Chantal Uren: 37-year-old Western Australia police officer suffers Bell’s Palsy, ruptured aneurysm, stroke two weeks after Pfizer mRNA injection
October 31, 2021

Ms. Chantal Uren.

PERTH — A 37-year-old police officer and small business owner is trying to live her life as normal despite accepting the fact that she could drop dead any day, any time.

Ms. Chantal Uren is a police officer for the Western Australian Police Force (WAPOL). She said that the police force mandated vaccines for all personnel in August. Though Ms. Uren made clear that she “is not an anti-vaxxer,” she was against receiving these particular injections due to lack of sufficient information on them. There is no data about long-term effects, she said. Ms. Uren was also concerned about how the shots were rushed to the market. But she felt there was “no choice” but to receive the injections if she wanted to keep her “privileged role” with WAPOL.

Despite her reluctance, Ms. Uren received her first Pfizer mRNA injection sometime in late August. She knew immediately that the decision changed her life, and not for the better. Vertigo, nausea and hives all appeared within 15 minutes.

Ms. Uren was discharged after medical personnel “got the rash under control.” But the relief was temporary. The next day, she had a 103 degree (39.7 Celsius) fever, more hives, and more nausea. For the next four weeks, Ms. Uren suffered persistent hives, fevers, vomiting, diarrhea, and a debilitating cough. Unfortunately the worst was yet to come.

Bell’s Palsy, ruptured aneurysm and stroke

Ms. Uren was apparently still going to work through all this. But that all changed sometime in mid-September. Mrs. Uren said her eyes “felt weird” one Tuesday morning. So she took an antihistamine before driving to work. When she arrived at work, a co-worker told her that her face was “drooping sideways.”

Chantal Uren before Bell’s Palsy.
Chantal Uren after Bell’s Palsy

Ms. Uren immediately went to the emergency room. She woke up the next morning in the hospital, only to collapse in the shower. Doctors discovered that “main artery” from her heart to brain ruptured. That means either the vertebral arteries or the carotid arteries. She also suffered a transient ischemic attack, aka a stroke.

The twilight zone still wasn’t over for her.

Doctors said there was a 25% chance she would never recover from the stroke, Bell’s Palsy and cerebral aneurysm. But Australia’s dystopian health system struck again when she spoke to another doctor about her prognosis:

I was booked in for an appointment at the vaccine safety clinic. I didn’t really understand what the appointment was about until I was taken into a private room with a doctor who tried to tell me that the vaccine had nothing to do with what had happened to me but then also couldn’t tell me that it didn’t. He sat in his chair stating that it was worth the risk of having another stroke to get my second Pfizer shot. How can a doctor sit there and tell someone those things. He was willing to risk my life to meet what I believe his goal to be of getting as many people vaccinated as possible.

Trolls and trying to live a normal life

Ms. Uren learned what many readers of this blog already knew. Doctors cannot and will not help you with post-injection injuries. But she’s also learning the consequences of speaking out about her situation. Ms. Uren is a cop. But she’s also really “girlie.” She likes getting dressed up and doing her makeup. It makes her feel normal. The Bell’s Palsy appears to come and go. So she takes advantage of the good days by dressing up. Trolls came out of every cave from there.

David Geisler is one of those trolls. He insinuated that Ms. Uren was faking because she is “posting on social media” and she’s “looking great with her hair and makeup.” This particular troll got under Ms. Uren’s skin; and she responded with a lengthy post, which includes a photo of her in a wheelchair. The saddest and most sobering part of the post is the conclusion:

“I may appear normal now to everyone on the outside but the main artery to my brain is ruptured and will take a year or more to heal so on the inside I’m far from normal. The risk of having a stroke at any moment is very high and scary”

There is some positive news in Ms. Uren’s life. She announced her engagement on October 9. But she’s unlikely to ever return to her career as a cop, which she seemed to love. Depending on your view, Ms. Uren is lucky to be alive.

A 2005 study published in the British Journal of Nursing found that 33% of carotid artery ruptures result in near-instant death. Those who survive are typically left paralyzed. The prognosis is a little better for vertebral artery dissection (rupture), as long as it happens outside of the cranium. Otherwise, the outlook is grim.

Ms. Uren said she is focusing on her forthcoming marriage to keep her mind healthy through all this.

Another victims gives into the pressure

It seems these stories are becoming the norm. Mr. Dave Menchinton was anti-vaxx through all of 2020 and most of 2021. But depression altered his decision-making. Now his future is uncertain after severe adverse reactions to the Pfizer mRNA injections. Same with Mr. Cody Robinson. His last words before receiving the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection: “I really don’t want to do this.” Blood clots almost cost him his life thereafter.

Australian cops deserve little sympathy in 2021 the way they are treating people over there. But Ms. Uren literally said she took the shot only to save her “privileged position.” Materialism will kill you at worst and maim you at best. Ms. Uren is yet another victim who received the injection to save her job, only to be maimed and unable to work anyway. It simply makes no logical sense. But trying to make sense of anyone who volunteers for these shots is a fruitless endeavor.

Broke and healthy is far better than obedient and maimed. It’s really a simple choice at this point. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

It is a health or wealth decision, people are getting the shot for financial or job purposes and that is risk/benefit analysis decision. Obviously a lot of people choose wealth over their future health. But you can’t buy back health! Except for those who got the shots Dec 2020 to March 2021, all the rest of the vaxxers have no sympathy from me, they should have known the risks. The early ones can be excused due to lack of information, but by March 2021, the evidence on the clotting, other side effects and the loss of immune system was out by then. Some with immediate effects and others when mass dying starts, they will sadly sing another tune….

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

It was an intelligence test from day one…approximately when the coven met at so-called Event 2O1 in September 2019…
“Life doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ who lives it or throws it away.”

Never ever trust “authority” and the scum that own it… ever!

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

I believe the same thing might apply to the booster shots too. The earlier you take it the higher chance you will get the placebo rather than the kill shot. The longer you wait to get the shot the higher chance you are going to get the kill shot AKA contaminated vaccine that will likely kill or cause adverse reactions. If this theory is true, then it means a lot of folks that are waiting close to the vaccine mandate deadline to get the vaccine could be making a huge mistake if they take it. If you have not decided by then if you want to take the vaccine or not, then it is not worth taking it. People should stick to their convictions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Nogt true, all of them are bad yet some react faster, depends of the imune system as well. In each country, the second they started to vaccinate, the deaths and covid cases increased like craazy!. All of them have excess deaths in the time they mass vaccinated: all had campaigns and for a while they vaccinated lots of ppl but after a few months the vaccination slowed down.
As for who has what effects: some will have them in 2,3 (over 60 and imunocompromised) or 5-10 years (healthy ones or in their 40 s 30s and below), yet no one is as good as it was, for ppl in sports is the most visible as any change is impacting masively their performance. Naomi Osaka got vaccinated is why she had the meltdowns as she couldn’t compete as she was. Celine Dion canceled a few hours before the concert the whole series of Las Vegas tour, vaccinated of course and with some bug issues now, lots of ppl have problems except for those that only faked the vaccination.
In time ppl that took two doses if they work in their immune system and are active etc recover if they don t have something permananet yet.
But many take the 3rd shot and more.
The reason we know about all these effects is because many ppl HAD bad side effects and died in the early days of vaccination. Or soon after with lots of problems and diseases so many started to speack out as there were to many coincidences.
They don t need to give placebo to anyone, have enough control group already!
Placebo doses if they exist have graphene and some other toxines. But many ”powerful people” didn’t took that either, they just faked it.
The plan was for ppl to start having side effects in 2-3 years, the fact so many had immidiatelly was a problem as ppl woke up and they have to do all this push bc now ppl don t want their Kill Shot anymore.
Also many will be infertile, or the babies sterile. Even the plants that are modified are sterile and for a Human or other mamal if a tiny thing is changed in genome sterility will follow. Is nature. The shot was designed as a mass depopulation/sterilization tool and to kill the old and health compromose, not healthy young ppl so soon.
Also they study things to move things further with this technology.
Some (very few as percentage) will have their health improved, but I am afraid that only some very sick already, chronic illnes some maybe will be cured and they will se how each individual (based on DNA they also collect and have all in the green passes) is reacting to this. All medical history will be uploaded in that certificat at one point in the future, but even so, pushed vaccination will cease/stop next year in May the latest. But no, not so many placebo, ppl want to believe they will get the lucky draw, none is lucky 100% and if one will be next next next dose.

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

So true. And what will that wealth be worth when the US dollar finishes crashing from the Brandon regime printing trillions non stop? Australia will crash in tandem. Trust in Lord Jesus. He will provide.

2 years ago

Australian cops are enforcing tyranny. If she was enforcing communist style covid rules well . No sympathy for tyrants

2 years ago
Reply to  Pedro

Was about to comment something similar. This is karma for Australian cops that have been participating in tyranny, and treating people poorly because of Covid.

2 years ago

Didn’t read anything other than the headline yet. Just came straight to the comments just to say good for her. Who cares? Corrupt enforcer of evil getting her just desserts. I’ll read the article later but I could care less about this woman. This is the best that the thug cops in Australia deserve. Nothing better. So happy she’s trying to live a normal life while they make it impossible for the people who won’t give up their freedom to do the same thing. Hope the next update on this story doesn’t have such a cheery ending.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Moe

Perhaps at Australian demonstrations, all the unvaxxed that have 5G phones should bring them and turn them all on for the vaxxed Nazi SS police.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

She’s a Nazi Brownshirt. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her????

Thomas Jenkins
Thomas Jenkins
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

No. I don’t.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

“…take these comments and turn them into a lesson…”
She learned the wrong lesson. The real issue that has yet to enter her mind, is how the organization she loves is enforcing tyranny on fellow citizens, yet she has done nothing to stop it, protest against it, or even realize it was wrong. Until she learns that lesson, she is nothing but a mindless, oblivious, soulless thug, who deserves no consideration from anyone.

2 years ago

The “I had no choice” answer is always a non-answer. We all have a choice. Unless you are physically restrained and jabbed, anything short of assault and battery involves a choice. It always comes down to what the person considers to be the least bad of all options.

Unfortunately, people do not seem to recognize the irony in taking the vax “to get my freedoms back.” It’s a total scam. Exactly how are we free if we have to sacrifice our bodily integrity to get our freedoms back? So basically we are promised our freedoms if we give up our freedoms. And people think this is a wise trade-off!

I will not be forced. I will die free.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Yep, so many people today believe that Slavery = Freedom. It’s just so Double Plus Good.

2 years ago

Judging from the vids I’ve seen coming out of Australia, I’ll chalk this up as the feel-good story of the day.

2 years ago

When I read the long post she uploaded about her story: The paragraph that began “In August my employer announced…” and she listed all the things that would happen to those that remained unvaxxed – I thought to myself…they were kinda lucky considering a lot of companies and hospitals etc are willing to just fire the people that refuse the shot,
Her employer gave options that did not even include having to get tested regularly ( I think a lot of companies are not willing to pay the expense of testing).
She had options. She would have had to wear masks at the office or be moved out of her position…into an office like role”
In her case, she definitely had a choice, she would have her health and a job working in the same field! Too bad she didn’t listen to her instincts and wait and see if the policy changed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel

This is what entered my mind as well. If she would have to be demoted and wear a mask at work, then wear a mask that says “UnVAXED AND PROUD” on it! She seems like a strong woman. Too bad that mental strength peak didn’t kick in before she gave in to the jab. Horrible shot. And now they want to give it to kids in the USA.

2 years ago

This is a common story. “But the government told me to do it!” We think they are our parents…I am not sure if I am blessed or cursed because there is no mandate here but 99% of the people around me have had the juice. I recall sitting in a surgery for something else and nurse from a sold out so called christian practice asked if I wasted a spare juice she had. If I had not been through the devastation I have over the last few years that forced my eyes open I might have said yes and been dead. Those who truly love and know God will see this deception.

 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Last edited 2 years ago by covid1984pl
A non-bodybuilder
A non-bodybuilder
2 years ago

A police officer, aka a person who willingly joined the dark side and was enjoying her “privileged position” above the rest of us .. lol. Zero sympathy.

2 years ago

Well, will she now be discriminated against too because she’ll never be fully vaxxed? And when it comes time to haul the vax resisters off to the liquidation center, er, camp will she be amongst them? It’s really too horrible to imagine. I don’t wish her ill, she’s suffering much now and has time to reflect.

2 years ago

More police need to experience these severe side effects. Maybe empathy for the unvaxed will finally penetrate their thick heads.

Last edited 2 years ago by Steve
2 years ago

Well this is extremely good news. If the cops are starting to sicken and die the politicians won’t have their goons to enforce their tyranny. The military is similarly afflicted so no help from there. They probably plan on using robots- but we’ll see how successful that goes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daz

They secretly (not so secret, just the media kept it as hushed up as possible) signed in law last year that foreign troops and police are allowed o operate in Australia and are immune from criminal prosecution…I would say many are already here

Between Three Centuries
Between Three Centuries
2 years ago

How many people did this cop force into situations where they too took the Darwin shot? Karma karma Karen chameleon.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

“privileged position”
“Those who exalt themselves will be humbled. And those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

We must all get in the mindset of humbling ourselves.

2 years ago

I’ve long killed off any materialism inside me. Thank God for that for he sent me to build an orphanage and while I went thinking to help them, I left learning so much more. The women impacted me profoundly. They had a single set of clothes, a single pair of underwear, and a single set of sandals if they were lucky, living in mud hut. Yet they glowed. They smiled and sang and danced as they carried water. It was beautiful. Ever since then, I’ve lost all love for material things. Thankfully that has led to me accumulating wealth in an ironic way so when faced with a choice of vax or job, I can make that choice without fear. However, I worry so much for so many who face that choice and know if they make the right one, if they leave their job, they might be homeless. It takes much more bravery to be in their shoes and commit to living in a car or tent. Still, every season has a beginning and an end. This too will pass. Nothing is forever on this earth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

Beautiful post to read, Candace, beautiful. Thank you for penning it and thanks to this site for publishing it, it is super inspiring and confirming, your words in tandem with this incredible site. THANK YOU thank you, Candace. God bless you and yours.

2 years ago

Too many people frame this such that they will “lose” their careers or college educations unless they submit to this medical rape of swabs jammed up their noses or needles polluting their blood. That being medically raped is a condition of employment.

SMART people understand that they put their careers on hold, they postpone their educations, they tough it out, they go without a lot of luxuries they’ve come to consider necessities, but that no careers or educations are lost, they are only postponed — the ones who LOSE their jobs and educations are the ones who die because of the shot.

Those who are willing to submit to medical rape in order to have the career they want, are messed up to begin with. Their priorities are screwed up six ways to Sunday. This gal was one, very sad. Very instructive,. let’s hope. This is what happens when you
AGREE to rape as a condition of employment.

Thomas Jenkins
Thomas Jenkins
2 years ago

Every woman has a story. What’s wrong with them and this victim / lack of responsibility mentality?

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Jenkins

So true! …..most people under age 30 have been taught to be a victim 24/7/365. They are great at taking selfies and telling us their life journeys via FB, Twitter & Instagram, but have learned zero life skills because they don’t need to since they are victims.

2 years ago

one less “police officer” kicking Australian vax mandate protesters in the head. This is a bad thing??

2 years ago

Karma is a bitch, now she understands how the rest of us feel. Enjoy!

Stephanie Salazar
Stephanie Salazar
2 years ago

It is very unfortunate to see that she was harassed. People also don’t know that much of the harassment is organized and preplanned to shut people down by well funded organizations. The only safe space is on the group thought plantation. Veer off the course and watch your feelings and life shredded.

2 years ago

That Doctor who looked at her Point Blank in that condition, telling her a second shot is worth the risk is a disgrace to humanity. If I were her husband, I would arrange a private meeting with that POS…it is bewildering that all these things are going on in plain sight…everyone is getting their 30 pieces of Silver to facilitate the mass murders…society has lost its moral fitness to survive…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

When this newest Nazi movement bites the dust, I sincerely hope to see these medical psychopaths prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

How could anyone support this massive, obvious crime against mankind just to keep their job???

2 years ago

It is repulsive that a Doctor pushed a woman who nearly died from a severe vaccine injury that she should sign up for the 2nd shot! Personally, I would have told him he is WORSE than the NAZI’s, because he is pretending to be her friendly advisor knowing that it is highly likely she would suffer more injuries or die after a second shot. These medical professionals are sworn ‘to do no harm’ and surely they must follow medical informed consent as a citizen of a nation which is a signatory to the Nuremberg Code.

This is the most sickening revelation of the entire Covid era, that there are a high percentage of medical personnel who are willing to kill patients as long as they are well paid for it and immune to personal liability, BEWARE and only believe righteous doctors, we all know who they are!

2 years ago

You have to know “who” is behind this juice. Then the why is obvious. Pharmakea the Greek root of the world – the use of medicine, drugs or spells. drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc  Essentiallythe people pushing are what?

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

And the lesson learned here, when it comes to your job or your health, choose HEALTH. If you health fails because of the vaccine, you won’t be able to work and will lose your job anyway.

2 years ago

I feel sorry for you lass! But the police have brutal in the last 2 years under a Stalinist-like dictatorship. The way the police have been treating everyone in Australia is despicable. Drink the jewish-Bolshevik kool-aide!

2 years ago

This is another long sad story of yet another person placing their job as higher priority than their life. Did Chantal ever consider that if the Australian police happily brutalize their citizens ( subjects) that they would happily brutalize her?

2 years ago

I am absolutely terrified ro have the jab. I am a teacher. I will lose my job. I can’t even work at coles. Even my dr said he doesn’t recommend it for me with my health history and family history of strokes, heart attacks and DVT. I react to everything, sensitive constitution. I’m that 1 in 10,000 who will have the bad side effect. I’m still not eligible for exemption… all about control. I am so scared ??

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Hi Annie,
I am sorry that you find yourself in such a difficult situation. I encourage you to stand your ground nonetheless. With regards to your job, you may be able to provide private lessons face to face or online on zoom. There is in fact a high demand for that at the minute because of all the school closures.

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