5 more young “sudden and unexpected” deaths as U.S. task force recommends anxiety screening for all kids ages 8 and up

April 19, 2022

Ms. Latasha Rodgers was the rapper better known as MC Trouble. Her biggest hit, and one of this blogger’s favorites, was “(I Wanna) Make You Mine,” released in May 1990.

MC Trouble had several preexisting health issues, including a brain tumor and epilepsy. She died in her sleep at the age of 20 on June 4, 1991. Fans and even people who didn’t follow rap were shocked by the news because young people don’t just die. When rappers die young, they are typically shot and killed. When rock stars die young, it’s typically drug overdoses and/or suicide. MC Trouble’s death was so shocking (despite her preexisting conditions), that whomever made her tombstone got the year of death wrong. Her tombstone still says 1992 today, instead of the correct year, 1991.

Today, perfectly-healthy young entertainers and complete nobodies, with no preexisting conditions, die suddenly; and it’s just normal. Mr. Beam Lerkchaleampote was a 25-year-old actor from Bangkok, Thailand. He starred in several Netflix series. Mr. Lerkchaleampote died in his sleep on March 23.

RELATED: Desirée Penrod: 25-year-old Connecticut educator dead one week after Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot (March 22, 2021)


Mr. Evan Siau was a 36-year-old Malaysian actor. He died on March 19. Mainstream media blamed cancer. None of said media mentioned Mr. Siau’s August 12 Facebook post, or the positive correlation between Pfizer mRNA injections and cancer.

The point is that many of these deaths don’t have readily-available “I got vaccinated” photos on social media. But common sense and deductive reasoning are all that are necessary to draw rational conclusions. Mainstream media, in response, accelerate their ridiculous propaganda campaigns (e.g. “high energy bills cause heart attacks and strokes“) to normalize these deaths. They’re even prepping parents for the potential sudden deaths and psychological dysfunction of children as young as eight years old. More on that later.

Here are five more under-25 sudden deaths in the last two weeks.

Alexa Pressley – Age 23

Ms. Alexa Pressley graduated from Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri on May 10, 2021. The Texas native earned bachelor’s degrees in both marketing and advertising. She announced on the same day that she landed her dream job at St. Louis-based marketing firm Rodgers Townsend.

Ms. Pressley passed away on April 5. Her mother, Ms. Jackie Pressley, reported that Alexa “went to sleep and never woke up.” The medical examiner determined that Alexa had an enlarged heart.

There’s no definitive evidence that Ms. Pressley received the injections. Lindenwood University did not have a vaccine mandate in place when Ms. Pressley was a student. The federal Biden vaccine mandate went into effect temporarily in late October and early November. But Missouri has no vaccine mandate in place for workers. Further, numerous St. Louis-area businesses require proof of vaccination for entry.

Regardless, Ms. Pressley died with an enlarged heart. Cardiac issues are now the most common adverse reactions and causes of death covered on this blog.

John Paul Ramel – age 22

Mr. John Paul “JP” Ramel was a senior at Utica University in Upstate New York. The Bucks County, Pennsylvania native was majoring in construction management. His graduation was scheduled for May 12.

Details are scant. But Mr. Ramel suffered a stroke on Friday, April 8. He was pronounced dead on Sunday, April 10, according to Syracuse.com. Utica University has had a vaccine mandate in place since the Fall 2021 semester.

Sule Ambrose – age 25

Mr. Sule Ambrose was a student at Claretian University in Nekede, Nigeria. He and fellow students were re-enacting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, April 15. Mr. Ambrose was playing the part of Saint Peter.

An eyewitness told Vanguard Nigeria that Mr. Ambrose suddenly slumped over before collapsing. Fellow students first thought it was part of the act. But Mr. Ambrose started bleeding while on the ground. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but passed away shortly thereafter.

Only 6.5% of Nigerians are fully vaccinated as of April 7. The only people mandated to receive mRNA and viral vector DNA injections in Nigeria are civil servants. A study published earlier this month by Nigerian researchers in the Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet concluded that Nigerians are far more likely to receive the injections if they are encouraged or told to do so by religious leaders.

Every photo related to this story being shared on social media and blogs originated from the Facebook page of Luminous Radio Gboko, which is affiliated with the Catholic Church. In fact the radio station reported that Mr. Ambrose’s last words were “I will die for you.”

Further Claretian University is also affiliated with the Catholic Church. Of course “The Pope” is one of the most die-hard vaxx zealots on the planet. Do the math. A pulmonary embolism could potentially cause bloody sputum or significant amounts of visible blood.

Hailey Johnson – age 20

Ms. Hailey Johnson was an Auburn University sophomore majoring in animal science. The Colorado native was a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and focused her studies on equine science so she could work with horses after graduation.

Ms. Johnson was found unresponsive in her dorm room at Oak Residence Hall on Wednesday, April 6. She went to sleep on Tuesday night and never woke up. University personnel are saying Ms. Johnson “died of natural causes.”

Auburn University “strongly encouraged” students to be fully vaccinated. The university also had a vaccine incentive program in the Fall of 2021. Vaccinated students could win, among other things, a $1,000 scholarship, free meals and upgraded parking. The Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority mandated the injections for its 2022 biennial convention.

Brian Wallace – age 26

Mr. Brian Wallace is a former third-team all SEC offensive tackle for the University of Arkansas. He signed with the NFL Denver Broncos as an undrafted free agent in 2019. Mr. Wallace was also a member of the Seattle Seahawks and Washington Football Team for short stints. But he never played in an NFL regular season game. He played in four games for the XFL St. Louis BattleHawks in 2020. He most recently worked as an offensive line coach with the Elite Football Academy in Chesterfield, Missouri.

Mr. Wallace was at work on Monday, April 11 when he started having difficulty breathing. He collapsed after suffering a heart attack. Emergency medical personnel got his heart going again. But Mr. Wallace suffered another heart attack at the hospital, and fell into a coma. He passed away on Friday, April 15.

No official cause of death has been released.

Young kids are permanently damaged

All kids ages 8 and below have likely been permanently damaged as far as psychological and social development in the last two years. A February 2021 study published in the Journal of Neonatal Nursing found that babies and young kids are likely to be socially stunted because they’ve not seen people’s facial expressions or heard voices without masks for two years. A 2020 Psychology Today report echoed these sentiments, implying that children of the pandemic may not be able to properly discern emotions based on facial expressions.

Once again, the U.S. medical industrial complex is attempting to normalize the damage these last two years have done to children via mRNA injections and masks. The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force is recommended that all kids ages 8 and up should be screened for anxiety and depression during regular medical checkups.

Sure kids going through divorce and poverty can develop anxiety and depression. But this move by some random task force is simply damage control and further normalization of the heart attacks, strokes and stunted social development caused by masks and experimental injections. We’re seeing numerous sudden deaths of children younger than 10 reported in media. But most of said stories exclude the kids’ names. That’s also by design. Nameless, faceless deaths are much easier to suppress. It’s a twisted world we live in.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

These ghouls don’t care who they kill or maim. Age,race, religion or however many genders. Damn them to hell where they belong.

Michael P
Michael P
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

No adult was forced to take the clot shot

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael P

Are you sure of this claim because you are omnipotent and omnipresent? So no one anywhere has ever been forcibly injected or deceived into getting it?

Lynn Kenedy
Lynn Kenedy
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael P

Michael, try telling that to the nurses and pilots who were told to get the shot or get fired.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn Kenedy

…and they chose to get the shot in order not to get fired. That’s the choice they made on their own free will. Nobody forced it on them.

It is like a slave choosing the relative comfort of the moldy hay that his master gives him to sleep on, to the unknown forest not far away where he can run away free.

Everybody likes to talk about freedom, but deep down inside them, the concept itself terrorizes them. No wonder things are the way they are at this time in our history.

Everybody pretend to like the songs “My Way” and “I won’t back down”. They don’t have 1/10th of the courage those songs talk about. And I knew it way before con-vid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn Kenedy

the choice is right there. get the shot or get fired. that is a choice. We always have a choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael P

Ordinary people need to blame somebody in order to forget their cowardice and lack of back bone. If you take a stand and it ends up bad for you, they will say that you deserve it and brought it upon yourself, because you didn’t accomodate the bullies that they themselves bow down to.

Oh well…at least they are not fooling me and they are nor fooling you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael P

I wasn’t forced to take it, you’re right, but as a result of not taking it I was fired from my job as a nurse and haven’t been able to work since last October causing a lot of financial difficulty.

Many (at least half the nurses on my ward) nurses didn’t want to take the shot, but did under extreme duress due to mortgages and families to support etc

Personally, I think they all should have refused and forced the government’s hand to remove these insane mandates.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Look at the news today that the DOJ is filing an appeal to the no mask on airplanes. There is no forcing the government’s hand. They are ALL in on it. Both sides of the aisle.

I do agree with you on the ugliness spewed towards anyone and everyone who took the injection. No one knows what each person faced. The zealots – I agree with the blogger and comments here. That is on them. So many others were faced with a horrible and devastating choice. Until you walk in someone’s shoes, you have no idea what they face each day and choices that have to be made.

2 years ago

Way too young, all of them. All seem to go the same, suddenly. Can you say clot shot, vax zealots?

Anecdotal: A friend we know lost her brother recently. In our area, the wait for burial is longer than usual. Lots of deaths lately.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

The number of news casters over the past year that have died from brain tumors…one can only imagine the general population numbers. And the cancer deaths so close to when they were diagnosed. Just too odd to be coincidence.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago

Thank you for your reports. These numbers do NOT add up – a 22 year old “boy” does not die of a “stroke” – a 20 year old “girl” does not die of “natural causes” – in the ABSENCE of ANY relevant medical conditions – this is “unheard of”. Those are words associated with the death of older people. With every such horrific report it makes it easier for me to believe this very possibly could be part of a global depopulation program. The Epoch Times newspaper uncovered a secret farewell speech by ChiCom General Chi Haotian in 2003 and while most concentrate on his remarks about the possibility of using “germ warfare” to depopulate North America without firing a shot, it is the 8th paragraph from the bottom that grabs my attention – “the US has a shocking conspiracy”. It talks about a 1995 conference attended by Bill Gates, George Soros, Tony Blair, and George W. Bush (not yet president) among many others. It reports that attendees said 80% of Earth’s population is “garbage” (“useless eaters”?) not needed to run “the economy” and that these folks could be “gradually eliminated” by “high tech means”. One can only wonder if that includes these experimental injections. At this point I actually think the Russian vaccine may the safest of all of them – wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants?

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Me quedo con esa frase que Brian ha escrito en éste artículo…Es un mundo retorcido en el que vivimos.¡Qué cierto!
Leí una noticia en un periódico hace pocos días en la que decía que hay casos de una hepatitis rara en niños, en la página 4 de Pfizer menciona que entre uno de los muchos efectos adversos está la hepatitis. No se dan nombres ni razones ni explicaciones de por qué los niños están sufriendo hepatitis.
Es un mundo retorcido en el que vivimos sin ningún tipo de duda

2 years ago

We have hit rock bottom as a society. The world so desperately needs Jesus.

2 years ago

Today, not standing your ground in doing what is right and failing to discern what is wrong, can and probably will kill you.

2 years ago

IMO, for those under ~30, being injured or killed by the jab is just too high a consequence for quackzine ignorance. Those of us with good discernment in early adulthood are the exceptions not the rule, so my heart goes out to the unlucky.

My compassion is much weaker for those in their thirties, and nonexistent for 40 ups. By then, anyone who’s not retarded or blind to truth should have enough life experience to have figured out that the ‘pandemic’ was a big, fat hoax by the time the vaccines rolled out in late 2020.

40 ups who take the shots have essentially failed at life because they lack the discernment and character to refuse to submit to pointless, voluntary self-harm. How smart can the human race really be when at least 30% of us are so stupid they can easily be duped into harming or killing themselves, their kids, and society, for no good reason?

These people are proof that sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from evil (Clarke’s law).

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Boris

Wisdom knows no age. Neither does foolishness.

2 years ago

And they still push the vaxxed agenda WTF

2 years ago

Wow. Wow! WOW! This is so sad, unbelievable, yet easily preventable. Thank you for this article. My heart goes out to these young people and their families.

2 years ago

Rarely, for kicks, I’ll scan the website of our local newspaper. I did last week and was taken aback by three! stories in the sports section on “unexpected” and “sudden” losses of young athletes!! I mean, THREE in just one day at one local paper!?!?!
But I’m sure it had nothing to do with the jabs. Probably just post pandemic stress catching up to them . . . ??

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