Cheryl Hynes: Canadian woman gets Pfizer for first injection, Moderna for second injection, hospitalized with severe damage to several vital organs
November 26, 2021

Ms. Cheryl Harnett Hynes.

UPDATED January 11, 2022 – Say what you will. Ms. Hynes received an mRNA booster shot sometime in the last 2-3 days. It is what it is. Won’t comment further.


UPDATED December 4, 2021 – Cheryl Harnett Hynes threatens “legal action” for this article.


We forwarded Ms. Hynes a link to our March editorial pleading with people to stop posting their “vaccine” stories to social media, since you relinquish any and all claims to privacy thereafter.

RELATED: Editorial: Please stop sharing vaccine photos on Facebook, social media if you value privacy (March 17, 2021)


I’ll still be the bigger person here and keep her GoFundMe link in the article, as I do genuinely feel sorry for Ms. Hynes. She made both her Instagram and Twitter pages private last week. Here is her email to us in full.

Of course we’ll continue exercising our rights to free press and simply reporting people’s own words about their post-injection injuries. We also hope this woman somehow finds peace.


—ORIGINAL STORY (November 26, 2021)—


OTTAWA, ONTARIO — A 54-year-old Canadian leasing agent and mother of two is facing a bleak future in a very sad case of virtue signaling, denial and extreme social media addiction.

Ms. Cheryl Harnett Hynes received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on May 14, according to her Twitter profile. She’s averaged about seven tweets per day since 2009. But Ms. Hynes is well over 25 tweets per day on average in November and most of 2021. That’s in addition to over 5,000 Instagram posts. She also has Facebook and TikTok profiles. Ms. Hynes was so happy to receive the injection that she wrote an impromptu song about it.

Ms. Hynes, who already had some sort of preexisting kidney condition…

and recent intestinal surgery, was hospitalized on June 13 with kidney and bowel issues. She tweeted every detail, from her “poop” patterns and “farting,” to the food she was eating during her five-day stay. Ms. Hynes also reported three “blown veins,” meaning the healthcare “professionals” screwed up three times trying to insert IVs and other needles.

In what can easily be characterized as a sign from God, Ms. Hynes got into a scooter accident on July 11. She suffered a fractured elbow, torn ligaments in her right wrist, had pieces of asphalt lodged in her forehead, and was referred for plastic surgery.

Despite all of the foregoing, Ms. Hynes rushed from the doctor’s office after getting a cast for her fractured elbow, to a “vaccine clinic” on July 16. She received her second mRNA injection, this time Moderna. It’s unclear why she mixed Pfizer and Moderna. But it’s just more proof that there’s no difference between any of these Pepsi and Coke experimental lethal injections.

Her life has spiraled downward ever since. By August 4, her doctor indicated that she likely has permanent kidney damage.

More on that in a bit.

Virtue signaling run amok

Ms. Hynes is the perfect foot soldier for the COVID-19 and “vaccine” agendas. She loyally gets swabbed up her nose despite reporting total discomfort during the experiences.

Ms. Hynes absolutely loves wearing masks. She not only virtue signals in public, but literally feels that wearing masks is a fashionable thing to do.

She regularly attacks so-called “anti-vaxxers.” Ms. Hynes believes that anyone who does not adhere to the cult of pseudo-science “should not be allowed to use gravity.”

She is twice-divorced, tweets regularly about animosity towards men, and checks all the boxes for vaxx zealots and virtue signalers.

More hospitals and more bad news

Ms. Hynes was hospitalized again on November 12. She’s been there ever since, with her condition worsening by the hour. She reported that her liver has swelled to three times its normal size. It got so large that it pushed up against one of her lungs, causing it to collapse.

Her ex-sister-in-law voiced concerns on November 15, asking the logical question “when were you vaccinated?” Ms. Hynes tweeted an extremely angry response, calling the question an “idiotic agenda.” She simply cannot or will not bring herself to acknowledge the gigantic pink syringe in the room. It’s a very sad case of severe denial.

Doctors diagnosed her with hemidiaphragm paralysis due to phrenic nerve damage. In layman’s terms, the cord that sends signals from the brain telling the diaphragm to contract so you can breathe, no longer works. It causes extreme breathing difficulties.

Luckily for Ms. Hynes, so far, only the right side of her diaphragm is affected. But that renders her right lung useless. Thus she now must walk around with an oxygen tank for the foreseeable future.

Ms. Hynes joked about the condition, apparently as a way to cope with the new reality.

She had an endoscopy on November 19. That’s when a camera is inserted into your rectum to examine the digestive tract.

But her latest diagnosis is incredibly disturbing and something that doesn’t even seem humanly possible. Ms. Hynes’ large intestine somehow detached from its normal position, and now runs vertically on the right side of her torso from her abdomen up to her right armpit. She said she can even feel the intestine in her armpit. Despite all of the foregoing, doctors are apparently sending her home today with pain medication and an oxygen tank.

We’ll continue following up on this story.

Multi-system inflammatory syndrome?

This story is almost identical to that of Mr. Michael Granata. The 56-year-old California engineer received his first Moderna injection (after being coerced) on August 17. He was diagnosed with multi-system inflammatory syndrome just weeks later. The condition caused all of his internal organs to swell and enlarge to the point that they no longer functioned properly. Mr. Granata died a horrendous death 10 weeks after the injection, and warned others not to get the shots “unless you want to suffer and die.”

The only difference between these cases is that Mr. Granata and his surviving family are heroically warning others about the obvious dangers of these lethal injections. Ms. Hynes is a virtue signaler and a microcosm of everything wrong with 2021. She implied on her GoFundMe page that the right side of her chest is now slowly filling with urine or solid waste. Doctors told her all of this is her new normal. Ms. Hynes ended the GoFundMe update with “I’m scared, I’m really scared. I need help.”

We usually do not link the GoFundMe pages of virtue signalers. But for some reason this blogger feels particularly sorry for this woman. She is so incredibly indoctrinated and is seemingly incapable of rational thought related to the bad decision that changed her life. But at least she’s going out with a smile and accepting the principle of caveat emptor. Godspeed.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

Sad to say. She will probably be gone a few months from now. There’s no way the body can sustain all those out of place organs. In the past, vaccine victims (i.e. gardasil, etc) would quickly put 2 and 2 together that their injuries were related. But something different with this covid… it’s a spiritual blindness and denial that is really kinda scary (behavior never seen before) from these people.

2 years ago
Reply to  MGMG

Their support for a “vaccine” and drive to be a “good person” by masking and social distancing has turned into a sort of religion, and most of these people were indoctrinated into “something” even before Covid. The mainstream media is their golden calf…all of this is so deep in their psyche it’s become a permenant part of their identity. The media has possessed these peoples minds and souls. It’s terrifying, basically a sucide cult unfortunately calling for anti-vaxxers to be shut out of society and punished, as bad as anyone might feel for these folks I’m glad they die knowing what they would do to me given the chance.

1 year ago
Reply to  kal7rider

An unholy Group think spurred on by the deadly sin of Pride. And yes, the un – jabbed would NEVER want to be at their mercy, because they have no mercy for anyone.

2 years ago
Reply to  MGMG

The Cult Worship and Stockholm Syndrome are being taken to a higher level with cases like this one…

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Maybe some of the most unseemingly possible things have been true. Maybe she’s now hooked up via the internet to an AI computer program telling her, through an antenna-grown-over pineal gland, what to think, say, and do.

2 years ago
Reply to  MGMG

Branch Covidians

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago
Reply to  MGMG

Today I had to see the pharmacist at our local grocery store re: a dog prescription question and was absolutely shocked at the huge line of people. Turns out they were all there to get their suicide jab booster shot. I know because of the paperwork they were being given to fill out and showing their Nazi vax cards to the pharmacist. There are many, many people competing for the Darwin IQ Award.

2 years ago
Reply to  MGMG

To be fair, it is hard to put two and two together in her case due to all the medical issues she was having pre jab. Only when young, healthy athletic people drop dead are questions asked. Most people in sport know what is going on, but just too afraid to speak up.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago
Reply to  xxxxxxxxxxx

She is well aware, she posted ranting for her ex’s anti-vaxx sister not to use her pain for her idiotic agenda

2 years ago
Reply to  MGMG

After three months, I doubt that she is still around to Cheer Lead for Big Pharma and denounce those that refuse the poison…this one would give Karen Croaked Heisler a serious run for her money…

2 years ago

She is a danger to others with her Big Pharma obedience, and lack of care for science.

2 years ago

The cult of big pharma

2 years ago

And not to mention the strain on the healthcare system!

2 years ago

I’m glad you linked her page. Usually I cringe and want to turn the page on most virtue signalers but this lady seems so jovial and funny despite everything. Well, except when she responded to her ex sister in law. Anyway, what a positive personality. If only….

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

Her vicious attack on her ex-SIL showed her true colors. A scientist could tell her that the jab was the cause and she would still be in denial. I feel for those who took it under pressure and have regret but it is hard for me to muster sympathy for vicious virtue signalers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christina


2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

This woman has the gall to ask how much Anti-vaxxers are costing the economy (via the retweet)?
Uh, the answer is literally nothing.

Her obese and careless driving self, topped off with her anti-science vax decision on the other hand…

And SHE is the one asking for an apology? Some people are just oblivious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

This one was the most militant hard core virtue signaller so far…I wonder if she is still alive to reflect on everything?

Mary W.
Mary W.
1 year ago
Reply to  Car

I doubt if she is now alive and believe me, she IS now reflecting if you are allowed to in that hot atmosphere.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

“this lady seems so jovial and funny despite everything”

First, that’s not a lady. That’s a zombie.
Second, being the queen of living in denial and a hardcore blue-pill junkie, does not make her funny at all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

really ironic she wrote on her GoFundMe page:

“There are surgical options, but they come with risks. Risks that may outweigh the potential benefits.”

(i think people who are above a certain age who still share/tweet excessively very personal details to the whole world are insecure narcissist. & require serious therapy)

Andy Armer
Andy Armer
2 years ago
Reply to  pam

(i think people who are above a certain age who still share/tweet excessively very personal details to the whole world are insecure narcissist. & require serious therapy) – NAILED IT.

Eman O
Eman O
2 years ago

I couldn’t help but laugh while reading this. I don’t feel sorry for her in the slightest. Good riddance to ‘she’ Hynes. These people are so lost that they lose their shit when someone simply asks WHEN they were vaxxed. Bye bye snow angel strawprincess, there will be less craziness in the world without you and your narcissistic self-absorbed virtue signaling attention seeking ass.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eman O

“These people are so lost that they lose their shit…” That is more right than you know. Literally, she has it all the way up to her chest, nearly neck deep in it. I am not making fun of it, and I have never even heard of such a case, but if she can cuss and mock and virtue signal all the way to the end, then so be it. She chose her life. Would have been better for her had she suffered an anaphylactic reaction or heart attack and quickly died.

Eman O
Eman O
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Karma it seems would have it another way. Hopefully she can read this blog in heaven, or hell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eman O

These replies all make me pretty sad. Just like I would feel sick when I’d see cultish people celebrating when anti-vaxxers died of covid, I feel sick watching people celebrate watching someone who was possibly injured by the vaccine. Both are just wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  JAmeson

most people are like cattle basically, they need and want to be guided, problem is for those who do not follow the herd they will eventually be either isolated or hunted at the end, you let me know about your feelings when they jab everyone and they come for you, you will be singing otherwise, because weak people like her are the reason why we are in this mess in a first place, enjoy your Armageddon, after all it won’t matter at the end, none of it will

2 years ago
Reply to  JAmeson

I don’t condone making sarcastic remarks about this poor lady. She is a human being and she is quite lost and not able to think for herself, however; she is continuing to stay positive even though, as a nurse, and we don’t have to be nurses or doctors to realize this lady is on her way to the grave. God rest her soul. We need to pray that she gets saved before she takes her last breath here on this earth. Please try to be kind to all people. If you blame anyone, blame the media, the CDC Director and those that are out to destroy humanity. God says, do not take vengeance. Discover beauty in everyone. God says, He will repay. “Vengeance is mine and I will repay.” Read Romans 12: 19-21. Thank you JAmeson for taking the right step.

2 years ago
Reply to  Isabel

don’t kid yourself
at any given chance if government tells these vaxxed zealots that unvaxxed are the reason that they might hit the bucket earlier they will throw you to the lions, already happening in some countries, while descending into the pit themselves there is no beauty in devil worshipping, that’s what they are doing basically accepting the mark and awaiting their own demise

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

You are right about that. Maybe that is what the Lord will require of us before the end. Look what he did for us! If we stay faithful, he will hold us in his hand. If any of the “sheeple” learn the truth from any true believers along the way, it’s worth it!

2 years ago
Reply to  JAmeson

These morons are the reasons why things have gotten as bad as they have with garbage like vaccine passports!

2 years ago
Reply to  JAmeson

Its not sad to celebrate the death of your enemies. They want you dead, and dying like they are. Good riddance..

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago
Reply to  JAmeson

It’s far too late for that “third way” moral equivalence cop-out. You either take courage and choose your side, or else you’ll be overtaken by events and someone else will choose it for you, whether you like it or not. Of course I expect nothing but a stubborn response from you, in which you will try to keep pretending that you are more moral than everyone else. The reality is, you’re not.

2 years ago

I think her colon has been lodged in her brain for years now, but she does has a humorous pfersonality. I’ll be pfraying for her.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago
Reply to  Joekerr

The saying “shit for brains” makes sense, now

2 years ago

Exactly what I was thinking. Great minds think alike, lol

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

It’s vaccination day!
It’s vaccination day!

I hope it works!
Even for this silly dork!

Silly dork, indeed! Some things are just not funny, as my grandmother in Liverpool, who survived the blitz in WWII said. Many of her neighbors did not.

This woman will perish. No doubt. Forget about these people. Save your prayers for the ones who resist this medical experimentation, who lost their jobs, or can’t see a doctor without it or even buy food.

2 years ago

‘Twice-divorced’: about the least-surprising detail in this catalogue of all-too-predictable disaster.

2 years ago

absolutely bonkers, like my ex, also double divorced now, what a coincidence

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

And most likely a borderline personality disorder to ice the strawprincess’ cake.

2 years ago
Reply to  Reba13

mine was bipolar, denied to be diagnosed as one and continued on her marry way, glad i could get out, sadly it didn’t happened sooner

2 years ago

She supports the LGBTQ agenda. She is wearing the LGBTQ color pins in the picture posted on this blog post. There is definitely a link between the folks taking these Covid shots, and their support for the LGBTQ community.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

She’s obviously a “progressive “ ie all emotion and no logic, a trait among these poor deluded vaxxers

2 years ago

The typical progressive doesn’t really know what is happening in the world or are in denial. I experienced that yesterday on Thanksgiving at my aunties house. There are Democrats that think Biden is doing a good job, and still believe Trump won the 2016 GOP election because of Russia. Bring up Obama, and watch how the conversation quickly turns into a discussion about race or racism. Progressives have really fallen for the liberal talking points on everything hook line and sinker not just Covid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

That particular group just loves Anthony Fauci. How ironic, since his AZT is what really killed, or perhaps is still killing, members of the LGBTQ.. Like I heard someone say, Covid-19 and Remdesivir is not Fauci’s first rodeo. And that dog and pony show going on between him and Rand Paul, with their “gain of function” diversion is as bogus as a three-dollar bill.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

There’s a new book out entitled, The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr. (available on Amazon) I have yet to read it, but it’s amazingly well documented and gives great insights into Fauci’s history. I think it’s safe to say he doesn’t care about people’s health. I’m not sure what RFK’s motivations were for writing the book, but regardless, I look forward to reading it to obtain greater insight into the current COVID/Vaccine situation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

I agree with you that there is definitely a link between the LGBTQ community and compliance in taking these shots and this surprises me, although perhaps it shouldn’t. I grew up a bisexual person in the 1970 & 80’s and I really struggled. I certainly never felt part of any group and I still don’t today. And I think there are many people like me who grew up on the outskirts and were ostracized. I’m surprised many gay and lesbian people are not protesting these shots along with their waning freedoms. (I don’t think many realize their freedom is waning whether or not they’re vaccinated.) After all, LGBTQ people fought so hard for their sexual freedom, for their right to get married, and for their right to exist in the mainstream. Why is this same group so compliant now?

Please know I respect others’ opinions. There are many aspects of the LGBTQ lifestyle that don’t sit well with me, including the hyper sexuality of many gay men (hooking up constantly, etc) as well as the cliquish behavior. With that said, these elements also exist in heterosexual culture, including hook ups. But I digress.

Brian, the writer of this blog, has written that those who identify as LGBTQ have been 92% compliant with taking these vaccines. I do truly wish that more gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people were resistive to this agenda. But for whatever reason, they’re not.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

LGBT is the most privileged, protected culture in U.S. history, other than Zionists. All anyone has to do is participate in immoral, anti-human, dead-end sexual debauchery, and they become untouchable in this society. Fought to get married? Ever since homosexual marriage was legalize, US marriage rates have dropped. Brian wrote about it in the depopulation article. All homosexuals did was ruin a sacred bond between men and women.

Not sure why you sound so surprised that LGBT obediently follow everything Fauci and vaccines. Their entire existence is based on lies and deceit. But Democrats and all mainstream media legitimize and protect their behavior and culture. So LGBT are forced to do whatever their puppetmasters who legitimize their immorality tell them to do. They cannot bite the hand that feeds them. The women are far worse than the men (is it wrong for me to call them women or men? Will I be cancelled?). Just look at this Hynes person. So far gone, so self-centered. She seems to be enjoying her slow death. And these types (LGBT women) are considered sophisticated by leftists. So weird.

Nobody fought for sexual freedom. You’re free to screw cats, dogs and whatever behind closed doors and always have been. All that’s different today is that it’s forced down our throats, just like vaccines are forced into our arms. LGBT is a cult just like vaccine obedience. Everyone is forced to accept and love LGBT and vaccines in the US. That’s how evil TPTB are.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

Well, I have to respectfully disagree with you. I can’t say I was privileged or protected at all growing up…far from it. I’ve been almost homeless twice and I struggled so hard for such a long time. I am so fortunate to have a small rental apartment right now which I cherish and I am doing ok financially. I am 53 and it took me a long time to achieve this. In terms of all LGBTQ people being hyper sexual, that’s quite a misnomer as I’ve spent many years of my adult life not only celebrate but also serving others in the jobs that I’ve held. I think anyone can be moral or immoral. It doesn’t depend on whom you’re attracted to.

With that said, is there a political agenda to mobilize and hypnotize the LGBTQ “community”? Yes. I think so. And I refuse to be part of that. Not all of us fit the stereotype you describe. Nor do I ever discuss my sexuality or push it on anyone. The only reason I bring it up now is that I have read many LGBTQ comments on this blog that are essentially the other side of the coin of Ms. Cheryl Hines. Whether one is a virtue signaler or a hater of a specific group, isn’t it the same thing? Ms. Hines disdains anti-vaxxers while others hate LGBTQ. Do hate and prejudice really advance any type of useful future agenda?

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

You’re proving my point. In your first comment you said,

There are many aspects of the LGBTQ lifestyle that don’t sit well with me, including the hyper sexuality of many gay men”

Now you are saying,

“In terms of all LGBTQ people being hyper sexual, that’s quite a misnomer.”

You literally contradicted yourself in a matter of two comments. This is LGBT culture in a nutshell. Deceit, projection, circular logic, straw man arguments and lies. I’d rather not continue this discussion. It’s literally the same thing as trying to talk sensibly to vaxx zealots.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Thanks for destroying society and everything that was ever good, special, right and turning everything into an Abomination. Thanks for robbing people like me of my future and you **** will never, ever ever be married, you dont even have the right to speak those words and other such terms like “love”. Thanks for destroying 2 entire generations, mine and the upcoming one, far as im concerned there is no punishment good enough for your community (especially you females) not in this life or the next because it changes or undoes nothing. You are all an insult to us men, an intrusion into our domain and have no right to be with another woman and shouldn’t know what any moment of it is like. You’re entire community is built on lies and i will rejoice when you all get what’s coming as every single one of you and your supporters are nothing but a poison in society, a cancer, a plague of the worst kind. You all have to answer for your influence and what you approve of, you are all dragging people down with you. Think what you like, about what i say here, i dont care, its nothing compared to what you and your fellow Pe****ts have done.

2 years ago

You’re are a good man, Brian. The read was an unfolding horror story that touched me, despite my disdain.

2 years ago

It is interesting to me how so many people refuse to connect the dots with these vaccines. IMO, out of all the “vaccines”, Moderna is the worst. It doses at a 4X higher rate than Pfizer (per Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA technology). Also, we have absolutely no data on the interchanging of these various vaccines. I absolutely would not recommend doing that.

It’s interesting to me that this woman flew off the handle when her ex-sister-in-law voiced concern and asked her a simple question. I’ve received that response several times as well. For the most part, I don’t even bother presenting logical arguments or asking rational questions anymore. I worked in U.S. healthcare for 20 years as an occupational therapist but people generally say, “Oh, you’re not a doctor so you don’t know anything.” It’s crazy to me that people won’t do their own research. They refuse to question the establishment.

I feel sorry for this woman…I really do. But I also feel sorry for the fact that she’s basically encouraging people to blindly trust the Canadian healthcare system. I bet no provider she interacted with suggested this may be (at least in part) a vaccine reaction. If you absolutely must get vaccinated, stay away from Moderna. For Ms Hynes’ sake, I pray that she recovers and is able to lead a decent life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

There’s absolutely no recovery for this woman. Her life is over, she’s just waiting for it to officially end. These injections are a one way ticket.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

You know, I’d also thought of the vaccinations as being a 1-way ticket. But now, we’re almost 7 months in, ie, it’s now more than 6 months since most people had their 2nd dose. I suppose I had expected to see more complications, but so far, so good. I really, really want to wrong. I want nothing bad to happen to all the people who’ve been double or triple vaxxed.

Yesterday, at Thanksgiving dinner, I learned that everybody has been triple vaxxed. Everybody seems fine. They’re all my family. It’s terrifying to think of the suffering that will precede the funerals. So, I hope I’m wrong about everything.

Having said all that, though, I wonder how long it will be till … people start dropping like flies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Hi Karen, I agree with you. I don’t see it as everyone perishing at once. It’s more like Russian Roulette if you get injected. The best you can hope for is “nothing bad happens” and you have supposed increased immunity from COVID for a few months until the vaccine wanes in effectiveness. Each time you get injected, it’s another round of Russian Roulette with the spike protein increasing in your body (not good to say the least). I think there are many reasons these vaccines were implemented but I’m not going to write about it here. The U.S. VAERS database is off the charts with COVID-19 vaccine related injuries and death…enough so that these vaccines should be stopped, especially since there are viable alternatives with repurposed drugs such as Ivermectin that have been deliberately suppressed by the media but are also tremendously effective.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Oh, I will explain my thoughts further.

There are different dose levels on the vax according to and perhaps different formulations as well. For those who are having these severe reactions right away, it is definitely a one way ticket. I understand some may have received placebos and others smaller doses. They don’t want everyone to die off at once as the program would stop. The jabs are so cleverly designed that they cause so many different symptoms that they can be explained away…for now.

I certainly don’t wish for anyone to fall into the vax trap. The whole notion of vaccination is a practice that needs to just stop. It has always been a soft kill program masquerading as disease prevention.

My family too is vaxxed, one even triple vaxxed. So far, so good. But we don’t know yet what the outcome will be and if they keep getting jabbed then at one point chances are they will get a kill shot.

I can’t make any headway with them and I think of them every day. They are the ones aligned with more leftist principles, so yes, there is a willingness to believe in falsehoods. I hope they stay well but they are so mainstream and in some cases completely non-stream. That oblivious.

It’s sad and frustrating.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Whistleblowers have said that there are 30% placebo saline shots. Another has low dosage. Another has high dosage. It’s a huge lab rat experiment on humans. I call it an IQ test.

failure = death

Lynn Kenedy
Lynn Kenedy
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

There are serious adverse reactions to these injections, but the thing that doctors like Luc Montagnier and Vladimir Zelenko warn about is the Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) that will kick in. That’s where the large death rate is expected. This flu season and the next two are what these men fear.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

We were talking today about the athletes who have died “unexpectedly” or “suddenly” while playing soccer, or running, or bike riding, and who have had heart “attacks” (flat-out stopping, AFib, etc.) while being very active and have concluded that maybe sedentary people are not dying/collapsing from their jabbety-jabbed-up bodies because they are primarily sedentary. You know the type, never exercise or run, or do anything but sit, drive and work at a computer. Maybe overweight. If they actually pushed their heart rate up, or were in a marathon or sporting competition, we might see more people we know collapsing. We might find more people reporting shortness of breath, too, indicating possible clots. Just a working theory. And of course there is ADE. When a jabbed body’s immune system is enhanced to the point of damaging same said body during a subsequent infection. Three jabs already for your relatives? If the experts are right, they are destroying their immune systems bit by bit unless the drug makers really have been secretly, illegally, tweaking the formulas all along, off and on. How can anyone really know? Big Evil pHARMA does not want to release their data.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

You brought up sudden exertions/marathons. I’d expected that we would see a lot more ‘events’ at the marathons. A son-in-law of my sister-in-law ran the Boston marathon. He’d had the Pfizer protocol, both ‘jabs’. He, among others, ran with no problems. His mother-in-law, though, has been beset with all kinds of problems. At the time of the marathon, she’d had only 2 jabs. She has since had the booster. She’s had severe gastro-intestinal distress, severe joint inflammation, long term prednisone with methotrexate added in. She’s had 3 UTIs in a month, an eye infection. Yes, I know that UTIs have to do with an overgrowth of bacteria and that abx resolved her eye infection. Still, it is my observation that she is not the same as she was pre-vax. She even looks different.

Soon, her daughter and son-in-law will be back in the country for the Christmas break. I suspect strongly that at that time, they will both get the boosters. They have a 15 month old and I think they would like to have another child. She’s 35 and he’s 36. They’re an interesting couple to watch. I suspect that she’s pregnant again. They haven’t made an announcement, but I think that she is. I’m afraid for them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Some are walking time bombs and just don’t know it. Hopefully my loved ones will survive this madness but I am already seeing the effects from the injections.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

My BF’s vaxxed 84 yr old father, had a nose bleed for 3 days and now bruises easily. My brother tripled vaxxed now says he had blood in the urine and may be bladder cancer. I don’t know what to say

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

It may never happen. I am in the same boat. People I love have taken the shots and are fine, and I am thankful. Some have listened to me and refuse them. I myself could lose everything if my exemption should be voided for any reason, but if it is “the mark”, I must stand by my faith.

I am scared about the invisible graphene hydroxide flakes that are supposedly self-assembling “nano-razor-blades”; they make up over 90% of the volume of every single one of the death-poison clot-shots. I suspect that if the right EM radiation frequency is directed toward a person who’s shot full of these things, the nano-razors will begin “shivering” and cutting blood vessels and tissues. Painful and horrible death, on command!

I hope I’m wrong!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sig

I think you’re correct about the EM aspect. Its the only part of 5G that makes sense (or what in wifi tech is called beam-forming).

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

“For the most part, I don’t even bother presenting logical arguments or asking rational questions anymore.” YES, and it is like the movie Roger Rabbit, being a real person in a cartoon world, isn’t it? Plain ever-true arithmetic told anyone who employed it with the deaths claims versus population, that the threat was empty, pretend. A fourth-grader with half a brain could — and no doubt did — see it from the earliest days, only to stand dumbfounded as ostensibly sane people lost their minds and not only ignored arithmetic, but got angry, furious, at even the gentlest attempts to suggest it. Bizarre.

My brother was SHOCKED when I opined that science and medicine are beliefs, just like religion. That arithmetic was the truth teller and because science and medicine employ it, they want to claim the same legitimate certainty as arithmetic. He was SHOCKED that I might be “anti science” (no more than I am anti religion or anti medicine), I could see the dilemma when I observed what he knows — arithmetic is the same today as it was 2,000 years ago, any where, for anyone, while science and medicine have TOTALLY different ideas now than only 200 years ago.

People are conditioned to scorn anyone who would deny “science” as being the same as someone who would scorn arithmetic-ignorant boobs who believed 2 plus two was 5. They MUST be snapped out of it and accept that medicine, science, and religion are ALL good, legitimate, useful, BELIEFS. Arithmetic, on the other hand, is a tool that will ALWAYS reveal truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

The Bible refers to “science falsely so-called”. That is the kind of science we have today. There Is a legitimate science where a hypothesis is introduced, and experiments are done to either prove or disprove that hypothesis according to whether the results vary or remain the same. This is how I was taught, and that was not 200 years ago. I sometimes think I just made it to the borderline before the drop-off into the crazy canyon. Science taught as repeatable results you could bank on, and within a few years time science presented as fairy tales, where cause and effect is now considered ‘anecdotal”. Up is down and down is up in the year 2021 and beyond.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

If this woman cares more about protecting the drug companies and playing politics than her own health, why should anyone else care about her health either. It is horrible but some people you just cannot save.

2 years ago

The ability to deny reality is a prerequisite for embracing leftist ideologies. So, it makes sense that this woman would deny that the vax has anything to do with her deteriorating health. Her screen handle clearly shows this. Befuddled, immature, attention seeking, sad and probably very lonely woman.

2 years ago

The human race is being cleansed of brainwashed morons like this, suppose that is a good thing!

2 years ago

I have no words for this article other than sad.

I can barely believe what I read; the story is so bizarre it boggles the mind.

2 years ago

What a deranged narcissist. Would even bet she suffers from Munchausen syndrome and is delighting in all the attention, even up to when they turn the life support off due to the Frankenjections she has poisoned herself with.

2 years ago
Reply to  Turpin

That’s exactly what I was thinking. Munchaisen syndrome. She has way too much pleasure in this. She almost seems happy this is happening to get as much attention as she can!

2 years ago
Reply to  Dee

Masochism, with a desperate desire to be accepted by other people, in a word homologation.

The psycologist Solomon Asch explained with an interesting experiment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Turpin

It’s more complex than narcissism.

Projecting the figure of the good-father on the institution, and negating that evil can come from it, seems a lot like an abuse from her father when she was young.

So there’s neighter masochism like I previosly wrote. Because her words are sincere, she really believe in vaxes and instutions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Turpin

Absolutely. Receiving attention is truly an addiction. It’s fascinating, but I have researched out but people who are addicted to attention actually receive the same dopamine hit as an alcoholic, drug abuser or smoker when they get positive comments, likes or more followers.

Unfortunately, like some addicts… This is not going to end well for this woman and she will likely be doing a selfie video as they disconnect her life support and will likely instruct the attending nurses to hit the “post“ button when it is all done.

Last edited 2 years ago by ZuckerRat
The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Just wow. The situation is classic Mark Twain…
“It is far easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.”
A fantastic observation (and so true).

2 years ago

This lady is insame

2 years ago

Wow…this is one of the top Virtue Signalling, reality deniers, found in the wild…Hey Cheryl, please don’t lecture us about an $8 injection while you are costing the taxpayers untold sums of money…So you don’t think it was the Pfizer or even the Moderna that caused you all this pain? Does that mean you are going to stay asleep and get your Scheduled Booster Jab? Don’t forget to let us all know how that works out Cheryl…Keep the Faith and Trust in the Science…but please please just leave the rest of us alone…

2 years ago

No need to update—she has willingly ended herself. What a contemptible human being.

I have been looking into demonic possession *don’t judge* just to see why people are so hateful, miserable, intolerant, evil, blatantly self-righteous and ignorant. I come to find out possession is not always what we have seen in movies (although in rare cases it can be)–180 degrees head turning, Linda Blair face/body contorting, speaking in different tongues, overt behavior. The eclipse of the soul that interests me, can come almost unknowingly into one’s life and infect true human spirit/will, in ways we are seeing today–(e.g. cannot make eye contact, unable to commit to a relationship, homosexuality, unnatural thoughts (sexual at times) towards others or children, lying, extreme depression, overconsumption of medications, excessive materialism, zero empathy, etc..).

My seeking of “the WHY” is ever consuming–I just cannot comprehend current human behavior throughout this plandemic–no logic, no love, no empathy, no reasoning, no listening, no instinct–just–listen, obey, consume, repeat (very much like the movie, “They Live”). There must be something possessing Cheryl, and all the other virtue signalers, to continue defending this propoganda (besides utter stupidity).

To all those who have been avid readers and commenters on this blog, NEVER CONSENT, be strong and stay united. Many thanks to Brian, for providing a safe platform for all of us to rant.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Disgusting person, pro lgbt, posting anti-male comments, hmm, isn’t that “sexist”? oh yeah, i forgot, not when women do it. I’m looking forward to the day God holds them accountable for the mind boggling hypocrisy just for that alone and the what its done to society and the family structure. Plus those who support such things as LGBT, will be held as guilty as those who practice it, as layed out in Romans Chapter 1 as it talks about those who give hearty approval to that abomination. No Sympathy for this person who advocates for every evil thing under the sun.

2 years ago

Is it not completely strange this woman documents all her medical problems practically minute by minute. Such need for attention, it is almost sick.

Aside from this, the number of ailments is rather bizarre. Imagine if her other left lung goes… then that would be it for her. Further shots will do her in.

2 years ago

Ah Miss Hynes sounds like a loyal customer, too bad she won’t be around to enjoy the 4th jab.

2 years ago

An old Malay proverb,… ‘Bodoh tak boleh diajar, pandai tak boleh diikut’… translates to ‘Too dumb to be taught, too smart to be followed/emulated’… pffftttt..

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

Sad. I’ve noticed a new virtue signaling that is almost hilarious: if somebody asks if the suffering victim was vaccinated, the person or their surviving family members respond with a sanctimonious “How dare you!” Meanwhile they usually documented or boasted about said vaccine, and in our current clown world, that private medical information is needed by a barista if I want to buy a cup of coffee in San Francisco…I guess it only works if people don’t connect the dots?

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

It almost seems that throughout her life she is addicted to medical procedures and surgeries. Maybe she loves the attention she gets from the medical staff because it seems she’s getting a medical tune up somewhere on her body quite often. Now that she’s been damaged by the Covid19 death vax, she can proudly wear her badge of honor while keeping everyone posted about her health journey on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

So strange, so sad.

2 years ago

What an idiot. She could use her vaccine caused ills to stop others from getting sick, but she won’t. we see it over and over, they are so brainwashed they won’t admit the huge fact in front of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  john

Maybe her brain has kicked over into this level of complete denial as a defence mechanism?

On some level, she must know that she has f*cked up royally and with no returns. The brain has weird and fascinating ways of protecting us from ourselves.

2 years ago

I kept thinking of Munchausen disorder when I was wading through all of her “witty” and self serving rants. This woman thrives on the attention and emotional fuel she is getting from her downward spiral towards complete dysfunction and likely soon death. She’s a devotee of the Cult of Sickness and believes herself and others like her to be of the superior race.

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
2 years ago

Reckless indifference and first degree murder used to be crimes. We can always over compensate by expediting trials and executions for ALL medical personnel and pharmaceutical manufacturers who intentionally issued Death Jabs. it won’t be difficult. They have a cult with a membership list.

2 years ago

I read all her stuff and my heart breaks for her, truly. I wouldn’t wish anything like this upon anyone, and you can tell she was really trying to keep her spirits high with silly tweets etc while hospitalized but my god, going through her tweets she hasn’t caught a break. She even got an infected IV port. And on top of that she has a disabled child at home who depends on her. I pray she recovers. I pray things calm down. I know some people just don’t want to face the reality that maybe a shot they voluntarily put into their body could cause such life-altering issues but maybe she’s just in denial – grieving her old life (denial is a stage of grief!) thanks for posting her gofundme. I hope she recovers and Gets the financial help she needs. She has been through A LOT.

2 years ago

It is refreshing to see the UCLA physicians help this man with repair of the Phrenic Nerve.Praise God for Physicians that care.

2 years ago

I think people have had a blind spot when it comes to doctors, experts and media for a long time now. However and conversely – many realised long ago or felt something off and this “worldwide ceremony of sacrifice” jolted them like a burst of static to shake their heads clear of the fog. Yes people I am surrounded by simply refuse to look at anything other than sanctioned information which is so inconsistent and confusing at the best of times but they keep believing it. “Science means to question” but my government actually said that they are the only source of truth. When you hear that you realise a psychological operation is in play.
A dominating parent tells their child for the entirety of their controlled life –
“Trust no-one but me and what I say and believe my word only.” The
state has become people’s parents. “Someone” they will never meet, that does
not care if they live or die VS friends who genuinely love and will be there
for them. However they will not listen to me because I am not a “DR” and yet
the most famous of their scientists never had a single qualification. In fact
many heroes that people worship had no qualifications did they? All diabolical
arguments that have no foundation in logic or reason. All programming by the
authorities to do one thing and one thing only – CONTROL.

2 years ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

Absolutely correct… And everyone of us has been brainwashed on some level. Anyone who has ever attended school has essentially been conditioned to be an obedient little slave.

We have been conditioned to believe that the “government is good“… And is altruistic and only has our best interest in mind. In most places in the western world, you lose your job… You get some sort of employment insurance. Healthcare is available, and in some countries is even paid for by the government (using money that they have stolen from you).

We have been conditioned to trust medical professionals without question. They give you a pill and you just take it… You don’t do any research or look into it yourself… They get very angry with you if you do. They recommend a procedure, and you just dutifully do it – no questions asked.

I think I can safely say that none of us who have been through the school system were taught to hunt, fish, handle livestock, garden, invest money or purchase real estate.

In mini school districts, they have even done away with home economics and shop classes… So now we have full grown adults who can’t even cook a decent meal, men’s clothing or change a tire…

We have been conditioned to be weak and dependent. The evolution of cellular phones to smart phones was no accident. The legalization of marijuana in many places directly proceeding this pandemic was also no accident.

A sick, fat, drunk/stoned, addicted and scared population is very easy to control, no?

abinico warez
abinico warez
2 years ago

Ms. Hynes, who already had some sort of preexisting kidney condition and mental health issues…

Andy Armer
Andy Armer
2 years ago

Jesus Wept…

Andy Armer
Andy Armer
2 years ago

Gave $5 to her go fund me… It was big of you to put the Go Fund Me link in your post. This story straight F’d me up

james arsenault
james arsenault
2 years ago

I actually feel sorry for this woman. How can someone be so ignorant?

Mark G
Mark G
2 years ago

Given her recent accident, I was inclined to think she merely had an undiagnosed ruptured diaphragm on her right side – note her broken right arm. I know she did not complain of broken ribs, but you never know.
Diaphragmatic rupture with right colon and small intestine herniation after blunt trauma: a case report
[…]This was an unusual case of traumatic right-sided diaphragmatic hernia. Because the right diaphragm is protected by the liver, such injuries almost exclusively involve the left diaphragm [4-6]. Diaphragmatic ruptures may be revealed many years after the initial trauma, presenting as abdominal visceral herniation and complications such as strangulation and perforation [7].

Two things of note. The man in the above case study had busted ribs. Lady strawprincess makes no mention of small intestine intrusion which seems rather odd. All the information I have looked at for perforated diaphragm so far usually include the small intestine. On the other hand, since right perforations is somewhat rare, maybe this isn’t unusual. And then we have the problem of the swollen liver. It amazes me that her liver function is a-ok but be swollen 3x its normal size!

Question: Is her diaphragm perforated? If yes, was it caused by her scooter accident months prior or was it caused by her ballooning liver? I’m inclined to think it was her ballooning liver. No doubt this damaged the phrenic nerve on its expanding foray. I see MRI’s and exploratory surgeries in her near future. .

2 years ago

A kind of masochism together with a desperate desire to homologate.

Some people project the figure of a good father on the institutions, and can’t imagine evil can come from them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roberto

following the herd has been shown to be anti depressant according to some studies. Until a certain point that is! it seems that point has been reached

2 years ago

She ain’t gonna last much longer so who cares…. everyone protect your own and people willing to think for themselves and listen to reason.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

The leftist vaxx cult will gladly sacrifice you, your family, and your entire society on the bloody altar of their Holy Narrative.

2 years ago

Can someone smarter than me explain how does the vaxxxx ends up displacing your organs? do they swell out of proportion and move because of this?
I was about to give that virtue signaling woman a pass as those symptoms don’t look like the usual post vaxxx stuff

2 years ago
Reply to  yann

See Mark G’s post above. Informative. I’ve been wondering also how a person’s organs can become displaced.

2 years ago

So, let this serve as a lesson for us to stop pitying these GMO-people

Non GMO human
Non GMO human
2 years ago

I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, that she would contact you about this article. And she wants an apology too LOL!!!

Your Dad
Your Dad
2 years ago

This is what she gets… People like her that blindly put this sh*t into their body without any question are fools and now are in denial “TruSt THe sCieNce” yeah, paid for science… She never looked like she was healthy in her pics.. Just an overweight, virtue signaling talking head… They are suiciding themselves.

2 years ago

That is really horrible!

She really does need help now, specifically anyone nearby that can go and share the word of God with her. I am sad for her. Will pray she learns the truth before it’s too late.

2 years ago

Nurse Sarah gave her the Pfizer shot.

Nurse Sam gave her the Moderna shot.

Remember a year and a half ago? All the signs at every medical center: “Heroes Work Here!”

Well, the “heroes” are now giving these still-experimental death-poison clot-shots containing 90% graphene, to little children. Already I am reading stories about a dead five-year-old boy and a seven-year-old girl with a stroke!

In my opinion, the full names and information of every one of the “heroes” who administer these shots should be recorded in full, and when any one of their recipients dies, they should at least be notified that they were at least partly responsible for the death of someone’s loved one.

Unfortunately, the “genius” of these shots is that the dirtbag Pharma CEOs were able to sell them as “vaccines”, and that the “vaccines” kill people slowly. (Less cleanup, you know…)

Cyanide would certainly be a more effective death-shot, but the mess! Not only that, but you’d see a lot more people become “vaccine hesitant”. Can’t have that…

2 years ago
Reply to  Sig

Agree. I no longer view doctors and nurses with respect. I know some are still worthy of those titles. But in general I view them with the same critical eye as I would a drug pusher. Drug pusher is more honest. I hear some complaining they are all overwhelmed with the workload at the hospitals etc. Well, you should have stood with your unvaccinated coworkers when they were getting fired. Serves the medical “heroes” right.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

they maintain the vaccine is good even as it kills them, so sick!

2 years ago

I hope these people find the help they need. That being said, I’ve seen so many who keep drinking the koolaid and accepting the propaganda. Masks don’t do anything, the covid injections are certifiably lethal, but many of them continue supporting the official narrative despite their condition. And now they look to help from their government, the same government that lied to them telling them the lethal injections were safe. I can all but guarantee they won’t get anywhere petitioning liars.

I know not everyone in government is a pos but the reality is the majority either don’t care or are powerless, otherwise all this would’ve stopped by now.

2 years ago

I spoke with Cheryl today and she is opening her heart to Jesus! She appreciates all the prayers and healing energies sent to her. I think we’re finally making such progress with this poor woman. I have resumed my donations to her that she may find the one and true path of the Lord and Savior! Amen

Mary Carroll
Mary Carroll
2 years ago
Reply to  Miranda

This is a great update Miranda! Let Cheryl know many of us love her and are praying for her and wish her well. ? Keep the updates coming.

John O'Gaunt
John O'Gaunt
2 years ago

Any updates? The last entry from her GoFundMe page was 20th Dec referring to her starting heart medication, which going on the pace of comments before that lends a morbid tone to the lack of updates since.

Mary Carroll
Mary Carroll
2 years ago
Reply to  John O'Gaunt

I was sadly thinking the same thing ?. I know she displayed hostility toward those who exercise caution regarding the jab, but I really hope she’s ok.

2 years ago

She’s a member of a cult. The shot is the sacrament. Disturbing.

2 years ago

I just can’t make it make sense. It’s turned into a sick cult for some people.

They are literally peptide addicted to the Narrative and trauma bonded to these narcissistic Satanic psychopath abusers, and they don’t even realize it.

But…get this….

My boss developed Menieres after her shots, but she believed she had gotten an asymptomatic case of Covid and was now a long hauler and was in denial after I suggested it could be the shots.

I hoped I had at least planted the seed, but she texted us on Friday to let us know she was leaving earlier to go get the booster.

Now, guess who just text and said she “needed to work from home today.”

I wonder why. ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

Some people are just too far gone.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x