Tshiama Anaclet Tshiama: 24-year-old Mormon missionary dies “unexpectedly” as LDS leaders mandate injections and invest in big pharma

December 31, 2021

Elder Tshiama Anaclet Tshiama.

ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST — A 24-year-old Congolese missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka Mormon Church and LDS Church, is dead, becoming at least the 11th Mormon missionary to die suddenly and/or unexpectedly in 2021.

Elder Tshiama Anaclet Tshiama was originally from Luputa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. It’s unclear how long he’s been a member of the LDS Church. But Mr. Tshiama was doing missionary work in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire in 2021, according to a press release by the church. Note that Mormon missionaries are not paid, per se. They volunteer and, according to Mormon missionaries on Quora, “might receive” $400-$500 per month from the church, depending on mission location.

A travel companion found Mr. Tshiama dead on December 19. He reportedly died in his sleep. The LDS Church said there’s no definitive answer as to how the young man died. But “preliminary reports suggest it is the result of an undiagnosed medical condition,” the press release states.

We emailed the LDS Church for more information, but have not heard back from them as of publishing.

Mormon leaders mandate injections for foreign missionaries

Russell M. Nelson is the 17th president and prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He assumed that position on Sunday, January 14, 2018. Nelson is also a long-time doctor, surgeon and medical researcher. He has thus been beholden to big pharma since receiving his medical degree from the University of Utah in 1947.

Dr. Nelson and seven other senior LDS Church leaders did the “vaccine on camera” thing on January 19.

Dr. Russell Nelson receiving his mRNA injection.

The LDS Church released a statement that day for church members and missionaries:

As appropriate opportunities become available, the Church urges its members, employees and missionaries to be good global citizens and help quell the pandemic by safeguarding themselves and others through immunization. Individuals are responsible to make their own decisions about vaccination.

An April 30 press release used stronger language and essentially mandated the injections for all Mormon missionaries.

Young missionaries in the United States who will travel to a mission outside their home country on or after August 1, 2021, should be vaccinated before traveling. Senior missionaries may travel to their assigned mission, where visa and travel conditions permit, after they have been vaccinated. Missionaries who choose not to receive the required immunizations, which will now include the COVID-19 vaccination, will be assigned to a mission in their home country in accordance with long-standing existing Church policies.

RELATED:  Matthew 6:24 – thousands of U.S. Christian churches are serving the wrong god by facilitating mRNA and viral vector DNA injections (December 14, 2021)


Mr. Tshiama was from the Congo and doing his missionary work in the Ivory Coast. Thus he was “fully vaccinated” in accordance with church policy. An August 12, 2021 press release reinforced the previous two declarations, adding that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are “safe and effective.” LDS leadership also urged all church members to wear masks. Though letters from clergy are not required for religious exemptions from the injections, Mormon leaders said they do not support such exemptions.

Some LDS churches experienced vast increases in both vaccination and mask-wearing rates after the August statement. Brigitte Madrian, dean of the Brigham Young University (BYU) business school, told the Salt Lake Tribune that Dr. Nelson is “both a world-renowned physician and a prophet.” She urged students at the Mormon flagship university to “follow the prophet.”

Follow the profit we did

We decided to heed the advice of Ms. Madrian, except we followed a different “prophet.” The Mormon Church was always very secretive about its finances. But that all changed in 2019 due to whistleblowers.

A website called Mormonleaks first started publishing data on the inner working of the LDS Church in 2018. It found that the church is connected to at least 13 investment firms and hedge funds worth over $32 billion. David Nielsen is a former Mormon. The Minnesota man, along with his brother Lars Nielsen, dug into the church’s finances further and published the findings in the form of a complaint to the Internal Revenue Service in November 2019.

The 74-page IRS complaint exposes the legal racket of “non-profit” churches as a whole and how the LDS Church enriches a few top leaders via investing/gambling member tithes. Ensign Peak Advisors (EPA) was incorporated in 1997 as a section 509(a)3 “supporting organization” for the LDS Church. That status allows EPA to circumvent financial disclosure rules. EPA pays little to no federal or otherwise taxes because of said status. Mr. Nielsen, who deserves a lot of credit for his impressive work exposing the church for what it is, summed up the EPA/LDS relationship in one sentence.

RELATED: CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest (March 23, 2021)


“The Mormon Church could tell every member in the world to stop tithing and it could continue funding every program in full [and still make a profit],” he said, paraphrased. All Mormons are required to give 10% of their income to the LDS Church. Mr. Nielsen made a seven-minute video summing up the IRS complaint.

Mormonleaks pressured Ensign Peak Advisors to file disclosures for its Q4 2019 Wall Street holdings. You can see the entire disclosure document here. But the most important part of it relates to big pharma.

The LDS Church, via EDS, owned $646 million in Johnson & Johnson stocks in Q4 2019, its fifth-largest investment in any one individual company.

Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon, aka the Fauci “fact-checkers,” are of course the top four companies the LDS Church is invested in. Facebook, Merck and the Walt Disney Company (ABC, ESPN, etc.) are also in the top 15. The LDS Church owns $81 million in Pfizer stock.

Several Mormon missionary deaths in 2021

Of course vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. But unless it’s normal for 11 Mormon missionaries to die in a 12-month span, then there’s been more coincidences in LDS land than ever before in 2021. One of the deaths happened in Nigeria on January 1, 2021 and was thus not likely caused by the lethal injections. Five of said deaths, all under age 20, were from car crashes in the United States.

RELATED: Jessica Turner: 34-year-old Massachusetts woman has seizure while driving five days after first Pfizer mRNA injection (August 23, 2021)


A 21-year-old Mormon missionary in El Salvador died from drowning on March 5, 2021. Make what you will of all the foregoing. But at least four of these deaths, including Mr. Tshiama, fall right in line with what we’ve been covering for a year now.

Elder Saintlouis Pointdujours Dortilus.

Mr. Saintlouis Pointdujours Dortilus was a 24-year-old Haitian Mormon missionary. He died of “sudden health issues” in Port-au-Prince on January 26, 2021.

Giovanni Pelin Pangan.

Philippines Mormon missionary Giovanni Pelin Pangan died “unexpectedly” of a heart attack on March 9, 2021. He was just 48 years old.

José Maria Batalla.

Argentinian Mormon missionary José Maria Batalla was serving in Bolivia when he died of cardiac arrest on July 13, 2021 in a Fort Lauderdale, Florida hospital. He was 60 years old. The Mormon Church blamed COVID-19 for his death.

Divest of organized religion

Note for non-Americans and those not in the know – Utah is home to 2.1 million Mormons. The next closest state is California, with about 757,000. There are about 17 million Mormons worldwide. This blogger doesn’t pretend to be an expert in Latter Day Saints ideology. But a one-year stay in Cedar City, Utah in the mid-late 1990s was like an immersion program into Mormon life and culture. There are sweet, nice people in Cedar City. But at least back then, it was readily apparent that the lifestyle was very strict. Young people rebelled a lot, kind of like Amish kids sneaking away from their homes and participating in forbidden activities.

Mr. Tshiama and at least seven of the other Mormon missionaries who died in 2021 would likely be alive today if CEO Russell M. Nelson didn’t force them into injections. So-called “church leaders” are just as dangerous today as mainstream doctors and hospitals. Churches enjoy tax benefits from a U.S. federal government that actively coerces and forces experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

Again, have your personal relationship with God. U.S. churches are now vaccine clinics and advertising agencies for Pfizer, Moderna, et al. Stop tithing to big pharma churches and give directly to people in need. That is what Jesus Christ would want.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

En mi religión también se ha presionado para que muchos se inyecten este veneno.
Estoy muy triste por ello, por favor no hagan caso de sus líderes religiosos en esto, la vida es lo más precioso que tenemos. Valoremosla muchísimo

2 years ago

Gracias! ¡Que Dios te bendiga! ¡Es maravilloso tener noticias de hermanos y hermanas de todo el mundo!

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Si. Es maravilloso.
Seamos fuertes y valientes, es lo que nos ayudará a sobrevivir a esto.
2022 será un año difícil para los no vacunados incluso de nuestros propios hermanos debemos protegernos.
Es triste.
Sigamos adelante sin dejarnos vencer

2 years ago

LDS is just as bad as the other churches in not following the word of God. Their prophet is profit. It’s resembling a cult not a gathering of the faithful in following the Lord. I was raised in a church going family. Loved every minute of it. Provides guidance, fellowship and a path to salvation. But a lot of churches I see today do not do that. They are a shell of the Christian values and beliefs I was taught. They are best to be avoided and worship on your own or in a gathering with other believers. God bless you all and have a wonderful 2022. ❤️

2 years ago

Dr. Nelson and seven other senior LDS Church leaders did the “vaccine on camera” thing on January 19.

Did he really? Just because he put on a show doesn’t mean he got the real deal. Same as with those other public offiicials like Biden. Pfizer knew about the side effects before he was given the jab and I read years ago that any product that would cause harm to the President is forbidden. He may have just got sugar or saline in his syringe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Redpill

He needs to extend his earthly life as long as possible because deep down inside they know there is nothing waiting for them on the other side…at the levels of these leaderships…and calling themselves ” Prophets ” they are required to offer the Goat much more than just a Fake Needle Psyop…they have to offer Sacrifices…for those that wear Red Shoes and are honorary members of the Black Eye Club…

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

That’s why they are so devoted to transhumanism. Trying their damndest to “live forever” without figuring out the only way to do that is through Jesus Christ. Jokes on them.

2 years ago

The Mormons are not true followers of the true Christ, they worship a false christ. Mormon leaders have taught that Jesus’ incarnation was the result of a physical relationship between God the Father and Mary (Journal of Discourses, vol. 8, p. 115; Mormon Doctrine, p. 547). Mormons believe Jesus is a god, but that any human can also become a god (Doctrine and Covenants 132:20; Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 345–354). Mormonism teaches that salvation can be earned by a combination of faith and good works (LDS Bible Dictionary, p. 697). Mormons believe the following about God: He has not always been the Supreme Being of the universe (Mormon Doctrine, p. 321) but attained that status through righteous living and persistent effort (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 345). They believe God the Father has a “body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s” (Doctrine and Covenants 130:22)
The bible teaches that salvation rests entirely upon the finished work of Christ alone, He is the propitiation/satisfaction for the sins of His people. “For by grace are you saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God, not of works lest any man boast.’ Eph. 2:8,9

2 years ago
Reply to  laurie

Indeed, the Morman church is just Gnosticism by another name. Their main temple in SLC is covered in Gnostic symbols. In the beginning, the Morman church was just another Christian sect with bizarre flourishes…until Joseph Smith became a Freemason. Then he went hog-wild, adding all kinds of Freemasonic ideas, including the little aprons that Mormans wear in their temple ceremonies.

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

About two years ago my aunt gave me her copy of Harry Beardsly’s book “Joseph Smith and his Mormon Empire”. Written back in the 1930’s. Very good read. What a con man he was. As far as Freemasonry goes, I believe that the book stated that one of the first buildings built in Nauvoo Illinois was a Freemason Lodge. Another religion founded by Freemasonry is the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They have a financial side that is much bigger than the door knocking side. Also, they have not been meeting in their church buildings (Kingdom Halls) since the Plandemic began. The rumor going around the ex-JW circles that I hang out with is that the mothership is about to sell off all of those lovely Kingdom Halls built mostly with local funds and labor. And the $$$ will go where? Some bank account in the Cayman Islands?

2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

Charles Taze Russell’s zany ideas about Christianity were considered heresy and shocking in his day. He was a rabid Zionist (actually claiming the Hebrews built the Great Pyramid, along with many other baldfaced lies).It seems likely that he received his marching orders from the Freemasons, because he did so much damage to Christianity. Although people laugh at JWs now, that group lead the psy-op that is Christian Zionism, that is so widespread today, and has done so much damage.

The best book on Mormonism I’ve read is : Secret Ceremonies, that was published in 1993. I lent my copy out, and never got it back.

2 years ago
Reply to  laurie

I’m glad that I know the truth about “the Godhead”. COLOSSIANS 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. JOHN 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. JOHN 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?/ Jesus showed in this passage that he is “the Father” come in the flesh. Spirit, soul, and body!

2 years ago

Happy new year to you Mr Brian. Although we all know this is not really going to be a happy year.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

I’m with the Amish on this one. They claim to all have COVID and therefore have no interest in vaccination. They were asked to comply with lockdown measures and were like “we’re good” because it was an affront to their daily lifestyle.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

So tragic to die far from home, in service of a bunch of religious conmen snakes, in a cult that declared his ethnicity to be subhuman. His poor family.

2 years ago

No One Can Serve Two Masters…but the leadership of these Organized Cults pretend that they do…they receive tax exemption status under 501-c3 which in Numerology equals 666…they pressure/enforce Unscriptual Tithing which is another monumental Scam…the Scriptures say to give ” The Last One-Tenth of your Agricultural Bounty ” if you are offering a Tithe…These synagogues of Satan Denominations get away with One-Tenth of the First Part of Income…and they want it in Cold Hard Cash…After Generations and even Centuries of these Scams, it has now come time for all of the ” Prophets ” to Ante-Up and deliver Souls to Lucifer in the form of the Mark of the Beast…Make no mistake about it…all these Large Denominational Church Leaders and Tel Lie Evangelists are Freemasonic Devel Worshipers…Anyone can look up the Images of the Burial Sites for the Founders of these Denominations whether Mormon, JW, SDA, etc…and you will see that they were buried not with any Christian Honers, but with full Pagan Freemasonic Honors with Obolysks Pyramids and other Pagan Symbology…Yahshua Messiah said to all of them ” Sell all you got, give it to the poor, and then follow me “….Swindlers and Murderers are what they are…and the lowest depths of hell are reserved for those that use the name of the Most High to commit all these Abominations…and there are too many to list here…

Agnus Miller
Agnus Miller
2 years ago

Hello Mr. Wilkins. I’m from a small town called Alton, Utah. Not too far from Cedar City. I’m celebrating my 80th birthday today, have been following your blog since March and I’ve sent a small monthly check to you ever since. I am angry at some of the things you wrote about my church. But I am also angry at my church that I have been loyally devoted to my entire life. Vaccines. Money hoarding. I’m angry to learn all this. But I’m not angry at you because you are doing a job and doing it well. You are doing God’s work sir. You are a missionary in a unique way.

God Bless You Mr. Wilkins and please stay strong in 2022.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Agnus Miller

Happy Birthday Agnus! May God bless you over the next year.

Broken Pottery
Broken Pottery
2 years ago
Reply to  Agnus Miller

Happy Belated Birthday, Agnus. It must be extremely upsetting to find the faith you have always held toward your church is misplaced. I pray you read ONLY the Bible on your own and let the Holy Spirit convict you of truth. I pray you have a rewarding and healthy 2022!

2 years ago
Reply to  Agnus Miller

God bless you dear lady, and Happy belated Birthday!

2 years ago
Reply to  Agnus Miller

Hello, Agnus! I so appreciate your post. I also live in a small town in Utah (but hopefully not for long!). I was an active member of the LDS church for 70 years before I began researching online and found such great resources and read tons of good books that taught me what I had been indoctrinate with is not true. Joseph Smith was a con artist, cheat, liar, womanizer (at least 34 wives … no wonder he wanted plural marriage so it would be “legal” for him to marry teenagers). I won’t go into all the proof I find that the Book or Mormon is a figment of his and his scribes imaginations, as told by his mother in her journal. Truth trumps all. Holland said if the BOM isn’t true, then none of the church is. So I left and LOVE being free at last. I’m excited to get to read the REAL Bible – 777 books instead of the 66 we currently have – that was found under the Vatican when it was raided last year. Best of luck to you!

2 years ago

“Brigitte Madrian, dean of the Brigham Young University (BYU) business school, told the Salt Lake Tribune that Dr. Nelson is “both a world-renowned physician and a prophet.” She urged students at the Mormon flagship university to “follow the prophet.””

Just as gangster politicians take their marching orders from more powerful gangsters (Klaus Schwab et al), so too, False prophets take their marching orders from more powerful false prophets (UN/WHO).

2 years ago

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Seeing all of the negative comments here I just wanted to pitch in my two cents.

I really dislike the covid policies the Church has put in place during the pandemic. I have been really confused as to why they have been bending over for the State. A few General Conferences (semi-annual worldwide 10-hour conference) ago one of the apostles bore his witness of the hand of providence in the authorship of the U.S. Constitution. It was great to hear, but their actions have not been supporting the U.S. Constitution. The Church has strongly encouraged vaccines and masks, and requires masks in order to worship in the temple (a place where dead people are given the opportunity to make covenants with Christ if they so choose). If the Church ever issues a vaccine mandate to attend any worship services, my wife and I will be looking for another Christian church that is fighting against this tyranny.

President Russell M. Nelson was a world-renowned heart surgeon… 40 years ago. He has a list of accomplishments in heart surgery a mile long. While there is something to be said for decades of experience in an operating room, for the last 40 years he has been working full-time for Christ. If he has kept up-to-date on the latest medical information then he isn’t doing his job right. While the Church did issue a letter with his name on it ‘strongly encouraging’ covid vaccination, in nearly every public sermon he’s preached since becoming president of the Church he has advocated for having a personal relationship with Christ and making personal decisions with Him alone.

The Church is not excluded from the division and tribalism seen throughout the world. There are many religious ideologies people are latching onto now from CRT to transgenderism. If all politics were made public, every congregation in my church would part like the Red Sea.

The Church is massively wealthy. I wish the U.S. Government managed money as well as the Church does. They don’t need tithing, and tithing is not about funding the Church. It is a sign of personal commitment to Christ. They use tithing funds to build temples and meetinghouses. AFAIK Investment portfolios are funded by Church owned businesses like Deseret Book. I don’t currently have a stance on whether or not it’s moral to invest in an immoral company like Disney or Pfizer. I am not personally invested in them.

At the end of the day, the Holy Bible, this church, and its additional scriptures, have helped me draw close to Christ and I value the Church as a resource in building that relationship. Anyone who is fighting for the cause of liberty and truth is my friend and my ally regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof. We are few and far between. It is sad to see the negative impact the Church’s covid policies are having on full-time missionaries, and members, serving throughout the world. And I expect that the next Church President will reverse many of these policies.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago
Reply to  J V

I grew up Roman Catholic, so I can understand your commitment to your church. I thought I was committed to Christ too, and I read the Bible alongside the sacraments, mass, rosary and all. But I had never truly come to see that you cannot serve 2 masters. Joseph Smith was a criminal and false prophet, just like the Popes, every single one.

Go to CAnswers YT channel, and search Mormon, JW, Catholic, Adventist and listen carefully. They all present themselves as the way to God and Christ, but their Christ is an imposter and has the character of their false prophets. They redefine grace, faith, salvation to require their rituals and the adulation of men. The mormon idea of salvation is to become a god through your faith and piety, just like hinduism and new age. your god was once a man. ‘you are saved by grace after doing all you can’ is your gospel, but it can’t save you.

Even most previously sound Christian denominations have become completely corrupt purveyors of leftist depravity. We simply can’t afford to hitch our eternal destiny to any organization.

The truth is
John 1: 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

.. And as Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:  That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

This means no amount of piety or good intentions or church membership can contribute to salvation, but only God who sovereignly chooses an utterly helpless sinner and convicts her and shows her the truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  J V

It seems like if you give money to an organization that …
pushes faith in these man-made injections rather than our God-given natural immunity,
or that supports companies that profit off of deadly products,
or that builds churches that promote use of those same products (off which they profit),
or that supports other organizations that promote an ungodly lifestyle …
then you, too, are supporting and promoting those same agendas.

A good pamphlet to read is “On That Day Began Lies – Personal responsibility never disappears” by Leonard E. Read.

1 year ago
Reply to  J V

From the day when the first members of councils placed exterior authority higher than interior, that is to say, recognized the decisions of men united in councils as more important and more sacred than reason and conscience; on that day began lies that caused the loss of millions of human beings and which continue their unhappy work to the present day.

—Leo Tolstoy

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

The true identity of these fake churches who only worship money are becoming more apparent!

Divine Intervention
Divine Intervention
2 years ago

These heads of corporations, government, and those who plan in secret behind closed doors cannot escape judgment.

James 5:1-8:

1Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.

2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.

3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

4 Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

5 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.

6 Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.

7 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

8 Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

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