of someone intolerable to be around for anyone who is sane or has half a brain, well he won’t be punching anyone now. I wonder did Bill Gates pay his respects before or after he and Fauci were having a few drinks together, laughing at the level of human stupidity in the world and how easy it is to take people out. Thankfully, God will make them pay.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Thankfully, God will make them pay.

Highly unlikely. WE need to make them pay, and soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

They who are evil will “win” for a while, but even as they “win”, they damn themselves; and meanwhile the rest of us have a chance to be saved.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

NO ONE “will pay” except those being vaxed.
And with their lives and souls.
But the ELITE will live on forever.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Bill Gates $200 000 000 000 in the bank, Hey God I’ll pick up the tab for this one.

Last edited 2 years ago by Name
Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

“Let each man be paid in full. That’s just good enough for me”.

A line from one of my favorite ‘Columbo‘ episode.

2 years ago

Too bad Louie only had a brief time to enjoy his clots.

2 years ago

Liberals are the main people I know getting vaccinated, and a high percentage of them are mouthy about others not being vaccinated.

Soon, the U.S. will have far fewer liberals as they die like coronavirus vaccine experiment test ferrets or from the eventual sum total effect of what they did to their bodies.

2 years ago
Reply to  ghall

If the first two jabs don’t get them, the boosters will. Not hoping or wishing, just the facts.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Since they are fully invested in the Hoax…the vast majority will get the Booster and the Micro Needle Array Patch Quantum Dot Tattoo…Trusting in the Scientists….

2 years ago
Reply to  ghall

Yes they seem to be more Lemming Like than Trump Kool Aide drinkers…

2 years ago

An online fundraiser to cover his funeral costs has garnered over $50,000 as of publishing.

What is he getting a presidential send-off?

I could live for 3 years on that amount.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Thats just the funeral not the One Way Ticket to Valhalla…

2 years ago

Wasn’t there a teen boy (16) in Singapore that had myocarditis brought on by weight lifting + caffeinated energy drinks recently? Fortunately did not die & he got compensated for ~$160k. Unfortunately it’s paid by the gov. (i.e,. tax payers) not Pfizer.
We may see more teen dropping dead now that Pfizer is approved by FDA & most schools seem intent to get all jabbed before the fall.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  pam

Unfortunately, I think we are about to witness some truly depressing times regarding the youth.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago

The “youth” today is brain dead and brainwashed.
Better to have many FEWER of them around.
I hope Greta Thundberg got ALL the shots and boosters!

Gardasil already killed my daughter so i don’t care about anyone’s “kids”.
#GardasilKilledJessica ~ 12/16/1993-12/24/2013

2 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

I completely concur.
I actually find myself in agreement with the Globo-homo’s agenda for population reduction. There are far too many ‘useful idiots and useless eaters and breeders’ in this world today for it to function as it should.
I just disagree with them on who should top the list.

Sorry for your loss. Much blessings.

Foul Mouth
Foul Mouth
2 years ago

Talk shit get hit. As a rapper he should understand that.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Strangely when you’re used to exercise and begin to feel wonky, the cure is to exercise. Unfortunately the exercise exacerbates the heart which is undergoing the process of supplicating the blood to get back to it’s normal state. (Apparently these shots alter the blood in a variety of ways, perhaps why many go septic). This all caused the heart to become overtaxed and eventually give way.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

Yeah, it’s a shame how diabolical these injections forces ones own body to work against its self in slowly killing them….

1 year ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

I understand that the graphene oxide in the jabs ‘seeks out’ electrical activity, as it is a superconductor. This means that it gravitates to the central nervous system and the brain (probably accounting for some of the vicious personality traits in many of those featured on this site).

The heart muscle also depends on electrical activity, in order to contract, and to maintain its rhythm.

Thus, increased activity, such as exercise, causes a rush of graphene oxide to the heart, and, presumably, a preponderance of clotting, which it promotes. It probably also disturbs the heart’s elecrtical field.

No need to explain the effect of all this.

2 years ago

Can’t say I’m unhappy somebody with his attitude is gone.

2 years ago

Say hello to Satan. With Covid vax you are no longer you.

2 years ago

He’s not even literate: ‘phizer’? Lack of capitals (should be Pfizer, and with a capital P). There’s an over-use of profanity in his tweets to make himself look ‘cool’ or ‘Street Cred’. As I say, not the sharpest tool in the box, and good riddance to him and others who attempt to attack, mock or demonize the wise folk who refuse the Death Jab.

2 years ago

Unfortunately, he was one of those who did not look around him and note the disparity between the narrative and what is actually happening. Those who do take note and act upon that knowledge have the love of truth at heart.

2 years ago

Good enough for him. I have no sympathies for such. Wisdom carries its own reward. Stupidity carries its own judgment. Well, he got his.

To answer the usual rhetoric he spewed; its the responsibility of the immune compromised to take their own protective measures, and not the responsibility of healthy people to do it for them. My rights over my own body are not up for barter. I do not owe my rights to my neighbor – not for his safety, nor his for mine, nor anyone else. That is not selfish, because it is his right as well. It is far more selfish for my neighbor to insist that I sacrifice my rights for his sake. Rights are not collectivist commodities. Collectives have no rights, they have rules. But rights are always for the individual as a protection against the collective. That’s the only way they can be. Cattle are herded, milked, shot up with vaccines, antibiotics and harmful hormones. That’s because cattle are property. I am not. I, and no other, possess myself. I choose what goes into my body.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gct

How can you be so selfish?
— like 50% of my FB friends

Sigh. I need new friends.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gct

That just one of his ramblings that stood out to me because aren’t those already ‘immune-compromised’ exempt or at least advised by Pfizer-BioNTech on their official website to NOT have the mRNA ‘vaccine’ ? ..

2 years ago
Reply to  Dassaer

If you’re immunocompromised then the vaccine won’t do anything, since vaccines rely on the host immune system to generate antibodies, so there’s no point in getting the vaccine.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Bridget

The vaccines (both vector and mRNA) induce your cells to produce the spikes. The immune system then reacts to the presence of the spikes by producing antibodies. An immunocompromised person might not produce the antibodies, but his/her body *WILL* produce the spikes because the RNA commandeers the protein synthesis machinery of the cells to do precisely that. So, the spikes will be produced. They’re produced as 3 subunits that are then fused together and extrude through the cell wall. One of the subunits, the S1, has been found to cross the blood-brain barrier, ie, just the small little bit of protein enters the brain. Prions are also just like bits of protein. When they enter the brain, they cause neurodegenerative disorders.

So, an immunocompromised person might not develop antibodies, but his/her risk of developing tremors, dystonia, etc. are no different than that of someone who is not immunocompromised.

2 years ago

The U.K. government even advises against exercising for at least 48 hours after the injections.
48 hours doesn’t seem long enough since many of these people have died many days later. Maybe they should say no strenuous exercise ever after the poison.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

There is such a pattern of young, vaccinated males having dramatic deaths, when combined with intense sports & athletic exercise. I understand that the clot-producing spike proteins would replicate & damage blood vessels faster in someone with a high metabolism… And these guys had those high metabolic rate, combined with testosterone to go out in a quick blaze of glory!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Toots
2 years ago

Very sad to watch so many sign over the pink slip on their souls. They are all the property of darkness now.

2 years ago

another ignorant trash-talking punk #sheeplevaxxed #gimpster.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago

Good. One less scumbag punk with ugly tats.

Malcolm Tulip
Malcolm Tulip
2 years ago

Shame that the mainstream media are so muted regarding the real cause.

2 years ago

Serves him right, there will be millions right behind them, sheep unwillingly to ask questions and demand answers, lm tired of trying to help they will all get what they deserve if they took these shots voluntarily.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rick

Some vaxon asked me “What’s wrong with you?” because I didn’t have the shot.
Maybe next year I can ask the same of him….

I decided a long time ago that people weren’t getting the vax because of covid, or because it’s the right thing to do, or because they needed to get it, or because everyone else was getting it. No, the reason they were getting it is “because I haven’t got it yet”.

Now that is the apex of NPC thinking there.

Then, lo and behold, a survey was done in the US, and the #1 response to the question was “because I haven’t got it yet”.

At least if you ask Lemmings “why are you walking that way?”.they’ll say its because everyone seems to be going that way. Not even lemmings would say because I haven’t got over there yet.

2 years ago


Illiterate moron. No loss. It’s the genuinely decent people that have gone and taken this injection in good faith that I care about.

2 years ago

There is some good news to read every now and then. At least there’s one less leftist, tattooed puke in this world. Hopefully he’s partying in hell where he belongs.

2 years ago

One look at this guy is all you need. TRUE authority of our times, now dead. SYMPTOMATIC.

2 years ago

After reading Louie Knuxx’s social media posts, I’m glad he’s off the planet. What an AssHo$e! Now he can go to the big tattoo parlor down below.

Tiffany Gonzalez
Tiffany Gonzalez
2 years ago

I can not be angry or pessimistic at anyone who is rude about others not taking jab. I for one am all about forgiveness. But I refuse to sit back and not say anything about children getting shot. I will be the light in the darkness and at all costs, am going to speak up about this. Jesus said a millstone will go around the neck and be drowned for those who hurt little ones. The evil men have payment coming to them. All life is important but a child with no choice to rationalize a decision has to be protected at all costs. I encourage everyone to shout everywhere to protect life. Thank You

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