White coat criminals: doctors, healthcare providers leverage trust, easy Medicare money to facilitate their nefarious desires

March 28, 2022

IMAGE CREDIT: NaturalNews.com.

The American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation commissioned NORC (University of Chicago) to conduct a survey on trust in the healthcare system. The survey took place in early 2021 and the results were published in May 2021. One key finding was that 30% of doctors said they trust the healthcare less since the so-called pandemic commenced. But once you dig a little deeper, the foregoing rings hollow.

The survey found that 92% of doctors believe the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are at least somewhat “safe and effective,” while 96% said they already received the shots or planned to get them. Meanwhile, 88% of the American public said that their trust in doctors either stayed the same or increased since 2020. Johns Hopkins University found in 2016 that medical errors are the third-leading cause of death in the United States. Only heart disease and cancer kill more people than doctor and hospital blunders. But those white coats are the functional equivalent of halos to the vast majority of Americans.

Doctors get paid $40 for every COVID-19 jab administered, $13,000 for every COVID-19 diagnosis, and $39,000 for every intubation related to COVID-19. Those facts matter not to medical mafia fans. Doctors make huge commissions, receive gifts and/or paid speaking gigs from pharmaceutical companies every time they prescribe a drug. That’s why 70% of Americans take at least one prescription drug daily, while 50% take at least two, according to the Mayo Clinic. That survey is nearly 10 years old, so no telling what those numbers look like now.

Doctors are flawed humans just like everyone else. The difference is that they have vulnerable, loyal, readily-exploitable fan bases and government money at their disposal.

Wisconsin dentist convicted for intentionally breaking patients’ teeth to make money fixing them

Dr. Scott Charmoli, DDS.

Greed, arrogance and stupidity ultimately led to the completely unnecessary downfall of a long-time dentist.

A federal grand jury indicted 61-year-old Dr. Scott Charmoli on December 15, 2020 on several counts of health care fraud and making false statements. He purposely damaged patients’ teeth so he could bill the insurance company for crown procedures, according to the indictment. Dr. Charmoli had been a licensed dentist in Wisconsin since 1991. He was well-established at Jackson (WI) Family Dentistry, and easily earned mid-six-figures every year since the late-1990s. But that wasn’t enough for him.

Dr. Charmoli commenced his scheme in 2015. He went from performing 433 crown procedures in 2014 to over 1,000 crowns in 2015. He performed another 1,000 crowns in 2016. Those two years netted him a whopping $2.5 million just from crown procedures. An insurance company testified at Dr. Charmoli’s trial that the average Wisconsin dentist performed six crowns per 100 patients. Dr. Charmoli performed 32 crowns per 100 patients between 2015 and 2019. He billed a total of $4.2 million in crowns from 2016 to 2019.

RELATED: Thomas Flanigan: Ohio doctor writes his own obituary after Moderna shots, dead 11 weeks later (May 7, 2021)


The most fitting and sad testimony came from patient Todd Tedeschi. Dr. Charmoli convinced him to received two crowns in one sitting, despite Mr. Tedeschi having no pain or trouble with his teeth. He told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

“It seemed excessive, but I didn’t know any better. He was the professional. I just trusted him.”

Dr. Charmoli sold his practice in 2019, after accumulating assets of more than $6.8 million, including two vacation homes, by the end of 2020, according to the Washington Post. He only got caught because the new owner of Jackson Family Dentistry saw the pattern of misconduct and unethical practices in patients’ files.

A federal jury found Dr. Charmoli guilty on seven counts on March 10. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for June 17. Dr. Charmoli faces up to 60 years in prison. He also faces civil cases from over 100 former patients.

California psychiatrist loses license after drugging, sexually assaulting female patients and employees

Dr. Cuyler Burns Goodwin

The California Osteopathic Medical Board complaint filed against Dr. Cuyler Burns Goodwin reads like one of those old TV shows where the reporter comes out and says, “I’m Chris Hanson with Dateline NBC.”

Dr. Goodwin is a psychiatrist in Santa Rosa, California. The November 30, 2020 complaint chronicles three patients who were victims of a predator-pervert posing as a healthcare practitioner. The first two victims are a brother and sister. The boy, called “Patient A,” is schizophrenic. Dr. Goodwin charged $900 per hour for house calls to treat the boy. But instead of doing his job, he spent most of those hours “cultivating a relationship” with Patient A’s sister, according to the complaint.

The sister told investigators that Dr. Goodwin got her pregnant, and prescribed her an abortion pill to end the pregnancy. It’s unclear how old the sister was at the time. But the complaint speaks of both the mother and father of the siblings moving Patient A to a new clinic because Dr. Goodwin obviously was more interested in sleeping with their daughter than helping their son. Dr. Goodwin refused to answer investigators’ questions about the sexual relationship and the abortion.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: 7 stories in June mainstream media buried and big tech censored (June 28, 2021)


Patient B is a 27-year-old woman with a history of sexual abuse and anxiety. She was both a patient and an employee of Dr. Goodwin. Patient B received ketamine infusions for treatment. Ketamine is a powerful dissociative anesthetic that induces loss of consciousness and sedation.

It’s one of the three most common date rape drugs, along with rohypnol and gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB). But some doctors use ketamine off-label to treat depression and other psychiatric disorders. The FDA approved a nasal spray “S” version of ketamine for depression in 2019. But it’s not the same s the powerful dissociative version.

While Patient B was receiving an infusion, Dr. Goodwin starting asking her questions about her sexual history. He also admitted taking ketamine home for personal use. Dr. Goodwin invited Patient B to his office after work sometime in January 2018. He gave her wine, then allegedly sexually assaulted her. Patient B quit her job, but not before Dr. Goodwin allegedly offered her cash as hush money. Patient B filed a police report 14 months later for sexual assault. But apparently nothing has transpired since the report.

Patient C was also a former patient and employee. She was also receiving ketamine infusions. Patient C said Dr. Goodwin told her to take off her shirt during one session. He also fondled her breasts and asked her if she’d ever been with a woman. Patient C accused Dr. Goodwin of rape while she was sedated. Investigators determined that her allegation was credible.

The board revoked Dr. Goodwin’s medical license, effective April 7, 2022. But no criminal charges have been filed. Note that all this took place despite Dr. Goodwin’s wife working in his office as a nurse the entire time. Read the full California Osteopathic Medical Board complaint here.

Large-scale COVID-19 fraud scheme takes down doctor, pharmacists

Dr. Alexander Baldonado.

This list wouldn’t be complete without demonstrating doctor greed and opportunism during the so-called pandemic.

Dr. Alexander Baldonado of New York is one of 14 defendants, including several pharmacy owners, charged in a healthcare fraud scheme that netted over $143 million. The Justice Department charged Dr. Maldonado on May 26, 2021 with six counts of healthcare fraud. Not only did he participant in an advertising campaign for COVID-19 testing during the height of the so-called pandemic, but also ordered expensive, unnecessary cancer genetic tests for people who attended the event. Dr. Baldonado, 65, also billed Medicare for office visits that never actually happened. Approximately $19 million in fraudulent claims were submitted as part of Dr. Baldonado’s racket, according to a Justice Department press release.

The whole scheme spanned seven federal courts in six states. The charges show just how easy it is for doctors and pharmacists to swindle money from Medicare. For instance, Peter Khaim and Arkadiy Khaimov owned several New York pharmacies. They scammed $45 million from Medicare using COVID-19 emergency override billing codes to order expensive, unnecessary drugs and cancer treatments. Those two face healthcare fraud and money laundering charges.

All of said cases are still working their ways through the system.

Mere drop in the bucket

In researching this article, the disturbing truth known to this blogger for more than 15 years revealed itself even more. We literally had to pick a few egregious examples of how doctors and other healthcare people not only exploit the trust of their patients, but also the easy money that is Medicare and Medicaid.

The “Operation Happy Clickers” case involves three doctors and a nurse practitioner, all from Michigan. They defrauded Medicare of $7.3 million via a “tele-medicine” scheme. The three doctors got off with just paying fines and restitution. The nurse still faces criminal sentencing. There are several more case like this from the last two years that simply never make mainstream media news cycles.

Doctors are salespeople with loyal fan bases – essentially politicians in white coats. American medicine is a for-profit business. There is absolutely no benefit to doctors curing and helping their customers patients. Once upon a time, Sigmund Freud had his patients lay on a couch and just talk so he could get to the bottom of what ails them mentally. Today, psychiatrists and other mental health practitioners talk to you for a few minutes, then prescribe drugs that you must take perpetually. Those drugs also net perpetual commissions for the doctors.

Critical thinkers always tell the lambs to “turn off the TV” to break away from the proverbial Matrix. But mass trust in American doctors is the primary reason vaccine carnage and COVID-19 dystopia will continue for the next several years. “Know thy enemy” is the simplest principal of war. But the full Sun Tzu quote is gospel:

“Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle.”

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Nereida I Feliciano
Nereida I Feliciano
2 years ago

The “White Coat Criminals” is an excellent cover up for the real criminals: Hospital Administration Officer and the government officials that during the Plandemic condemned the clinicians for giving the best treatment or expressing concerns about the NIH guidelines. Blame the victims while the government, Big Pharma and the Hospitals got billions of dollars

2 years ago

Always trust your judgement and instinct. My grandfather avoided doctors unless absolutely necessary and didn’t follow their advice blindly. He lived a longer, healthier and more productive life than most of his peers. I don’t trust them since this scamdemic occurred.

2 years ago

The pharmaceutical and insurance industries control the healthcare industry. This was a huge problem before this covid hoax started. There are plenty of crooked and self serving people in any work field. Elected public officials are probably the worst. The plandemic just shined a spotlight on the healthcare industry and the coercion used to keep its workers in line. There are still good and honest doctors and nurse around, but unfortunately many are not employed in this field due to their honesty and professionalism. They will be sorely needed in future at the looks of things. (I spent my career in the transportation industry not healthcare)

2 years ago

Nobody will ever trust doctors again or at least get second opinion before they do another medical procedure especially once they wake up about this Covid vaccine issue.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Most doctors proved themselves cowards or criminals in the plandemic.

It’s curious that doctors and GBLTQPCF people are vaccinated to about the same percentage.

(I add a P for pedophile, C for communist, and F for feminazis)

2 years ago
Reply to  George

Pharmacist and those “trained”associates that administered the injections without informed consent are the ones that will be the scapegoats, in my opinion. They should be held accountable of course. Remember the blank data sheets included with the vaxx. This is where the crime occurred. I hold out little hope anyone will be held accountable though.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

FANTASTIC! I use LGBQTMAxyz to accommodate the mermaids, aliens, and multiples, who take half the fu**ing alphabet to elaborate on sh** that should be left in the bedroom (in a healthy society).


2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Truly its only a matter of time, limited by vaccines, before people identifying as mermaids, aliens, and other to be in the news. Or perhaps I missed it already.

Lynn Kenedy
Lynn Kenedy
2 years ago

For years I have told people the only way I’ll go to a doctor is if I’m unconscious and an ambulance takes me. That’s more true now than it has ever been. I finally came down with Covid in January, and it almost killed me. I probably wouldn’t have gotten as sick as I did if the post office hadn’t played ping pong with my Hydroxychloroquine prescription. When I finally got it, it was a week late. So, I couldn’t treat it early. I’d been sick with the bio-weapon for eight days at that point and was almost dead. I’ve never been jabbed with the poison death shot and never will be, but I have A+ blood; and apparently, we get Covid worse than most. Plus I have kidney disease, and I’m in my 60s. My family kept trying to get me to the hospital. I refused because I knew the hospital would kill me. I followed Dr. Zev Zelenko’s protocols, and I credit him with saving my life. (Along with Dr. Stella who prescribed the Hydroxychloroquine.) It took two months to recover, but I’m doing well now.

2 years ago

Many, in my country this is unfolding for decades! If you don’t have money to bribe the doctors, you have 70% chanches to die.
Also in transplants: one of the famous cases (because it involves a famous singer that was also in the Parliament and fully corrupt): one needed kidney transplant, but it was not an emergency. In two months after he was on the list he got his kidneys. The problem is he got them from a 10 yo and the law states that when the donnor is a child, priority goes to children.
Two children, that were in dialises for years were left aside so this Victor Socaciu have them, the children died in a few months. Some people wait years, he waited for two months and got those two poor children dead because he allegedly bribed some, there were investigations, etc nothing happened. Transplant was some 10 years ago.
But he died in December 2021: he got the vax, pushed the vax etc spoke against ”anti-vaxxers” but eversince he had many health problems, spent lots of months in hospitals – of course best care as he was part of the establishment but with the vaxx… died at 68 yo.
This is our health system: politicians that brought our health system in one of the last places in the world are going abroad when they need treatments, or are treated in the best hospitals (there are few but not everybody can go there of course). Yet what I’ve saw since the pandemic started: the ebst care in the world is not capable to save the corrupt. Many lost their lives in all kinds of accidents or ”suddenly” ynexpected cardiac arrest etc

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Back about 1989 or so, I gave a ride to an old man walking along the two lane highway. He said he walked about 20 miles a day just for exercise and to have something to do, and everybody was always pulling over to ask if he needed a ride. He said that day he would take one because he needed to get to the pharmacy for a refill. He said it cost too much, and that he knew that particular pharmacist was overcharging him and other people he knew. He said he thought about confronting him, but would leave it up to God to deal with him. Fast forward just a couple months, maybe three. A manager in the office next door to the office where I worked out of, told of him and two friends going to a Kansas City Chiefs football game. One of the three went to the restroom some time in the third quarter and never came back. They thought he had just decided to head for the car, then found out, he was found dead in the restroom. Later it was determined to have been a heart attack. The man who died, was a pharmacist, THE VERY PHARMACIST that old man talked about.

Patrick Tobin
Patrick Tobin
2 years ago

A picture is worth a thousand words. A normal heart (left) weighs 375 grams, while an enlarged heart (right) weighs 550 grams. Scroll down to see. https://tinyurl.com/4s86yh89 A heart from someone with danons disease is even larger, weighing on average 785 – 1200 grams!

2 years ago

I’ve found that most people have long ago made up their minds, one way or another, and it’s pretty useless to try to get anyone to reconsider their decision to get vaxxed and endlessly boosted. They have absolute trust in politicians and doctors, although they should know better. A friend wrote, “I have been vaccinated and boosted, though mainly to shut people up who are just scared of needles and government conspiracies. Heck, it didn’t cost anything.”

Think about that for a minute. A person put his health, and his very life, at risk just to “shut up people” and “it didn’t cost anything.”

The mindless sheep resent that some of us have remained vax-free and they don’t like that at all, and if they had their way we’d be vaxxed at gunpoint or arrested and confined indefinitely in camps.

2 years ago

“Pinging the brain” with Ketamine? The new obsessive comparisons of the human brain with computers is just a step-down to “the internet of bodies” & horrific “wetware” plans that Facebook, Google & Blackrock are feverishly fund and promote globally.

It’s a sci-fi twilight zone nightmare where every thought & impulse is programmed, scored, checked & stored, with the target, (humanity) fully owned by the likes of Schwab, Soros, Dr. Fouci & Gates.
In their endgame, humans are like insects who are totally dominated, but unaware and helpless to unplug from their “utopian” predicament.
College students are prepped for the “benefits” of this borg hive mind existence now, and eagerly assist in its creation and marketing.

The Covid shot’s role in implementation is the wireless component of this connection of minds and machine lies in Graphine Oxide’s chemical structure & capabilities. It is responsible for the magnetic effect, and Mac-code readouts from humans many have posted on social media.

The hitch is, it is more destructive to the human bloodstream than 1st anticipated, which leaves The Great Reset crew horribly irritated with those of us who refuse to sign up for the obvious death/enslavement on a platter “safety” program.
The Canadian Truckers were more instrumental than they may realize in alerting some of the sleepers to the “penetration” of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders in positions of power worldwide, and just how ominous a threat that presented:
Closed bank accounts fired up enough righteous fury to piss off enough Americans to light up a 137,000 member Facebook group planning to “Truck to DC/ in a Trucker’s Freedom Convoy!” which terrified the cockroaches who hide there.
DC poleticians were also guilty of providing a safe landing pad for traitor Trudeau after his draconian “State of Emergency” power overreach.

Naturally, Facebook squashed that trucker group immediately, but the lasting impact is seen in the temporary regress of “vaccine” mandates, and the new banners Facebook users now see: Schwab’s additional crisis, aka “Climate Change.”
The elites will never stop their quest for total dominance, but the vigilance and sacrifice of those who guard our remaining freedoms should not be underestimated.

I applaud and am deeply grateful to everyone who is doing their part to resist this assault on human liberty, and to you, Brian, for your humanitarian efforts.
Your diligence, dedication to truth, and outstanding journalism allows those who are willing to see just how great an evil we face!

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Nunca confie demasiado en los médicos, nunca entendí por qué cuando vas a un médico sólo te hace un par de preguntas o tres para saber qué te pasa y automaticamente

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Los médicos automáticamente te recetan un medicamento sin dar más explicaciones y sin informar de sus posibles efectos

Hace algunos años sufrí problemas emocionales y depresión, fui a un psiquiatra y lo único que hizo fue darme medicación que me dejaba todo el día durmiendo, no tenía ganas de hacer nada y cada día estaba peor.
Dejé de ir a las visitas y yo misma sin su supervisión dejé la medicación que me había recetado. Todo eso me demostró que los médicos realmente no se interesan por sus pacientes salvo aquellos médicos que son honestos y te dicen la verdad pero esos médicos o bien son censurados para que no hablen como ha pasado con el covid o no les permiten ejercer su profesión honestamente.
Desde la plandemia no he visitado a ningún médico, sólo han demostrado ser una parte más del sistema político_ médico corrupto llevado por intereses sin que les preocupen las personas

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

Here is what is going to happen, we are going to enter a civil war, and in the end everyone who pushed the vaccines will be arrested and their families will be rounded up. The family members will be stripped of all possessions and branded with a hot iron with the letter “T” for traitor, and they will be give a front row seat to witness their traitor member to be executed by being hung-drawn-and-quartered, then once completed, the family will be marched off into bondage for the end of their days. Traitors and their families should all be punished like this for their betrayal.

2 years ago

You just described what the Catholic institution did during its reign of terror known as the Inquisition, and also the crusades against Gospel-believing Christians in Europe.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago

The local health care system in the tiny remote town I live in is unbelievably corrupt and is being investigated by the FBI. It started out as a tiny local operation, became infiltrated by medicare-abusing crooks, and expanded to the whole region. Based on what numbers have come out so far that give an idea how large the operation was, I estimate the amount of medicare fraud the owners and operators have committed to be well over half a billion dollars.

The FBI raid was well over a year ago, and the outfit had to shut down its entire dental operation, which on paper was huge, but in reality was largely fake. A lot of personnel such as crooked doctors quietly left the scene and new ones were brought in. And the corruption still continues, but only in a less obvious form and on a much smaller scale.

Meantime, the FBI has done nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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