The Casey Anthony Act: California introduces laws promoting abortion tourism, legalized infanticide for babies up to a year old
March 31, 2022 (updated 9:22 a.m. Pacific)

SACRAMENTO — It’s too bad for Casey Anthony that her entire ordeal took place in 2008 Florida instead of 2022 California. She would have never been charged with murder. Anthony would also be hailed a “strong woman” and hero by female California lawmakers advocating for their own demise and that of their potential offspring.

The depopulation agenda is multi-layered and longitudinal. It started in the 1960s with concerted, coordinated efforts by government and mainstream media to destroy the nuclear family. Abortion was legalized in the 1970s. Birth control pills were ubiquitous by the 1980s. Homosexual culture was normalized by the late 1990s. But the process still was not moving fast enough for the powers-that-be. Enter so-called COVID-19.

RELATED: Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (October 15, 2021)


California is, without question, the COVID dystopia capital of the United States and arguably the world. Granted some of the state’s largest cities are relaxing draconian COVID-19 policies as of late. But California is on the verge of becoming a permanent playground for Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset. The “Vaccine Work Group” consists of seven state lawmakers tasked with enacting permanent COVID-related laws. The group currently has at least nine proposed bills that, if passed, would make Australia and Canada look like Florida and Iowa. Some of the proposed laws include:

  • Senate Bill 871 – all kids ages 0 to 17 must receive mRNA injections to attend child care and public school
  • Senate Bill 1464 – all new COVID-related laws are enforced by cops.
  • Assembly Bill 1993 – all workers in the state, both public and private sector, must be “fully vaccinated.” As of now, said law is on hold.
  • Assembly Bill 2098 – revokes medical licenses of any doctors not in lockstep with the COVID-19 and vaccine agendas.

California is already experiencing an unprecedented exodus due to both high taxes and draconian laws. The state’s population will also continually decrease over the next 24 months due to vaccine carnage. But California has sank to new lows as far as morality, decency, and depopulation measures.

Future on Abortion Council and infanticide

The California Future on Abortion Council (“CA FAB”) was founded in September 2021. It is a collaboration between several Planned Parenthood branches, so-called women’s rights organizations, state lawmakers, and Governor Gavin Newsom. Among the non-Planned Parenthood collaborating organizations are Women’s Foundation California, the ACLU, and The Feminist Women’s Health Centers of California. CA FAB’s stated purpose is to turn California into an abortion sanctuary state.

The organization published 45 policy recommendations related to abortion this past December. The document includes a signed letter of support from President pro tempore of the California State Senate, Toni Atkins, D-San Diego.

Toni Atkins.

Atkins is married to a woman and is part of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus. CA FAB has a disturbing checklist of legislative goals. The most egregious are Assembly Bill 2223 and Assembly Bill 1666.

Assembly Bill 2223

AB 2223 was introduced on February 15 by State Assembly Member Buffy Wicks, D-Oakland.

Buffy Wicks.

Wicks is best known for parading her newborn baby around like a movie prop in 2020 in an apparent attempt to look like a strong woman. AB 2223 states:

“This bill would delete the requirement that a coroner hold inquests for deaths related to or following known or suspected self-induced or criminal abortion, and would delete the requirement that an unattended fetal death be handled as a death without medical attendance. The bill would prohibit using the coroner’s statements on the certificate of fetal death to establish, bring, or support a criminal prosecution or civil cause of damages against any person.”

The other two provisions that combine for the crux of the bill read:

Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.
A person who aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising their rights under this article shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise be deprived of their rights, based solely on their actions to aid or assist a pregnant person in exercising their rights under this article with the pregnant person’s voluntary consent.

The law intentionally uses the legally and medically-ambiguous term “perinatal death.” The medical definition of perinatal death ranges from seven days to up to four weeks after birth. The legal definition of perinatal death spans up to a year after birth. Regardless, this new law would allow California women and those who travel to California, to kill their own babies in the first week and even first year after birth.

A defense attorney could easily defend a woman who kills a nine-month-old because of the ambiguous language in the law.

Assembly Bill 1666 and Senate Bill 1142

AB 1666 was introduced on January 19 by State Assembly Member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan.

Rebecca Bauer-Kahan.

Bauer-Kahan, D-San Francisco, is best known for authoring useless LGBT laws centered around pronouns. AB 1666, along with Senate Bill 1142, authored by State Senator Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, are the laws that would make California the abortion sanctuary of the world.

Nancy Skinner.

AB 1666, related to those who receive abortions or perform abortions, reads:

This bill would declare another state’s law authorizing a civil action against a person or entity that receives or seeks, performs or induces, or aids or abets the performance of an abortion, or who attempts or intends to engage in those actions, to be contrary to the public policy of this state.

SB 1142 reads:

If the United States Supreme Court overturns the protections under Roe v. Wade, people in over one-half of the states in the country, over 36,000,000 women and other people who may become pregnant, will lose access to abortion care.
In December 2021, more than 40 organizations joined together to form the California Future of Abortion Council to identify barriers to abortion services and recommend proposals to support equitable and affordable access to abortion care for Californians and all who seek care in California.

As more patients come from out of state, abortion fund organizations, abortion providers, and other community-based organizations that offer practical support need financial support to meet the demand of people needing care.

In sum, California not only provides civil and criminal immunity for both abortion providers and partakers in the state, but also for those who travel to the state to receive or perform the procedures. California taxpayers would pay for said procedures.

Other states joining the baby killing party

California is not alone in this new infanticide trend. Senate Bill 669 was introduced in Maryland on February 4. The bill, dubbed “The Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022,” not only replaces the word “woman” with “person” as it relates to pregnancy, but also specifically states, “nothing in this section shall be construed to confer personhood or any rights on the fetus.” Further, the bill prohibits any form of investigation or penalty for a person “experiencing perinatal death related to a failure to act.”

Former Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam made headlines in 2019 for promoting infanticide in his state. Northam, who is also a pediatrician, was asked during a radio interview if he supported abortion during an actual live birth. He said:

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered and would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Infanticide is also supported at the federal level. Senate Democrats blocked the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act from coming to a vote in February 2019. Doctors who refused to treat any baby born alive would face five years in prison if the bill became law. Presidential candidates Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar, along with 41 other Democrats, blocked the bill from going to a vote.

Self-hating and #truthphobic women leading the way

USA Today named a man, Rachel Levine, one of its Women of the Year a couple weeks ago. Liberal women and media not only lauded the award, but attacked anyone who believes 2+2=4.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine.

Then there’s Lia Thomas, a gigantic 6’1 male swimmer who says he’s a woman. He won a Division I NCAA swimming championship by nearly two full seconds a few weeks ago competing against women.

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Women fought very hard for Title IX, which created women’s college sports in 1972. And it still took nine more years, until 1981, for the first Women’s NCAA Basketball Tournament to take place. Now “strong women” are not only allowing this Thomas character and others to shamelessly infringe on women’s spaces, but are also facilitating the demise of women’s sports and motherhood in general.

To be clear, Republicans are not “pro-life.” The foregoing is a complete misnomer. Republicans support police killing Americans, military invasions in other countries, and the death penalty. They are simply anti-abortion. But that’s better than pro-infanticide Democrats. Encyclopedia Brittanica defines infanticide as a “primitive method of birth control.” In other words, U.S. society is taking steps backwards, not forward.

The 21st century liberal female doesn’t even view motherhood, and the “mama bear” role, as sacred anymore. It’s women, particularly of the LGBT ilk, who want immunity from both criminal and civil liability if women have buyer’s remorse after giving birth. This whole society is just completely out of whack.

California may as well name their new law “The Casey Anthony Act.” What she allegedly did is no different than what California wants to legalize. Casey Anthony, Lia Thomas and Rachel Levine are the darlings of liberal women’s rights. Let that sink in.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

California taxpayers would pay for said procedures.

Yeah, basically it makes them all accessories to murder in my opinion. Have you seen the state of the their finances though? When this everything bubble pops, they are going to be first in line for government reconstruction, and they will probably get it too. So in essence it will be ALL of us paying for it.

Non gmo human
Non gmo human
2 years ago

America soon will be judged for all these deaths of innocent babies! No repentance at all and done with a sense of pride. Speaking of pride, the whole LGBTLMNOP gang is hastening the judgement as well. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling!

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago
Reply to  Non gmo human

We are already under judgement….the entire world. The indignation is not overpass. And rather than heed we needed economic prosperity.

Isaiah 26: 20 “Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by.
See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Non gmo human

Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Non gmo human

I think that we common people who have nothing to do with these atrocities, should not be judged. I do not believe in collective punishments for all Americans.

2 years ago

I cannot believe what am I reading. Yes, I know it is true, but when you listen to their retoric, all they say is ”kind””nice” ”righs” etc and so many people still fall for this agenda!!!
I must tell you that I saw, i observed among liberals lots of people that states the World is overpopulated and that ”we don’t want to live worse, to sacrifice something, it is better to be less people”. So they will approve all these things, I guess more than 35% in Western World approve all things conntected with population control and rights

JBethe truth
JBethe truth
2 years ago

This is the end of an age, the Kali Yuga. The age of darkness/lies and demons=people who lie and love lies, to devolve into demons. Evil is going to reach its maximum potential. Then the sheep and goats will be separated. Then all evil/goats will be cleansed from the earth and the earth will be purified of all evil.
The people who rationalize and make false arguments to prove to themselves that evil is good, and do evil exist are LIARS. They just want control over others and to make them believe the lies and do evil=those that love lies. they must be exposed by the evil they do as goats.
The next age is the age of TRUTH=Satya Yuga. A beautiful age where no evil exists.
In order for this to happen, the evil must expose itself and be washed clean.
They will all end up in Hell very soon.
By 2023, everything will turn around.
Jesus will return.
Just be one with God and with the truth.
Do not give false justifications=lies and erroneous arguments that are completely illogical that babies need to be killed by their mothers and called “good”.
The truth is, that it is evil.
The people who claim that evil is good, or believe those claims from some higher “authority” who is not God, and are devils, and go along with it, accepting it. Are those who love lies.
Everyone one of you has come to the end, each one must individually choose God or Lucifer the liar and murderer, for the final judgement.
There will be a final Warning, so that you will have 6 weeks to convert before the end of your age.
“Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and servers of idols, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.” Revelation/Apocalypse 22:15
All these things must come to pass.
Very soon all evil will pass away (to eternal Hell) all freemasons who lie for Lucifer and all those who profit from those lies=love lies.
Trust in God. Jesus will return very soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  JBethe truth

In 2023? Jesus will return?

Nobody knows the hour. How can you predict? There are exoteric and esoteric meanings of revelations. The internal journey to reject evil and discover and make a personal connection to God is spoken of here as well.

Remember you are the church and the seven churches of revelation lie within you as well as without.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wim
2 years ago

So, anyone can live in or travel to CA, have a baby, murder that baby in any way and the coroner’s report will not be used against them? I see horrid, craven things happening with this. Snuff films may become more mainstream. I hope I’m not correct.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

They want to ease the burden of taking care of developmentally delayed children as a result of this vax.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kim Karma

Hitler had the same idea!

2 years ago

California should be sanctioned. I believe that’s the procedure for evil dictators.

2 years ago

Looks like California is trying to outdo Colorado which just passed new infanticide abortions laws this week.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

We’re in 1930s Germany. First they pass the laws to allow abortion, infanticide & euthanasia for the old, infirm, ‘defective’ and otherwise unwanted.

Simultaneously they pass laws dehumanizing a segment of population, including designating them as contaminated or a health hazard.

Then a horrible ‘crisis’ appears, and suddenly the unthinkable is very much thinkable.

2 years ago

Dudes in women sports is the natural outcome of feminism. How dare they complain? As usual women want to have their cake and eat it too

Honey Bee
Honey Bee
2 years ago

I hope that California has their final earthquake soon and they fall into the ocean

2 years ago
Reply to  Honey Bee

Not until my son escapes!

2 years ago
Reply to  Honey Bee

The fish will end up eating them. Why are you so mean and cruel ?. To the fish.

2 years ago
Reply to  Honey Bee

I live in Commiefornication er uhm the Land of Fruits and Nuts er uhm California and I fully concur with Honey Bee.

2 years ago

This whole society is just completely out of whack.

I couldn’t agree more. God help us. His judgment is coming soon. Turn to Jesus.

Thank you for another well-written, if sickening, article. This stuff is hard to read, but it is important for the truth to be told.

2 years ago

Most abortions are probably the result of casual sexual encounters or people who won’t get married and have an “accident.” Both men and women should be held accountable. I swear that the USA is one of the skankiest countries regarding morals. That doesn’t mean people are better anywhere else, but casual sex has always been a major thing in this country since the 60’s and 70’s. I was watching some older movies from the 70’s and noticed how vulgar even those films were in regards to casual sex. Most Americans (both men and women) wear their harlotry with pride. It’s really sad. All those dating sites people use are for sexual encounters without any attachment or love. We live in a world of vaxxed psychopaths.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

All engineered by the CIA and other intelligence agencies from their bizarre enclave at Lookout Mountain in California. Also the birthplace of many rock bands that were composed of the sons and daughters of intelligence agents in the military, mostly navy, and other agencies. True. Research it. Fake counter culture movement.

2 years ago

Legalizing murder. I’m starting to wonder if all their wildfires aren’t started by brimstone…

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