Jake Kazmarek: 28-year-old New York bodybuilder says getting vaccine does not make him a “sheep,” dead four days after second Moderna mRNA injection

October 31, 2021

Mr. Jake Kazmarek.

ROCHESTER, NEW YORK — A 28-year-old bodybuilder and FedEx driver is dead despite knowing the risks and seeing through the propaganda surrounding the injections and the medical industry at-large.

Mr. Jake Kazmarek would likely be classified as an “anti-vaxxer” by Fauci disciples. He insinuated in one post that big pharma is profiting off the so-called pandemic, without regard to public health.

He also recently posted about the obvious hustle known as American medicine.

Despite Mr. Kazmarek being fully aware of what’s happening, he succumbed to the pressure and the fallacious “vaccines equal freedom” narrative. Mr. Kazmarek received his first Moderna mRNA injection on August 31, according to a now-deleted Facebook post. He suffered no apparent adverse effects. But Mr. Kazmarek also did not comment publicly about his first injection.

He received his second Moderna mRNA injection on September 28. Mr. Kazmarek posted a photo of his “vaccine card” that day. He captioned the post saying “it is what it is” and suggested he only got the shots for his freedom. Mr. Kazmarek also asked a rhetorical question that he answered himself. “Does it make me a sheep? No,” he wrote.

Quick illness, quick death

Several individuals commented on Mr. Kazmarek’s post featuring his vaxx card. One woman said she recently got her Pfizer “booster” shot and suffered no adverse effects. Mr. Kazmarek not only made clear that he’s not a fan of boosters, but also was “not feeling good at all” one day after the second Moderna injection.

Two days after the second shot, on September 30, Mr. Kazmarek posted a link to a McGill University (Montreal) article entitled “I Felt Sick After Getting a Vaccine. Why?”

Mr. Kazmarek passed away on October 2. His widow, Cecelia, who was also his weightlifting partner, is having a difficult time dealing with the situation. The couple just celebrated their third wedding anniversary on August 18.

Mr. Kazmarek is also survived by his mother, father and two siblings.

Bodybuilders continue dying from the injections

Mr. Kazmarek spent a lot of time in gyms. In fact he and his wife shared that passion.

Granted it is a small sample size. But we also covered the story of Mr. Michael Mitchell. He was a bodybuilder and died six days after his Pfizer mRNA “booster” shot. We’re not going to speculate as to these men’s workout routines and diets, if you will. However, you’d think being in good physical shape with a lot of lean muscle mass would be good for overall health and fighting off negative effects from artificial spike proteins. That was not the case with Mr. Kazmarek and Mr. Mitchell.

Sadly this is yet another case of surrendering to the enemy. Mr. Kazmarek knew there was some sort of sinister agenda happening with these shots. But he took the shots anyway because someone or something convinced him that injections equal freedom. Physically strong does not equal mentally tough. And sadly we’re seeing that play out in 2021 as so many big, physically strong men (see NFL players, NHL players, NBA players, etc.) are succumbing to this psy-op.

We’re at war as a human species. Men fight the wars. That’s why the powers-that-be have put forth such great effort emasculating men over the last two decades. If there’s nobody to fight against them, the agendas are easy to execute. And that’s where we’re at in 2021. Let’s just hope there are enough real men left to fight the real war when the time comes.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Thank you, excellent reporting

2 years ago

On the matter on bodybuilders, I watched a clip of Spanish scientists who strongly oppose the genocide program, and they listed scores of compatiot bodybuildrs who passed away from the shot.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

Dr. Peter McCullough says the spike protein is brutal on big, beefy guys. No idea why, so it makes sense the jab is really dangerous for them.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Jess

It would make sense if their heart was already enlarged from steroids. I’m not against taking steroids responsibly, as they can be used appropriately even by bodybuilders. However some people do not know how to cycle on and off of them, while also keeping their livers healthy, and it has adverse effects. Since he was an amateur who knows what he was taking, but if he was effected by myocarditis from the shot and already had an enlarged heart, it’s a deadly combo.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

Yes. Is because of the steroids. COVID can be also very dangerous for them especially the covid medcation protocols! The shots too. Is because of the steroids, that are widely used. He was on steroids and this is very clear for somebody that is into fitness (I am). Is very easy to spot those that only take proteins and aminoacids+vitamins and those that also take steroids. Is how their body mass looks like. Definitelly he was on steroids

2 years ago

Right on about emasculating us, Brian. That genocide program we are facing was conceived in the late 80s and put in motion in the beginning of the 90s, via the education system, on every level, and a debilitating diet of processed food and soy-based substitutes. Nowadays, 80% of males who are younger than 30 are not worthy to be called “men.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

. . . nor are 90% of of present day women worthy of being called women.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Most are not because they are too busy looking and acting like men…women should be feminine, not Feminists…all part of the CIA controlled agenda…

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

My sister and I were just talking about this very topic yesterday—the emasculation of men. And my cousin who is in her mid-30s is having a terrible time finding a nice young man to date.

By the way, I used to live in Rochester, NY where this bodybuilder lived. There are many many vaccine injuries and deaths in Western and Central NY that are going unreported. But I’ve noticed in recent months some of the vaccine recipients are either not posting their viewpoints and/or vaccine cards on their social media sites or they’re staying silent about getting the shots. Back in the spring you’d see all kinds of Facebook posts of *vaccinated* people who were either bragging about it and/or condemning others for being against it. I don’t see that too much anymore. And notice if you go to Jake Kazmarek’s Facebook page some of the posts that this blog had captured have since been deleted.

Thank you, Brian. Excellent work, as always.

2 years ago
Reply to  Margo

Your cousins issue is probably related more to the fact that a lot of men genuinely want nothing to do with women anymore, especially western women. I am married now, but was single (and very actively dating) into my late forties, even 15 years ago, western women especially, just weren’t bothering with, they were incredibly entitled and treated men like filth. I wasn’t interested in hanging on a martyrs cross for anyone, so I started dating first generation Asian immigrants exclusively in my mid-thirties. My brother is single and in his 50s’ he doesn’t bother dating at all anymore, and he is fit and well off. Most of my friends that are single don’t date, EVER, they don’t identify as “MGTOW” or hang out on forums or anything, they just don’t bother. You cousin might be a nice person, but most guys aren’t even going to give her a chance to show that. Its just not worth the misery.

Last edited 2 years ago by oldandjaded
2 years ago
Reply to  oldandjaded

As someone who moved to Asia 16 years ago and married a sweetie, I hear ya.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alan

That is what kills them when a man is fed up with all the propaganda including the divorce rackett…he votes with his feet and go’s wear he is treated best…and that is what kills them…you will be called many derogatory things but thats a small price to pay for true peace and happiness…Congrats…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

The hard facts are, the vast majority of western women just can’t compete with Asian women. This is why the derogatory comments, its just sour grapes, plain and simple. Most western women have been listening to the post-modernist trope about how men are inferior to them for two generations. They really honestly believe that the simple qualification of being born with a V@gin@ means that they are “Goddesses” and we should worship them, we need to be fit, good looking, hard working and make lots of money, and they can be fat, rude, uneducated, immoral, dishonest, lazy and irresponsible and spit on us mere mortals, and we are supposed to beg for more.
Its not a question of “hating women” its a question of not wanting to spend your life waking up next to some tattooed Walmart Walrus that looks like hell, is lazy, that you are embarrassed to be seen in public with, and honestly believes you are inferior simply because of your gender. Seriously, who in their right mind is going to sign up for that? Western women have low value in the sexual marketplace. Then they sit on their entitled, fat, cellulite backsides, and say “there are not good men”. They even blame their failure in the sexual marketplace on the men. How about you take a good hard honest look at yourselfs, Take a look in the mirror, Then look at the Asian women that are getting all the men. Figure it out.
Me, I am doing GREAT and so are LOTS of other men, we not only don’t NEED you anymore, we DON’T WANT YOU. Get it? It’s not about the generic you being “too strong” for men, its about you being an entitled, unpleasant person, that’s living in a post-modernist fantasy world that is completely disconnected from reality. Life is about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, for ALL of us. Your gender doesn’t give you a free pass, that’s a lie thats been engineered specifically FOR YOU, by the slavemasters, the overlords that are engineering the de-construction of our society. And the Covid narrative that we are here to talk about is just another arm of the same attack. You have priced yourself out of the marketplace, most men don’t want you anymore, most of the men that ARE still dating are actively seeking women that weren’t born in the west. Get your head out of your prodigious backside and smell the coffee.

Last edited 2 years ago by oldandjaded
2 years ago
Reply to  oldandjaded

Completely agree with you, oldandjaded. If I could I’d give your comment a thousand up votes.

2 years ago
Reply to  oldandjaded

After those first two sentences, I knew you were then going to say that you were into Asian women. You are a walking stereotype, yourself.

2 years ago
Reply to  CG*

playing the BS “white guys that marry Asian women like them because they are submissive” card. Funny thing is, my wife is Vietnamese, which is a matriarchal culture. Before I could marry her we had to go back and meet the family, I didn’t really get this then, spent all my time trying to impress her dad. We were there for a week before I realized mom was the boss.
The whole ” western men like Asian women because they are submissive” thing is a western feminist trope, and has ZERO truth in reality. Its really more that we dislike semi-literate, overweight, self-absorbed underachievers that think the sun shines out of their nether regions. All the Asian women I dated were far more self-accomplished and self assured than the lazy, underachieving, self-pitying, slovenly western women I met. My wife is a CPA, the Chinese woman I was dating before her had a masters in electrical engineering, and was the quality control manager at a German owned factory that made equipment for the oil industry, and made three times what I did. Yea, poor, exploited, submissive poverty stricken victims of the western male culture.

Last edited 2 years ago by oldandjaded
2 years ago
Reply to  oldandjaded

I understand everything you say. I remember a time when things weren’t this way. I could say so much more, but I’ll just leave it at that. I agree with you, and I don’t see how this new disturbing dynamic could ever be reversed. My Asian female friends throughout the years have been the most gentle, feminine, and loyal people I’ve ever known. And I can’t think of one who had relationship or marital troubles. And that’s coming from a person who lived for many years in New York City and met people from all over the world.

2 years ago
Reply to  Margo

The MSM is good at exaggerating figures to make it appear its a popular thing. One linesman who had to change wires above a US injection center said from his position the whole day saw at most 3 or 4 people come in, and that was months ago.

As for those types that would be dumb enough to post their selfies or cards, they are all dead. There’s a demonic force behind the injection, it doesn’t like it when the injected ‘steal its thunder’ by taking selfies to ‘claim credit’.

This when having taken the covenant with the dark force through the injection they are supposed to bow down in submission to their new master. This is why taking selfies is a fast way to be ‘taught a lesson’.

There are anecdotes of those who frequent the social media noticing the decreased presence of the SJWs as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

I hadn’t thought of it from that perspective, but you make an excellent point. Creepy and disturbing, but it makes a lot of sense.

2 years ago
Reply to  Margo

“And my cousin who is in her mid-30s is having a terrible time finding a nice young man to date.”

Not to make light of your cousin, but there is a saying these days among younger men, as told to me by my adult nephew who’s living through this:

Women: ‘Where have all the good men gone?’

Men: ‘They’re back in your 20’s where you left them.’

Pair bonding is brutal these days, and it was never easy to begin with. But he’s all but thrown-in the towel, concentrates on his career and building his personal wealth – saying, ‘They just aren’t worth the effort.’.

Red Feather
Red Feather
2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

It’s also because of all the estrogen/progesterone in our drinking water from oral contraceptives which just about every Western woman of child-bearing age takes.

You cannot upset nature on such a massive scale without consequences.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago
Reply to  Red Feather

This is very, very true – this is the “elephant in the room” that almost nobody is talking about.

2 years ago
Reply to  Red Feather

Very true. The pollution of natural waters due to ALL pharmaceuticals being peed into the sewer systems, “treated” and then returned to the rivers etc., I believe is the gravest environmental problem of our time. All the idiot leftists want to talk about “Climate Change” tm, but they don’t even know about pharmaceuticals in the environment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

Western men have been emasculated and emotionally castrated… which is also why so many give in to the Kill-Shots with little resistance…

karl von dingus
karl von dingus
2 years ago

well, what can you say. he knew it was a bad idea, and did it anyway. then he died. and yes, it does make you a sheep mr dead lifter.

Jeff Jones
Jeff Jones
2 years ago

Brawn and no brains. Is that usual. HMMM

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago

“The shot equals freedom” – My parents-in-law took the shots for this reason. They are not afraid of “covid”, but my mother-in-law wants to travel and my father-in-law wants to continue his daily habit of swimming at the Y. I wasn’t surprised that my M-I-L took it, as she’s convinced that Big Pharma are actually LOOKING OUT for humanity and that the government really cares about us! However, my F-I-L saw through this scam from the beginning. I’m shocked that he actually took the jab…..all so that he could continue going to the Y. Talk about trading your (human) birthright for a bowl of soup….

John Adams
John Adams
2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon Oklast

My neighbor is an educated California feminist, believes in Socialism, trusts Fauci, had her 5 yr old son jabbed !!!! Wouldn’t listen to anything, just interrupted me, “we can agree to disagree.” That’s all well and good until her kid gets sick and there’s no way to fix it. How many parents are going to be tortured by their decision to get their kid mRNAd when it turns out it does cause serious long-term problems.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Adams

Feminists and Liberals will have buyers remorse when the results are in…let them choke on it…

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
2 years ago
Reply to  John Adams

Unfortunately, your neighbor just gave her child a lethal injection by permission.
Since it sounds as she also has been injected, the only comfort will be that she may pass away before her son.
I would not want to be standing in her shoes come the Judgment Day.

2 years ago

Bodybuilders should know better not to take these Covid expirmental shots. I mean they are like the first health, and nutrition experiment. They have expirmented with all diets, supplements, and performance enhancing drugs to get jacked, so they know what works to help them get the muscular bodies they desire. Covid shots is not listed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

My brother is into bodybuilding–will not take pain medications even ibuprofen unless he’s truly hurting worse than usual. He has eschewed the jab and works for a tribal casino which so far is not into forcing jabs into their employees. It’s California. If Gov. Gruesome were to bother the tribes again, he would see less of the $$$ flow he so dearly loves.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

I worked with a fellow who used to be big into bodybuilding, and from what he said of some of the tricks they use to change their bodies, it’s a dangerous business really. For instance, he said body builders may inject themselves with insulin to burn off all the fat so they can show rippled muscle which would otherwise not be visible due to fat. That and just a few others he told about, says to me it is a dangerous field.

Scott Banks
Scott Banks
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Bodybuilders don’t know any better. Take this meat head for instance, obviously on steroids which damage the heart just for starters. Then pile the spike protein on top of that. That’s why they’re dying. Go to any bodybuilding show and the most unhealthy people in the room are up on the stage.

That they know anything about, or care anything about, health is a myth. If they did they wouldn’t be bodybuilders.

2 years ago
Reply to  Scott Banks

Bodybuilders, by nature are narcissists. The vaccine campaigns hinge on appealing to peoples narcissism. As Michael Hoffman wrote “Flattery is the first principle of mind control”.

2 years ago

Being an ignorant sheep is one thing. Being an informed sheep is even worse. Being a well-informed sheep who was in a very low covid risk category is worse still. Being a well-informed sheep in a very low covid risk category who had the discipline to develop his physical body but lagging so far behind in his development of his psychological and spiritual powers is just shaking-my-head bad.

But still… you would think a person who spent so much time on his body would think very hard before risking it all. But then again, many bodybuilders do take steroids, so there’s that.

John Adams
John Adams
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Well said.

2 years ago

“Physically strong does not equal mentally tough.” 

So true. I feel sorry he caved-in and paid the price. He was full of rationalizations. Did he ever think about moving out of one of the worst states for medical tyranny? He was young yet, and fit enough.

2 years ago

thousands of hours wasted in gym for nothing

2 years ago

If you need a piece of paper to say that you are free…you are probably not free.

Red Feather
Red Feather
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Best comment ever!

2 years ago

I see huge beasty men that make Arnie look like a girls blouse that he is, wearing wipes on their faces and I ask what are they afraid of?

2 years ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

America is and has been a violent gynocracy for at least 50 years. Men know that they are all just a phone call (from their wife or girlfriend) away from a prison cell and being permanently put out of their homes.

By law; men are 4th class citizens in America; behind women; the women’s children; and the women’s pets.

This is no hyperbole.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

The coming collapse will end this rot that was brought about by the comfort of hot showers and flushing toilets that generations before right up to the Second World War fought and died for and the current generation take for granted and therefore engage in stupidity.

Its a repeat of an all too familiar cycle of dark ages-rise-decadence-collapse-dark ages. The same dynamic happened in the last days of the Roman Empire.

It will be back to the Afghan style warlord with 15 forced sex slaves who will have to say yes to entertain a fellow guest warlord or end up becoming dog food. The pendulum will swing the other way, but at the same time it will also mean a Mad Max future when most men will stay solitary without a sexual partner just because they aren’t the leader of a gang.

People never learn from history, and successive generations bear the burden of mistakes of their predecessors.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

You’ve been burned in the past. There is a reason why MGTOW is a thing in the USSA.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pyra

You’ve been burned in the past.

Since my name is Pamela; I can say that in my just short of 55 years; I was never burned once; lolz.

But I am an honest woman who sees things as they are.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

WTF are you talking about?

Government by women.A society ruled by women. Government by a woman or by women; female power or rule… Like the island that Wonder Woman came from? Nah.

Unless you used the wrong word, you’re crazy.

The USA is and always was a Kleptocracy. A few women have been corrupt enough to rise to the ranks of power but they never ran the show.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rabbitnexus
2 years ago
Reply to  Rabbitnexus

When he said gynocracy he was referring to the domestic front, women are ruling the domestic front with single families, boys raised by women to be effeminate, family courts, divorce courts, etc. Before coof the corrupt hag pulling the trigger on divorce because she got influenced by the system by the temptation of money from divorce and alimony was the other pandemic.

All started with women equality and Nick Rockefeller stating that was to get the other half of the taxable population.

The real word would be gynocentrism that puts pussy on a pedestal. Men Going Their Own Way movement may have problems with crazies here and there but its for people who didn’t have that third eye sense and needed a webpage to tell them its not worth the risk. As someone else said there are single men who have never dated, would never date and they are in their 50s and doing well.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

As a woman, I have to agree. It’s been an ugly transformation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wayfarer

Modern day women want to switch roles, they want to be men with boobs…and most will also trust in the Science of Fake Con Vid…

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

This is the Feminazi States of ameriKa…where women see men as nothing more than modern day clowns…but they still need taxpayers and sperm donors…smart men are waking up and not playing that game any longer…emasculated & emotionally castrated men remain as the Beasts of Burden and Useful Idiots…who are also statistically a lot more inclined to take the 666 Jab and trust in the science…I’m sorry meant to say Sorcery…

2 years ago

The fact that he had Asthma may have been a red flag that he should not have taken the Covid shot, and now he won’t be around as an uncle to see some of his awesome kids. Him having Asthma makes me think he is like dead Dave Batista now because Dave Batista is an Ex-Bodybuilder that is jacked like him, and also has Asthma, but did not take take the Covid shot because of it like he eventually did.

Regina Lively
Regina Lively
2 years ago

We cannot comply our way to freedom. Freedom is one of our inalienable rights given to us by God. NOT by the federal government.
Let’s hear it for non-compliance & civil disobedience!

A non-bodybuilder
A non-bodybuilder
2 years ago

This dude and his wife are/were brain-dead. He understood the game and took the shot anyway. He pumped himself full of poison so he could “be free.” Logic anyone? And his air-head wife “could only workout 3 times this week” in response to her husband’s death?! Our species has truly hit rock-bottom.

John Adams
John Adams
2 years ago

You call them on “logic” then judge the whole species by them? !

Gone full SpongeBob ...
Gone full SpongeBob ...
2 years ago
Reply to  John Adams

I don’t think he’s judging the whole species by the faulty logic of dumb-and-dumber in particular, but rather a broader observation of the lack of humanity in the species as a whole. I could go on for hours about how true that observation is. So, the woman loses her husband to a government-endorsed vaccination and then complains she’s unable workout? Really?! Something is wrong here John. Yeah, the thoughts and words of Mrs. Einstein are far from a case study but inferences can be made … and I do. We have lost it John .. and God help us.

2 years ago

GOD will help us by judgment. The only thing that can save us now is catastrophe.

2 years ago

her statement was truly bizarre, but maybe she is in shock, seriously, and all she wants to do is zone out and do her bodybuilding because it is so routine. I have seen people in shock do whatever is routine for them as a comfort–like her working out. May seem heartless to us but her muscle friends will understand.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

The most horrendous thing about all this, the thing that I could never have predicted, is how so many people have instantly turned into cold, callous, unfeeling, indifferent robots. These are people we used to think we could depend on for medical care, for government, even for religious worship. But their assimilation into a programmed trance-like spell means they are lost, and we can never again regard them as real human beings. We now have no choice but to guard against them for the sake of our liberty and our lives, and to resist them to the point of their destruction if that’s the only choice available. This is a monumental tragedy. Even if some semblance of the society of two years ago comes back, our world will never be the same.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

That is a powerful statement and oh so true. In March of 2020, when life was being cancelled left and right, I knew our world would never be the same. One of the issues I see in these people, my family and friends included, they are ‘normalcy biased’. I truly believe many are willfully ignorant.

2 years ago

My mother received the C-19 vaccine. She then suffered two heart attacks. Then she developed pneumonia while in the hospital and was put on a ventilator for several days. She was non-responsive after second heart attack. She had previously told us if anything ever happened she did not want to be kept alive by a machine. Based on her wishes we told the hospital to remove her from the ventilator. They brought in Hospice who told us she will most likely pass within one hour. She was unhooked and did not die as they were expecting. She was breathing okay on her own and after several days looked as though she was improving and then another heart attack happened and she died. Was it from the Covid vaccine? As far as I’m concerned absolutely – They killed my mother.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  John

I talked with an old friend last July. His parents had gotten vaccinated in May. His mom died in June, and he was taking his dad to the hospital soon because of a heart valve problem.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

There are some crazy level clots that had to be taken out of injected heart attack patients where it look as if someone poured in a liquid fiberglass that was an exact copy for the coronary arteries down to the little vessel branches but red in color.

There have been anecdotal evidence of breastfeeding mothers (mentioned by YT content creator Thomas Sheridan who talks about occult and the paranormal) who took the injection and the milk progressively turned to a dark blue.

There’s a lot more going on with these injections and the authorities have failed to clarify on these issues and people wonder why we don’t take these injections. ‘Vaccine hesitancy’ is the new MSM passive aggressive ‘conspiracy theorist’ labelling being directed at us as being hesitant is completely different from outright refusal.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

My condolences. That is so hard to go through. This should not be happening to our people.

David M
David M
2 years ago

Very informative and eye opening article. I, for one, have NEVER had the flu shot in my life (my body, my choice). And, never had the flu. In fact, I rarely, and I do mean RARELY get sick. A human body taken cared properly gives excellent protection. Oh, and I’m now 65 1/2 years old.

Last edited 2 years ago by David M
Jeff Jones
Jeff Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  David M

70 years old here David M. Never took a vax that I wasn’t given at childbirth. Never been sick with more than a cold or a normal 3 day flu a couple times each in my entire life. My Dr at a Kaiser facility tried to sell me the vax after telling me I’m the healthiest man my age he knows but I shot him down hard. Natural God given immunity is why I am healthy along with genes and a sensible lifestyle. F all these chickenshit lazy cowards that won’t even research before taking the poison jab. Bet mostly they are liberals. I wish we could stats on that. bet I’m I’m right.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Jones

Good job to the both of you, you are an inspiration to this 38 year old who feels he is a lonely oddball in a generation that is often stereotyped and looked down by my parents’ generation as having their heads up their rear ends.

Both my parents are around your age and despite my warnings took both Pfizer shots. No visible effects so far on them, but time will tell.

The irony is my father being a former University professor who would berate me for not having ‘critical thinking’ skills when I was schooling.

Looking back now I think my mind liked to auto tune off to the rubbish that is the Rockefeller school system and not because I had issues with critical thinking.

I looked at this whole injection program and felt a sense of ominous evil with the whole thing. All I could see in a person who rolled up his/her sleeve for this shot was an easily surrendering wimp.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

I know a 70-year-old Ph.D. that I was warning with all my knowledge and research about the dangers and even agenda…he then bragged on his Social Media that he got the Murderna shot-calling everyone ” Whiney Babies ” for not getting the Jabs…sorry meant to say Hydra in Moderna…recently I warned him about how dangerous the Booster would be, even if he got a Saline Placebo on the first shot…he told me he intends on getting the Booster, even after I showed the article on this blog about the 77-year-old Tennessee man who died after the Booster…he still ignored my warnings…they are fully invested in the system…no one can help them…except the mortician…

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Jones

There are actually lots of stats on that and yes, the majority of vaxxed are Liberals. That goes for all countries, I’m Aussie.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Jones

I’m glad you shot him down hard. I’m too nice when they push the jabs. Perhaps if more of us were incensed that they try to push it on us all the time they’d shut up.

2 years ago
Reply to  David M

Me too! I never took any vax except those given as a child and were not many. I had smallpox and some other ”child diseases” as grew up in Communist Romania. And was never sick with anything except a cold that lasted three days (bad days) in 2009. Eversince I took vitamins and resumed training.
Then I felt: don’t go to the hospital, don’t get tested. As even then in 2009 they said: people should come to hospital etc. I didn’t and recovered fast.
All the people around me, that took many jabs for everything you can imagine (yellow fever, tetanus, hepatitis B, flu etc) have multiple diseases. I don’t even if I smoke (hope to quit soon) and sometimes drink. But no disease whatsoever and I look many years younger than my ID shows. Ppl ”givez” me sometimes between 12-22 years less, depend of how I am those days (sober for a while, not so much smoking, excercise sleep) things like this. Anyway I think is beacuse of mind, but also vitamins and lack of vaccines. Even if I traveled in Asia, Africa etc. I disn’t even took malarone in malaria infested places, but avoided the bad seasons and also put a lot of citronella oils. Also I make the detox, the liver flush helped a lot I think with eliminating toxins.
With this covid jab I think at one point they will stop the experiment. And till then people must either be prepared to give up a lor from materialism and ”freedoms”or find a way to do things they love but escaping the jab. Or to pray the jab won t affect them badly for a few years and trade their future health for some freedoms today.
YET: so many ppl took the jab and still got quarantined abroad, or canceled concerts or lots of things. John Bon Jovi, some other I dont remember now and Celine Dion canceleed their tours last week! Bc of covid JBJ and seasures Celine Dion. Naomi Osaka kinda lost her career. And so on.
I don t get it with this guy: for going to the gym? WAIT for a year at least and you will get your gym back.
That police women from Australia for not losing her desk job???
She could of giving up Police force if necessary and stay with her business. I don’t get it. Ppl that fall for this are the ones that don’t want to give up anything from the materialism and status quo. Even iof they still do good. I lost a lot of things for being unvaxxed but I am super OK with this. I don’t even miss them, as i realize what is more important now. My health and my mind and my freedom. The freedom of thoughts. The freedom of chosing. There is no freedom in bowing down to this agenda. The free ppl are those that stay with their believes. The freedom of the mind. I am not free if I have to say, act and do how others tell me. This is no freedom. We are the free ones, those that don’t comply. And we will be here tomorrow to help with what will be needed. I am no slave to ”cohort mind”, ”woke approval” etc. I only need to be truth in my conscience and God and what I believe is right. This is the true freedom. Jusr read the regrets ppl dying have: first one is the fact they didn’t spoke the truth they felt. They didn’t do what tehy felt like but succombed to what society expected from them and lived a lie! This is no happiness. I am happy to be strong enough to say no and be willing to go live in the woods if necessary Ș:) I know it won t be the case, this is a resistance agenda, we will get rid of this tyrany I have no doubt in my soul that this will be the case. But in order to be saved we need to give up saome things. We are now tested. Out faith, our soul, our priorities, our strength.
Pray for all of you to find the way to be OK. But we will: anytime new opportunities arise when we cut ties and move towards what we feel is right. God always helps us in countless ways.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Chicken pox, surely, rather than smallpox?

2 years ago
Reply to  Wayfarer

Yes sorry I am not native in English, I had measles at 3 yo, they thought I have flu so I was given antibiotics, had some very bad reactions, my father went crazy, but I got away and got read of that vax. Varsat de vant in Romanian translates as chickenpox. also I had rubella. At 6 I refused to take one vax i made a crisis in doctor’s cabinet. So I had a few ”childhood diseases” in Romanian they are called: pojar, varsat de vant, rujeola. The ROR. So I missed that vax.
My mothert was like: You got this (when in school) bc you didnt want the vaxxine. OK.

And I forgot to mention: 0 wrinkles. O sagging skin, actually the texture of mu skin is the one of an adolescent, strong, no fillers things, maybe this is why ppl think I am very ypoung. Is stranege: ppl talk to me in a way and after a while they are like. but wait: how old are u? Anyway is strange and I put this on my mind how I deal with things, not losing my freedom, not complying to anything, not loosing my innocence (I made a lot of mistakes but all from the heart not for corrupt reasons) and bc I take HUGE doses of vitamin C, iron, copper, nac etc , lots of vitamins and minerals. LOTS!

2 years ago
Reply to  Wayfarer

Variola, variola also they say to varsat de vant here

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Great comment, but I do believe we will all, at some future point, be forced to flee to the wilderness. I have not given up anything for being unvaxed, but that is because I gave up all that stuff voluntarily, decades ago.

When I went to Africa in 1999, all the guide books were full of fear porn about malaria, which I ignored. I didn’t even take bug repellent… never got malaria. Unfortunatly, I believed an untrue statement in a guide book, that you could not board a flight to Zanzibar at the Nairobi airport, without a yellow fever vax.

Even though I was anti-vax, I took it for nothing. Nobody asked for proof. I contracted yellow fever from the vaccine. It almost killed me, and it took four years of suffering and misery to fight my way back to good health…all on my own, with natural methods. These days, the only way I would be in a clinic or hospital, would be if I was carried in, unconscious.

2 years ago

Emasculation is something that needs to be addressed urgently.

Whether its the negative propaganda in weapons training and ownership of firearms, and physical implements in combat, shaming people as ‘violent and backward’ for openly expressing their anger at those that choose to comply blindly with retarded measures that have nothing to do with health and everything to do with total control, ‘turning the other cheek’, promotion of New Age deceptions, promotion of the divorce culture depriving male children of a father figure, promotion of soy based products as estrogen mimickers.

2 years ago

What freedom??!!!!! Going to a concert isn’t freedom, and there isn’t much else on the table at the moment to incentivize people. They have these people right where they want them, living a life full of pleasure and barely surviving and all they have to do is threaten their Netflix subscription and they obediently fall in line 🤡

Neil Sutherland
Neil Sutherland
2 years ago

I like the reporter’s comments. My thoughts are with Mr. Kazmarek’s family. That ‘woman’ boasting is obviously an AI bot troll; every ‘right’ site story on the net about vax injury / death has a troll who says ‘all my friends and family took three shots and they’re all great’. Of course THEY won’t stop at banning the truth humanitarian ‘narrative’ on their sites, THEY will gaslight our sites, so mentally prepare for the Satan’s troll ‘clot shots are safe and effective’ before you start reading any article, and their demoralization tactic will fail.

2 years ago

In his case it could have just been the steroids. Or maybe the spike proteins and steroids don’t mix.

2 years ago

The war on gender is real and we are definitely losing. I read a study which was replicated by some you tubers as a gag where they measured testosterone in men and the levels were the same as 80 year old men just two decades ago. These you tubers decided to crack a joke and get their testosterone tested and all of them had the same dismal levels that we used to see in men about to die. They laughed. Thought it was funny. Sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

Doesn’t surprise me at all. I can clearly see, just by looking at other men and hearing them speak, that testosterone levels have nose-dived in recent years. Think about it — how often do you hear men with deep speaking voices these days? They tend to have speaking voices that don’t sound much deeper than a female’s speaking voice. Many factors are behind this — a range of both physical and environmental factors. It’s sad.

Ikon Oklast
Ikon Oklast
2 years ago
Reply to  Zeke

I dated a man who was so feminized, he expected me to be the “guy” in the relationship. He couldn’t make even the most basic decisions; EVERYTHING was deferred to me. It was so unnatural and gross. Eventually I realized that he didn’t want a girlfriend or wife – he wanted a Mom. No thanks!!!

Natural is best
Natural is best
2 years ago

Inconcievable that so many people do not know how to research or compute numbers to ascertain if covid-19 is real or fake, if the EUA vaccine is safe or not if mortality is high or low or surbivability is at stake or not or other debateable issue to come to a proper conclusion.

Such is the law of the few and the many, isn’t it?

2 years ago

Yes. It’s been eye-opening to see that many people I know who I thought were bright are really bad at simple math, and aren’t able to take a lot of C19 information and put it together–or won’t put it together—to see what’s really going on.

Heard today boosters are coming out for “everyone.” Just in time for Xmas! I’m sure my Great Jab Believer friend KJ will be right there in line as she was telling me how she’s waiting for it. Poor pathetic little thing.

2 years ago

Bodybuilders are anything but fit, steroids or not. They tax their body in so many ways. Nutrition and exercise are BOTH key, but the animals in the wild that live the longest are those with the lowest heartbeat (tortoises = 6 beats per minute, 50-100 year lifespan, whales = 4-8 bpm, 80-90 years), while those with the highest (bees for instance, 12,000 bpm, 30-60 day lifespan), so it’s never a surprise to me when I read or hear of “a superior athlete” dying in their 40’s or 50’s and being labled as “the epitome of health”.

Meanwhile, grandma or grandpa was drinking whiskey and smoking cigars every day and living into their 90’s, but then, although they worked harder in their earlier years, often retired and lived a more sedentary life and they weren’t fat f*cks (like myself) and took to walking or doing other moderate exercises (mowing their own lawns, raking, gardening, shoveling snow, etc.).

This moron mouths off on wanting a vaccine and probably didn’t have it injected into his largest muscle that isn’t near any blodd vessels or veins, the gluteus maximus. I can pretty much guarantee you that they are going to discover that those who dying within minutes to hours or a few days all had something in common… someone who wasn’t trained properly in giving injections was shooting it into a vein.

Nothing to see here, but to those who are about to die, I salute you (and thank you for your sacrifice so that the rest of the sheep will eventually wake up). Please continue to donate your children to vaccinations, unjust wars, etc., so that my own will be safer through your own examples of stupidity.

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

No one should be forced into taking a vaccination, and forcing business to require it is just the government having someone else do their dirty work for them. I will refuse and will resist with every breath of my being. The vaccine will become the gateway for the Mark of the Beast, and then you will know where we are. The virus itself is a Chimera virus, that is to say, it has been created from a variety of different viruses which would not be possible in nature, this is clearly a “days of Noah” event. On top of that, they are actually celebrating the perversions world wide these says and that is “the days of Lot”.

2 years ago

Imagine being Bill Gates, and you absolutely HATE men that look like this. Dumb look, takes steroids, the type of guy who makes you feel absolutely infinitesimal since being Bill you are the ultimate beta male. Then imagine Bill Gates horse laughing because the archetype he absolutely hates with a passion took Bill’s kill shot even though he know he was going to be killed by it. These particular cases absolutely delight Bill because it hits every single mark on Bill’s horse laugh list.

2 years ago

Interesting as he was at least partially awake to all this psychological warfare…if he could have focused a little bit harder on what is between the ears instead of his biceps…he would have retained his Freedumbs…it is a matter of priorities…

2 years ago

Being forced to inject unknown toxins into your body with unknown effects is NOT freedom. He chose to be a slave and died for it. Poor man. RIP

I hope one day someone will be held to account.

2 years ago

It’s frustrating that so many millions are gullible enough that they cannot see that this hoax is about sending us into a post constitution, communist existence.
I feel like I’m in a Matrix movie where I’m able to see through all of the government’s actions, but others aren’t…
How can people be so blind?
At least there is a Darwinian dynamic taking place where the foolish are culled from the herd while the more discerning survive this wicked plan.

2 years ago

Do you guys think religion has helped the government fabricate the pandemic? Because one person has told me they’ve been supporting vaccines even before 2020. I seriously think religion is an under-the-radar element.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anthony

Personally, I now believe that all organized religious denominations got in bed with the government when they accepted their 30 pieces of silver from the state in exchange for tax exempt status.

What compounded the problem is the Apostle Paul’s admonition to ‘Respect your leaders, for God put them there.’, which I believe the state weaponized against Christians.

That’s a passage I really struggle with.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

The word of God says in Romans 13:1-6 Is infect when a ruler is (not a terror of the good works). But, what do you do when a ruler is (a terror to good works)? You disobey! In Pauls’s time, it was different than it is today, otherwise, he would have warned about it in his time. We are nearer to a (new dispensation). Times will defiantly be changed for the worst when this dispensation ends. Have you read about what the Hebrew midwives did when they were enslaved by Egypt, when Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill the male children but save the female children alive because he feared the number of the Jews? The Hebrew midwives disobeyed Pharaoh’s orders! And after, God rewarded the midwives for their deeds. Exodus 1:15-22 And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiph-rah, and the name of the other Pu-ah: And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive. And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men children alive? And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them. Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses. And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jeremy
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

In effect, not infect. My bad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

But I will say another thing. The so-called “Christians” who attend those debt buildings are not all of the Church of the living God. What “Christian” is today is to be of the world/join the world to win the world. They teach “you can have your sin and still be “Christian”, you can watch the movies of the world/listen to the music of the world and be “Christian”. Which is why “Christian” can’t be taken seriously. “Christian” is what the lost world called us, not the other way around, ACTS 11:26. Peter referred to the term “Christian” in PETER 4:16 saying it is better to suffer as that than an evil-doer, a term the world called us. Heck, even Catholics are “Christian” and look at their deeds, they are heavy into the world and worst, the Vatican is the most powerful political system in the world showing, They are of the world and the “church buildings” are the daughters of Catholicism. The “church buildings” are 501c3 government-owned, they have the government as head, not Jesus! That’s why the “church buildings” are not and will never be of the church of the living God. They are traders and have joined the beast system, and they have their cake and eat it. Being of the church of the living God, I’m not saying I don’t sin, but I have a different understanding of sin now that I’m saved. I realize that I’m in the body of death, you can read about Paul’s struggles with the sinful nature in ROMANS 7:15-25!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jeremy
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

Had thought long and hard about it. “Is it a sin for a saint to call themselves (Christian)? My opinion now is “no”! I don’t see anywhere in scripture that it is a sin for a saint to call themself “Christian”. As I am prone to make mistakes, I also don’t want to confuse anyone over something so small. I do still hold my stance on “the church building issue” for obvious reasons. The King James Bible is the standard of truth, not me. LAMENTATIONS 3:40 Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jeremy
2 years ago

Looks like the wife deleted that post regarding vaccine symptoms? I couldn’t find it… which really she shouldn’t have… especially in case there could possibly be a class action in the future against somebody.

2 years ago

Ummm, could it make you a dead sheep???

Robert Henry
Robert Henry
2 years ago

Yes, Kaz, you died a “sheep”❗

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