Toxic epidermal necrolysis: 49-year-old Saudi woman develops life-threatening skin-rotting disorder one week after Pfizer mRNA injection
August 23, 2021 (updated February 22, 2022)

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA — A 49-year-old woman is on the mend after developing a disturbing post-injection immune-mediated skin disorder.

Researchers at the Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz Hospital in Riyadh published their peer-reviewed case study last week. The unnamed woman went to the emergency room one week after receiving the first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA. They describe the case as follows:

The patient started to develop fever, fatigue, and headache followed by skin lesions affecting her trunk and starting to spread to her face and upper limbs with oral ulceration. Patient was seen in the primary health care center and was given paracetamol and did not notice any improvement. The patient had no history of taking any new medication or any cosmetic treatment in the past two months before the development of the skin lesions. Upon examination, the patient was vitally stable, anxious, and in severe pain. She had numerous purpuric and dusky red macules involving the chest,


upper limbs,

face, genitalia, and upper thighs with areas showing coalescence of lesions with flaccid bullae and areas of epidermal detachment with positive Nikolsky’s sign. The mucosa was involved in her condition, where she had extensive oral ulceration and hemorrhagic crusting over the lips,

as well as bilateral conjunctival congestions along with upper eyelids erosions,

and genital mucosal lesions. Her body surface area (BSA) involvement is estimated to be more than 30%.

The patient was given two doses of etanercept 50 mg/ml subcutaneously, the first one on the day of admission and the second one after two days of her admission. The patient stopped developing new lesions after two days from the first dose, and complete healing was noted after 22 days.

Diagnosis and prognosis

Researchers diagnosed the woman on the Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN) spectrum. The diseases have mortality rates upwards of 35%, according to the researchers. Medications and vaccines are the primary causes of these conditions. TEN is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate discontinuation of the “offending agent.” Researchers concluded that there were “no other identifiable causes” for the TEN in the subject woman other than the Pfizer injection.

We’ve covered several similar cases on this blog. However, neither the words “Stevens-Johnson” nor the words “toxic epidermal necrolysis” were used in any of said media reports. Mr. Richard Terrell (USA) developed a full-body rash and swelling four days after the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection. Ms. Leigh King (Scotland) broke out in a full body rash immediately after the AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection. Mrs. Sarah Beuckmann escaped needing her legs amputated after a gruesome, crusty, scaly rash formed on her legs following the AstraZeneca injection.

The instant case is the first severe/life-threatening skin reaction we’ve covered as a result of the mRNA injections. There are 66 cases of SJS and TEN recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of August 13.

But only 1% of vaccine adverse reactions are reported to VAERS, according to Harvard Pilgrim Health. Thus there have likely been over 6,600 SJS/TEN spectrum disorders after COVID-19 injections so far.

Despite the findings, the Saudi researchers concluded that “vaccine” benefits outweigh the risks, and encouraged everyone to receive the injections. You may read the entire case study here.

Myriad unreported skin adverse reactions

Most people are either too embarrassed or afraid of backlash to report their experimental injection adverse reactions publicly. Everyone is learning the short-term effects of these injections in real-time, with many of said events involving the largest organ in the human body (skin).

University of California San Francisco researchers published a case study last month. It found that two men developed pus-filled lesions and swelling on their faces after receiving the experimental Moderna mRNA injections. They called the condition “Facial Pustular Neutrophilic Eruption.”

An April 1 letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine chronicled many cases of erythema and induration within hours or days following the first or second injection of experimental Pfizer mRNA.

These injections have two purposes: murder and maiming. You are consenting to one or the other by allowing someone to stick a needle in your arm. Take a stand or play Russian roulette with your life and well-being. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

Thank you so much, Brian, for running this blog and reporting on all these stories – especially ones like this one.
I know these pictures may be shocking to some but it’s crucial that people see this and realize that the mainstream media are full of it when they say, “they’re 100% safe, at most you might have a sore arm and a little fever”.
People need to see what this bioweapon disguised as a vaccine is capable of doing to a human.

2 years ago

Unbelievably terrible SAE. “But it’s RARE!” would be what the media would croak out–that is, IF it was ever reported by David Muir and Lester Holt and the rest of their kind—safe, soft lives is what they have and effective lies to keep it all going.

Bonnie Bonsor
Bonnie Bonsor
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Kris – I am so disappointed in both those guys. I wonder how they sleep at night. I guess they count dollar signs…..AND sheep, come to think of it!

Not fooled
Not fooled
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

😩It’s all good,nothing is wrong with the “medication”. Go to sleep.There is nothing to see here. What are you doing awake and making all this noise for,hmm? Just a few “minor” “coincidences” going on here, don’t let it bother you. 😏

2 years ago

Yeah, here is your “safe and effective”

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

People with sepsis and subsequential organ failure are going to be rampant in the future.

Steven Rowlandson
Steven Rowlandson
2 years ago

Don’t mess with nature or God or they will mess with you.

2 years ago


Sallie Ann
Sallie Ann
2 years ago

Your skin is an organ and obviously these people are highly allergic to graphene in the kill shot…..

2 years ago
Reply to  Sallie Ann

I’m pretty sure everyone is

2 years ago
Reply to  Sallie Ann

Pay attention to what Sallie Ann just said here. This is very important. Commit it to memory.

2 years ago

These photos are horrendous and so sad for these people but after looking at these photos, these vaccines are creating zombies and Tom Horn did an audio series “The Coming Zombie Apocalypse” which I have. I pray God stops this madness NOW,

2 years ago
Reply to  Donna

It will take many people to stop these vaccines. The vaccine deaths are being covered up by calling them unvaccinated deaths from the virus.
Internet search “Shockingly, CDC now lists vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated”.

Eventually, people will see their own family members die off. Maybe, then, there will be a push back from the people, still living, to stop these vaccines.

2 years ago
Reply to  Donna

God can’t intervene in free will of people who won’t listen or seek guidance/help: It is written,
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.’- Hosea.

I don’t think any of us who have tried in good faith to warn our friends & families who think they are “better than” or “more educated” than we enjoy the experience of being verbally/emotionally back-handed.

2 years ago

If I remember when this whole hoax started up, people were not put on ventilators for sepsis and skin necrosis. These injections were never meant to defeat a disease of the lungs. This is premeditated murder.

2 years ago

Look for an archived WIRED dot com article, titled: “Israel’s Ethnic Weapon”? (to find it, simply enter the keywords: WIRED NEWS REPORT, “Israel’s Ethnic Weapon”, 11.16.1998, 12pm. Nes Tziyona research facility.

Excerpts from the article, and I Quote: “The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified Bacterium or Virus.” Unquote.

Quote: “The “ethno-bomb” program is based at Israel’s Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes.” Unquote.

Now, that was back in 1998. It is now 2021. Imagine how more advanced the their evil ‘top secret’ biotechnology will be now? The targeting is not limited to Arabs: all racial groups (Europeans, Africans, Arabs, Asians) are. I have found scientific studies suggesting that Ashkenazis are least affected, out of all racial groups, by the spike proteins.

Since when have they cared about ethnics, morals and the Geneva Convention (their deployment of white phosphorus against Palestinian civilians is another example of their lack of morals, ethics and compassion. They do as they please against Humanity, and without being brought to book). They claim to be peaceful, compassionate and a beacon of democracy. “Our Greatest Ally”. However, their actions have always proven otherwise. They are pathological liars.

The injuries of this necrolysing condition are terrible. Having witnessed this, and countless other adverse reactions, lifelong injuries and deaths, who in the right mind honestly thinks that this ‘vaccine’ is just another safe vaccine, such as the flu shot, that will keep the vulnerable and immune-compromised safe and protected? How much convinced do you need to make you think that there’s a SINISTER agenda at play? Never before in history has there been a TOTALITARIAN enforcement of mass vaccination and draconian lockdowns. For a contagion that has a very high survival rate. Maybe covid is the flu virus re-named?

Consider that the ‘major players’ behind the covid vaccine are Ashkenazis: Albert Bourla, Tal Zaks, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Rochelle Wallinksy, Anthony Fauci, Alex Gorsky, Rachel Levine, and many more I have not mentioned here.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

I think the Ashekenazi faction is just the most visible (maybe on purpose, to distract anx mislead) faction of a bunch of deranged toxic narcissists, who made a deal to be walking portals of dark energy, pain, fear and suffering into this world.

They claim certain religious and cultural affiliations for the sake of convenience and manipulation of the masses, while in fact they couldn’t care less about their proclaimed jewishness, christianity, muslim, american, arab..etc.

I can assure you, my guillotine does not care about any claimed ethnicity, religion, culture…etc. It only cares about the deeds : equal opportunity head chopping of the wicked.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

CDC Deputy Director, Anne Schuchat.
CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri A. Berger
CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe
CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek
COVID Czar, Jeff Zients

2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Add:Prince FOUNDER CEO Blackwater

2 years ago

When the hospital gets done pushing the drugs maybe someone will turn to pine tar to …… her life.

2 years ago

DEPOPULATION agenda, pure, plain and simple. Everyone involved, as far as I am concerned, are servants of Satan…including the propagandized sheep encouraging these abominations masquerading as ‘medicine’

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  VietVetinOhio

If you or anyone you know lives near the factory…BURN IT TO THE GROUND.

2 years ago
Reply to  VietVetinOhio

You think it’s just Pfizer? Wake up.

Paul Cressman
Paul Cressman
2 years ago

The money stands out to me, the billions being made and the ONE company, like the ‘ring of power’ in The Lord of the Rings, ONE company and that is Black Rock Capital. They control big pharma with their stock ownership and governments with campaign contributions and Vanguard seems to control them. Billions and Billions of dollars. Black Rock controls big media with their stock ownership. It has been said that big pharma is like the mafia, and a whistle blower, a former Wyeth employee ran a billboard message that she wasn’t planning to kill herself and what do you know, she was found dead and the official diagnosis was suicide. It’s like Al Capone running the world now. Incidently, the whistle blower also said beforehand that someone was able to get into her house and turn off her alarm!

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul Cressman

Yes, BUT, the deaths (murders) are just as important to them. They are sacrificial murders to saytn. Destroying ‘everything’ God created is saytn’s goal. God created you, so guess what! These uhhh, ‘people; are fallen angel reptilian creature shape- shifters from hell that are here on earth. Keep sinning and more portals from hell will keep opening and the fallen angels will keep coming here and, thus, let loose here on earth. They are the destroyers. You will have nothing left and likely not even your life.

They are establishing satan’s kingdom on earth, with the help of all human servants of satan/devil worshippers of all kinds.

Do you think saytn likes you and will save you because you kiss his a _ _? lol He and his fallen angels hate humans. You are all being used and then will be slaughtered, like everyone else. Soon!

When saytn is done with his servants (he calls them ‘useful idiots’), he destroys them too. Are you one of them? It’s not too late to turn back to God to save you. Be sincere and He will hear you.

Best to you all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kell

No kidding. CERN, & the melt-down in 2012? A whistleblower proclaimed the trajectory we’re now on cannot be stopped by “any more computational manipulation”-whatever that means.
It could be the end of the USA, or the age, but either way, God wins!

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul Cressman

Paul – Are you talking about Brandi from Merck or is there another death from Pharma (Wyeth)? Brandi stated that someone broke into her home, would move one thing. She had a son. She stated on social media that she is not sick or suicidal. But her 12 yo son found her dead around Christmas 2019. It was a heart attack or something.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul Cressman

Yes, Paul, BlackRock controls (at least? $33 Trillion), that’s the GDP of 10 nations.
They were installing microchips in human brains (look up ‘Utah Array Surgery’- they sold a kit to researchers, proclaiming it was only to be used on animals 12 years ago, with a long metal wand..Creepy!)
If you think about it, in the Biblical vision, the great statue had 10 toes of clay,
I’m sure the Vatican is central to all of the corruption. Then you add Hydra, (immortal/cancer) cell lines, aborted fetus & HIV DNA, & sh** gets deep.

2 years ago

The EUA Emergency Use Authorization will remain in place for the Phizer vaccine

The Phizer BioNTech Comimaty vaccine is approved by the FDA but will not be available until 2022 or 2023

Phizer’s BioNtech Comimaty is approved and will NOT have the liability shield — not fully available until 2022 2023


2 years ago
Reply to  Julia

You are correct. But, it is almost impossible to get other people to believe it. They cannot believe that the FDA, Biden and news media would lie to us all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bronson
Bonnie Bonsor
Bonnie Bonsor
2 years ago

I am so glad this was created and posted. It’s important for people to see things in simple terms right now – and this helps a lot! Bless you!

C Heiby
C Heiby
2 years ago

I’m appalled that the very people & industry which we should be able to trust would prey upon us with medical propagandas filled with lies, incomplete information & misinformation to persuade us to take these COVID-19 vaccines that were inadequately researched & inadequately tested, if tested at all!

Thanks so much for giving this information though rough to see & must be horrid for this woman! I hope she recovers fully!!!

southern proud
southern proud
2 years ago

I have to say this. there is a Dr Ryan Cole, who is a pathologist. he gave a lecture to the White Coat Society in Texas recently. Dr Cole is a specialist, in autopsing people who have died from the covid shot itself. he presented, with slides, a young athlete, 40 ish. took shot, died days later. he shows you healthy organ tissue, and that of the patient. he explains in details that anyone can understand exactly what the shot does in your body. after 2 weeks, 7% stays in your arm. the other 93% have made it to your organs. depending on where the majority settles, that is what happens to that specific organ. heart failure, kidney failure, infertility in women, miscarriages, and E.D. in men. what Nikki Minaj reported about the family friend’s impotence and testicular swelling is very real. see the presentation. that film says it all. take the shot only if you think you must. but, remember, the virus has a 98 to 99% cure rate unless you have severe age or co-morbidities.

2 years ago
Reply to  southern proud

Southern, thanks for posting that to help those of us trying to reach the incredibly dense. Perhaps hopeless, those hell bent on the Alt-Ctrl-Del function.
I see why you added the last sentence, but the kind I run into think even tho it’s not good for the healthy, “it IS for the compromised.”
If it kills a fit 40-yr-old, it will kill an obese 70-yr-old FASTER! So…

What is it about 2 + 2 that where the serum is concerned, we hear 6 -from so many otherwise intelligent people? And CNN slandering Nikki’s cousin, blaming an STD in a wide release article shows how evil & ruthless the pushers are!
The steal a man’s manhood, then slander him based on his sister’s less than puritanical TV reputation. WoW.

2 years ago

The doctors diagnosis of the two men with destroyed faces was described as “limited and mild” reactions? What the hell is wrong with them?
5-year-olds on life support, 22-yr-olds dying of bladder cancer, &
the 49-yr-old woman looked like a case from return of the living dead! How can the sociopaths sleep at night?

After watching Dr. Oz browbeat Wendy Williams for initially refusing to inject this disgusting plague – I will never look at him or his daughter the same way again.
Goes to show, loss of $$$ from taxing individual performers is of no concern to the orchestrators of this universal judgement; No sacrifice is too large in the goal of achieving complete enslavement through hive mind -sold as wireless “human evolution & problem solving.”
So disturbing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris
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