Charade is over: New South Wales, Israel data confirm that the fully-vaccinated and boosted are vast majority of deaths and serious cases of so-called COVID-19
February 9, 2022

Some wars are fought with tanks, missiles and soldiers dying by the thousands. Others are fought in virtual spaces, particularly in the 21st century, with the same end goals. Pfizer and CEO Albert Bourla’s quest for world domination isn’t much different from another ambitious commander of yesteryear.

The siege of Leningrad during World War II is often overlooked and even ignored in history books due to other happening across Eastern Europe. Adolf Hitler decided in late 1940 to attack the Soviet Union via Leningrad, Moscow and Odessa (Ukraine). The strategy was extremely risky because it stretched German forces thin over a large area. But Hitler refused to change course despite some of his own military commanders openly objecting. Hitler needed to take advantage of German enthusiasm for military operations while victories in The Balkans, Norway, Poland, etc. were still fresh in everyone’s minds.

The Soviet Union was vastly unprepared, particularly with obsolete tanks, out-classed fighter planes, and demoralized ground forces in Leningrad. Long story short, Hitler’s troops reached Leningrad in September 1941. The siege cut off all supply chains to the city, forcing Russian forces to utilize ice roads over Lake Ladoga to supply the city in the winter. But by then, many citizens were starving to death. Desperate people do desperate things. Family cats and dogs were long gone by January 1942, as they were used for food. Worse yet, over 2,000 people were arrested and charged with cannibalism a year later.

RELATED: New study says text message “behavioral nudging” encourages people to get mRNA shots (February 21, 2021)


The siege spanned nearly 900 days. But it was never supposed to happen. Hitler and Joseph Stalin signed a non-aggression treaty two years earlier. Of course there is no honor among thieves. Winter ended up being a curse for Germany and a blessing for the Soviet Union. Hitler’s troops were ill-equipped to fight in those conditions, while the Russians used it to their advantage.

These same war tactics, complete with human suffering, manipulation, and betrayal of assumed allies, are still used today between world powers, aka international corporations. But now bullets are rarely needed to accomplish the same tyrannical goals.

Pfizer cannibalizing Johnson & Johnson

The Janssen/Johnson & Johnson “vaccine” was greeted with much fanfare because of its “one-and-done” marketing campaign. The AstraZeneca shots are also viral vectors, but require two doses. Johnson & Johnson and Moderna were the initial U.S. government darlings, landing billion-dollar contracts in March 2020, just weeks into the so-called pandemic. AstraZeneca got early contracts with the European Union and Canada. But in February 2022, all we really hear about anymore is Pfizer. That’s because Pfizer won the virtual territorial war.

Based on our reporting alone from early 2021, Pfizer injections were causing just as many, if not more, adverse reactions and deaths as AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. But AstraZeneca bore the brunt of the negative press. Eight European countries suspended use of AstraZeneca injections by the end of March 2021. The United States temporarily suspended use of the Johnson & Johnson shots in April 2021. That same month, Pfizer Chief Medical Officer Mace Rothenberg, went on C-SPAN and lied to the world. He said, with a straight face, that “other vaccines” are causing deaths, not Pfizer vaccines.

RELATED: Pfizer mRNA injections are only available in countries that offer the company immunity from lawsuits.


Bottom line: there are only so many willing souls anxiously-awaiting needles from any of these companies. Pfizer began monopolizing the COVID-19 “vaccine” racket with the foregoing events. It’s not in Pfizer’s best interest to attack Moderna, since the two products are essentially the same. But finishing off Johnson & Johnson is Pfizer’s immediate goal.

Reuters, one of the primary “fact checkers” in the COVID era, published a story last week resurrecting the old news of J&J baby powder causing cancers. We’ve already covered the fact that Pfizer board member James C. Smith is the CEO of Thomson Reuters. In fact, Pfizer gloats about this relationship.

The company is using all weapons in its arsenal to ensure pharmaceutical supremacy.

Pfizer is desperate to maximize 2022 profits while the getting is good. The less competition, the better for Pfizer. The company has already monopolized the market for injecting children. But less than half of Americans eligible for boosters have received them. That statistic is unlikely to improve. Pfizer tried interfering, to no avail, with the freedom of information lawsuit filed by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency.

A federal judge ordered the FDA to release 320,000 pages of Pfizer data by August, starting with 10,000 pages due on March 1. Once all that truth gets out, Pfizer is done. There’s also the “Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion” grand jury proceedings, arranged by Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, commencing this week. If nothing else, it will be very interesting and compelling to watch.

The truth is imminent, and being revealed faster than Pfizer expected. There’s only so much Pfizer and its allies can do for damage control. But now the actual data are also working against the Pfizer narrative.

Get vaxxed, get sick and die

Israel and Turkey are the only two countries at the moment administering fourth and fifth booster shots, respectively.

Dr. Eli David is a highly-respected, Tel-Aviv-based computer scientist. His February 2 tweet went viral, when he pointed out how Israel so-called COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed since the country started offering fourth booster shots.

But Dr. David wasn’t finished. He tweeted another chart on February 4, showing how Israel’s COVID-19 deaths per million people have also skyrocketed since fourth booster implementation.

That’s not all. Professor Jacob Giris is the director of the coronavirus ward at Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov) in Tel Aviv. It is the largest acute care hospital in Israel. Here is what Professor Giris told Channel 13 News, as reported by Israel National News:

“Right now, most of our severe [COVID-19] cases are vaccinated. They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”

“Fact-checkers” tried desperately to “debunk” Professor Giris’ statements, to no avail. Further, Americans are not allowed to criticize Israelis in any way. Otherwise they are anti-semitic. Thus it is now fact in the United States that mRNA injections and boosters cause so-called COVID-19, serious illnesses and deaths. But don’t just take Israel’s word for it.

RELATED: Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? (January 17, 2022)


The New South Wales (Australia) government releases daily COVID-19 and “vaccine” statistics. And everyday, it’s the same thing. The state reported 20 so-called COVID-19 deaths on February 9. Eight were vaxxed and boosted, nine were double-vaxxed, and three were non-vaccinated. Thus, 85% of February 9 COVID-19 deaths in NSW had at least two injections. February 8 was 72% deaths with at least two shots, 71% for February 7, 89% on February 6, etc.

The first vaccine narrative was that receiving the shots protect you from contracting COVID-19. Then they were forced to change it to “vaccines prevent serious illness” and you won’t die. It’s unclear what the narrative is now, other than “get injected because we say so.”

War is murder, deception and control

As Hitler’s troops approached Leningrad, they passed through all the Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania). The people of those states greeted the German army with flowers and cheers, believing Germany was their liberator from the Soviet Union. Of course torture and manipulation ensued, causing said people to resist German occupation. Some things never change.

Rich people love war. They get off on fighting over territory, controlling the masses, and watching soldiers die for their agendas. In fact Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, in their Watergate book The Final Days, quoted former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger saying U.S. soldiers are “dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns of foreign policy.” Today, wars are fought in mainstream media, big tech and corporate board rooms.

Pfizer treated J&J like Hitler treated Poland and the other Eastern European countries that stood in his way towards world domination. Bourla is displaying the same arrogance and over-confidence as Hitler did, which ultimately caused Germany’s demise in World War II. The Soviet Union was simply too big, too powerful for Germany to invade. Hell, on a micro-scale, Bourla is even similar to drug lords like Nino Brown in U.S. cities fighting for territory.

Bourla wants world domination without firing a bullet. But the resistance is growing. Pfizer has strategically eliminated potential competition (J&J, AstraZeneca), making the quest for world domination a bit smoother. But not so fast.

Millions of people who believed Pfizer was their liberator from COVID-19 are now sick, dying and addicted to perpetual boosters. Meanwhile many of the Hollywood actors, doctors and mainstream media foot soldiers for Pfizer are sick and dying. Pfizer executives are making billions. It’s the same song in a different millennium, in a different theater.

RELATED: Fully-vaccinated Hollywood celebrities wondering why they are suddenly getting COVID-19, cancer and worse (August 12, 2021)


These past few weeks have provided hope for humanity. Global protests are growing, and people are refusing further injections. The powers-that-be do not like resistance to their agendas, which means more aggressive war tactics forthcoming. Be prepared.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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Mary K
Mary K
2 years ago

Scary and informative read. Unrestricted warfare and lust for global dominance is not new. Modern tech is. You have demonstrated that it can also be a weapon against tyranny and sycophants. Thank you for your diligence and bravery exposing what MSM are too corrupt or too scared to report.

2 years ago

So when the data is released on March 1 the insanity will end? No more jab mandates/passes? March 1 can’t come fast enough.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Or they’ll run another false flag event the day before release. This is how they drop their trauma “bombs” and bring us the next big threat while their previous one melts into the background.

2 years ago

The parallel between the not-so-German dictator of Germany and those pushing the current-day agenda is a good one. One a self-styled military genius, the others, self-styled masters of the universe, getting themselves into trouble by advancing too far, too quickly, out of impatience and hubris.

David Roibertson
David Roibertson
2 years ago

The solution has alway been obvious. Each of us must just say NO to their agenda. Sadly the majority of people are fast asleep and cannot understand the true nature of their governments. They cannot or will not believe that such evil people could be running the world.

Having been fully awake for about twenty years I have been aware of their plans since the beginning of this Plandemic hoax. At the same time I have been unsuccessful in persuading others of this situation. Those who believe the government lies are immune to such revelations or they cannot admit they have been wrong. This may be changing but it is an uphill struggle.

So inevitably the majority of the European, and the European diaspora, population will die in the coming few years. The majority of the other ethnic groups have not participated in these experiments so they will rise to a more dominant position in the ruling hierarchy of the world.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Roibertson
Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

You can show people Event 201, Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset and they will still stomp around like toddlers with their fingers in their ears screaming “lies!” You sadly have to let them go.

David Roibertson
David Roibertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

I watched Bill Still’s 1995 The Money Masters and Aaron Russo’s 2006 America-Freedom to Fascism, which are still on YouTube. Aaron sadly died from cancer in 2007. I had other influences prior to that and these two documentaries were the cherry on the cake, telling me who was really running the world. The rulers are not benevolent.

In other words it is no secret and they are quite proud of it. Netanyahu also boasted about Israel’s controlling power in the world some years ago when he was Prime Minister.

However they are just the servants of a higher spiritual power usually referred to as the Devil and Satan. Indeed those who are in the top positions in government all over the world, whether they call themselves Jews or Christians or anything else, are Satanists. Satan usually takes cover in religion, it is his natural habitat.

As the Bible tells us, the carnal minds of men, i.e those whose minds are fixed on the flesh, the material world, Mammon or Money, and all it produces, are hostile to God, i.e. Satanic, under the influence of the Enemy of God and humanity. As the Lord Jesus Christ told us so clearly, “By their fruits you will know them”.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Roibertson
2 years ago

A good read as always, thank you SO MUCH for the work you do. Joseph Goebbels also comes to mind, master of propaganda and control through media. We see how, in advertising dollars, the three arms of the medical industry (pharma, clinics/hospitals/doctors, and insurance) the largest single industry advertiser in any medium, from radio to billboards, from television to glossy magazines. For more than a generation, 24-7, they have 1) used the power of repetition to hypnotize people into perceiving lifelong dependence on medical “necessities” that are illusion and 2) purchased the newsrooms, whose workers would go payless without medicine’s ad dollars.

Time to RESTRICT all things medical when it comes to advertising on general interest commercial media. When people need medical help or information, they KNOW WHERE to go, they do NOT need to be pitched-to. We restrict tobacco and alcohol from advertising in certain venues, same with medicine.

Also in the 21st century, to live, humans WILL CHANGE their take on medicine, and put it back in its place as a repairman, for fixing after the fact. Right now, humans are believing that medicine can read the future, detect, treat, and heal sickness before it even happens!! It is the sociopathic doctor’s dream.

Most important is this: Any human civilization that attributes intelligence to machines will be short-lived.

2 years ago

Keep up the good work we need to be informed to spread the word

2 years ago

“Some wars are fought with tanks”… and some are fought with think tanks.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

I still just don’t understand how the Jews in Israel just marched right on up and said put that injection in my arm. What is it? We don’t know, but give it to me. HAVE THEY NOT LEARNED ANYTHING?????

404 Not Found
404 Not Found
2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

I pray that God would deliver the Israeli people from the vaccine disaster being foisted on them by their own government, and from their own ignorance.

2 years ago

I think the next frontier of war on the people by the illumined elite will be nanotech. Frightening stuff. Especially since we are only now waking from the gaslighting of COVID and the injections, while the psychopath elites have probably already planned their next Hegelian dialectic maneuver.

David does not back down
David does not back down
2 years ago

I work for the biggest online retailer. The one that starts with an A. They just sent us all a notification about if you are vaxxed, which they mean all shots with booster you don’t have to wear the stupid mask. Bit they also said starting March 18, we cannot take covid leave unless you are fully vaxxed. They used to pay for 10 days now its 5. I have never taken it and it seems to me that this is admitting the shots do not work and a move to try and get more people jabbed. I laughed because I’ve been preparing for this and worse, I started saving up all my time last year when the jab or job was going on. I now have over 100 hours of paid time I could take and growing. I feel they are going to mandate it at work just as soon as they can figure it out without hurting them. If this happens, I will quit, take my time and get another job. I do believe we are winning because they are starting to get more aggressive with this.

2 years ago

Stay strong ? I work in financial advice and we used to have maybe one client die a month. All advanced age and expected. Now it’s more like one a week and several others calling in to make sure their affairs are in order since they have new and unexpected health issues pop up. All are vaxxed and not really old. A common term they say is it happened suddenly. A year prior they were in good health. The clot shots are doing what they do best. It’s sad. Nothing I can do now but listen, be kind. More job opportunities coming up for those who will be left.

Stella H Howell
2 years ago

Corona/Covid etc was rehearsed over 2 decades ago. Details were not given other than the way how to promote/get everyone jabbed.

The leaders of this mass genocide are VAMPING!!! It is possible they will not just be imprisoned but rather ‘off with their heads’.

Have you observed how UK has turned around and back tracking.
Now Australia etc are also back tracking.
UK PM is the defendent. It is NOT a virus. Peace & Justice for ALL Life

2 years ago

There is additional hope, even in the midst of the devastation caused by the “COVID” injections. I’m guessing some readers of this blog have also been “vaccine skeptic” prior to the COVID debacle. I know I was. It’s pretty evident that the childhood vaccine schedule has harmed a very high number of children. Unfortunately, a vaccinated baby cannot report pain or describe things like visual changes. An adult, however, is able to do so and to report clearly what happened to them. Not only is Pfizer on the hook, but all the previous crimes by multiple companies are now likely to be recognized and by the grace of God dealt with.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alexis

A friend of mine’s son developed autism from the MMR vacc….it’s definitely real. She said he was perfectly normal before the jab. He went on to graduate high school with the rest of the normal (non autistic) kids but he will never be independent.

My way of thinking (always outside the box), my 70s generation did fine with only around 10-12 shots…surviving chicken pox with flying colors (I have only known 3 people to have shingles, one recently who got the cov jab/s)…in other words, most of us are still alive today. I see no reason for the insane amount of recommended jabs for kids nowadays…around 60 in total. How someone can’t see that number as insanity is beyond me.

2 years ago

FÜLLMICH is the charlatan and he is listed as an actor (and his name ‘Dr Reiner Füllmich’ is given as his alternative [actor’s] name…)

He is more than suspicious. Typical agent vita. He hasn’t accomplished anything yet and he avoids calling critical names. Either he is stupid, or he’s worring on an other terrain. And absolutly revealing was the seccion of his ‘committee’ N° 90 with Andrew Kaufman and Stefan Lanka…

2 years ago

The so called “GRAND JURY” ‘lawyer’ ‘Vivane Fischer’ was working as a fashion designer, designing hats/beeing a ‘hatter’, and was even elected into the Board of the Association of Berlin Fashion Designers on 03/10/2020, just a few days or weeks bevor the PANDEMIC was called out and short bevor the first Lock Down in Germany (at the end ot March 2020), but quit her job at this association according to an online statement from 01/15/2021.
This association writes, that even her name “Rieke Feuerstein” was an alias, an artist’s name.
Her web presence as a lawyer wasn’t created before 2020 and if you try to call there, her given official phone number is not available. Strange, for such an ‘international’ lawyer, isn’t it?

Everybody can do it’s own research.
Just search for the names of
Viviane Fischer + Rieke Feuerstein + Hutmacherin

2 years ago

‘Once all that truth gets out, Pfizer is done’ In a sane world, yes but most will ignore it.

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