Kerry Hurt: 49-year-old British woman had part of her skull removed, now permanently disabled after severe AstraZeneca adverse reaction
October 28, 2021

Mrs. Kerry Hurt.

KIVETON PARK, SOUTH YORKSHIRE — A 49-year-old mother, wife and bank worker is now permanently disabled after doing what she believed was right and proper.

Mrs. Kerry Hurt received her first AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection sometimes in early April, according to a GoFundMe campaign set up by her brother, David Poucher. She suffered debilitating headaches for the entire week after the shot. Mrs. Hurt checked into Rotherham General Hospital when the pain became unbearable. Doctors diagnosed her with Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT), also known as Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS). In other words, she had a blood clot in her brain caused by the AstraZeneca shot.

Doctors rushed Mrs. Hurt to Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield when her condition worsened. She was given only a 40% chance to live at that point. Emergency surgery removed part of her skull to relieve pressure in her head. Mrs. Hurt also suffered a massive stroke. Despite the drastic surgery, fluid continually built up in her head. Doctors performed a second emergency surgery a week later. This time they inserted a drain tube in her head.

Mrs. Hurt spent most of May in the intensive care unit.

“We’re not anti-vaccination peddlers”

Mrs. Hurt spent five more months in the hospital with her husband, Patrick, by her side most of the time. She was finally discharged last week. But the entire left side of her body is now paralyzed. Mrs. Hurt is scheduled for yet another operation to insert a metal plate over the area that her skull was removed.

Mrs. Hurt after the first two surgeries.

The family completely rearranged their home to accommodate their now wheelchair-bound loved one. Mr. Hurt told reporter Charles Gray of Yorkshire Live that he and his wife were a healthy couple who frequently took long weekend walks prior to AstraZeneca. He also said the U.K. government was not forthcoming about potential side effects from the viral vector DNA injections. Mr. Hurt also wanted to make one thing crystal clear to the public. “Please don’t think we are anti-vaccination peddlers as we are not,” he said. Mr. Hurt elaborated further.

“I do think [the vaccine] was rushed through. We didn’t know about blood clots until it came out later but they have not said what they will do for people affected by them. We know it’s saved a lot of people but for us it went wrong and they need to support us.”

Mrs. Hurt worked for Santander Bank prior to the injection. But she’s unlikely to return to work anytime soon, if ever. The family hopes that physiotherapy will help her regain some movement in the left side of her body. Incredibly, after everything she’s been through, Mrs. Hurt can still talk. She told Yorkshire Live that receiving the AstraZeneca injection was “the right thing” to do. “But obviously it all went a bit pear shaped for me,” she said.

The GoFundMe page has raised nearly £11,000 ($15,129) as of publishing.

GoFundMe selective enforcement?

Independent journalist Ivory Hecker was the first to report on the death of 16-year-old Ernesto Ramirez. He died just days after the Pfizer mRNA injection. His father, Ernest Ramirez, started a GoFundMe page to both raise awareness and help with expenses. But GoFundMe removed the campaign, citing its “prohibited conduct” provision in the terms and conditions. The good news is that Mr. Ramirez immediately started a fundraiser on Life Funder. It has received $20,984 as of publishing.

It’s been a while since we’ve even seen a GoFundMe related to vaxx deaths and adverse reactions. Despite the prohibited conduct provision, Mrs. Hurt’s campaign remains active. Perhaps that is why Mr. and Mrs. Hurt are playing both the diplomatic and zealot roles. Of course they could also be true zealots. But as long as you continue promoting the lethal injections, GoFundMe apparently allows these campaigns. It appears Life Funder is the best alternative platform to use in these situations.

Mr. Hurt said he’s speaking to lawyers in hopes of receiving compensation from the U.K. government. The fact people still believe that anyone will ever be held accountable for their loved ones’ post-injection injuries just shows the power of these psy-ops. Get the shots, get maimed, and you’re on your own. This is well-established, indisputable fact. Don’t ruin or lose your life by “doing the right thing.”

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter.


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2 years ago

So you are now paralized and unlikely to recover ever. And you still defend this killshot give me a fookin’ break lol

Robert Henry
Robert Henry
2 years ago

Mrs. Hurt: you’re really Hurtin’ now, huh❔ Mr. Hurt: my late wife was also sick for over a year (2017 – 2018) with debilitating physical and mental problems. So I somewhat understand your spot. However, you’re still an A.H. for not shouting, from the rooftops, “Say no to the prick.” ❕

Last edited 2 years ago by Robert Henry
2 years ago

Once again, we see folks playing ball on both sides of the fence. They don’t like what the vax did to a loved one, but hey, “It’s saved a lot of people!”

This very same government who you now accuse of not being completely forthright about possible side effects, how can you believe anything they say about how many lives the vaxxes supposedly save? I can guarantee you, in looking at the overwhelming circumstantial evidences, these clot shots do far more harm than good. It’s not even close.

Dave in NJ
Dave in NJ
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

We know it’s saved a lot of people”
A perfect example of specious reasoning if there ever was one.

Derek Felton
Derek Felton
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave in NJ

It’s not “reasoning”. That involves cognition – actual thinking. This sheeple is just repeating her brainwashing. As pointed out it is truly astonishing how they are unable to give it up – even after having her skull cracked open and brain drained. Can’t connect. No signal.

2 years ago
Reply to  Derek Felton

I understand. It’s shame and regret. The worst feelings ever. Most of these poor people cannot publicly admit they were completely wrong and duped. And to be so wrong you end up in such dreadful condition by offering yourself up willingly to the state. It’s got to be incredibly emotionally painful and humiliating as well. To think there might be some good somewhere in the whole jab scam probably softens the blows a bit. The whole thing is so horribly cruel.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

They are also encouraging others to experience what she’s experienced simply by not saying DO NOT END UP LIKE ME. Everyone’s playing Russian roulette and it’s absurd. I would be scared for the world if I did not believe that Jesus is ultimately in control.

2 years ago

Far as I’m concerned, GoFundMe can go to the same place that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and all the communist/propagandist social and traditional media platforms deserve to go.

2 years ago

She told Yorkshire Live that receiving the AstraZeneca injection was “the right thing”

If a person is both in denial and is; to speak quite plainly; a complete retard who defends the people who maimed her; well; what can you say?

If that is your average citizen in No Longer Great Britain; then those Georgia Guidestones are something to shoot for!

Linda N
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Look. As bad as vaccines manufactured the regular way still are, this mRNA jab is no comparison. It is not even a vaccine. It is deadly gene therapy! After decades and decades of indoctrination about the safety of [regular] vaccines, (including the invention of the shaming term “antivaxxers”), and the level of fraud and lying that has been and still is part of the massive push in lamestream media to get these death jabs into every arm on the globe, most people are still NOT yet understanding how deadly these gene therapy jabs are. All we can do is hope that the outcome in this case speaks for itself. If the family were shouting from the rooftops to warn people not the take this thing, do you think their story would have been published? NOT!

Despite it all, though, people ARE starting to see through Big Pharma and Big Governments push to get this jab in to every arm, and all we can do is keep spreading the message. That is what this blog is all about (Thanks Brian!). I forward it to everyone I can.

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago
Reply to  Linda N

amen.. in full agreement with your comment

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

The ‘right thing’? What, get blood clots and become paralysed for something you have a 99.96% chance of recovering from? No thanks.

2 years ago

She still says “It was the right thing to do”. I don’t feel an ounce of pity for her. She got what she deserved. IF she had survived the clot shot, she would have been one of the people pushing for the unvaccinated to be marginzalized and fired from their jobs. She’s a vaccine zealot through and through.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

I’m sure she’s consoling herself with that phrase. Privately she may think otherwise. At least I hope so.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

Face it– she now has MAJOR Brain Injuries!! (& her comments prove that!).. Very sad!!-

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

Let Us not forget Karen Croake Heisler who went out kicking and cursing…If that one survived she would of campaigned to enslave the refusers pleading for Fascist Medical Tyranny…many of these Zealots are closet Fascists…I view the threats to my Freedoms more from these Statist Corona Zombies more than from Trump or Biden…because if most of them said no to this Tyranny it could come to an end…They will be cheering on future concentration camps if they have their way…I say to them…Reap what you have Sown…and leave us alone…

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
2 years ago

AstraZeneca? Not long ago I read that in Sanskrit this name
means “Weapon of War.”

HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

2 years ago

I just want to point out it’s a miracle this woman can even talk. She had a piece of her skull removed. Who knows how much brain function she lost, so at this point, there’s no sense in blaming her for still staying in the pro vax lane. She was there at the start, so why would she suddenly jump to the anti vax side now that she has suffered possible brain damage? Maybe she can’t even reason correctly anymore. Also, these people pushing this global agenda create division. Man vs woman, race vs race, conservative vs liberal, sexuality vs sexuality, pro life and pro choice, climate change vs. deniers, etc. They are now successfully creating the new division of vax vs anti vax. Don’t let them. We should embrace anyone searching for truth with love and kindness and not drive them away with bursts of frustration and bitterness, even if we feel justified in it. That’s not productive and will only slow the awakening we desperately need.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

Do you really think there might be a reawakening in the age of Idiocracy and the Corona Zombie Cult? I guess many things are possible…but it is not looking good…positive thinking is useful and helpful, but denying Reality is not…

Derek Felton
Derek Felton
2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

Good points but the problem is that they do NOT search for the truth. They are terrified of it ! So whose fault is that ? John 3:19 ” And this is the verdict: The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil.” There is more to this than just dumb lazy people…

Billy Timpson
Billy Timpson
2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

The (((Globalists)))

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

I do wonder how long it will take before most of us awaken to the fact that the NHS, and indeed all modern medical systems, are now devoted to Death rather than Life. The change began with legal abortion then widespread euthanasia followed, as night follows day.

Entering hospital today could well be a death sentence and surprisingly most of the population are OK with this state of affairs. They believe a “good death” is something to be acquiesced in as they have bought the lie that it only happens when someone is terminal and in pain. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

Yep I say burn em all time to rise up America before is too late If you fall the world falls and hell begins

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

The Jab is the inevitable consequence of the culture of Death that now permeates the entire world.

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago

They rejected the author of Life, Jesus Christ.

“But he who sins against Me wrongs his own soul;
All those who hate Me love death.” (Proverbs 8:36)

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

The real tragedy is that the Hurts are still asleep even after this loud wake-up call. The deception has very deep roots in most of the people.

2 years ago

‘The UK government was not forthcoming about side effects.’ So rather than do some further investigation, you went ahead and got the shot. How’d that work out?

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