Ludovica Bizzaglia: 25-year-old Italian actress develops pericarditis days after second Moderna mRNA injection, would do it again “a million times”
September 16, 2021

Ms. Ludovica Bizzaglia.

ROME — A 25-year-old Italian actress and Instagram influencer missed the 78th Venice International Film Festival and cut her vacation short after post-injection heart issues.

Ms. Ludovica Bizzaglia received her second Moderna mRNA injection on August 5, according to a video posted on Instagram. She was on vacation in Greece when she received the injection. Ms. Bizzaglia experienced sharp chest pains, shortness of breath and tingling sensations in her extremities a few days later. But she dismissed it as “anxiety” and continued her vacation to the mountains of Bormio, Italy.

Her condition progressively worsened, prompting her to believe she had a heart attack. Ms. Bizzaglia cut her vacation in Bormio short and returned to Rome to see a Dr. Massimo Massetti at the Agostino Gemelli University Policlinic. She was immediately diagnosed with pericarditis, a known, common and dangerous adverse effect from the mRNA injections. “I was in shock, but I want to tell everyone that with the right therapy and a lot of rest, you can heal,” she told the Corriere della Sera.

Instagram video and disturbing messages

Ms. Bizzaglia shared her experience in an Instagram video that week. A rough, incomplete translation is underneath.

Took the second dose on August 5 and after a short time, left for the summer holidays in Greece. I have always suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. Started feeling bad and decided to go to the hospital for various checks such as electrocardiogram, etc., etc. I was told I was just very anxious and was prescribed sedatives. But I went back to Rome immediately because it was no longer feasible to stay with the excruciating pain. I went to my cardiologist and he diagnosed me with vaccine-induced heart pericarditis.

She went on to regurgitate big pharma talking points in interviews with Italian media. “The risk of myocarditis or pericarditis is much higher for those who have COVID-19 and it is not true that for young people the virus is just a cold,” she said. A University of California study released last week found that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from post-injection heart problems than to be hospitalized from COVID-19.

Ms. Bizzaglia also said that kids left messages on Instagram saying they secretly received the mRNA injections behind their parents’ backs because people like her inspired them.

RELATED: Giulia Lucenti: 16-year-old Italian girl dead less than 24 hours after second Pfizer mRNA injection (September 15, 2021)


She also said a few comments wished her ill-will because she was encouraging people to get the injections despite what happened to her. Ms. Bizzaglia, who has 867,000 Instagram followers, told her fans that she’ll have to watch the Venice Film Festival “from my bed and in my pajamas.” She provided this message to them:

“I don’t want the wrong message to pass, unfortunately this can happen, it’s bad luck. But the vaccine is the only way to get out of Covid-19. Long live the vaccine, now more than ever, despite everything, I would do it again not once but a million times.”

Ms. Bizzaglia is known for her roles in the films “Amore 14” (2009) and “Sharm el Shaeikh” (2010). She was also in the television series Un posto al sole.

Italy ominous first

The levels of indoctrination in Italy are on full display with Ms. Bizzaglia. But now their government is taking the ultimate steps towards full dystopia. Italy is making vaccine passports mandatory for all public and private sector workers starting in October. Italy Regional Affairs Minister Mariastella Gelmini told The Local that mRNA and viral vector DNA are “the only weapon we have against COVID-19.”

RELATED: Francesca Marcon: 38-year-old Italian volleyball player develops pericarditis after second Pfizer mRNA injection, wonders “who pays the price” (August 26, 2021)


It’s the same story in Italy as it is in every other country in the world. Only 31% of Italians were fully vaccinated on June 30. The 7-day new COVID-19 case average was 639 on that day.

Italy is 65% fully-vaccinated today. The 7-day new COVID-19 case average is 4,660, or nearly eight times higher than it was when the country was only 31% vaccinated.

It doesn’t even take critical thinking to see what’s going on. All that’s required is common sense. The more “vaccines,” the more COVID. That is called positive correlation – as one variable goes up, the other does too. And it happens everywhere in the world, thus is established, irrefutable fact. But vaxx zealots don’t want to hear that.

All you can do at this point is protect yourself and family. The cull is in full effect and we just have to watch it happen. We’ll all look back on these article in 2-3 years when the dust settles. And the world will look very different. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

“Long live the vaccine?” Really?
Studies say that the effectiveness wanes quickly, I wonder if she is planning for her booster already. I mean, if she is going to do it a million times, she better get moving.
She seems so proud to be an influencer that gets children to go against their parents wishes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Too much is never enough..All Hail the Fake Crown Corona Hoax…no need to read the inserts…Just put your full Trust in Kill Gates and Dr. Fraudci…and welcome to the Zombie Apocolypse…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

It’s time for Kill Bill 3 Mr Tarantino.

2 years ago

Then she can have a million heart attacks. No sympathy. Next.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

I’m finding it harder everyday to feel sympathy for these types and harder yet to discipline my thoughts and my tongue.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

The Corona Zombies have no sympathy for your health concerns, and they don’t hold back their thoughts…So let them Reap what they have Sown…

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

I just checked. She has reaped the ‘rona. In her instagram posting of Dec. 21, she says she tested positive a few days ago, that she had mild symptoms, that if she hadn’t been vaccinated, it could’ve been worse, she could’ve infected other people including her 80yo grandmother or other fragile persons close to her. I just don’t get how they can be so committed to being vaccine apologists.

2 years ago

The delusions are strong in this one. Wait til a few months when she catches Covid or other viral infection and can’t explain why she got so sick. I bet a million times she will say at least the injection made her less sick than she would have been without it. Zero critical thinking in these poor souls.

2 years ago

This woman is insane

2 years ago

I wonder how many people who got the jab behind their parents back because of this woman have had some bad adverse effects?

2 years ago

Absolute Fool!!! She, like many other celebrities are handled and told to do whatever is asked of them, without hesitation or question. Some do things on their own, to appear with it, hoping it will lead to opportunities. Well in this case, she will not be around long enough to see if her ignorance will pay off. RIP!!

2 years ago

This girl proves how brain dead most of these vaxxers really are. The brain dead should not be giving advice to anyone, let alone young people!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sandy

prions are the thing, but she was braindead before the vax by the looks of it

2 years ago

This person is a disgrace to humanity…dragging others down into the pit…

2 years ago

Million times, highly unlikely, more like couple more at most, before she kicks the bucket

2 years ago

Seriously???!!! Inspired!

2 years ago

Box of rocks. No big deal that heart thing.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

In her case, what heart?! Probably paid by Instagram (she is an influencer, after all) to talk such dangerous rubbish. She should be ashamed of herself!

2 years ago

I suppose any career in the public eye is going to require submission to what the powers-that-be demand, and maybe having everyone telling her she is beautiful is more important than the health and safety of her people.

2 years ago

She has a long road ahead and is in big trouble. This poor brainwashed “acctress” will now face pericarditis(She has a 66% of death in five years). She has deep vein thrombosis, heart disease, and trillions of spike proteins running thourh her body. Then she will have a distroyed immune system, leading to ADE and Cytokine Storm. Once the heart is damaged or scared, it can’t heal. She is cute, but I’ll pass on this Zombie.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

“Ms. Bizzaglia also said that kids left messages on Instagram saying they secretly received the mRNA injections behind their parents’ backs because people like her inspired them.”

You have blood on your hands, you disgusting woman. Another example why social media is a curse, the toxic influence of people like this and the horrendous consequences that ensue, but of course she wont care or take responsibility. If those teens die or have serious problems, what’s this woman going to say, sorry? As if that will fix or change anything, ugh.

2 years ago

This is the type of people that the government are trying to kill off. Morons

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

Stupid is as stupid does. She doesn’t realize she is living on borrowed time. When she dies it will be blamed on Covid.

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago

Does anyone else notice that with some of these people who have been injured by these injections, that they almost seem proud of their injuries? Is this a result of the victim culture we live in? I have read accounts of parents with gender-confused teenagers who brag to each other about the different mental illnesses they have, as though it’s a badge of honor. This is the kind of attitude I seem to see in some of these vaxx-injured who jump onto social media to seemingly brag about their injuries and document every waking moment of it – not to raise awareness about the dangers of these injections, but to use it as another attempt at virtue signaling and feeding the ego.

Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas
2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

Is it just me, or do the poisoned ones seem to be experiencing some decline in mental acuity?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave Thomas

That would be hard to prove but from personal experience, I have experienced errors at 3 places: the cardiologist, the pharmacy, and the veterinarian. Minor errors, respectively: Missing stress test results on computer (never happened before); double-filling of tramadol (highly restricted in CA); and wrong twice with antibiotic tablet type. This is probably all coincidence; or the craziness of CA’s oppressive “pandemic” restrictions; or more sick people, overloaded systems. Got to be careful getting care these days!

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

This is a normal human condition. It is summed up in the proverbial phrase “misery loves company”. Any doctor’s waiting room is an organ recital. It is nothing new. It is who we are, or at least a very large proportion of us. Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. Perhaps every generation has to have its own “war” in order to indulge this propensity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

You are so right. Everything Nietzsche condemned…a culture of pity; a culture where weakness is celebrated as strength; where deformity and ugliness is lauded; where stupidity and mediocrity rule the nation; and all that is beautiful and intelligent and strong and good is denounced as evil.

Nietzsche was also right about a boatload of things.

2021 America is “Harrison Bergeron” on steroids.

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Great points!

I think Romans 1:21-31 sums up the situation quite accurately.

I love Harrison Bergeron! I have found myself thinking of that story repeatedly over the past few years as I’ve watched society crumble!

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

I liken modern-day America to Weimar-period Germany on steroids

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

Deep down these injured people are terrified, right? It’s too scary to go there, to start to believe all the warnings about the C19 jab danger could be true. Better to stay in your safe space.

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Some, perhaps. Others are so eager to virtue-signal that it has resulted in 100% brainwashing. They couldn’t recognize the truth if it smacked them in the face.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

Yes, iconoclast, it is indeed weird that those people seem proud of their vax injuries. I’m sure most of them would probably rather not get injured, but like in war, if you pick up a few injuries and scars along the way, it makes for a great story. Nobody wants to hear of a vet who went to war, did nothing, got nothing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

I have a gender confused child. Passes as a guy 99% of the time. I am only impressed by the acting skills. I know my daughter is in that body, but I am not ashamed of her/him. I will NEVER go to an LGBTFU support event as I find after 5 years it still deeply offends me. I don’t have a phobia. I love my daughter. I will always have her back. I will never pay to support this garbage. It’s called mental illness.

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  father

Please know that my prayers are with you and your daughter. She may be in the grip of a delusion, but the One Who created her is the most powerful Being imaginable, Who made Himself human and suffered and died on the cross to bring her to Himself. He has brought so many out of the same deception that she’s in. Try looking up “Walt Heyer testimony” to read about a man whom God brought out of the “transgender” lie. So many have been saved out of it through Jesus Christ. God bless you for standing for the truth and not going along with the lie!

L Crucet
2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

The one who created her was her mom and pop. Let’s get real. Some people have different takes on themselves, not what others are expecting. It is really no ones business. Just support the person.

rebecca fusco
rebecca fusco
2 years ago
Reply to  father

if you hv a penis ,you are a male, if you hv a vagene ,you are a female… these unfortunates are misled..they simply need to change their hormones to match their bodies not cut part of it off! we all hv male n female hormones,some hv too much of one or the other but there is $$$$ to be made at the expense of the vulnerable..sadly..

Bill Karmetsky
Bill Karmetsky
2 years ago

She’s an actress. Shells of people. Crazy to begin with. ‘Tis the craft.

2 years ago

she has to be getting paid to do say this? Many people are getting adverse reactions and if they see famous people saying i would do it again normie people would go along with it..crazy

2 years ago

Big Pharma doesn’t need a public relations firm…their idiot lab rats do all the work for them.

Darwin might have been right about more things than I was once willing to admit…

2 years ago

Girl is anti-science. In science world, pericarditis halts trials and we return to the drawing board.
In conclusion her behavior is anti-science

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Zechariah 13:8-9
“And it shall come to pass in all the land,” Says the LORD, “That two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die, But one–third shall be left in it: I will bring the one–third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, ‘This is My people’; And each one will say, ‘The LORD is my God.’”

Carole Murdoch
Carole Murdoch
2 years ago

I don’t know who’s worse, the person who mocks the unvaccinated before they die from the vaccine or the person who experiences a vaccine injury and says they’d do it over again. And this young woman would not only do it again, but a million times over.

These vaccine zealots are a modern caricature of the KoolAid-drinking Jim Jones clan.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carole Murdoch

The one who gets vax injured, then lives to tell another tale, that’s the worse one. Those are the ones who can influence still others to get the injection. Those pawns remain in play, being the useful idiots as they are. Plus, they can shed when they become infected again, which they surely will at some point. At least the mockingbird who kicks off can’t do any more damage.

2 years ago

Unbabies? How many disabled children can the US survive? A million or three million of unbabies?
Do you think the demand for hearts will increase?

2 years ago
Reply to  Handmaid

Probably not. A new heart won’t really help, too many other issues. Many will be damaged but more will die. Dark winter here we come.

The CDC has sent notice to doctors and hospitals to expect many cases of accute flaccid myelitis this fall in children age 5-12, will show up as paralyzed limbs and face. Seems to be a cover for vax damage reported as a new virus? Its supposed to be approved for kids soon.

I can’t think of anything more hideous. Will the sheep parents wake up after they bury their kids or take comfort in the story of the virus in order not go mad from what they’ve done?

2 years ago

If the ‘vaccine’ (or targeted bioweapon to effect a depopulation?) does not produce adverse and possibly life-altering symptoms the first time (or kill you outright!),the second, third, fourth, etc ‘booster’.certainly will. You are playing Russian Roulette having a demonstrably dangerous ‘vaccine’ for a supposed viral disease that has a very high survival rate, should you ever catch it.

The ‘vaccine’ will wear down your immune system as the months and years pass, increasing the risk of hospitalization should you catch the flu or acquire a chest infection, for example.

Then there’s the microclots: clot formation in the tiniest blood vessels called the capillaries, which have serious implications for vital organs like the lungs, heart and brain. A clot in any part of the body is bad news, but ones forming in the lungs or the brain are especially lethal. The surgery to remove a clot in the brain, or to relieve pressure caused by a ruptured vessel in the brain, is very tricky and may itself result in some brain damage, as the brain is an incredibly delicate organ, and surgeons have to drill through the bony skull before they can reach the delicate soft tissues of the brain.

Then there’s the potential infertility implications. Worryingly, in England the schools are now vaccinating the pupils- without the consent of the parents!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Gary
2 years ago

Jesus Christ, for the life of me I CANNOT fathom or understand the mindset of those who claim that they’ll do it again or take ‘booster’ shot after ‘booster’ (until they drop dead!).

You’d think that, upon acquiring a serious health condition from the ‘vaccine’, they’d acknowledge that they made a mistake and perhaps hope for a degree of damage control/limitation by outrightly refusing to take any more shots (boosters).

But no: this Prat and other Prats like her want a ‘ million more’ boosters! She’ll be lucky to live for a few more years in her current state of ‘vaccine’-induced poor health (pericarditis), let alone after having a 3rd, 4th, 5th……millionth ‘booster’.

What is wrong with these people? It beggars belief. Do they have some kind of death wish? Are they Nihilists? Masochists? Do they suffer from some kind of psychiatric guilt complex/Munchausen’s/Hypochondriasis, in which they feel a sense of deep guilt for being fit and healthy when there’s less fortunate people in this world who are suffering from NON-SELF-INFLICTED illnesses and disabilities?

Last edited 2 years ago by Gary
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

She probably is due for a booster already. I really cannot understand how people are eagerly lining up for a third shot. In some cases people who took the J and J and evidently feel left out go and sign up for a booster. Is there any better admission that these things do not work?

2 years ago

Her pic… It makes me laugh, i don’t know why. It’s a bit too much xD

2 years ago

Call her bluff. Tell her to get a “booster.” Bet she won’t. LOL!

rebecca fusco
rebecca fusco
2 years ago

um not a very smart young woman….

2 years ago

It is amazing to me that this young woman would experience a series injury directly related to the vaccine and still publicly encourage people to get injected. That makes no sense and it’s scary to me that people will actually follow her advice.

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