Jane Stroud: British woman develops gruesome skin disorder after second AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection

October 4, 2021

The legs of Ms. Jane Stroud.

IRONBRIDGE — A British woman originally from Nigeria is struggling to live a normal life with her new, horrifying reality that is unlikely to resolve itself anytime soon.

Jane Stroud before AstraZeneca.

Ms. Jane (Sandra) Stroud received her second AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection on or around July 19, according to her Facebook page. Her life became a living hell one week later. Ms. Stroud developed an “itchy, watery, dripping rash” as she described it. It swelled her legs and arms to the point that she could barely move them. It got so bad at the beginning of September that she went to her doctor at Stirchley Medical Practice in Telford.

Medical personnel diagnosed Ms. Stroud with bullous pemphigoid, a rare, and sometimes fatal, autoimmune skin disease. It causes your immune system to attack healthy skin tissue. Doctors also confirmed that, in Ms. Stroud’s case, the disease was triggered by the AstraZeneca injections.

A friend of Ms. Stroud shared the news on September 27 via Twitter. The friend referred to Ms. Stroud as “Sandra” in her private message screenshots.

Ms. Stroud reported negligible improvement on September 30.

But unfortunately this disorder lingers, sometimes for years, even when it’s not triggered by experimental viral vector DNA injections. Ms. Stroud appears to be accepting this reality and that her life won’t be normal for the foreseeable future, if ever again.

More post-injection bullous pemphigoid

Apparently post-injection bullous pemphigoid is happening more than we’re hearing about. Spanish doctors published a case study in the journal Medicina Clínica this past May. A 78-year-old woman came to them at Hospital Universitario de Salamanca. She received the FDA-approved Pfizer Comirnary mRNA injection, which was specifically named by the researchers.

RELATED: Jummai Nache: 47-year-old Minnesota woman gets both legs and hands amputated after severe Pfizer mRNA adverse reactions (July 26, 2021)

The woman developed bullous pemphigoid three days after her first injection. High-potency topical corticosteroids stabilized the condition. But the woman, for whatever reason, received the second Pfizer Comirnaty injection 21 days after her first visit to the dermatologists. She suffered “significant reactivation” after the second dose. The researchers concluded that there was a direct link between the bullous pemphigoid and the Pfizer Comirnaty injections.

The temporal relationship with the first administration, as well as reactivation after the second, supports the hypothesis of a possible relationship between the COMIRNATY vaccine administered and the appearance of AP in our patient, presenting a score of 8 in the Naranjo causality algorithm (causal reaction possible ).

You can read the full case study here.

Modern day leprosy?

The word “leprosy” or “leprous” appears in the Holy Bible at least 60 times. It is perhaps the scariest, most dreaded skin disease in human history. God used leprosy as a punishment for those who defied and denied his divinity. The story of Miriam and Aaron comes to mind immediately via Numbers 12. They spoke against God’s servant, Moses. God summoned Miriam and Aaron to let them know of his anger.

When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam’s skin was leprous – it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease.

There’s ongoing debate as to why God only punished Miriam and not Aaron. But that’s not a conversation for this article. What is a conversation for this article is all these post-injection skin diseases we keep covering on this blog.

RELATED: Toxic epidermal necrolysis: 49-year-old New York woman develops life-threatening skin-rotting disorder one week after Pfizer mRNA injection (August 23, 2021)


This is not a Christian blog. But anyone who has read the Bible cannot deny the uncanny, eerie connections thereof. All these people becoming “leprous” after the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections that, some argue is the “mark of the beast,” is yet another surreal topic of conversation in these unprecedented times. The foregoing link concludes that the injections are not the mark of the beast because:

God loves his people, and he’s not going to let his people receive the mark of the beast without their knowing what they’re doing. Whatever the mark of the beast may be in the future—if there is a future fulfillment of it—it’s gonna be something that his people will be able to look at and say “Based on established Catholic teachings, we need to avoid this,” and that is not the case with this vaccine.

But this explanation doesn’t hold water because everyone should know exactly what they are doing if they do just a little research beyond mainstream media and big tech. Genuine ignorance is one thing, and a real thing. Willful ignorance is a choice. There is simply no rational reason for anyone other than masochists to receive these injections. The psy-ops are powerful. The false prophets are doing their jobs. Do not succumb to evil.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

“I have a life and I WANT TO LIVE!” Then do not take a gene therapy injection of poison whose ingredients you don’t know to cure or prohibit a disease you almost certainly won’t die from. If you want to live, do the OPPOSITE of whatever the CDC, corporate media, corporate medicine, and politicians tell you.

Regarding the rest… Thanks for alluding to the leprosy issue and some of the biblical connections. Far as Miriam and Aaron go, Aaron was one who God chose to speak through, so he wasn’t wrong about that. Miriam had no place whatsoever asking for glory or credit that was not hers to any degree. Plus, Aaron paid a hefty price for his own sins down the road. He lost two sons (Nadab and Abihu) after they were struck dead by God because, as priests, they offered “profane fire” before the Lord, completely ignoring what He had earlier commanded. So, there’s that, for what it’s worth.

Rose Okwelume
Rose Okwelume
2 years ago

She is my senior sister. Thank you for reporting on her vaccine injury case. She is getting better. Slowly but surely she would get better.

Anthony Roberts
Anthony Roberts
2 years ago
Reply to  Rose Okwelume

Make sure gets: Ivermectin, Quercetin, Chlorine Dixode, NAC, the more essential vitamins (Vitamins A, B, C, D) you can think of. She’s going to need those detoxes fast if she wants to be back at 100%.

2 years ago

Ivermectin, and now NAC is not easy for everybody to get anymore depending on what country, city, or state you live in. The government is trying to shutdown Ivermectin, and NAC because they know it works against fighting Covid-19.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

A good multiple vitamin mineral with the active form of folate might also be helpful as well as possibly the amino acid L-Methionine to form L-cysteine as Methionine is the essential amino acid from which L-cysteine is formed. Taking Methionine alone is not a good idea for most people as it needs to be recycled biochemically using folate, B12 and B6 which is why a multiple vitamin mineral might be a good idea. Ivermectin is hard to come by but doing a net search for herbs that bind to the spike protein will net you two major antiviral herbal hits that might be worth a try as well. A pristine diet would also be essential. In a pinch raw veggies smoothies with a bunch of greens put in for the folate, and eating eggs for their high Methionine content (also high in glycine and choline and B12,) might be helpful (couldn’t hurt unless one is allergic to these foods) if supplements are unavailable along with the most pristine diet one can manage. Look up foods high in B6 and Quercetin to eat as well. Sandra, I hope you are reading this and I SOOO wish you to get better!

Simon Glass
Simon Glass
2 years ago
Reply to  Rose Okwelume

Hi Rose, can you pass on my good wishes to Sandra. I very much hope she gets better and I’ll send all my prayers for recovery her way.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rose Okwelume

Tell her to start taking diatomaceous earth. Put it in her pudding, yogurt, or milk shake. You can put it in a lot of things. I healed my daughters’ skin rash, (she also took the jab), in a matter of days by feeding her diatomaceous earth.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Looks more like a fungal reaction to me… But I’m no doctor. The antibiotics may help temporarily but my guess is that because it’s origin is fungal, the antibiotics will cause the fungus to become prolific in her organs. As a woman from Nigeria she needs to rely on natural homeopathic treatments and leave the Western treatment model alone.

Rose Okwelume
Rose Okwelume
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

Its not a fungal reaction. She felt sick after her first dose of Astrazenca but still got her second doze and theta when this Bullous pemphigoid started. She has never had this condition in her life before taking this vaccine. This quote about Bullous pemphigoid is from Mayoclinic.org ” Your body’s immune system normally produces antibodies to fight bacteria, viruses or other potentially harmful foreign substances. For reasons that are not clear, the body may develop an antibody to a particular tissue in your body. In bullous pemphigoid, the immune system produces antibodies to the fibers that connect the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and the next layer of skin (dermis). These antibodies trigger inflammation that produces the blisters and itching of bullous pemphigoid.” The vaccine caused her immune/lymphatic system to start doing this, she never had this before it. While we were kids we all had chicken pox and all of us (4 children same parents) all healed within 2 weeks. We do not have this Bullous thing, its the vaccine that caused hers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rose Okwelume

Most skin diseases mimic each other outwardly, which is why dermatology exists as a specialty.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Speaking of dermatology. Dermatologist are bound to be busy the more folks get this Covid-19 vaccine because according to the VigiAccess database there are (301917) Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders as adverse drug reactions to Covid-19 vaccines worldwide.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

“As a woman from Nigeria?” What in the world?!! Western medicine for Westerners and everybody else must go with …. something else? How did you land on the choice of homeopathic medicine for this woman?

2 years ago

About the modern day leprosy, it’s the reversed: the non-vaxxed are treated as lepers.
The stigma of “non-vaxxed” is worse than AIDS in the 80s.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  pam

It is just a reminder of how weak and brittle the wanna-be ongoing tyranny is. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t need a 24/7 constant infusion of fear, lies and propaganda. Part of the responsability lies on people like this female, through their compliance and worship of the demented ruling class. Nobody wronged her, she wronged herself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

Be kind man. Don’t blanket blame the vaxxed for making a bad choice. They are our family and friends and many of them desperately need our help.

2 years ago
Reply to  David

I am finding that some people need constant encouragement to stay strong. Ever since they started talking about these injections, I knew that I would never get one. I have never wavered in this feeling and I know that it is from the Holy Spirit. I have found that those of us who are strong in the faith and in our convictions can continue to encourage the weaker ones. I am worried about my former supervisor/friend at my last job that I left a couple weeks ago. I feel that she was starting to feel the pressure to get the injection even though she didn’t want it. Since I don’t work with her and see her or talk to her on a daily basis anymore, I am worried that she will cave. All we can do is encourage and speak the truth and in the end that is all we can be responsible for.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

I feel like I could have written this post. It is exactly how I feel as well. Not once have I waivered in my decision to keep this jab away from myself, and hopefully my family. With each passing day I am more convinced than ever that is the right choice.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  David

The vaxxed can be our family, our friends and our loved ones, still, that does not absolve them from the wrongs they do to themselves and to humanity through their participation in evil, even if it is unintentional.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Looking 4 Truth
Looking 4 Truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

It’s true she wronged herself. But it was done unknowingly or because she was forced into it. Not really her fault. She thought she was doing the right thing, and/or protecting herself from the “virus”, if she wasn’t forced into it to keep her job, or a similar reason.

Remember, the majority of the population believe only the crooked, corrupt, lying mainstream media’s propaganda. They are conditioned and brainwashed to reject any thoughts or ideas that go against whatever the official narrative is, on any given subject. In their minds we, the awake and patriots, are the bad ones. I pray the majority of people will break out of their conditioning, and wake up to reality.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

They are mandating it. For most people, its either get the vaccine or lose your job. I tried to get medical exemption citing my sisters case as reason why i also would be at risk of developing adverse reaction. The doctor told me that the public health only gave them 2 instructions to issue medical exemption; either the person takes the vaccine and have adverse reaction in first dose or take the vaccine and have pericarditis after first vaccine. So he could not give me medical exemption. I asked if he can refer me to an allergist so i can test if i am allergic? The doctor said no, that they wouldnt do allergy test preemptively, unless i take the vaccine and have an adverse reaction before an allergy test can be administered. So, what i gathered is that public health set this rule to get at least one dose into people. I am choosing to resign instead. My sons need me.

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

Why is it that the seemingly majority of the populace are lemmings/sheeps who obediently adhere to the dictates of those who are evil, money-worshiping and psychopathic (I’m referring to the globalist ‘elites’ and the mainstream media propaganda tool they have total control over).

The situation we find ourselves in is truly bizarre and dystopian. Who’d have imagined that those who exericse their rights as autonomous beings and refuse the ‘vaccine’ will be treated like ‘public enemy number one’? Is this some kind of surreal nightmare?

If anyone is daft enough to inject this poison into themselves, then be my guest. You are playing Russian Roulette with your health: it may (or may not) be the first/initial jab that gets you, but the risks of immediate adverse reactions/immediate deaths increase dramatically with each ‘booster’. You have the free will to do what you like to your own body; with that being said you must respect those who have wisely chosen against having any of the jabs.

2 years ago

Any clue as to why people react so differently to the gene therapy?

2 years ago
Reply to  Devon


A multitude of reasons:
1) Nobody (us mere mortals) knows the exact ingredients of any of those injections. Some people will be allergic to some of the stuff in it. Different ingredients will likely cause different reactions.
2) Spike proteins are being manufactured by the body as commanded by a foreign, synthetic set of messages that tell the DNA to make those proteins. Those specific spike proteins are the most “poisonous” part of the virus particle. That poisonous protein will cause many different reactions, depending on the organs affected. Many of the vaxxed show problems with multiple organ systems.
3) Many different organs have ace2 receptors, which seem to have a special affinity for those spike proteins. NOBODY knows how those spike proteins will affect a person in the long term.
4) We all have different physical strengths and weaknesses. With any pathogen, a person with a strong particular organ system might not show any symptoms, while someone more vulnerable will have more symptoms.
5) According to medical stats I read years ago, a person who takes 6 or more prescription meds has an 80% chance of a med-on-med reaction. Most are benign or asymptomatic, but others are not. And since I guarantee you that those covid injections have MANY ingredients, some of which are being injected into human beings for probably the first time in history, nobody knows how those individual chemicals will interact with each other once in the human body, PLUS the interaction with different body organ systems, genetic differences, etc.

The very fact that there is such a wide array of seemingly unrelated symptoms (yet many with similar symptoms) suggests that the coding mechanisms of the human body have been hijacked to manufacture substances that will not only harm the body themselves, but get the body to turn around and harm itself.

Most likely, because those injections manipulate DNA, it’s the variability we see in genetics that helps explain why there is much variability in manifestations of symptoms.

Aaaaaaand…. we ain’t seen nothing yet.

Scientists will be studying this for YEARS, if we all make it that long.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ron
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Each vial can have unique or different toxic content, also contaminated by anything. Nobody is responsible for this…

2 years ago
Reply to  Brandon

Myriad people are likely being experimented upon with these so-called vaccines. “They” know where a vaccinated person lives and can follow up on them by myriad spying means, including hacking medical records, AI programs listening in, etc..

2 years ago
Reply to  george

Upvoted if only for best use of the word “myriad”!! Plus I agree with him. Am beginning to suspect that a REQUIREMENT will be to toss any cell phones (smart or old-fashioned flip phones) and get by without them. People are literally tethered to “smart” tech 24-7 regardless of location, they rely on it to inform them and GUIDE them. Machines attributed with intelligence guiding and advising people is a BAD IDEA, methinks!!!

Everybody I knew, including big rowdy families, got by just fine without portable telephones, satellite navigation, cameras, etc., that I witnessed personally for the first 42 years of my life. So I know it’s certainly possible. The thing is that so many people alive today have NEVER experienced life, not even for a WEEK, without “benefit” of constant “useful” cell phone presence and its increasing load of internet connectivity.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Devon

A lady Dr on the Stew Peters show answered that question. I won’t bother to fetch the link, since Mr Brian does not allow external linking. She said that if you go to a certain website related to medical trials (I didn’t bother to remember it), you will learn that different vials have different dosages. The high dosage is what might trigger an immediate negative reaction or even death. And who says “medical” trials, implies placebos (those lucky ones only got a placebo).

I am also going to postulate that the stronger immune system one has, the more violent it might react even to a small dose of the poison-vax.

I heard a Dr state that small black boys tend to have a robust immune system compare to other children, that’s why they tend to be severely affected by vaccines (polio vax…etc).

And Allah Knows Best.

2 years ago
Reply to  Devon

Simple answer: look at Japan and what they found.

Japan discovered at least 4 variants of the Moderna vaccine and announced it. They used polite language to the effect of ‘they were found to be contaminated’ suggesting it was accidental.

You can bet if they can go that far to find problems it shows their health system and media are not as compromised as the western world, they know this was deliberate and not accidental when they announce 3.6 million doses found to be contaminated. They described some having pink impurities, others black impurities. In total they found 4 different classes of ‘contamination’.

At this point anyone who takes the shot when Japan’s announcement of their findings was on mainstream media and doesn’t realize the same thing could apply to the rest like Pfizer, Janssen (J&J) that has been pushed as ‘vaccines’ is a gone case.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Japan is home to a culture whose people are nothing if not extremely competent.
Smart folks will heed the Japanese here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Devon

Well, in some countries / regions people have been given a placebo.
In some cases it is 20%.
The UK Gov confirmed this has occurred there.

Looking 4 Truth
Looking 4 Truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Devon

I will say this is how it is, but it’s just speculation from the evidence I have seen. Probable speculation in my opinion.

The various shots are not the same. Some shots do one thing, and other shots to something else. And some shots don’t do anything because they are saline, or some other harmless substance.

Some imagined possibilities:

1. Some people are getting the graphene oxide.

2. Some people are being genetically modified, probably in different ways from different shots. These may or mat not involve instructing the body to become a “spike protein factory”.

3. Some (or all) are getting injected with nanobots that will assemble themselves into body and brain, trans-humanizing them, to among other things, be totally controlled, including your health, possibly even your thoughts, tracked, “terminated” at the click of a mouse if they want.

4. Some people are the lucky ones, and got a harmless placebo. This is to keep up the illusion that the shots are “safe and effective”.

Who knows the extent of the real life science fiction horror movie we are living, that is starting to unfold now.

And isn’t it strange that the shots come in several brands (Pz, Mo, As JJ). We never had previous vaccines in several different brands. The flu shot has always just been “the flu shot”.

On top of that, and I’m not 100% sure of this, but every vaccine has it’s own serial number? And that number is on your vaccine card too? And they check your ID and put you in a database when you are vaxd?

Looks to me like this is how they are keeping track of who gets which shots.

I’ve suspected this for a long time now.

2 years ago

Dr. Carrie Madej said on the Stew Peterson show that they are targeting Africans especially people from West Africa with this Covid-19 vaccine. Nigeria is considered the giant of Africa. They are experimenting on west Africans first to setup their digital passport or digital currency across Africa, and spread it to the rest of the 3rd world. Basically Africa is the blueprint for the digital passports and digital currencies for third world nations.

2 years ago

“This is not a Christian blog. But anyone who has read the Bible cannot deny the uncanny, eerie connections thereof.”

Yep. Once seen, impossible to unsee.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

That’s because the bible is written by jews. And it’s used as a playbook sometimes. Do you care about the truth? Or not really? I used to be a christian too and trust me, I understand how it feels to have to look outside that, but look at who owns Blackrock and Vanguard. Look at who’s behind most of the vaccine companies, the ceos. And I care because I think most Christians become unwitting de facto zionist due to this book. Wouldn’t you want to know for sure how influenced you are?

2 years ago

I remember when the first woman was highlighted with this way back and her mouth was crusted in blood. My husband thought it was all a hoax. But now there’s so many on places like telegram and bitchute coming forward with the same skin disorders. I’m terrified for family and friends who are all jumping on board this vaccine train wreck.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago


Lost all faith in doctors, nurses, scientists, politicians and military.
We are on our own now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

I can’t speak for everyone but my Heavenly Father is taking care of me

2 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

The only person to trust is God. There are folks that have been saved by the grace God with Covid in the hospital because the medical establishment is not saving them. They are trying to kill them, but somehow they survived even without the right treatment.

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

God is NOT a person. Don’t try to put God in a box to fit the limited perceptions of your 3 lbs brain.

God’s nature is so far away from our limited brain, that in Islam it is strongly advised not to try to think about it. The only way to safely know God, is through His Attributes (the creator, the merciful, the all-knowing, the juste…etc).

Bea Schuller
Bea Schuller
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin Abdullah

My experience with God on one occasion proved He can instantly heal: I cried out one day “If you are real, please help me!”
My horrible depression, endured in spite of daily pills that only made me groggy, left my body and mind like a dark cloud and in came an infusion of light and joy! Totally delivered and never suffered depression again since 1973!

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

My goodness, that is horrendous. She has to remain that way for 2yrs or so? Oh my, this is one of the worst I’ve seen on here, as far as skin conditions go. Imagine going through unnecessary pain, stress, anxiety, etc and having your life turned upside down or put on hold, or possibly losing your life completely, for something you dont even need injected into you.

Btw Admin, I know you mean well and I know this is not a Christian blog, but linking to a Catholic site is not good for truth because Catholicism is unbiblical and if you wonder why I say that, I’m Irish, I was raised catholic, but now protestant. The jab isn’t the mark of the beast but it sure is preparation for it, the past 18+ months have been and are still an ongoing test run for the final events, to see just how far humanity can be pushed. The RCC/Papacy have been fundamental in pushing all the NWO things like Ecumenism, Climate change for world unity/globalism, that’s all part of the agenda, setting the stage for the mark of the beast, so it’s why I would never look to them for any truth or guidance, just saying. If I may recommend on YT, Walter Veith’s 36 part series called Total Onslaught, then things will make more sense. His Whats up Prof? Playlist too, particularly episode 24 were he shows the Deagle forecast for 2025 (since removed from the Deagle site). Also the YT channel MsLadyGracie has a video called, They lied and are still lying, uploaded 3 weeks ago. She shows how this is all going to continue into at least 2023, in the words of world leaders. I hope you dont mind me recommending those, its important information people should be aware of.

Thanks for keeping us informed Admin, it is greatly appreciated.

Last edited 2 years ago by John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

I was raised Catholic and attended parochial grade school for three years. I remember the big “whoppers” of lies those nuns used to tell us. We moved to the suburbs and I then attended public schools, but was still dragged to “church” on occasion. I couldn’t handle it physically. I always had to sit way in the back because I always felt like I would pass out and would make a beeline for some fresh air..Something about Catholicism and oxygen deprivation….they seem to go hand in hand, lol. Back then, it wasn’t masks, just bad architecture I guess. What we have going on now for the last 18 months is a papal interdict. We are slowly drifting back to the Dark Ages.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

He did not insinuate that he put any stock in the thesis, he merely reported what a certain website is saying. I understand your view on that religion, but it is in the top 2 of adherents world wide, it is newsworthy to know what a large portion of people might believe simply because their religious leaders are saying it.

2 years ago

This situation should be on the TLC show Pimple Popper. A doctor like Dr. Lee Pops would love to take this case, but the problem is most doctors especially mainstream doctors unless they have integrity would not touch this case once they find out it was caused by the Covid vaccine. MSM and big Pharma want to ignore the real side affects of the Covid vaccine, and don’t want to blame it as a cause.

Last edited 2 years ago by Osa
2 years ago

God used leprosy as a punishment for those who defied and denied his divinity.

He should try picking on someone His Own Size…see how that works out.

I make no secret of the fact that I am an enemy of the Judeo-Christian God; and shall hate Him with every fiber of my being until my last breath.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

God has never saved man (unless you believe the myth shrouded bible). However, faith and trust in God has made a critical difference in the resilience and the ability to overcome—from the individual level to the sweeping history of nations.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

You should read the bible, and you will realize bible prophecy is being revealed in our world right now. It will blow your mind, and you won’t believe it. How can a myth shrouded bible be predicting the future?

Last edited 2 years ago by osa
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Regardless, I will still pray for you.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Why? Why would you hate your creator? Why not attempt to understand better. Maybe that would give your heart peace and understanding. We know that man did not make the mountains, oceans, forests etc. No matter how we understand or believe the creator to be…we know that he “IS” as evident of what we observe before us…Good or Bad… Blessings to you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

Simple. He is a Satanist. All the people behind this Covid pandemic, and the Covid-19 vaccines are Satanist or working for Satan without realizing it to push the Satanic agenda on this world. Satanist hate Christians, and worship Satan. Satan gives people all worldly things, and is helping a lot of people get rich, but it comes at a cost. Satan wants to take as many souls as possible, and send people to Hell. Almost all of Hollywood is going to Hell.

2 years ago
Reply to  osa

I live by this injunction: “Never explain; for your friends do not need it; and your enemies will not believe you anyway.”

Have a lovely day!

Amin Abdullah
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

Hating certain versions of pretending to understand the Creator, is not hating The Creator.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Anybody who hates Judeo-Christian God is a Satanist, and that is the bottom line. You either believe in light or darkness in this world nothing else. Satanist also hate atheist, and consider those folks fools. The biggest trick Satan uses is to make people think he does not exist. There are atheist who don’t believe in anything until they experience death, and were lucky to come back alive. That is when they realize it is real, but by that time it will be too late for a lot of folks.

2 years ago
Reply to  osa

Judean is not Judeo. Judeo is the jewish lie. They are behind all of this and they hate Christians. That’s the biggest roadblock for Christians. They have been so duped by those that want them dead, yet kiss their asses.

2 years ago
Reply to  osa

Gee, osa, that is a wonderful point, thank you for stating it so well. My stars.

2 years ago

First thing I thought of when I saw the headline is in Revelation when it talks about those that receive the mark of the beast getting grievous sores! :/

2 years ago

Africans all over the world don’t take the Covid-19 vaccine. They are seriously targeting Africa now by trying to solve the distribution issues of Covid-19 vaccines over there. There was news yesterday that Moderna is building a factory in Africa to make their Covid-19 vaccine, but they have not chosen, which African country they are going to build it in yet.

2 years ago

There is more of Satan than God in what the genetic experiment pimps are inflicting on people.

Robert Henry
Robert Henry
2 years ago

Give Ms. J@ne’s Doc a medal for rare MD honesty about cause of J@ne’s blight.

RJ Palmer
RJ Palmer
2 years ago

What I just can’t understand is why someone reads or hears of stories like these and STILL chooses to put that poison in their bodies. I just don’t get it. Pure Russian Roulette.

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