Isabelli Borges Valentim: 16-year-old Brazilian girl develops blood clots, dead eight days after first Pfizer mRNA injection
September 23, 2021

Ms. Isabelli Borges Valentim.

SÃO BERNARDO DO CAMPO, BRAZIL — A 16-year-old girl is dead as authorities ramp up efforts to dismiss her death as sheer coincidence.

Ms. Isabelli Borges Valentim, also spelled “Isabelle” by some Brazilian media, received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on August 25, according to regional newspaper Diário do Grande ABC. Her lifelong dream was visiting Disneyland in Florida. She received the injection because she planned to fulfill that dream this year, and the injections are required for international travel.

The adverse effects came quickly. Ms. Valentim suffered dizziness, severe headaches, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue the next day. Her condition progressively worsened over the next several days, as she also started feeling “tingling sensations” throughout her entire body.

Cristiane Borges, Isabelli’s mother, took her only child to Hospital Coração de Jesus on August 29. But doctors said her condition was all psychological and just in her head. Right before being discharged, Isabelli collapsed and lost consciousness. That’s what it took for doctors to take her condition seriously. She was immediately transferred to Vida’s Maternity Hospital in São Paulo.

Doctors diagnosed her with life-threatening hypoxemia. Isabelli’s blood oxygen levels were at 30%. Levels below 88% are cause for concern, according to Banner Health. Doctors recommended immediate blood transfusions consisting of eight bags of blood. But Isabelli’s had a seizure before they could get started and was transferred to the intensive care unit. Doctors could not revive her over the next 36 hours.

Isabelli passed away on September 2.

Let the cover-up and subterfuges begin

Cardiogenic shock, heart attack and severe anemia are the three possible causes of death listed on Isabelli’s death certificate. The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) said Isabelli died from thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura – numerous blood clots throughout her body. Anvisa also said that Isabelli had a preexisting autoimmune disorder. But the agency said that the Pfizer injection “is not the probable cause of death.”

Cristiane told blogger Roberto Gonçalves that Isabelli did not have any preexisting autoimmune disorders. São Bernardo do Campo Municipal Health Secretary Geraldo Sobrinho said there were no records of Isabelli having any autoimmune disorders in their databases. Anvisa never contacted Cristiane. She received all of her information from local media. Cristiane recalled her last moments with Isabelli:

“She said four words: ‘Mom, I love you.’ Then she asked for a hug and said that the only thing she wanted was to get well. I said, ‘Isabelli, believe in your mom. You’ll be fine.’”

Isabelli was a student at the private Christian school Colégio El-Shaday.

She was a gifted writer. Isabelli’s poem “From My Window” qualified for the 2016 Portuguese Language Olympics: Writing the Future program when she was just 11 years old. Isabelli was also very humble, as demonstrated by her acceptance speech.

“It seemed like the others were more interesting than mine. I let my thoughts flow, narrating what it’s like to see the fog from my window and compare it to Serra do Mar and everything I saw, like the trees and the school nearby.”

Brazilian Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga recommended all states cease injecting low-risk children ages 12 to 17 until the investigation is completed. Bloomberg reported that 72% of that age group in the state of São Paulo have already received at least one injection.

President Jair Bolsonaro defiant at U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York

Brazil’s premier is hated around the world by his vaxx zealot counterparts. It’s all playing out at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City that is happening now. The U.N. has an honor system that expects all world leaders to be “vaccinated” before participating in the events. But Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro made perfectly clear last week that he would be at the U.N. General Assembly without receiving mRNA or viral vector DNA injections.

President Bolsonaro had COVID-19 in June 2020 and believes in his body’s natural immune defenses. He is also pro-science and anti-propaganda. He promotes the use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to treat and prevent COVID-19. Numerous peer-reviewed studies show that both drugs are highly effective as prophylaxis and treatment for COVID-19.

RELATED: India Bar Association serves legal notice on WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan for lying about Ivermectin effectiveness against COVID-19 (June 8, 2021)


So of course the U.S. propaganda machine is doing its job to attack and discredit President Bolsonaro at the U.N. General Assembly. CNN reported that asymptomatic Minister Queiroga tested positive for COVID-19 after one of those arbitrary PCR tests. Another member of the Brazilian delegation also tested positive without symptoms. U.S. mainstream media created a fearmongering narrative that suggests everyone who shook hands with the Brazilians was going to die of COVID-19.

We’ve written about how several anti-vaxx/pro-common sense African premiers “mysteriously died” in 2020-21, with most of said deaths being attributed on COVID-19. President Bolsonaro better watch his back, as the powers-that-be likely have him in their crosshairs.

Parents: do not poison your children. You are their protectors and the only ones who can save them from permanent maiming and death. Do your jobs as fathers and mothers. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

I wish I had bought stock in “coincidences” before the plandemic. I’d be a rich man.

In other news, this teen, according to the CDC, was not vaccinated (died within the first 14 days post injection) so she’ll be counted as unvaccinated. Gotta admit… they get creative with the numbers, anything to deny the truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

That’s the truth, she’ll be classed as another unvaccinated death. All people who are hospitalized and/or die soon after receiving the vaccine are classed as anti-vaxxers clogging up the hospital system. It’s sick and twisted. Society is sick and twisted.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

The thing is if something happens to a person within two weeks of getting the 2nd dose Pfizer and Moderna or within two weeks of getting the 1st dose of J&J, that person will be considered unvaccinated. It’s sick and disturbing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Go to health impact news and see the new project verataus video of some smucks saying they want a list of the unvaccinated so they can go use blow darts on them to force vax them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

But then if one dies > 2 weeks after, it’s too long & it’s just a coincidence, it’s just “anxiety”, not from the jab!

Madam Cynique
Madam Cynique
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

If you look at Pfizer’s own protocols for the poisonous experimental jab, on pages 64 and 65, para 8.3.7, the document states that even if all the medical conditions for a serious adverse event (SAE) are met by patients experiencing reactions from this poison, medical personnel are NOT to report harm. Why do you think stories of cover ups around SAEs are so common? This should terrify anyone with a functioning brain. My heart is broken over what is happening. I wish I could upload the document here. Perhaps the good editor of this blog could do that for us? I would be happy to send the document to him. Do NOT take the shot….they call it a shot for a reason

2 years ago
Reply to  Madam Cynique

There is no clearer case for the evidence of “propaganda” than this. If you have ONE symptom of “covid,” i.e., runny nose, fever, cough, congestion, headache — any one of a dozen symptoms common to any number of upper respiratory issues — if you have only one of those symptoms, you have COVID and you’re going to die unless you get the ventilator or the vax!

On the other hand, you can have every single sign, symptom, and condition known to be vax related, per their own studies, in a vibrant, young, healthy person with no preexisting health problems, but nope, can’t be the vax.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Speaking of ventilators. Not sure about other states but in CA they are running a commercial showing a person in a hospital bed with the sound of a ventilator loudly rasping while the screen says something like, “Most people in the hospital from covid are UNVACCINATED”. Or “most cases” or some such. Fear porn. My tax dollars at work.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I’m in CA as well. I’ve not seen the commercial since I don’t watch TV, but I’m not at all surprised. The fear campaign is astounding. I don’t know of one person hospitalized for covid, yet many injured and one dead from vax. I’m in touch with many in healthcare across the country that are reporting horrendous situations in hospitals….one nurse in NY is seeing young vaxed men with jugular clots that are being referred to the psych ward for evaluation when they claim the vax injured them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aver

Saw another commercial today I believe the link was a simple “” so it’s probably our federal tax dollars at work. It proclaims that 3 times the number of young people have been hospitalized over summer. Then it pushes the kill shots.

Yesterday a story emerged about the 13-yr-old girl who collapsed after the jab and was in the hospital with her heart stopping—-so yes, it’s not hard to believe more young people are in the hospital, fighting for their lives after accepting the shots so they can play soccer and other sports.

Bryan Harms
Bryan Harms
2 years ago

I’m living in Brazil and am always interested in stories covering strange medical “coincidents” here, as they are rarely carried by news channels.

In terms of Bolsonaro’s stance, many of us are proud to have a President who does not forge on his convictions, and who would rather eat pizza in the street than deny his conscience. As to “watching his back,” I believe he is quite aware, as he’s already had at least two attempts on his life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bryan Harms

Most opposition is controlled opposition…no one gets to be head of State unless they are of the bloodline families and part of the Club…It is that simple…The Elite have to show some opposition…they are all Actors and there are no exceptions…Never put your Trust in False Prophets…only the One Above…

2 years ago
Reply to  Bryan Harms

Sure, just shows how gullible some are. If he was in charge he would have put a stop to all vaxxing and wouldn’t allow this to go on. Wake the f up please, this guy is faker than nasa

Solar Wind
Solar Wind
2 years ago
Reply to  Bryan Harms

Think of the world is a stage and the world “leaders” are actors. These so-called leaders/politicians/bureaucrats/officials/experts, majority of them are nothing more than mere puppets/minions doing the bidding of their money masters. The game is rigged. Those that control the narrative control the outcome. Don’t believe everything you hear, especially from corporate-owed and state-controlled media.

Most elections are rigged. They are selected/installed not elected. If election makes a difference, the TPTB/establishment/NWO globalist cabal/financial elite/ruling class/0.02% (aka psychopath/parasite) would outlaw it.

Marcela S. Gandara
Marcela S. Gandara
2 years ago
Reply to  Bryan Harms

Say It for yourself. I am Brazilian and I am not proud of our president at all. Recent researches report that he has more than 50% rejection by the Brazilian people and he probably will not win the next ellection. And although he is against the obligation of taking the vaccine, he is so discredited that State governors are establishing restriction measures against people who already have access to the vaccine, but have not taken at least their first dose. I do not think It is right to force someone who is afraid to take any medicine or treatment, nor do I agree with all the lies that our president has spread in the social media.

2 years ago

This is so sad. It’s happening far more than is being reported. People really need to wake up.

2 years ago

Shortly after being elected, Jair Bolsonaro made his first trip as president to Davos to attend the World Economic Forum. He was scheduled for a surgery and was carrying an colostomy bag. But none of that stopped him from going to see his real bosses.

“I learned my lesson… and I’m going to go back and do my homework properly,” he told at WEF, showing who he works for. (Video: (is it in Portuguese))

Bolsonaro is a puppet. Literally a puppet of the global elite.

The health ministry, headed by himself, sent recommendations to companies in Braxil to demand that their employees be vaccinated.
But, to my dismay, you praise Bolsonaro. He’s a terrible person on all levels.

When he was a deputy, Bolsonaro spoke several times that the blame for everything wrong in the world was overpopulation (especially “poor people”).
He also said that he wanted that instead of credit, the government of Brazil would offer “1 million vasectomies” so as not to have so many people in the world.
In a psychotic fit, Bolsonaro said “we have to adopt, yes, against everything and against everyone, a strict birth control policy… Enough! Only birth control can save us from chaos.”

In addition to being against the poor and advocating population reduction, he is one of the greatest racists I have ever heard of. Nor will I reproduce the things he said about black people.

2 years ago
Reply to  M F

At this point anyone who is in any sort of power is under control, opposition or otherwise, especially presidents, even if they remove him supposedly for going against the flow it’s just to show who is in charge, they did this with all of the officials who supposedly opposed the vaxx, game is rigged on a grand scale and people are still clinging to some false prophets, you have the power because you are many, it’s that simple.

2 years ago
Reply to  M F

Well, I am Brazilian too and I can tell that most people here is supporting Bolsonaro. The left side hates him because he is against censorship, against Comunism ,he is Christian, against abortion, against gender ideology and so on. He fights for Freedom, millions of people have been on the streets few weeks ago supporting him,supporting our Democracy. I was there, at Avenida Paulista. He is against mandatory jabs, he even said many months ago that people who would take the jab could became a crocodile ,as it is experimental and nobody knows what can happen.

2 years ago

Sad for this–yet another–victim and another family with a loss that did not have to be but for the Cult of Covid Kill-Shot followers. Saying it’s rare will never excuse the crime. As for the UN bureaucrats: What a bunch of wussies. Many people are STILL out in the trenches amongst the public in schools, clinics, stores, etc., and don’t have the luxury of being yellow-bellied, pampered princes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

“Her lifelong dream was visiting Disneyland in Florida. She received the injection because she planned to fulfill that dream this year, and the injections are required for international travel.”

Dang, so sad reading that part. RIP Isabelli, taken way too early. Lord Jesus, please look after her as we know she will be safe in your arms, Amen.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

sorry, but Jesus will not accept those who bare the mark, so says your Bible

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

Jesus said: let the children come to me. And he said it for a rason. Children, adolescents WILL be protected and looked after and maybe many others no matter the vax, we don’t know these things only God knows our heart. We cannot decide and we don’t know who goes where. But children (i also put adolescents in this will be protected, as they just trust the adults in their life, be it parents, or tachers, or authorities, they were betrayed by the ones that shluld of taken care of them and keep them safe).
Children, adolescents can’t have the discernment in this, till 25 they are easily influenced, taking risks. ”The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until around the age of 25.
Recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala. This is the emotional part.” – quoted from

So nope, adolescents are not to be blamed for this as they took it with an open heart being mislead and betrayed.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

Well the jab is not the mark of the beast, people who say that it is don’t know Scripture. What it definitely is though, is preparation for the mark, coming soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

That part brought tears to my eyes. She was just a child. Disney world of all things.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  Macnucc11

I know, it was heartbreaking, even for me as a man to read it, she was only a few years older than my niece, whom i hope nothing like this happens to, but it plays on my mind nonetheless.

2 years ago

Bolsonaro is in horrible state of metabolic disease. He’d likely have a very poor outcome from vax, but then again he’s vulnerable for covid with so many comorbidities.

2 years ago

what a goddamn shame, such a beautiful young girl, pointless and stupid death

2 years ago


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