Duncan Foster: 46-year-old Indiana military veteran has two heart attacks, now on pacemaker following first mRNA injection

January 25, 2022 (updated January 27, 2022)

Mr. Duncan Foster.

PORTAGE, INDIANA — A 20-year U.S. Army infantryman, father and husband is lucky to be alive after suffering what is now a common and likely occurrence in The Great Reset.

Mr. Duncan Foster appears to be inactive military based on some of his Facebook posts.

It’s unclear if he is on reserve duty. But Mr. Foster is eligible for monthly retirement pay now since he’s served 20 years already. Despite the foregoing, Mr. Foster said he will “always do what the Army decides” after spending nearly half of his life as an enlisted man.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a vaccine mandate for all current and incoming military personnel on August 24, 2021. The mandate was issued one day after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the Biologics License Application (BLA) for the Comirnaty-branded Pfizer injections.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby fallaciously asserted that the military is only mandating the FDA-approved Comirnaty injections and none of the others. Comirnaty is not available in the United States.

Injured in the line of duty

Mr. Foster received his first Moderna mRNA injection on September 1, his wife, Mrs. Sara Foster, told The COVID Blog. He only received the injection because of his loyalty to the military. Mr. Foster suffered a “massive heart attack” about seven weeks later, on October 22, according to Mrs. Foster.

It was actually an ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). That means 100% blockage of the left anterior descending artery due to a blood clot. Some refer to these events as widow-maker heart attacks because of the high mortality rate.

Mr. Foster said he “nearly died” as a result. He spent three days in the hospital before being discharged. But he still suffered constant chest pains and fatigue. Mr. and Mrs. Foster remained in good spirits during the difficult time.

He was discharged from the hospital on October 25, but his condition worsened in the following weeks. Mrs. Foster said she woke up to “a loud thud” on Thursday, December 2. She found her husband on the floor “with his eyes rolled back into his head.” Mr. Foster suffered yet another heart attack, according to his own account. Mrs. Foster described symptoms of bradycardia, meaning his heart was beating far too slowly.

Doctors stabilized him by the next day, which also happened to be his 46th birthday. A pacemaker was implanted that day to keep his heart pumping as it should.

Mr. Foster described himself as “a pin cushion for vaccine[s] and shots my whole Army career.” But he believes the Moderna mRNA injection is the cause of his recent near-death experiences. “I wish I never got the vaccine,” he said in a now-deleted Facebook post. “I will not get the second or any of the boosters.”

Note that Mrs. Foster emailed The COVID Blog, clarified all the dates, and that Mr. Foster received Moderna.

 U.S. military supremacy coming to an end?

Most of the world still places the U.S. military in a class by itself. But China continues inching its way closer to the top. The U.S. has all the technology and best kill toys in the world. Meanwhile China, by far, has the most active military troops, followed by India. There’s no way of knowing if China mandates experimental injections in its military. Further it seems counterintuitive for the U.S. military to mandate mRNA injections, knowing that said shots kill and maim. It’s almost as if the Pentagon wants to cede military supremacy to China not only with this action, but other strange policies that make no sense.

War between the U.S. and China is not a matter of if, but when. There’s already a de-facto Cold War between the two global powers. It’s also entirely plausible that so-called COVID-19 was created in a Chinese lab and released as an act of war. There’s documented evidence showing that Fauci gave the Wuhan Institute of Virology millions for gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses in 2019.

We also now know that Moderna owned patents for the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence long before 2020; and that Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel has ties to the P4 Lab in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Most of the puzzle pieces are out in the open. All we can do now is continue trying to put them together.

RELATED: COVID-19 news update: “living organisms” in Moderna, J&J shots; graphene oxide and Merck’s new anti-viral pills (October 15, 2021)


COVID Legal USA has received numerous inquiries from active military seeking religious exemptions from the lethal injections. But military members are obligated to obey all “lawful orders” and regulations, pursuant to Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. We essentially told them to stall and wait it out as several lawsuits made their ways through the court.

A Texas federal judge granted a preliminary injunction on January 3, halting the Biden military mandate for those with sincerely-held religious beliefs. The Court ruled that military personnel are not excluded from the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. They would essentially be obeying an unlawful order by getting the shots, since military are sworn to protect the Constitution.

Unless U.S. military personnel are getting placebo shots, they will be wiped out at the same rate as all other vaxxed Americans. That will open the opportunity for a real-life “Red Dawn” for China, Russia and others.

Be prepared for anything. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

“They would essentially be obeying an unlawful order by getting the shots, since military are sworn to protect the Constitution.”

They may be sworn to protect the Constitution but most don’t really pay any attention to it. It’s far simpler to just “do as you’re told.” That’s when things get dangerous.

2 years ago

It is a good thing he has life insurance.

2 years ago

First post here on this article. How many articles need to be published, or even read, for that matter, for people to wake up, and face reality? The reality is that the effort to get every single human being in the world “vaccinated” against a “virus”, to keep said “virus” from entering one’s body, isn’t about stopping “viruses”, but it’s all about control, power, tyranny and wealth, not to mention “pure evil”! It’s time to stand up to, and defeat this evil once and for all! It’s time to repent, or turn away from our sins, and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior before it’s too late!

2 years ago

Hi Albany, I’m glad someone is mentioning Jesus Christ, however, nowhere in the Bible are we told to “turn away from our sins to be saved”. The thief on the cross got saved when he believed, Cornelius and his family and his friends heard the Gospel from Peter, and believed, the Holy Ghost fell on them–they got saved, it’s in Acts. Even the best Christians struggle with Sin because we are in sinful flesh.

>And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.
Acts 16:30‭-‬32 KJV

Last edited 2 years ago by Anon
2 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Agree, eternal life is a free gift to anyone who believes in/trusts in Jesus to give it to them.

2 years ago

I am aware/awake… alive. I tend to error on the side of caution and as stated being vaccinated and given shots for everything under the sky has been a way of life for Soldiers.
I feel different now obviously.

2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story. I believe there will be healing with antioxidant strategies like glutathione, used for years for vaccine injuries. One antioxidant stack I personally use is suggested by scientists at La Quinta Columna on bitchute.com. It contains NAC (glutathione), zinc, quercetin, C, and D3. These scientists claim it helps with the after-effects of the shot. There are also other methods that vax-injured people are using that you might check out on bitchute or Youtube. Of course, you’ll want to check with your doc to see if it conflicts with anything. God Bless and get better soon!

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago

Gotta love a military man who takes a stuffed bunny with him to the hospital. 🙂 Prayers for health and healing, and thank you for your service, from the daughter of a Naval officer, (Ret).

2 years ago
Reply to  Droxine Rose

Thanks for noticing lol. I am secure in my masculinity so I don’t mind. That Bunny has been through a lot.

2 years ago

“I am aware/awake…alive”

An individual who commited himself to a life of obedience and order following – especially in our corrupt times – is anything but awake and alive. Not to mention the wearing of a uniform which is nothing but agreeing to be striped of one’s identity in exchange for the new identity of those who are barking orders at you.

No wonder when they tell you “put poison in your body”, you reply “which arm you want to inject it into”. Enjoy the fruits of your voluntary servitude.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

Why would there ever be a war between the US and China? Fun fact… The millions of tests and n95 masks come from China. We’re a cash cow and our leaders get kickbacks to pimp us out as the consummate consumer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Espinoza

“our leaders”

Yours maybe. Definitely not mine. If I have to mention them for some reason, I refer to them as “parasites, demons, power hungry narcissists,…etc”.

The language is very important in shaping our thoughts and the way we relate to the external world.

The folks who still refer to those parasites as “our leaders”, are very much still enslaved to the deepest of their soul and will remain so as long as they don’t “get the monkey off their back”. The first place a revolution has to occur, is in one’s mind and heart.

Statistics Jason
Statistics Jason
2 years ago

I have a friend who out of nowhere needed to get a pacemaker put in a few weeks after his second shot. He had no previous heart issues. Somehow he didn’t see a connection between the vaccine and the pacemaker. “My doctor didn’t say anything about that”. Yes he is that naive.

He was supposed to visit me last fall. Yet cancelled the (non-refundable) trip when he learned I was unvaccinated. He had some crazy theory that Covid 19 “knows who the unvaccinated are” and infects them if not kills them. He told me he was in a fragile condition with a pacemaker and couldn’t have me give him Covid. He made it sound like it was a done deal, if he was anywhere near me he would catch it. Meanwhile to this day I have never had Covid so he was worried for nothing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Statistics Jason
2 years ago

They are not your friend anymore. Friends don’t accuse other friends of being toxic or infectious disease factories. I had former friends do the same to me. Said I don’t care and they wear at risk status like a badge of honor. My reply is – I don’t care and they need to take care of their own health. I am fine with taking care of mine. They are shocked. Good. My motto is “I socially distance from people who socially distance.” Good riddance. Seek like minded people who have love, joy and are unafraid. ☺️

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

The thing about these “friends”…Are they going to take care of you (or your family) if you have a serious reaction (or even die) from the vaccine? IMO, early treatment, which has been actively suppressed, is the way to go. Vaxxed and unvaxed alike are getting COVID.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Thank you for this!.. I just started backing off from my constantly sickly friends who just got Boosted (so carelessly, after having very bad reactions &/or I had provided notable research galore, although I can’t really tell them what to do).. Well, at first, I was feeling all the Grief Stages, feeling guilty, angry, worrying about them, feeling so perplexed by their decisions, trying to understand how we could differ so much, etc. But, now I feel like a Weight has been lifted!!.. Now I’m actively leaning toward more Positive individuals, or just time for me, no shedding, seeking more Positive, Life-Affirming energy & people truly taking on life…So, it seems that more people are pursuing my attention than ever, but I’m in the best driver’s seat now. I just can’t be “Florence Nightingale” (esp. when the patient is NOT cooperating with best advice or cannot even open their mind??!).. This is my new tactic– Possibly & kindly bow out!!..

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago

Lord Almighty!!.. I know so many stories like this!!.. It is CRAZY!!.. Why can’t they remotely see the connection?? And we’ve been friends for Years!!..I have a few friends who seem to discuss the possibility with me politely (after facing SERIOUS health problems subsequent to Vaxx).. THEN, they go out & get Boosted with MORE experimental stuff, like they have some kind of DEATH WISH?–??!!.. These are special people to me. They are not perfect. Well, who is?.. But, I really cared about them!.. Also, they are very intelligent, ordinarily. It just throws me for a loop that suddenly they CANNOT put 2+2 together, by now??. From healthy to hospitalized??!.. Hello??!!.. And then to Top it Off voluntarily with a Booster??.. I don’t understand how they would not have greater Caution, at the very least??.. I had no idea how many people want to be lab rats. Some even laugh about how their friends finally caught a bad case of Covid AFTER getting the booster for the prior variant. Is that funny? It sounds like a Disaster to me!. And these were some of my most health-conscious friends??.. What are they thinking now?.. Tragic!.. I’m just holding my breath & trying to cope!!- Thanks for understanding & letting me vent!!.. Bless you!- <3

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

The truth is out there, why is anyone getting the vaccine after May 1, 2021.

2 years ago

The truth is out there! This is my truth. My situation. I hope I can help educate someone into making a decision right for them.

2 years ago

Thank you for going the full disclosure route and telling your story! Praying for your body and heart to rest and heal. Blessings to you and your family.

2 years ago

Hi Duncan. Thank you for sharing your story. I will share it with family members and we will keep you in our prayers. My youngest brother (age 43) got the Moderna (both shots) and so far is fine, but my uninjected sister and I have been bombarding him with facts, data, and stories like yours ever since (especially stories from this blog.) We hope he will not be getting the booster shot as a result of our effort and fervent prayers, but being a teacher in NYC and surrounded by others who have also gotten the shots, who knows what he’ll decide to do? Anyway, every little bit of proof and personal testimonies help. So thank you again, and be well!

Last edited 2 years ago by Margo
2 years ago
Reply to  Margo

Good for you!!.. I have been in the same boat. I’ve only been able to reach a few sweet senior relatives re: boosters who were just following orders as “high risk”.. They now see the light, to some extent. But, I’ve had some bummer outcomes with others who cannot fathom any problems??…

2 years ago
Reply to  Margo

This shot seems to affect people differently. I wonder if Blood type has anything to do with reactions.

Larry Jamison
Larry Jamison
2 years ago

I am 79 and I have never had any vaccinations since I got out of the Army in 1963. Not even flu shots. I am grateful to the Supreme Court for blocking the Biden vaccine mandate for companies employing more than 100 employees. I am now off the hook. Some people who have been vaccinated nag me to get the jab but now I can ignore them

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