Naomi Pierre-Dubuisson: 48-year-old Florida event planner dead days after first mRNA injection
October 28, 2021

Ms. Naomi Pierre-Dubuisson.

MIAMI – A 48-year-old business owner and mother is dead in what appears to be a very rapid decline in health following a voluntary jab.

Ms. Naomi Pierre-Dubuisson received her first mRNA injection on Thursday, August 19, according to her Instagram page. It’s unclear whether it was Pfizer or Moderna; but it’s very clear that it doesn’t matter at this point. She was scheduled to received her second injection on September 9, 2021. Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson captioned the photo of her vaxx card with “Go and get tested & vaccinated people.”

The very next day, Friday August 20, Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson posted an update saying her phone is shut off because she’s too sick. “I feel like shit!!! I been throwing up, body ache, chills & lite (sic) fever…Need This Time To Rest,” she wrote. Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson also said she’d return all calls and texts the following Monday. Several of her friends and family on Instagram dismissed her condition as normal post-injection malaise, encouraging her to drink fluids, rest and take Tylenol.

Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson posted a “Sorry we’re closed” sign on Tuesday, August 23. She wrote that her business would re-open on September 12, apparently anticipating being sick for a long time.

A final update was posted on Saturday, August 28. There is no written caption. But the update features a photo of Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson with the inscription, “Do not Cry. Celebrate the life I lived.” It is accompanied by 243 comments as of publishing, with most of them being sad emojis or saying “RIP.”

We cannot locate an obituary. But there’s been no further activity on either her Facebook or Instagram accounts since August 28. Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson appears to have died between August 24 and August 28. Thus she died 5 to 9 days after the mRNA injection.

Who is Naomi Pierre-Dubuisson?

Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson established Nay’s Glamorous Events, LLC. in February 2018, according to the Florida Division of Corporations. But the company, which appears to be quite successful in the Miami area, has existed in some form since at least 2012. Nay’s organized and provided the decor for events, including birthday parties, graduations, weddings and baby showers.

Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson had children, but it unclear how many. She shared a bittersweet moment on August 12, just seven days before the injection. She dropped off her second-born son at Alabama State University, where he is a freshman this year.

Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson is of Haitian descent. Mr. Jean Dubuisson wrote on Facebook that he married Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson on July 18, 2012. But she did/does not list any relationship information on her page.

She was laid to rest on September 11 in Miami Lakes.

Voluntary, unnecessary death

This death occurred two months ago. But it’s important because of the circumstances. Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson owned a successful business. Granted she likely came in contact with a lot of people in the course of her work duties. But she lived and worked in Florida, where vaccine passports are banned. Further, Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson was her own boss. She received the injection entirely on her own volition.

This is a very sad case of willful ignorance, obedience, faith, or all of the above. The latest data from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that Black Americans are still the least likely to be vaccinated – 48% as of October 18. White Americans are 54% vaccinated, while Asian Americans lead everyone at 70%. But Ms. Pierre-Dubuisson is Haitian American, and perhaps more trusting of U.S. medicine than Black Americans whose families have been here for hundreds of years.

There are no tangible benefits to receiving these shots, other than temporary social media clout. Is it worth it? Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter.


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Robert Henry
Robert Henry
2 years ago

Good human-interest story. I enjoyed every word. Lots of details.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Henry

Lol. Seriously, I’m lol. Come on, dude. You “enjoyed every word” like the part where she got injected with a harmful gene therapy drug? Or maybe the part where she said she felt like “s%^t”? Or how about the part where she DIED? Did you enjoy that part as well? I enjoy the fact that you enjoyed it so much. Yep, nothing like “good human-interest” stories with “lots of details” for your enjoyment.

You sound like a bot. Please unplug for a while and come back when you accrue some actual human emotions beyond joy.


2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I don’t wish harm on anyone, but at this point, it’s willful ignorance.

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
2 years ago

Wow! This is so sad. She allowed the fear mongering of the media to push her to take an inoculation that she probably didn’t even need. Then she advises other to take it too not realizing her upcoming fate. I also noticed that not one person advised her to take Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.

2 years ago

No mandate or urgency…She Trusted in the Science…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

I was about to comment something similar. It makes no sense to take the Covid shot in a state like Florida or Texas especially Florida because their governor was the first to push back against these vaccinate mandates before it went nationwide. Texas governor pushed back, and did an executive order against vaccine mandates for political reasons even though he is pro vax, and took the shot because he is running for reelection.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Given her location and profession I can only assume that her weight or desire to be part of the social media virtue signaling caused her to get vaxd. Being Haitian and seeing how often the government denies her people entry into the US you’d think she would have chosen differently.

Troy Toliver
Troy Toliver
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

Very true, the social media virtue signaling is sickening

2 years ago

She probably took the Covid shot because she was obese. A lot of obese folks are scared of Covid. Their size puts them at high risk of catching severe Covid. Also it is much easier for folks to take the shot to protect themselves, and family rather than changing their lifestyle or exercising to be healthy. There is scientific evidence that exercise helps with fighting Covid, but the mainstream media, and experts are ignoring that fact just like how Ivermectin works too. They want to bury the cheap or low tech ways to fight Covid, so big pharma can make as much money as possible from the Covid pandemic.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

s a health or wealth decision, people are getting the shot for financial purposes and that is stupid. Obviously a lot of people choose wealth over their future health. You can’t buy back health! Except for those who got the shots Dec 2020 to March 2021, all the rest of the vaxxers have no sympathy from me. The early ones can be excused due to lack of information, but by March 2021, the evidence on the clotting and the loss of immune system was out by then. When mass dying starts, they will sing another tune….

2 years ago

NOP…don’t feel sorry for her in the least. If you are getting this shot this late in the game, you are an IDIOT!! 10 months had gone by for people to investigate the damage caused by this fake shot. No excuses, she was a selfish (leaving behind children), fearful, overweight (yes this is the true epidemic), virtue signaling (notice her vaccine circle around her photo), twitter obsessed fool. Live by the social media, die by the social media.

2 years ago

People trust Doctors. A person where I work asked their quack and they gave the nod. That person is ok that I can see but who knows in 1, 2 or 5 years. I told the person to their face not to get it but to seek advice and they did. They heard all the stories about death from stories like here but the power of the Dr did the job. As they said to me on several occasions I was not an MD. My family laughed at me when I advised that based on the fact that local nurses were not getting that the family member should at least wait. But I am just a dumb ignorant professional with no medical qualifications. So I get ignored no matter how many facts I present.

I am incredibly discouraged because they all have it. All look ok at the moment although I do not see them much anymore because I am the black sheep and question everything.

Last edited 2 years ago by covid1984pl
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