Tim Berry: 30-year-old British man suffers severe post-Pfizer spinal cord deterioration, paralyzed from chest down three weeks after the injection

February 28, 2022

Mr. Tim Berry.

UPDATED April 1, 2023 – It appears Mr. Berry’s has improved significantly since the post-injection paralysis.




SWINDON, SOUTH WEST ENGLAND — Mr. Tim Berry loves his girlfriend, Rebecca. His dog Rupert, his job, the outdoors, motorcycles, and bicycles make up the rest of his existence. He’s a simple, humble guy who appreciates the little things life has to offer. But now he is forced to re-evaluate everything he once knew and figure out a new path forward.

Mr. Berry is not a big social media guy. He joined Facebook in December 2016. Since that time he has posted publicly just seven times.

One of Mr. Berry’s seven public Facebook posts (2016).

His Instagram only dates back to July 2019. Most of his IG posts feature Rupert, motorcycles and various tools he apparently likes playing with in the course of his duties as a build manager (foreman).

Mr. Berry got sick in early November with “COVID-19.” He thanked Rebecca for being there at his side through it all.

His November 27 Instagram post reflects on his age 30 year (2021), and how he appreciates his self-awareness and wisdom gained with age.

But 2022 is The Great Reset, literally and figuratively, for Mr. Berry, who is now faced with circumstances he never dreamed possible just seven weeks ago.

“Count your blessings”

Mr. Berry received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on January 7, 2022. We reached out to find out his reasons and motivations to receive the shot.

“I had the vaccine because my family had COVID and I missed 20 days of work,” he told The COVID Blog™. “It caused a financial struggle, and I felt I needed the vaccine to prevent being off work any longer. There was no mandate. I just decided myself that I should do that.”

Just one week after the injection, Mr. Berry reported “tingling in his legs” and also having difficulty with bowel movements. He was in the hospital at least five times from January 15 to 24. But all the scans and tests told him nothing. By January 25, he could only walk with crutches. He was using a mobility scooter by Friday, January 28. The last two days of January are when he knew his life was altered forever.

“[I was] falling over at home trying to stand, couldn’t use the toilet etc., fell over, shit myself, had to be cleaned and picked up by [Rebecca].”

RELATED: Valerie Milford: 20-year-old Australian woman develops pericarditis, essentially paralyzed three days after first Pfizer mRNA injection (November 3, 2021)


Mr. Berry was “paralyzed below the nipple line” by February 1. Doctors have been completely useless, telling him that his problem was a combination of having COVID in the fall, and then the vaccine. He’s on steroids and has had blood transfusions, but nothing helps. In less than three weeks, a healthy, 30-year-old man went from working construction sites, hiking, etc. to being paralyzed and unable to use the bathroom on his own.

“This isn’t a anti vaccine post it’s a don’t ever take anything for granted post! You don’t know you’ll wake up as you are today, tomorrow! Count your blessings, make the choices that make you happy.”

Mr. Berry takes full responsibility for the choice he made and blames nobody but himself. His primary concern, knowing he’s unlikely to ever walk again, is to maintain the sense of touch in his hands so he can touch and feel his girlfriend.

Ominous outlook with a smile

Ultimately Mr. Berry was diagnosed with a non-traumatic T1 spinal cord injury. Essentially the mRNA injection poisoned the first thoracic vertebra, the upper-most bone on the spinal column before the neck bones. That, or blood clots stopped blood flow to that area, killing the tissue.

That area of the spinal cord controls everything from walking and bowel movements, to the sense of touch, including sexual sensation. Non-traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCIs) make up only 16% of said injuries every year. Most of those are caused by cancer, infections or disk degeneration, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Mr. Berry is concerned about how quickly the condition developed and spread. He can talk, move his head, and “stiffly” move his arms and fingers. But neither he nor doctors know if he’ll eventually just be a conscious mind in a body that cannot move at all.

As of now, he’s trying to preserve whatever movement he has left, and can even joke about it a little.

His latest IG update as of publishing says that his arm and hand movements are getting stiffer and more difficult everyday. He also called the possibility of him waking up one day and having his pre-Pfizer life back “a pipe dream.”

Mr. Berry has been communicating with The COVID Blog™ via voice recordings since he has trouble typing. Despite everything, you can still hear positivity in his voice.

“My outlook is good. I get to be with my best friends all day long,” he said. “Yes things look different, there’s a different path than normal now. But at some point [this condition] will plateau and stop progressing. But until then, I’ll just take it a day at a time.”

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds to help Mr. Berry with mobility and medical expenses.

Pandemic of paralysis

The very first story we published on The COVID Blog™, January 8, 2021, was about Dr. Karla Cecilia Pérez Osorio. She developed transverse myelitis, and was paralyzed after the Pfizer injection. We’ve tried locating and contacting her several times for an update, to no avail. But now paralysis is fast-becoming a top-five adverse reaction to the injections.

Mr. Berry is the first post-injection paralysis case we’ve covered where doctors actually pinpointed the problem to his spinal cord. Most of the paralysis cases are caused by neurological issues. Regardless, Mr. Berry is one of those people who survived the most powerful, global psychological operation in human history for nearly two years without receiving the sacrament. And he ended up doing it at the last minute because of the complicit mainstream media and government agencies pushing the poison.

Take Mr. Berry’s advice. Count your blessing and do things that make you happy. If Russian roulette makes you, then more power to you. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

This….this. This story and the story of the young lady who developed the rare skin condition is quite sad. Yes, people are making choices and are dealing with the repercussions of their choices. However, I’m human and my capacity to feel for others is still there. I think it’s important we all remember there was a time when we were making some of the same choices.

For instance, I’m a mother of five beautiful children. Our first daughter received vaccinations, but this was 18 years ago. Our son who is almost 14 received some of his, until he started developing breathing issues as an infant and was constantly on the breathing machine. I did my research one day and lo behold I discovered all the things that were being put in those vaccines that I was unknowingly giving our children.

At our next Dr.’s visit, I brought in information about what was in the shots and asked the Dr if she was aware of this. She basically payed no attention to the evidence I showed that concluded vaccines are not safe. She also told me that the AAP (American Academy of Pediactrics) strongly recommends them. I told her none of my children would be receiving any medications and found another pediatrician.

Since then, I’ve went on to have three more children. All of which were born at home and have never been vaccinated in their entire lives. We also homeschool. So, 18 years ago and 14 years ago, I didn’t know what I know now.

I say all this to say, we all have had times when we weren’t aware of certain things and made choices that were directly related to our current level of awareness and ability to see things from a different perspective.

So, while I don’t understand why people can’t see the things I can see and many of us continue to see. I do understand that we are all tuning into different frequencies and perspectives if you will. Some of us are just tuned into a certain level of awareness and intuition that sees through all the bullshit while others are not. We are all experiencing different realities, some of us more in tune with others. All I can say is, “When you know better you must do better.” A quote I live by.

My hope is that once these people know better, they will do better and encourage others to do the same.

Think for yourselves everyone and be mindful of the frequencies you are choosing to tune into.

AUssie pub` brawler
AUssie pub` brawler
2 years ago

Since then, I’ve went on to have three more children. All of which were born at home and have never been vaccinated in their entire lives. We also homeschool…
you know: that, actually, does give me some [albeit: ‘small’] hope-for-the-future, eh?

2 years ago

By the way that should’ve said, “I told her my children would not be receiving any vaccinations.” (Not medications. I’m sure most could assume what I meant, but I needed to correct it for my sanity…lol.) Be well everyone!

2 years ago

Goodness. I’m glad he has a positive attitude. As I read his symptoms — Wow. Pray to God as I think this may be his only hope.

Michael P
Michael P
2 years ago

He recovered from covid and had safe and effective natural antibodies. Then he got injected with poison.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael P

”yah, i had the jab and it destroyed my health, but hey i’m not against it!” the bizarro-world of political correctness

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

I’m a bit confused bc he has consistently hash tagged GBS. Which is exactly what I assumed he would be saying he had. There are treatments for that. By no means is it something that would necessarily be completely cured, but there are treatments. Almost lost a friend to this who started off with the tingling sensations, eventually was in hospital losing feeling everywhere to the point where breathing became difficult, then they finally diagnosed him with GBS and began treatment. He had to learn to walk again and was happy when he was finally able to lift a 5lb weight again, and this is a 6’6, 250lb man. I am curious if they have treated him for GBS at all and if not, why not?

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

I wonder why so many of these stricken people insist that they are “not anti-vaccine”? Do they think that coming to a logical conclusion and blaming the jab will somehow make their condition worse?

We live in a post-truth society now, where people believe in magic words that can affect reality. The words and stories and narratives about reality are more important than reality itself. But that’s essentially the whole idea behind leftism, and most people in western societies have been infected by that mind virus in ways they don’t even begin to understand.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

It is just a continuation of the journey they are on. They built their lives and world views on lies and deceptions that seduce them and/or stroke their ego. If they were to embrace truth, their lives will crumble over their heads like a house of cards. They would be swallowed up by the shifting sands they enjoyed for so long to be standing on.

They hate – secretly or openly – those of us who speak facts and truths, because we are a perpetual reminder of how doomed they are and how much of a burden they are on this planet.

The Quran says : “they run away from truth, like a donkey would run away from a hungry lion”.

No more emotion wasting : the time to have sympathy for them is long gone. Friend, family member or simply an acquaintance, to me it does not matter anymore. Every single act of compliance on their part, only makes my life more challenging and difficult. Fook the masked and the vaxxed.

I am so mean, I wouldn’t want to be my own friend. lol.

Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

I don’t see how we’re going to win against the forces of the New World Order, I really don’t. I think it will take a miracle. But if we do win, there must be justice, and that must include the death penalty for crimes against humanity.

Christ never once said that we should not confront evil. Throughout His ministry, he confronted evil, instructed it with charity, and then admonished the evildoer to go and sin no more. Otherwise, He drove it out. My own take on it is that we should not take revenge, but we must do whatever is necessary if evil refuses to learn from our charity and keeps on doing evil. If we do not stop evil, then we have no regard for our neighbors, on whom evil will be perpetrated. That cannot be allowed to happen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

Who said anything about winning? You can’t. I believe it was established a long time ago that there was “no political solution” and no “redpilling the normies”.
This global tomfoolery should be regarded as a force of nature, you’ve gotta weather the storm as best you can

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

Whatever happens as long as you remain the master over your free will you have won. Even of it caused jou your life. What is going on now is a spiritual matter. We are not the flesh but inhabit the flesh but inhabit the flesh. Never forget that. That is the rootcause for all that is happening now. The fear of death. To keep death far away people are giving up their free will which is a massive problem in spiritual terms. Meanwhile death does not exist. The deceit and lies have many many levels. It is all about your free will but you have to given it away. It cannot be taken by force. This goes deep.

2 years ago
Reply to  Longrider

Couldn’t agree more, you have the free will to do what you feel is correct, when you follow what you know to be right you always win. When you lament about ‘us’ not being able to win that is trying to control the will of others and acqueising to a belief system and actions you claim are contrary to yours. All of us just need to play our own individual role.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

That is why the seals and trumpets will occur. Then anti christ/mark of the beast. Followed by bowls of wrath from God. And then final war between Jesus and lucifer. Jesus of course wins – and a new generation starts. New heaven. New earth with no more sins. You can’t stop Biblical prophecy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric the Red

Winning or losing is up to God and how He Decreed things we know about – and things we don’t know about – from outside time and outside space. So I don’t concern myself with the issues of winning or loosing.

That said, I constantly try to do the right thing, regardless of what cunning creatures and those standing in awe before them, expect me to do or wish me to do. Seeing their BS and absolutely not going along with it, is one of those right thing.

I can’t help thinking, if 90% of the people had my attitude, instead of being addicted to servitude and addicted to the fear of poverty and scarcity, maybe the world would have been such a great place. I know, I am flattering myself.

Nowadays, most people by far prefer the certainties and calm that come with being a despicable obedient slave, than the uncertainties and storms that come with being responsible and free.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

I’m glad Mr. Berry reached out to you and explained his reasoning. Don’t judge until you’ve walked in their shoes. The financial devastation he felt from potentially losing jobs and work due to Covid was probably eating away at him. He just didn’t think he was going to be one of the ones to get Pfizered (that needs to be a hastag or something for jab injured: I got Pfizered, I got Modernaed, etc). Prayers for him..

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

There is an ongoing vicious undeclared war on humanity. Thinking that obedience, servitude and playing russian roulette to appease parasites is the way to confront that challenge, is the way the despicable slaves think.

The slave who does not fight his oppressor, deserves double slavery.

2 years ago

No offense but I am so tired of these people having their lives destroyed by this poison then saying stupid stuff like “I am not anti-vax” and “I take full responsibility for what happened to me” WHAT! Seriously these people don’t get angry and would probably take another jab cause they still think jabs are a good thing. Are people just this stupid and weak? Lets face it the media hype and government officials telling everyone this garbage is safe and effective then the constant fear mongering on the tv doesn’t have any effect on a persons judgement. The fact that these devils are intentionally harming and killing people has nothing to do with this right? So basically take your jabs and if something goes wrong “oh well” I will just accept it and live my new normal. Disgusting!

2 years ago
Reply to  Janet

A lot of psychological conditioning. And lack of strong convictions and beliefs. I agree. I would be furious if this happened to my loved ones and myself. Someone would pay. But that’s probably why we are not vaxxed and they are. They aren’t bad people and certainly don’t deserve what happened to them. But when you accept the lies and don’t hold onto your beliefs and convictions this becomes your “new normal.” I hate that phrase.

2 years ago

So sad for this man, God bless him, I don’t think I would be so positive if I were in his shoes.

2 years ago

He needs some self respect. Not only is he apparently not angry in the slightest but he also posts a lovely (read disgusting) photo of him naked in that harness. If being poisoned and helpless is funny to you…

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Yep. If people had more self respect they might be more circumspect about what they put in their body.

When I was growing up, I used to refer to myself as the king of TMI because no topic was off limits with close friends–isn’t that the way it should be? But some of the things I see people posting on social media just leaves me shaking my head. It’s like, get some dignity.

2 years ago

absolutely horrific. what a crime.

2 years ago

Got vaxxed. Health destroyed. Conclusion of the person harmed is not maybe its the vaxx but i am not against vaccinations. Something is so very wrong with this conclusion of so many. Its like if people litterally became stupid and are not abel to apply common sense.it is like so many adults became babies and little children overnight lacking the capacity of reasoning with the use of logic. A fascinating time to be alive indeed. Whatever you do. Do not take the V.

2 years ago

Fight this evil tyranny..until we win!

Afshin Nejat
Afshin Nejat
2 years ago

I don’t care about this…
Because of THIS:
These flippant people like to call “schizo” and “conspwathy theowiths” people who have really already given up on them, and are now only worried about the children. It is more than can be said for their “normal” parents. Truly pathetic.

Josh Scandlen
Josh Scandlen
2 years ago

man this just breaks my heart. I feel so much for this man, I am literally tearing up. I wish I had his strength. I’m gonna send him some $ because he’s a hero. Without question.

2 years ago

Unfortunately for Berry, the nightmare has only started for him

If you know what’s in the vaxx…it will only get worse for him, as it was designed to.

Spike protein, Blood clots, cancer, stroke, heart attack etc.
And that’s even before 5G where the graphene in his body & brian will fry wehn 5G is turned on

Mortality 2 yrs at most

2 years ago

Most are still completely brainwashed even vaxx crippled

Berry: “If I didn’t get the vaxx it would have been even worse!”

2 years ago

To many, this guy who wrecked himself and overnight became a living burden on his girlfriend, his loved ones and society, is a cheerful philosophical guy, posting “wisdom” online.

To me, he is as phony as bolony. Trying to pass himself as wise and spewing pseudo-wisdom online in his underware, is his way to keep the charade inside him going as long as he can.

He seems to take his girlfriend for granted, expecting her to stay by his side and carry the burden that he turned himself into. If he wasn’t a little selfish prick, he would have wanted her to take off and find a healthy non-stupid guy to try to make a life with.

Count on me to share the thoughts that will never cross your minds.

2 years ago

All this false bravado from the vaxx crippled is just COPING & DENIAL

Mixed in with Stockholm Syndrome (“I’m not anti-vax…”)

They have to adopt this fake-happy, fake-it-til-you-make-it persona because otherwise to admit they were wrong, gullible, stupid would just crush their ego & spirit for living

This way they fool themselves into believing they were unlucky, coincidence, rare…BUT most importantly they “did the right thing” (they were “good” citizens)

If they accept the truth/reality…it would fk up their belief system.
They would go postal on those to blame: politicians/Big Pharma/Medical complex/FB/YT/Google/Fauci etc

2 years ago
Reply to  Aggro

That is correct…the Vaxx Zealots are fully invested in the System…all is lost if they face the truth…

Tim Berry
Tim Berry
1 year ago

I’m the Subject of this post, I used instagram before this happened as a way of keeping in touch with the world and people i know personally. The entire point of the posts ‘post’ injury were to show people the new reality that was my life.

My partner chose to stay with me and to nurse me through my recovery as well as us employing external care. If your partner injured themselves or had an accident that resulted in a spinal cord injury or any other life altering condition would you cast them off like a broken object and go and find someone ‘healthy’? Thank god society as a whole doesn’t think this way other wise the millions of people who get ill, have strokes, have car accidents etc would all just be put on the scrap pile as burdens.

I chose to have the vaccination because we suffered financially after having time off with Covid and all the self isolating time etc, i like many many others simply felt i was doing the right thing for my family. Does that make me stupid, inconsiderate, a selfish little prick? I don’t think many would believe that to be the case.

Incidentally after 4 months of paralysis, and 7 months of physio, persevering with my ‘pseudo bullshit positive attitude’ i’m now 90% back to ‘normal’ and back at work, renovating our house, being the polar opposite to a burden on both my partner and society.

And the statement of not being anti vax – still stands, that doesn’t just refer to the covid vaccine does it, that statement is referring to vaccinations all over the world for polio, diptheria, cervical cancer, TB, Mumps, measles rubella etc , Malaria etc etc etc.

But anyway, good to know your views

2 years ago

Godless generation. No God fearing in them. Advice to others – do what makes you happy. Live life to the fullest even if it’s gambling. These are Godless principles. If people feared God more than what their next door neighbor thinks of them maybe the whole world wouldnt be going wacko taking a jab that has no long term studies and was quick to the market.

2 years ago

So. ‘Long Covid’ is the effects of the vaxx. Any ‘side effect’ of the vaxx is because it was provoked by ‘Long Covid’.

I don’t get it, I just don’t get it. Back in the noughties and nineties this would have been the stuff of dark comedy.

2 years ago

No Mandate…so he felt compelled to volunteer and got Dingle Berry-ed…

2 years ago

Whew!! I’m just glad he’s not “anti-vax”!! He reminds me of that clip I’ve seen of Alex Jones (when he was upset that all his warnings were going unheeded) saying something to the effect of ‘go ahead and take the shots and die with pleasure!’ This man’s story is so tragic (as most are) but I guess all he has left is his positive attitude. If he reads this I would say to seek the Lord Jesus and read the Bible (if you haven’t) because positive attitudes can only go so far,, and if you find the living God through this, the evil done to you won’t be in vain and can be used for good! Best wishes!

Tim Berry
Tim Berry
1 year ago

As the subject of this post, its interesting to say the least to read everyone’s opinions of my experience. After 4 months of paralysis i began to be able to jerkily move one leg out of the blue – then the other, and then have more of a range of movement in my upper limbs also. Fast forward to now ( Oct ’22 ) after 7 months of weekly physio and my ‘ pseudo bullshit positive attitude’ i am now fully mobile, able to walk about 4 miles, with the remaining neurological issues in just my lower legs and feet and in my bladder. So, my attitude sits fine with me, i didn’t give up or give in, i got on with my recovery in the face of adversity despite a lot of time it feeling fruitless. Just remember when you’re posting your comments about how stupid and selfish etc people are for getting the vaccine or becoming injured that everyone that was injured in some way is a real person, with a family, with financial commitments etc that need to be met and with feelings. Things can change in the blink of an eye, you could have a traffic accident and end up with a Spinal Cord Injury or be taken ill and then need support and assistance you never dreamt of.

”yah, i had the jab and it destroyed my health, but hey i’m not against it!” the bizarro-world of political correctness

In reference to the above – i said i wasn’t anti vax – does it occur to you that there are many vaccinations in the world not just the Covid one?!? This blanket statement cannot be twisted to only fit your agenda of it meaning only th C19 one.

‘donthatemetoomuch – you’re right, most probably wouldn’t want to be your friend you sound like a complete cunt. Easy to be such an arsehole at the end of a keyboard.

‘He needs some self respect. Not only is he apparently not angry in the slightest but he also posts a lovely (read disgusting) photo of him naked in that harness. If being poisoned and helpless is funny to you…’

Dan, i have a lot of self respect but believe that real life shouldn’t be censored, humour at times was a good way of dealing with this along with determination to do whatever i could to be as little of a burden as possible. as my mobility increased i learnt to do all the household chores again to remove these from my partner, it went from taking 5 minutes to make the youngest’s pack lunch when i was ‘normal’ to taking an hour due to lack of mobility and finding adaptive means to do this but every day i did it and learnt how to be a funcitoning member of the family again. If i had spent all my energy on being angry i doubt i would have been able to have the headspace to concentrate on my rehabilitation.

A lot of talk of Jesus, Biblical Prophecies and the Quaran and New world order – Laughable! Tin hats at the ready Lol

1 year ago
Reply to  Tim Berry

thank you for being part of the experiment and showing us all what not to do. prayers for your continued healing.

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